Age Of Awakening: Unofficial Minecraft Adventures Series 3 In 1

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Age Of Awakening: Unofficial Minecraft Adventures Series 3 In 1 Page 4

by Ryan Johnson

  “So! The little Adventurer has made it to my throne room!” The thunderous laugh rolls again as Steve begins to climb the first pillar. “Welcome Steve, I have been expecting you for some time. I thought for sure the journey alone would kill you. But it would seem I get to enjoy that pleasure myself!”

  Steve looked around the black void of a sky, searching for the dragon as he climbed the pillar, placing pieces of ladder as he went.

  “Your Mine!” The dragon growled as it appeared from the darkness and swooped down towards Steve.

  The hero slid down the ladder just in time, just enough to miss the dragon’s attack. It destroyed some of his ladder but Steve focused, forcing his numbing fear away, knowing he didn’t have much time left to live even if the dragon didn’t kill him. He scurried to the top of the first pillar, making it to the very top as the dragon came around for another attack.

  According to the scrolls, Steve knew he had to destroy the Ender Crystals atop each obsidian pillar or the dragon could never die.

  “You cannot win Steve! You will die here!” The dragon flew just overhead as Steve fell onto his stomach atop the pillar. The dragon destroyed the Ender Crystal as it flew past, scraping it with his scaly belly. As the dragon destroyed the Ender Crystal he let out another scream, this time in pain. Steve only smiled as the dragon flew away from his new perch.

  “Never underestimate me Dragon! That is precisely what got Herobrine killed last time! The one who set you free? He is worthless in every way, weak and thinks himself my superior…he is wrong. I will kill you, then hunt him down and end this once and for all!”

  Steve felt the new confidence bolster his resolve as he drew his bow, enchanted with great power, it was stronger than any other weapon he had in his inventory. He knocked an arrow to the string and drew it back, aiming for merely a second before letting the arrow fly.

  The enchanted bolt found its mark in the nearest crystal and it shattered. The Ender Dragon let out a painful wale as the crystal shattered.

  “You insolent fool! I am older than time! I am the very darkness you fear, the father of death and creator of destruction itself! How dare you even attempt to stand against me!”

  Steve didn’t waste any more time bothering with the dragon. He knocked another arrow to his bow and took aim at another crystal, letting the bolt fly and smash its target into oblivion.

  Each time Steve destroyed a crystal the dragon let out more and more painful cries. Several times the dragon came close to knocking Steve off of his pillar. The battle was going on far longer than Steve had anticipated and his energy was beginning to wane.

  Finally Steve fired off his arrow at the last target. It missed and the Dragon was coming right for him! Steve dropped his bow off the pillar and jumped, grabbing hold of his ladder and sliding down quickly to the ground just as the Ender Dragon destroyed the top of the pillar he had been standing on.

  “Insolent worm! There is no ending to this where you live to tell the tale! Come and meet your maker!” The dragon was very angry and frightened that this little adventurer might actually cause him harm.

  Steve was so weak he could barely lift his bow back off the ground but he knew he had to continue. He grabbed his bow and ran; trying to make it to the last crystal before the dragon could get to him. The monster was weak but even still he could easily end Steve with a single blow. The last crystal sat atop a short Pillar, only a few blocks high. Steve only had one arrow left in his inventory, one last Crystal and the dragon to slay. There was only one shot at this.

  Steve positioned himself on the far side of the Pillar and knocked the arrow to his bow. The crystal sat between him and the Dragon as it flew towards him.

  “Come to me dragon! Come and meet your doom!” Steve shouted out at the top of his lungs.

  The dragon let out a horrific roar as it swooped down to devour the would be hero.

  Steve let out a war cry as the dragon drew closer and closer.

  With one last arrow he fired at the crystal. The bolt flew from his bow and it was as if the world was moving in slow motion.

  The Ender Dragon, with mouth gaping in a roar, swooped low towards Steve. The bolt smashed through the Ender Crystal and continued to fly towards the dragon. Steve jumped out of the way, bow flying into the darkness. The arrow and shards of the crystal lodged themselves directly into the eye of the dragon.

  With a deafening scream of pain the dragon crashed into the ground sending blocks flying as he ground to a halt, writhing in pain. With all the crystals destroyed he was weak, vulnerable and the arrow in his eye caused him great pain.

  Weak, near death and ready to end this Steve struggled to his feet. Taking his sword from his inventory he hurried to the dragon as it clawed at its own eye trying to get the arrow out.

  “How dare you!” The dragon’s voice was now weak and it no longer carried the power it once had. “You will pay for this you ant!”

  Steve had had enough. “I told you dragon, I am going to kill you, then finish off Herobrine once and for all!”

  Steve hefted his sword and brought it down onto the dragon’s neck. The blade sliced through with one swift stroke and the beast’s screams were cut short as its body lay still in death.

  Steve’s sword fell from his hands, exhaustion took him and the world around him faded to blackness.

  Forgotten Legend

  “Steve?” The familiar voice filled the darkness like a soothing breeze on a hot day. “Steve wake up.”

