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Envious Page 14

by Cheryl Douglas

  “Yes, God, yes.”

  He grinned and braced his hands on either side of her head. He eased back so he could watch the pleasure play out across her face. That was a mistake. Witnessing her hunger for him was the hottest thing he’d ever seen. Her lips were moist and parted, her hot breath slipping through her pouty lips in little gasps. Her eyes were glazed, her cheeks flushed, and a sheen covered her soft curves as her tousled blond hair fanned out on the pillow.

  “I want to make you feel the way you make me feel.” She ran her hands over his chest. “Crazy.” She circled his flat nipples with her thumbs. “Out of control.”

  He couldn’t contain the shudder moving through him. No question about it, she was destined to be his un-doing, in and out of the bedroom. “You’re about to get your wish.” He clenched his teeth as she milked him until his body contracted… and he submitted to the woman who owned his heart.

  Chapter Fourteen

  Katie was nervous about meeting Chris at his office the next day. After their incredible night together, she wasn’t sure what to expect. Would it be awkward between them or would he be anxious to extend the intimacy, even in front of his employees? She was about to find out.

  He crossed the lobby to meet her. He was dressed in a pair of faded jeans, boots, and a button-down shirt. Remembering all the carved muscle under those clothes made Katie blush and wonder whether they could sneak into his office and lock the door before their meeting with the realtor.

  “Hey baby,” he said, pulling her into his arms for a passionate kiss.

  Katie broke the kiss just in time to see the young receptionist share a curious glance with the uniformed security guard standing at his post by the elevator. She couldn’t seem to care that they were making a spectacle of themselves as she wrapped her arms around Chris’s neck. He couldn’t put a respectable distance between them even if he wanted to. “That was some greeting.”

  “I’d kinda like to pick up where we left off last night,” he whispered, his strong hands moving to the small of her back. “What’s say we bag this meeting and check into the hotel across the street instead?”

  Katie giggled as happiness bubbled inside her. “What would your employees say?”

  “Who the hell cares?”

  She loved that he didn’t care what other people thought of him or them as a couple. It was time for her to let go of other people’s judgements too. He was right; who cared what anyone else thought of their relationship? Chris made her happy. Happier than she could ever remember being. “As much as I love that idea, we don’t have a lot of time if we want to get this pre-school up and running in time for the new school year.”

  With a dramatic sigh, he pulled his keys out of his pocket and reached for her hand. “You had to rain on my parade, didn’t you?”

  She leaned in. “Hannah’s with her dad tonight. I could make it up to you at my place, if you’re interested?” She wasn’t normally so bold, but if it meant a repeat of last night, Katie was willing to put her pride on the line. Not that she thought Chris would reject her. Judging by the light in his eyes, he couldn’t wait to be with her again. Being in a relationship with a man who wore his heart on his sleeve and let her know he was crazy about her was so nice.

  “It’s a date.” He turned back to the receptionist. “Sara’s already left for lunch. If anyone needs me, just a take a message, okay? I should be back in a couple of hours.”

  “You got it, boss.” She shot a look in their direction that let Katie know she wasn’t pleased to watch her sexy, single boss going on a lunch date with another woman.

  “Do you get that a lot?” Katie asked once they were outside. She’d never been the jealous type, but the predatory way women looked at Chris stirred her possessive instincts.

  “What?” he asked, leading her toward his Mustang.

  She knew he usually drove his truck to work. He must have brought the car for her benefit, knowing how much she loved it. She never ceased to be surprised and thrilled by his attentiveness. “Your employees… flirting with you.” She cringed when she realized she sounded like a high school girl worried about her boyfriend cheating on her with a rival cheerleader.

  “Not since I told Bob it would cost him his job if it happened again.” He grinned as he tossed his car keys at her.

  She rolled her eyes. “I saw the way that girl at the front desk looked at you. She obviously has a thing for you.”

  He held the driver’s door open for her. “So what? I don’t date my employees.”

  “Ever?” She slid into the car and fastened her seatbelt.

  He leaned in and planted a kiss on her lips that eradicated her doubts. “Ever.”

  “Good to know,” she said, touching his cheek. She loved the way his stubble felt. It reminded her of how it felt last night when he’d scratched her sensitive skin in the most delicious way.

  “You keep looking at me like that, and I just may haul you across the street to that hotel after all.”

  “How’d you know what I was thinking?” The evidence must be in her eyes or at least obvious in her shallow breaths.

  “You were thinking about last night, about the way it felt…” He gripped the edge of the doorframe as he nuzzled her neck. “I’ve been thinking about it all morning too. I’ve been useless at the office.”

  She looped her arms around his neck with a contented sigh. “Maybe we should think about rescheduling this meeting.”

  He chuckled before kissing her neck and pulling away. “Don’t tempt me, woman.”

  The drive to the realtor’s office was short, but Katie enjoyed every second behind the wheel of the powerful automobile.

  “Look at you.” Chris laughed as he squeezed her bare thigh. “You look like a kid on Christmas morning when you’re driving this thing.”

