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Two Notorious Dukes

Page 5

by Norton, Lyndsey

  All three of them were quiet, Argyll was thinking about why Monmouth wouldn’t offer to stand in for Verity, Verity was remembering the look on Craanford’s face as she hit him and Robert was thinking about his small estate in Hertfordshire and just how perfect it would be.

  ‘When would you like her to leave?’ Robert asked softly.

  Lady Verity looked at his face, to see him contemplating the fire and she didn’t like the look in his eyes.

  ‘I do hope neither of you will do something precipitate?’ she asked firmly. ‘I wouldn’t like to end up on the streets.’

  ‘No, Mother,’ Argyll said just as firmly. ‘We won’t be calling him out, will we Robert?’

  Robert just looked at the pair of them in turn. ‘That will all depend on what he does next. In my experience, bullies like him will keep pestering until he gets what he wants.’ Robert stroked his chin. ‘She’ll need good protection, just in case the dandy finds out where she’s staying.’ Robert got up and helped himself to more brandy. As he resumed his seat and sipped the spirit he smiled. ‘Would she be able to stay here another week?’ he asked.

  ‘Yes. She could probably stay longer now he’s put in his appearance for this month.’

  ‘Good!’ Robert said brightly. ‘The house breaks for the summer next week, so I’ll escort her to Hertfordshire and introduce her to the staff, lay on some protection and then leave her to it.’

  ‘And I’ll be going with you.’ Verity said coldly.

  ‘Don’t you trust me?’ Robert asked offended.

  ‘Of course I do, but she won’t. So I will travel with you for her comfort.’ He nodded and looked chastened.

  ‘I’m sorry, I hadn’t thought about how she might feel.’

  Verity smirked again and flicked her eyes at Argyll, who was looking at his friend askance. He cleared his throat.

  ‘I think you and I should get on, Robbie. I have to be at the Palace before eleven o’clock.’

  ‘What the hell have you got to go to the Palace for?’ he asked shocked.

  ‘I owe Prinny five hundred guineas.’ Argyll said calmly.

  ‘How much?’ erupted unbidden from Robert’s throat. ‘How the hell do you owe Prinny five hundred? Were you gambling with him last night?’

  ‘Not really. He has a new ward, Lady Sarah Trevanon. Prinny, the despicable whelp, was offering her first kiss to the highest bidder.’

  ‘So you paid out five hundred guineas for this first kiss?’ Lady Verity asked full of incredulity.

  ‘I did. God help me! I did. She was so pretty and affronted I offered five hundred and nobody wanted to bid higher.’

  ‘So what was this expensive virgin kiss like then?’ Robert asked acerbically.

  ‘Stunning!’ Argyll said and they watched a huge smile appear on his face. ‘Absolutely stunning.’

  ‘Have they set a bond yet?’

  ‘Prinny said not yet, but it would probably be better to talk to the Chancellor. Her father owes the Crown, so they’ve already confiscated his lands and possessions and now they will sell his daughter for an exorbitant price.’

  ‘I do hope you’re not thinking of buying.’ Lady Verity said coldly. ‘I refuse to partake in the purchase of somebody’s daughter. It’s too much!’

  ‘Would you rather she ends up like Elizabeth!’ he spat with sudden vehemence. ‘At least with me she will be cared for and chaperoned!’

  Lady Verity was not only chastened by her steps son’s intensity but she was intrigued as well. As Argyll span back to the fire to recover his composure, Lady Verity looked at Robert and he smiled knowingly back. He stood up and finished his brandy with a jerk.

  ‘Well, we had better get a move on, then. Prinny is not known for his patience when he’s waiting for the settlement of a wager.’

  ‘You’re quite right.’ Argyll murmured, threw his brandy down his throat and kissed Lady Verity on the cheek. ‘See you later, Mater.’ He said brightly.

  As they got outside and climbed onto their horses, Robert asked. ‘So what was she like?’

  ‘She was the most beautiful woman I have ever seen.’ Argyll muttered. ‘Blond haired, blue-eyed and skin like a peach.’

  ‘What the hell made you pay out five hundred guineas to kiss her?’

