Age Of Awakening: Unofficial Minecraft Adventures Series 3 In 1

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Age Of Awakening: Unofficial Minecraft Adventures Series 3 In 1 Page 5

by Ryan Johnson

  Steve sat down slowly as he listened, hanging onto every word. Stephanie placed her hands on his shoulders as she stood behind him. “How? He is far more powerful now than even the Dragon!”

  The Oracle nodded. “Indeed he is, but in all things have their opposite; Man, and Woman, Young, and old, Darkness…and light. Herobrine wields a blade known as the Bane of Existence. With it he is unstoppable to all but the one who wields the blade’s twin. In the temple of the Lion, nestled on the highest peak in Overwold hides a sword known Tian-di. This means Heaven and Earth. This blade can only be wielded by one of pure heart, one who has earned the respect and trust of the White Lion. Travel there boy, and hurry; prove that you are the pure and holy king our creator intended, and the blade will be yours; with it, you can defeat Herobrine!”

  The Oracle gave Steve a map. He had intended to leave Scoundrel to protect Stephanie but she refused to leave him.

  “I am not helpless Steve. I am going with you and we will find the temple together.” She had said when he tried to make her go back home.

  He could not argue with the woman and honestly he was glad she was coming. Without Tian-di Steve would be helpless to defeat Herobrine and the dark one would rule Overworld.

  Together the adventurer, his best friend and Scoundrel set off towards the mountain range of the Far East. The journey would take them a long time but they set out, determined to make it in time and to somehow convince the White Lion that they needed the sword.

  Invisible Nemesis

  The sun beat down on the group of three. Heat unlike any they had ever experience before consumed them, gripped them in a fist of agony and refused to let go. The desert was a gruesome and lonely place, inhabited by nothing but creepers and skeletons. Steve, Stephanie and Scoundrel tried to keep a decent pace through the sand covered planes, but after a week of walking the heat was getting to all of them.

  “Steve, are you sure were heading in the right direction?” Stephanie asked as she kept pace beside him.

  Exhausted, concerned, afraid for not only his life but the lived of everyone he loved, Steve was doing the best he could to keep his calm. “Yes, the map the Oracle gave me is very clear, were going the right way, Just try to-“ Steve was cut off by the sound of footsteps, lots of them.

  Turning to see where they were coming from the group spotted a cloud of sand rising in the air. Under it a group of men all dressed in sand colored clothes and wearing white cloth over their faces ran towards Steve and the others.

  Steve immediately put himself between Stephanie and the newcomers. He equipped his sword and waited. As they drew closer he could clearly see they had weapons and intended to kill them, raid their bodies and take what was of value or use to them.

  “Raiders…” Steve said as he took his ready stance. Scoundrel came to his side and barked. Stephanie stayed back but equipped a bow and readied herself as well.

  The attack came fast. Twenty men rushed at the three of them. Steve deflected swings from axes and arrows as the men tried to grab him and kick him down. Scoundrel bit at them, tore weapons from their hands and clawed at the raiders.

  I could easily drop TNT, light it and run, save my own life and escape.

  The thought hit him hard as if someone else had put it there. One block of TNT, run, save yourself. But the very thought made Steve sick to his stomach; he could never sacrifice his friends even to save his own life. The adventurer continued to fight, staying close to Stephanie and protecting her with his life until the last remaining raiders fled for their lives.

  Stephanie smiled as she caught her breath and hugged Steve. “We did it! We survived!” She laughed in pure joy that they had come through alright. She dequipped her bow and grabbed a white cloth from several of the raiders, placing one around her face and doing the same to Steve.

  “Come on sweetheart, we can do this, we can save the world,” Stephanie said with her sweetest of smiles.

  Steve knew he was lucky to have this woman; she would keep him going through this horrid journey. Together they continued through the desert, hand in hand while scoundrel wagged his tail, padding along beside them.

  Ultimate Test

  The desert soon gave way to grassy plains, sprawling land with hills rolling in every direction. Animals were thriving; multitudes of them roamed the land and paid very little attention to the group. Scoundrel chased rabbits nearby barking playfully at the critters. Stephanie could not help but smile at the beautiful land and when she spotted a nearby river she pulled Steve happily to it.

  Dirty, thirsty and still horribly hot the group jumped into the cool water with a loud splash and a laugh. They bathed, drank, filled their bottles with water and soon continued on.

  But they did not get far down the river before Steve heard something nearby.

  “Steph, wait. Do you hear that?”

  Stephanie stopped and listened. She nodded as she grabbed his arm. “It sounds like something in pain”

  Sure enough Steve neared the edge of a small canyon and below them they saw a small bear cub crying, huddled against a wall as several creepers walked towards it. Stephanie gasped and looked away. “The poor thing!”