  She spared him a glance at the stoplight, her eyes raking his sexy body. “I guess that’s one more thing you and I have in common. We both like it fast and hard.”

  He groaned, shifting in his seat. “I walked right into that, didn’t I?” Katie smiled as she accelerated, tossing her long blond hair for the benefit of the male driver beside them who was blatantly checking her out. “I saw that.”

  “What?” Katie asked, tongue in cheek. She knew Chris noticed the other driver. He hadn’t been subtle in his perusal of her or her ride.

  “That jerk-off was checking you out, and you were encouraging him.”

  “Sort of like the receptionist at your building was checking you out?”

  “Yeah, but I don’t encourage her.” He looked like a sulky child as he lowered the volume on the classic rock blaring from his over-priced sound system.

  “You don’t have to.” Katie sighed and stole another glance at him. “You just have to breathe the same air as these women to make them think they have a chance with you. Especially since you lost the wedding band.”

  “Katie,” he said softly, “I’m not interested in anyone else. I hope you know that.”

  She believed him, but suppressing her occasional pang of jealousy wasn’t easy when she saw one of the neighbors flirting with him or one of his employees staring at his backside. “I’m sorry. I’m being silly. This is all kind of new for me.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “This whole jealousy thing.”

  “Come to think of it, I don’t ever remember you being jealous of Lee. I mean, when we’d all go out together, other women would look, but I don’t think you noticed half the time.”

  “I guess that speaks volumes, doesn’t it?” she muttered. She was in way too deep with Chris already. She had to slow down and figure out where they were going before she lost her heart to him… if it wasn’t too late already.

  “It says that you and I are on the same page.” When she pulled into the realtor’s parking lot, he waited for her to find a parking spot and cut the engine before he reached for her. “I’m here because there’s nowhere else I’d rather be and no one else I’d rather be with.”

/>   Her heart melted a little when he gave her the reassurance she needed. “Thank you for saying that.” She watched him kiss her hand and thought that falling in love with him would be the easiest thing she’d ever done. “For the record, I feel the same way.”

  “Good.” He kissed her cheek. “Now, let’s go buy that building.”


  The negotiations were painless, Chris thought as they left the realtor’s office less than an hour later. The broker was a motivated seller, and they’d settled for less than Chris was willing to pay. That left more money to outfit the business to make it the most exclusive and sought-after pre-school in Nashville.

  “I’m so excited,” Katie said, squeezing his hand. “I can’t believe this is really happening.”

  “Believe it.” He thought he would do just about anything to make her smile like that. “I’ve got a buddy in the construction business, Tucker Brooks. I’m gonna ask him to come out and have a look at the building tomorrow, see what he thinks it would take to get this job done.”

  “Do you think he’ll be able to complete it in time for us to host an open house in August? Prospective parents will want to see the school before they commit.”

  “Tucker usually handles big projects,” he said, opening the driver’s door for her. “I can’t promise he’ll be able to do the work himself. He’s pretty busy. But if not, I’m sure he’ll be able to recommend someone trustworthy who can get the job done on time and on budget.”

  After closing her door, Chris walked around the front of the car, watching her slip her sunglasses in place. It was no wonder the guy in the pick-up truck beside them couldn’t keep his eyes off her. She was a sight to behold; that long blond hair paired with those long tanned legs peeking out from beneath a short black skirt was enough to make a man’s mouth water. Chris shot the poor sucker a grin before he eased into the passenger’s seat. He could afford to be magnanimous since he knew he was the one who would be sharing Katie’s bed.

  “I can’t wait to get started.” She checked her rearview mirror before pulling out of the parking space and easing into traffic. “I have to admit, I’m a little nervous about my final exam though.”

  He hated the thought of not seeing her after work, but he should at least offer to let her focus on her upcoming exam. “Hey, if you need to study tonight, I’ll understand. We can get together another time.”

  She frowned before shooting him a glance. “You’re trying to ditch me already?”

  “Hell no.” He chuckled and brushed his lips across her knuckles. “I was trying to be an understanding boyfriend.” Her face drained of color, and he wished he could retract the presumptuous remark. Just because they’d spent one incredible night together didn’t mean she was ready to define their relationship.

  “Is that how you see yourself… as my boyfriend?”

  “That depends,” he said, deciding there was no sense trying to backtrack. When he wanted something, he went after it, and he couldn’t remember the last time he’d wanted something or someone as much as he wanted Katie. “Is that what you want?”

  “I’m crazy about you,” she said with a tentative smile.


  “I just want to take things slow. Is that okay?”

  Chris had no right to push her so soon after her separation from Lee. They were still trying to figure out how to co-parent, and he knew how difficult that could be. “No problem, take all the time you need.” When his cell phone rang, he glanced at the call display before hitting ignore. His office could wait a few more minutes.

  “Are you sure about that? Guys like you aren’t used to waiting around for a girl.”

  “I’ve never met anyone worth waiting for until now.” He smiled at her. “These feelings didn’t just hit me overnight. You need to know that. Lee’s my best friend and I’d never betray him, but that doesn’t mean I didn’t curse him a time or two for having you.”