  Slowly the hero began to open his eyes. Steve was lying in bed in his home and Scoundrel was lying at the foot of his bed smiling at him happily. Stephanie and Carl were standing on either side of him, both looking down at him worriedly.

  “What…what happened?” Steve asked as his stomach growled.

  “We don’t know,” Carl said, “Everything suddenly went dark, we didn’t know where we were and it felt like we were gone forever. But suddenly we saw you kill this massive dragon. When you did the world all went back the way it was and we found you near the village. We thought you were dead mate.”

  Stephanie wiped a tear away. “You were so brave. We brought you and Scoundrel back here and fed you soup while you rested. You’ve been out of it for four days.”

  Steve could only smile at his friends. “Thank you both. I didn’t think I was going to make it through this without you. But it isn’t over yet.”

  Both Stephanie and Carl looked at one another in surprise.

  “What are you talking about?” Carl asked.

  “There is one threat still out there, a demon who seeks to destroy me and the peace of Overworld.” Steve sat up in bed and balled his hand into a fist as he saw the man in his mind.

  “Herobrine must die.”

  Book 3: Legend Of Swords Battle

  Dark Break

  Time slowed as the sword descended towards the neck of the mighty Ender Dragon. With his last remaining dredges of strength Steve pulled the heavy sword down with a heroic war cry that would chill the darkest of enemies to their core. The blade cut through the scaled flesh of the dragon with ease and rent the beast’s head from his body with one stroke.

  The Ender Dragon’s body jerked in the last spasms of death before becoming utterly still, silent and powerless. Steve had done it; against all odds he had survived to find the End, challenge the all-powerful dragon and slew it in its own domain. But the victory was not without cost or sacrifice.

  Drained of all energy, starved to the brink of death and bloody from his battle, the adventurer felt the darkness take him. Falling backwards, sword clattering to the ground, Steve landed hard on the ground beneath him with a blossom of dirt rising around him. The End was silent, even the Endermen had ceased their endless wandering about.

  From the darkness behind one of the mighty obsidian pillars a man watched this all take place. The unblinking white eyes of Herobrine took in the scene before him, unbelieving. Had the mighty dragon truly fallen? Was Steve now dead himself?

Herobrine would not wait to find out. He rushed out from his hiding place and ran as fast as his legs would carry him towards the body of Steve. He would cut the adventurer’s head from his body just to make sure he was finished. Before Herobrine could reach him however, a dark portal opened up beneath Steve, slowly swallowing him whole. The body sank lower into the portal until he was completely vanished. Once Steve was gone the portal disappeared leaving Herobrine completely alone in the End.

  A scream of rage ripped itself from the throat of Herobrine as once again he was unable to finish Steve for good. He looked around, hoping to find another of the dark portals but there was nothing. His eyes fell upon the fallen body of the Ender Dragon.

  “Look at you, even a legendary beast locked away for eternity cannot withstand the might of this man. What is it that drives him? What is it that compels him to fight until there is nothing left and still come out the victor?!”

  The Saga Sword

  Herobrine kicked the corpse before him in anger.

  The body exploded with a force strong enough to throw Herobrine back several blocks. He landed on the ground and rolled a few more blocks before he looked up to see what had happened.

  Purple and black smoke rose from the ground where the dragon had been. Heat washed over the area but there was something else Herobrine could just make out. There, beyond the heavy cloud of smoke was a chest. Standing, the white eyed man rushed through the curtain of smoke and found not a chest, but a large magnificent coffin; its exterior covered in scales just as the dragon had been. Was this the unclaimed reward for killing the dragon? Curious and desperate for another answer Herobrine lifted the lid and looked inside.

  Inside of the coffin, resting atop a crimson pillow of silk and down was a sword. Its hilt was a deep purple, the pommel a roaring dragon’s head, the cross guard was dragon wings. The blade itself was a deep gold color but the metal was no such thing. Herobrine could hear it whispering, as if thousands of voices lifted from the blade, begging him to take it.

  Reaching out slowly Herobrine lifted the sword from its resting place and immediately he smiled with an evil malice. He could feel the weapon hum with absolute power. He felt that power begin to spread through his own body as he gripped the sword firmly.

  Checking his inventory, Herobrine found that the blade was called “Bane of Existence” Below the name he read a short description of the weapon.

  “The Bane of Existence is a blade containing the souls of every living creature devoured by the Ender Dragon. This weapon uses the power from its fallen victims to grow even stronger. Woe to any who wield it, for only darkness will follow in their wake.”

  The sound of stone grinding against stone filled the void of the End behind Herobrine. A dark portal leading back to Overworld has arisen from the ground.

  Herborine looked to his new found weapon and back to the portal with a wicked grin.

  “Ready yourself Steve…the end draws nigh unto you.”

  Dream Evil

  Stephanie reached out to take the hand of Steve as they walked through the town together. After the attack from the Ender Dragon a few days before things had gone back to normal for the most part. The people of the town rebuilt, salvaged what they could and started life anew. Everyone seemed to have moved on well enough, everyone but Steve. Stephanie was worried about him more than she could say.