  Steve didn’t hesitate. He hurried down the canyon until he found a way down to the lower level. Sliding down the dirt and landing hard with a roll he stood, rushing at the creepers with sword drawn.

  Let them kill the cub, you are risking your own life for a stupid animal.

  The voice came back to Steve’s mind. He knew now that it wasn’t his own thoughts, someone else was making these things come to his mind, but he refused to listen. If there was something he could do to help he was going to do it.

  Shouting to get the green monsters’ attention he slashed the first one in half. The other began to throb, growing slightly as it hissed. It was going to explode and take out Steve with it. But he was too fast. Just before the beast could explode Steve spun, leveling his sword with the creature’s neck and cut the head clean off. The hisses died out slowly.

  Stephanie cheered and Scoundrel barked on the level above him. Steve grabbed the injured bear cub and carried it out of the gorge, climbing with it in one arm until he reached the top. Stephanie took the cub and hurriedly helped Steve back onto solid ground.

  “That was amazing! You risked your life for this little guy!” She looked at the cub and smiled.

  Behind her a mother bear and three more cubs whined when they saw the cub in her arms and the injured bear struggled to get free. Stephanie set him down and he hurried to his mother. Steve watched as the large momma bear walked to him, sniffed him closely then growled in approval and walked away.

  “I think she was saying thank you” Stephanie said with a smile.

  Steve nodded and patted the dirt off his body. “I wasn’t going to let the little thing die while I could do something about it. Now come on, we have some time to make up if we’re going to find the temple in time.”

  The Final Thought

  Three weeks of traveling had come and gone, but finally the three of them reached the mountain range and the highest peak in all of Overworld. There was a path and at the bottom was a sign. Steve walked up to it and read it out loud.

  “Strength and honor make a good man, but the mark of a true king is patience.” He turned to look at Stephanie and then looked up the path. “Alright then, let’s finish this journey.”

  Stephanie took his hand into hers and kissed his cheek. “Together,” she said with a proud smile.

  Steve nodded, squeezing her hand back and starting up the path.

  After only a couple of hours they could see the temple of the White Lion atop the highest peak.

  “Look!” Steve said with excitement. “There's the temple, we’ll be there in no time!”

  Stephanie cheered and Scoundrel barked happily as they picked up their pace going up the hill. The mountain turned colder the farther up they went, snow blanketed the ground and wind whipped around the mountain. Freezing temperatures cut thro
ugh them like knifes. They bundled up as best they could and continued on.

  Night came and the cold only continued to cut through them. What they thought was only going to be a half day journey up the mountain was turning out to be much much more.

  “This must be what the sign meant,” Stephanie said as she huddled around a small fire with Steve, trying desperately to get warm.

  Steve held her close with Scoundrel lying on their laps and stared up at the moon. It would be full soon; they were running out of time. “I agree…the path is meant to deter anyone who would seek the blade for ill purposes. But it won’t be long now sweetheart, hang in there and we will make it through this together.”

  Stephanie nestled her head into his chest and closed her eyes. “I know Steve, I have faith in you, my King.”

  Hearing her say that to him sent a spike of pride through his heart. He loved this woman and no matter who or what he ever became, he would always love her.

  Legendary Sword

  When morning came the sky was thick was dark grey clouds as the storm only continued to get worse. Scoundrel was covered in the white fluff as he stayed pressed against Stephanie’s side to try and keep her warm as the three of them made their way up the mountain. It was even harder than before to see the path but they continued on like this for days. Without stopping, never giving up, never once did they think to turn back or find an easier path. They knew that soon it would take them where they needed to go.

  The moon was nearly full; time was of the essence more than ever but finally, one night as they continued to walk up the path the storm suddenly stopped. When the wind ceased and the snow subsided Steve and Stephanie looked up to see the grand temple of the White Lion standing before them.

  “WE DID IT!!!” Stephanie cried as she began to laugh as she burst with joy. Scoundrel howled with her and they ran circles around Steve for a moment.

  Steve could only smile at what they had accomplished and walked slowly towards the massive stone doors of the temple. Stephanie followed right beside him as they made their way inside.

  Inside the temple was even more breathtaking than the outside. Everything was carved from white marble, the floor, walls, pillars, as if the entire building had been cut from one massive stone. It was silent inside, empty.

  The temple was only one large empty antechamber, no other rooms or hallways could be seen, and no sword either, but Steve did not fret, he knew better than to expect it waiting for him on a pedestal.

  Steve walked ahead as Stephanie stood where she was and waited. A large statue of a lion rested at the other end of the chamber, sitting and looking down at Steve as if contemplating the man. Steve sat under the statue’s gaze silently, waiting and resting. He took in a deep breath and smiled. His worry left him, his fear ebbed away as if washed clean by a tide. Everything felt calm and Steve truly felt Peace for the first time since he could remember.