  ‘Beside the fact that she was affronted and was going to stamp her foot at Prinny’s audacity, she almost took my breath away.’

  ‘I’ll bet she gave you a hard on!’ Robert said scathingly.

  ‘She did too!’ Argyll said with a lascivious smile. ‘I’ve never had one quite so big or so painful. And keeping it out of the Prince’s sight was truly difficult; you know he has eyes like a hawk!’

  ‘I know he’s a gossipy old woman sometimes!’ Robert said as he kicked his horse into a canter.

  An hour later they were shown into the receiving room at Kew Palace, more locally known as the Dutch House, because of its architecture.

  ‘Argyll and Bosworth!’ the Prince Regent said in glee as he clapped his hands. ‘Come to pay your debt?’

  ‘I have Your Highness.’ Argyll said and stepped forward with a leather bag full of gold in his hand.

  Right at that moment a door flew open and Lady Sarah Trevanon burst into the room and shouted. ‘Prinny you’ve gone too far. I objected to being rented for a kiss. But this!’ she indicated the royal robes she was wearing. ‘Why must I suddenly purport to be your wife’s lady in waiting?’

  ‘Do you not want to be a lady in waiting?’ he asked innocently.

  ‘I don’t want to be your mistress!’ she spat vehemently and suddenly she was aware of the other men in the room. ‘Oh! I’m sorry I didn’t realise you had company.’

  Robert was captivated and he could certainly see why Argyll had paid such an exorbitant sum for a single kiss. Argyll was already groaning as his erection filled the front of his britches.

  ‘Lady Sarah Trevanon, I think you’ll remember the Duke of Goring?’ Prinny said sinfully. ‘But I don’t think you met his partner in sin, Robert Bosworth, Duke of Roding.’

  ‘Your Graces.’ She curtsied for them, but barely gave Robert a glance. The fire in her eyes was to behold as she turned her attention back to the Prince with her hair flashing the in sunlight. ‘I won’t do it.’ She stated unequivocally.

  ‘Such as shame.’ The Prince sighed. ‘And I could have returned all of your fathers lands for it, too.’

  ‘That’s blackmail and you know it!’ she spat vitriolically and Argyll could see the sparkle of tears on her eye lashes. ‘You made my position very clear last night. My family owes the crown, not you personally.’

  ‘What’s the bond?’ Argyll asked quietly.

  The Prince Regent looked at him speculatively. ‘It’s only five thousand pounds, Argyll. That’s why I was offering to return the lands.’ He smiled lasciviously. ‘A quick tumble for a few weeks and then she could return to her father’s estate.’

  ‘And live out the rest of her life in ignominy!’ Robert said harshly and drew the prince’s attention.

  ‘Growing a heart old boy?’ the Prince said to his old friend. ‘I thought you had ice water in your veins. Women are to be enjoyed and disposed of. “Permanency is for fools!” I think you said once?’

  ‘I do not mess around with virgins or widows, Your Highness. Only married women who are willing and looking for a diversion.’ Robert replied carefully, not allowing the Prince to make him any more angry than he already was.

  ‘Very well. The choice is yours, my dear. But think carefully, for if you refuse my gallant offer, you will end up with the highest bidder!’ The Prince said coldly and looked at Argyll. He held out his pudgy hand for the bag of gold.

  Argyll hadn’t been able to take his eyes off Lady Sarah and as she harrumphed in disgust, tossed her golden tresses in the air and stomped away to the door, he followed her with his eyes, his free hand holding his groin as she slammed the door.

  The Prince Regent started to laugh. ‘Is that a log in your britches?’ he sa
id and pointed at Argyll’s groin.

  ‘No, Your Highness, but that’s what she’ll get if I can woo her.’

  ‘Pay up, Argyll.’ He said firmly and Argyll handed over the bag of gold.

  ‘I expect you to name a room in your pavilion after her.’ Argyll said softly and looked again at the door.

  ‘Sentimental fool!’ the Prince said.

  ‘That I am, Your Highness, its the way my mother brought me up.’

  ‘Thank you, Argyll.’ The Prince said lifting the bag. ‘If you want to get in first, the bond goes out tomorrow, so I would pop and see the Chancellor now.’ He stood, both men bowed courteously and the Prince walked out of the room.