  Feeling his best friend in the world place her hand in his caused Steve to look over at her with a smile.

  “I’m sorry sweetheart…I keep zoning out don’t I?”

  Stephanie smiled back at him but the worry was evident in her beautiful blue eyes. “You went through some pretty traumatizing stuff Steve…you saved us all and made it through yourself. You just seem to still be…somewhere else.” She pulled herself to him and rested her head on his shoulder as they walked. “I’m just worried is all.”

  Scoundrel, Steve’s trusty wolf companion, was on his other side. The three of them walked past open shops and vendors selling everything from seeds to weapons.

  “I know. I just can’t shake the feeling that Herobrine will show himself soon, I’m not sure if I can defeat him when he does.”

  Stephanie stopped in the middle of the road and held fast to his hand, causing Steve to stop and look back at her.

  “You listen to me Steve…if that monster ever does show himself, you will defeat him with ease!”

  A laugh washed over everyone in the market; a truly dark sound, full of malice and pain. Steve immediately knew who it was. He stepped in front of Stephanie as the laugh grew louder and louder. He equipped his armor and bow as fast as he could, turning to find where the demon was hiding.

  Core Two

  “Your confidence in the adventurer is wasted. There are none who can defeat me now.” Herobrine walked down the road of the market. A black tattered cloak draped over his shoulders fluttered in the breeze. Black armor covered Herobrine from head to toe and in his right hand he carried a truly demonic looking blade.

  The man’s white eyes had always been empty and horrifying but now, they swam with power. Spirits could be seen in his eyes as they filled him to the brim. Steve felt himself go cold. He had feared the old Herobrine returning, unsure if he could beat him, but this new evil that had arisen in his home, looked truly invincible.

  “What’s the matter Steve? Has that quick tongue of yours suddenly gone dry?” Herobrine laughed loudly as he threw his head back truly enjoying the moment. “Ah my old enemy, you should see the look of terrific fear in your eyes, I will have to remember this moment for as long as I can.” Herobrine lifted the Bane of Existence and grinned.

  “Wait!” Steve shouted. He tore his gaze away from Herobrine long enough to see the frightened people of the village. Stephanie clung to his arms as she peered over his shoulders at the evil man before him. “This fight is between us Herobrine, it always has been.”

  The dark figure lowered his blade and nodded. “Aye, it has. But this time will be different. You see, I have become something more; an unstoppable force, a master, a god! What hope do you have now? Why should I not simply end you now and be done with it?”

  Steve took a deep breath and stood straight upright. He unequipped his armor and his bow. “You have waited this long, you surely can wait a bit longer. Let us have our final fight one lunar cycle from now. On the next full moon…come and find me, and we will end this once and for all.”

  Herobrine stared at the man in awe for a long and silent moment. Unsure if he should take the challenge seriously or not. But he smiled once again, revealing sharp teeth against the black of his armor. He laughed once more, his voice booming over the entire town. “So be it! There is nothing you can do to prepare but try, waste your final days preparing for me and when I come, I will cut you down and watch the life leave your eyes!”

  Herobrine grabbed his dark cloak and spun, twisting it around himself. In a whirlwind of black and purple the evil man disappeared leaving behind only despair and a hint of his malicious laughter.

  Everyone in the village looked at Steve, staring at him as if it were the last time they would ever see him. Stephanie gripped his arms rightly, tears running down her face.

  The Oracle

  Silence reigned as everyone took in what had just happened, but after only a few moments a small frail voice came from beside Steve.

  “Come with me.” Everyone, including Steve, turned to see a tiny old woman with a staff walking away down the street.

  “Wait! Who are you?” Steve asked as he turned to face her.

  The old woman stopped and turned to face him. “I…am the Oracle. It is time young one, for you to fulfill your destiny. Come with me, and I will guide you down the right path.”

  Steve, Stephanie and Scoundrel had followed the old woman to a small cabin deep in the woods. The home was built for only one to live and the walls were all covered in one massive mural. The painting depicted a battle between a dark dragon and a glowing white lion.

vable,” Stephanie gasped as she took in the mural. Its beauty was astounding but the meaning behind it was awe inspiring. “I never thought our little world had such a…a…” she could not find the words.

  “Grand scheme?’ the old lady said with a laugh. “Yes, our world is much older than most of you realize, take my word for it, I have been in it since the very beginning.”

  Steve looked to the woman and shook his head. “You said I had to fulfill my destiny, what did you mean by that?” He was remaining utterly respectful and quiet in his demeanor. He could not help but to feel the utmost respect for this woman he did not even know.

  “You, Steve, are the one our creator meant to rule this world. You are the one true adventurer meant to help Overworld grow and thrive. The creator tried many many times to perfect this world and each time the king he created to rule the land would grow evil, twisted by power and hatred for all others of the world. You were created to be a simple man with only the desire to learn and explore. But you have a far greater purpose. To become the true ruler of Overworld, you must defeat Herobrine once and for all.”


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