  “You’re so sweet,” she said, smiling. “You always make me feel so…”


  “Special. Beautiful. Capable. Important. Take your pick.”

  “How about all of the above? You are you know, all of those things and more.” She returned her attention to the road, but her grip on the steering wheel tightened, letting him know she was wrestling with her thoughts. “Something bothering you?”

  “It’s just not easy to think of myself that way.” She sighed. “I’ve made so many mistakes. I spent a lot of years being angry with myself for messing up not only my life, but Cassidy’s too. When you describe me that way, I wonder whether you’re just seeing what you want to see.”

  “I’m seeing what you can’t see.” He wished he could force her to look in a mirror and see beneath the surface. She was so much more than her past. Why couldn’t he help her to realize that? “We all make mistakes, hon. Sometimes we hurt ourselves; other times the people we love suffer because of something stupid we did. We’re all guilty of it. Not just you.”

  “I know,” she said, running a hand through her hair when it fell forward. “I know I have to let go of the past. It’s just not easy.”

  Chris knew how close Katie and her sister were. Cassidy had obviously forgiven Katie. He just wished she could be as kind to herself. “I know it’s not easy, but you have to try.” He decided to try another approach. “Let me ask you something. Have you been able to forgive your mother for what happened when you were a kid? Based on what you told me last night, she kind of checked out on you and Cassidy.”

  “Of course I’ve forgiven her.” She paused, choosing her next words carefully. “There was a time when I never thought we could have the kind of relationship we have today, but I’m so glad we got past what happened when I was a kid. All I ever wanted was a mom to love and accept me. Now I have one.”

  “It sounds to me like the only thing Cassidy ever wanted was a healthy, happy sister. Now you’ve given her that. Shouldn’t that be enough to make up for the past?”

  Katie remained silent for a few minutes. “I guess I never thought about how much it meant to Cassidy to see me get clean. We weren’t even talking when I made the decision to go into rehab. By the time I came back into her life, she and Drake were getting back together. I think she was hesitant about trusting me again, with good reason. If I were in her position, I don’t know that I could have forgiven as easily.”

  “It doesn’t sound like forgiveness came easily for either one of you. But you got there, and that’s all that matters, right?”

  “I guess so.”

  “Is there anything Hannah could do that would make you stop loving her?”

  Katie laughed until she realized he was serious. “Of course not! How can you even ask me that?”

  “Cassidy took on kind of a maternal role in your life because your mother wasn’t there for you. She was the one who hunted you down when you hit the streets. She was the one who tried to get you into rehab and put a roof over your head.”

  Katie looked wary. “And?”

  “And she did all of that because she loved you unconditionally.”

  “I guess you’re right,” Katie said after a brief pause. “I’ve never likened Cassidy’s love for me to my love for Hannah, but given our relationship, I guess it kind of was like that. She took care of me until I was ready to take care of myself.”

  Chris hoped that she was ready to forgive herself, but she had to reach that conclusion on her own. He opted to change the subject to give her a little breathing room. “Hey, I was thinking, why don’t we have Drake and Cassidy over to my place for dinner tomorrow night? Bianca’s going to be there. I’m sure all our girls would have a blast playing together.”

  “That sounds like fun,” Katie said, smiling. “I’ll call Cassidy later and ask if they’re available.”

  “Maybe your mom would like to come too?”

  “Sure, I can ask her.”

  Chris had met Katie’s mother plenty of times, but he didn’t know if their genial relat
ionship would change since he was dating her daughter. If he had to fight any opposition from her family, he’d rather know right away so he could devise a game plan. No matter what, he wouldn’t let anything or anyone ruin them.


  Chris had had to bail on their plans the previous night because of a crisis at work, so Katie was counting down the hours until their family dinner. She was anxious to welcome him into the fold as her boyfriend, instead of just one of Lee’s friends. She didn’t know how Drake and the rest of the family would respond though. Cassidy and her mother had been supportive when she shared the news that they were seeing each other, but she didn’t know if they would think she was getting in too deep.

  She passed time by taking Hannah to the park, and she spotted Chris’s next-door neighbor, Lucy, with her little girl. Lucy had been single as long as Katie had known her. She seemed content to share a house with her mother, who cared for her little girl while Lucy worked as a telephone operator. Lucy waved when she spotted Katie. Hannah made a beeline for the swings, where Lucy’s daughter was giggling and pumping her legs for all she was worth.

  “Hi, Lucy.” Katie claimed the spot on the bench beside her and sipped from her Styrofoam cup of coffee. “How’s it going?”

  Lucy shrugged, appearing uncharacteristically melancholy. “It’s going.”

  After a brief silence, Katie asked, “Is something bothering you?”

  Lucy’s big brown eyes were fixed on her daughter. “Shouldn’t I be asking you that? I heard Lee moved out.”

  Katie would never have described Lucy as one of her closest friends, but she wasn’t used to such a frosty reception and couldn’t figure out what she had done to warrant it. She wasn’t trying to keep Lee’s departure a secret though. That would have been virtually impossible in their close-knit neighborhood. “He did.”


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