  ‘Just what the hell would you do with her anyway?’ Robert asked softly as they turned for the door.

  Argyll smiled. ‘That’s easy. Turn her over to my mother!’

  They spent the next hour locating and negotiating with the Chancellor until an agreement was reached.

  ‘I’ll send the ducal carriage tomorrow morning.’ Argyll said. ‘And I expect her untouched by Prinny!’

  That evening, when Johnny Argyll finally stepped in the front door of his mansion in Grosvenor Square, his mother was waiting in a fit of pique.

  ‘Good evening Mother.’ He said softly as he went into the drawing room.

  ‘You blackguard!’ she spat at him. ‘You just had to go and do it!’

  He stopped dead and looked at the rage radiating from her. She embarked on fifteen minutes of name calling, shouting about his morals and his life in general, while Johnny poured himself a brandy and waited for her to expend her energy, which could probably take all night.

  Eventually she ran out of steam and demanded, ‘Well? Don’t you have anything to say for yourself?’

  ‘Yes, I do actually. Seeing as Prinny was trying to blackmail her into being another mistress, I felt she would be better off here, with you!’ He smiled kindly at his step mother. ‘You can go with the coach tomorrow at eleven o’clock to fetch her from Kew. Then you may do with her as you wish.’

  ‘The Prince Regent wanted to have her as a mistress?’ she asked indignantly. ‘I wonder whether Caroline knows this.’

  ‘I shouldn’t think so and what does it matter, they’re separated. She can’t have her cake and eat it! But Lady Sarah was too affronted to really think straight and this gives her time without pressure.’

  ‘What was the Prince offering?’ Lady Verity asked calmly. She was under no real illusions what the prince wanted. A quick tumble in the hay and her reputation be damned.

  ‘He offered a position of lady in waiting to the Princess and to return all of her fathers lands for her virginity and reputation.’

  ‘When do you have to pay the money?’ she asked softly.

  ‘The Chancellor already has my draft in his hand. All you need to do is pick the young lady up and ensconce her with Lady Elizabeth. She can have my room.’ He murmured as he laid his head back against the chair.

  ‘Where will you be?’ she asked calmly.

  ‘I think I’ll go to Goring Hall for a few weeks, just to check on the estate.’

  ‘Maybe we should come with you.’ Lady Verity ventured.

  ‘No. Craanford will come to check when he finds that Lady Elizabeth isn’t here.’ He opened his eyes and looked at his mother. ‘Go to Robbie’s estate. Send word when you’re settled and I’ll visit.’ He finished his drink quickly and headed up stairs to tell Carter of his decision to go now, before the summer recess.

  Chapter 4 Halls and Manors

  Robert rode ahead of the carriage, so that he wasn’t choking on the dust thrown up by the vehicle. He was rather smug that everything had gone according to plan.

  Convinced that Craanford was watching the household, Robert had organised the carriage to leave from the back of the Goring Mansion. The luggage wagon had left the previous day after first collecting his luggage and then the ladies. Burke had gone on ahead, even though Robert had written to his housekeeper to alert her to his arrival with a large party.

  He enjoyed riding, so he left a little later and caught the carriage up on the Great Cambridge Road. Like himself, Argyll had some beautiful coaches, from curricles to large barouches and Landau’s. The ducal coach was an open barouche and Robert advised them not to take it because of the coat of arms plainly displayed on the door and offered instead his plain black five glass landau. At the moment, the five glass panels were stowed away so that the carriage was open in the fine weather, but if it should cloud over; the coachman would stop and erect the roof and panels.

  Robert slowed his pace and walked his horse for a few miles. He was thinking about the previous night, when he had finally told Lady Beresford that he wouldn’t be seeing her anymore.

  He had gone to the Farrington Ball, he knew he shouldn’t have gone, but it was the last ball before the House broke for the summer. Argyll had already left and so had Cranwell, he was busy wooing a widowed Duchess, but Robert had gone. The ladies were pretty and the cleavages on display were superlative. He managed to dance with all of the debutantes, without committing himself to a formal visit. Not one of them appealed, and he was just going to the pot room to relieve his bladder, when he was accosted by Lady Beresford. He’d managed to avoid her since that night in his carriage.