  “Welcome…young adventurer.” The voice, though booming and filling the entire temple, was calm and inviting.

  Stephanie gasped and covered her mouth in awe as she saw it happen. The statue of the lion moved, standing to its feet and looking down at Steve.

  “You have come a very long way, accomplished a great many things on your journey, you should truly be proud of yourself.”

  Steve kept his head down in respect of the mighty creature before him. “I do not feel pride, great and mighty Lion. I know that I am but one man and could not have come this far without the people I love. The accomplishment is not mine but it belongs to many.”

  The lion laughed and nodded his stone head. “You truly are wise Steve, you have come a long way regardless, and no one could have made this journey and kept such a heart inside them as yours. You risked your life for the one you love in the desert; you risked it yet again for a creature that owed nothing to you saving the bear in the Great Plains. And on my mountain, you persevered and continued along the path when so many others failed. You resisted the easy way when I tempted you, you kept your heart pure and your actions followed through. You are truly the man meant to be king of Overworld. But there is but one thing left you must do before you can take the throne.”

  Steve finally looked up to meet eyes with the White Lion. “Herobrine,” he said as a matter of fact.

  The lion nodded. “This evil has been a plight in Overworld for far too many generations. You must be the one to end him once and for all. And to do that, I grant you what you came here seeking.” The lion lowered himself down onto his belly, his nose right in front of Steve. He opened his mighty maw and there laying in his stone mouth was a blade unlike any other Steve had seen before.

  The hilt of the great sword was gold, the pommel a roaring lion’s head. The blade itself looked as if it were carved from the same Marble as the White Lion and his temple. Steve reached out and took it gently. Holding the blade in his hands was something he would never have expected. Power rushed over him in a flash of light, his clothes turned to armor of white stone with black veins coursing through it. A crown adorned his head made of the same stone and a white cloak trimmed in gold draped itself across his shoulders.

  The lion closed its mouth and sat upright with a smile, looking down on the young man. “This, is Tian-di, Heaven, and Earth. Where the Bane of Existence is powered by the many lives lost to the Ender Dragon, this sword is draws its power from the lives you have saved. Your loved ones, people you do not even know, creatures you would sacrifice yourself for. Anyone, that you have selflessly risked your life to save, now powers this blade, helping you to fight your enemies. You are truly pure of heart Steve, a true king of Overworld. The time has come, end this now, and let Overworld be at peace.”

  Steve looked to his left, a door leading out to a balcony could be seen wide open. The full moon was up in the starry night sky. He nodded as he sheathed the sword onto his back. “Thank you, I will defend this world and it’s people with my life.”

  Steve looked back at Stephanie and nodded with a smile. She nodded back and blew him a kiss. “I love you,” She mouthed at him.

  Steve smiled and began to run towards the balcony. Stephanie followed to the door and watched. Steve ran with great speed and jumped from the balcony to the great snow covered plateau below. He landed on one knee and looked up to find Herobrine looking at him with a sneer.

  The Final Battle

  “It is time to end this,” said Steve as he stood upright and brushed himself off.

  Both warriors stood there under the full moon, light, and dark, evil and good; neither of them could take their eyes from the other.

  “So, you managed to find another blade, it will do you NO good Steve, you have been a thorn in my side for far too long. I will cut you down this time and you will never return! Tonight I will end you!” Herobrine drew his blade in a flash, anger and hatred could be seen pouring off of him in waves.

  Steve took a deep breath and simply drew the large two handed blade from his back. “No Herobrine, tonight your darkness will be snuffed out by the blinding light of justice and peace. Your evil ends now.”

  The two men had no more words for each other, each crouched, waiting for the other to strike first, and waited.

  Stephanie watched from the balcony, hopeful, worried, excited and nervous all at the same time.

  Herobrine leapt first. His impatience made him spring from his waiting spot and attack Steve. The king rolled to the side and watched as Herobrine landed in the snow where he had been a moment ago. The dark warrior spun, bringing his blade to bear on Steve’s throat. The Bane of Existence hissed through the air, seeking death. Steve raised his blade to block the attack. The swords clashed with a sound like thunder. Tian-di did not more an inch when the other blade struck it. Herobrine’s eyes wide as he saw this and jumped back.

  “How is that possible?!”

  Steve smiled. “The power of life will always surpass that of dead and darkness. You did not come here to end me Herobrine, you came here to die.”

The two men clashed like titans. Swords rang out against one another heavily time and time again. They moved almost too fast for Stephanie to keep track of from the tall balcony. The moon reached its highest point in the night sky, the battle had gone on for hours. Both men were bloody and tired but Herobrine was desperate.

  “You lack patience,” Steve said with a laugh. Even in the middle of this fight he was confident and ready.


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