  She grabbed his arm and dragged him into the library, shutting the door. ‘Robbie, I must see you!’ she blurted without any caution whatsoever.

  ‘I’m standing here.’ He said cryptically. ‘That’s not what I mean; I have to see you in private!’ she spat. Robert carefully looked about the room, which was empty, and replied. ‘We are alone. What do you want?’

  She threw herself at him and clutched at his chest and body. ‘I want you.’ she murmured. ‘It’s torture to be at the same ball and you won’t even dance with me.’

  Robert was quite cold. He placed his hands on her upper arms and disentangled himself from her embrace. ‘I’m sorry, Lady Beresford. But our dalliance is at an end. You know there is no room for permanence in my life and your husband will return from India, eventually. We started it on those grounds. No ties. You agreed, so its over.’

  She looked at him in horror. ‘But I love you, Robbie.’ She said as the colour drained from her face.

  ‘That is your misfortune. I don’t love you. You were an entertainment at best.’ He sighed deeply and silently cursed himself again for attending this function. He watched the expression of hurt turn to hate on her face.

  ‘I’ll ruin you, you bastard!’ she whispered vindictively. ‘I’m with child and it’s your fault!’

  ‘We’ll see about that when the little bastard arrives, because I’d put my money on it being Randolph’s myself. He was there before me and Cranwell and Farrington have been sharing. As I’m the only one with dark hair, we’ll see when it arrives!’ He looked at her harshly. ‘But of course, I’m a Duke and the richest of all your lovers. But you won’t get any money out of me!’

  ‘You Cad!’ she exploded. ‘I’ll scream it from the roof tops!’

  ‘Do so. My reputation is already set as the biggest rakehell in London and yours is already sullied as the biggest whore!’ She went for his face, her long nails trying to gouge out his eyes, but he was too quick and strong for her and he grabbed her wrists. He turned her easily so that her back was to his chest and he whispered in her ear. ‘Did you think I would marry you? That I would watch you divorce Beresford and we would have a nice little life together?’ He sighed again and shook his head. ‘Not a chance! I would have to be stupid to tie myself to an unfaithful wretch like you. You’re only good for one thing and I’ve had my fill!’ He pushed her away from him. ‘If you want my advice, I would retire to your country estate, give birth to your bastard and wait for your husband to come home and see what he does.’

  ‘He’ll call you out!’ she spat

  ‘He can try, but I suppose you’ll look the same in widow’s weeds. Randolph will finish him before he even gets around to m

  He stood and stared her out. There was absolutely no way he would leave the room first, if he did, she could tear all her clothes and accuse him of rape, so he waited patiently and stared her coldly in the face. ‘I’ll kill you!’ she said softly and turned on her heel and left the room. The door banged against the bookshelf with the force she put into opening it.

  He stood with his eyes closed.Why do I put myself through this? He asked himself and then answered.Because your cock can’t say no to a pair of bare thighs!He opened his eyes and slowly walked out of the door.Then it’s time I learned some restraint!He left the ball immediately and cursed himself for a bastard all the way home.

  He was disappointed in Abigail Beresford. She knew there were no strings when he first seduced her in his carriage, but she had obviously forgotten. He’d never had that kind of problem before, usually the ladies accepted his arrival and departure and he usually sent them a very nice gift as a thank you. But Abigail had been getting more and more demanding as the weeks went by and Robert had decided to break it off, when he saw her climbing into the Earl of Rathbone’s barouche a few days previously. That made four that he was aware of, how many others were servicing her. It was enough to turn his stomach, so he decided to finish it.

  He looked at the countryside around him and felt clean for the first time in nearly a year. He didn’t really notice how filthy London was, until he left it for the country. To smell the clean air, rather than the raw sewage lying in the gutters and he was looking forward to drinking clean water, eating fresh food and being able to go hunting or just for a ride.

  There was silence in the carriage, which Lady Verity found strange at first. She had to remind herself that these two girls and they were girls, neither of them was over twenty, had both been subjected to traumatic change, Elizabeth had been in a traumatic and violent marriage and Sarah had basically been sold into slavery by her father to pay his debts to the crown.


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