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Forbidden Faith

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by T. J. West

  Forbidden Faith

  Copyright © 2015 Tiffany J West

  All rights reserved.

  Published by: Tiffany J West

  Copyright © 2015 by: Tiffany J West

  Cover art by: Cover to Cover Designs

  Photographed by: Kruse Images & Photography: Models & Boudoir

  eBook and Paperback format: Champagne Formats

  Edited by: Kendra Johnson

  Cover model: Lance Jones

  All songs by JINKS: Written by Tiffany J West

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and resemblance to persons; living or dead, business establishments, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

  This book is protected under the copyright laws of the United States of America. Any reproduction or other unauthorized use of the material or artwork herein is prohibited without the express written permission of the author.

  Table of Contents

  Other books by the author



  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14


  Sneak Peek of Judging June

  Websites/Facebook pages/Author pages

  About the Author

  Other books by the author

  The Rain Series

  November Rain book 1

  Purple Rain book 2

  Rain Street book 3


  THE GREAT ROOM IS BIGGER than the entire lot my trailer is parked on; high beamed ceilings, crystal chandeliers, hanging evenly spaced across the room, windows that go from the ceiling to the floor, white pristine furniture, a fireplace so big that it could very well be another walk-in closet, and an atmosphere that is engulfed with the most self serving, wealthiest bastard I had ever met.

  I park my gray, 1998 Toyota pickup in front of a mansion that isn’t meant for trucks like mine; guys like me didn’t fit in with people like Faith Montgomery. I try not to let that get in the way of how I feel for her. She’s never made me feel less of a person because I don’t come from money. She has always seen me as an equal—her lover, best friend, soul mate. I’m not quite sure how I deserve her, considering my past is a bit shady; I’m not proud of where I come from and who brought me into this world, but it’s made me who I am today. I have always seen myself as a loyal, dedicated, hard working person no matter if I was buying drugs for my mother or hauling building bricks at my job. Faith has told me many times she sees goodness in me and trusts me. I trust her as well, so I continue to see her. Unfortunately her father has had a different perspective of me. I’ve been nothing other than an employee to Mr. Montgomery, someone who helps him make money by working for his construction business. When Faith brought me around for the first time I thought her father was going to have a heart attack; the disappointment and rage I saw in his eyes were quite disturbing. I had never felt so out of place in my entire life. He never made me feel welcome, never stirred up a conversation with me, never wanted to know who I was beyond what he saw on the outside. He’s made me feel pretty shitty about where I come from and how I was raised. My childhood was awful, yet it taught me a lot about myself, about my strengths and weaknesses. Through Mr. Montgomery’s eyes—I’m a punk.

  Seeing his nasty smug face, looking through the great room window, makes my stomach churn. I can see his dark gray eyes squinting at me as I make my way to the tall, black, doubled doors. Why the hell did he call me here? I know it isn’t to serenade him to sleep, so what is it? Has he finally had enough of me and I’m here to get my last paycheck? Or am I simply here because he wants something from me? I don’t know why I am feeling this way, but my gut is telling me this meeting is bad news. I suspect Faith doesn’t know about it; she’s out of town with her mother and I believe her father sent them away just to get me by myself—I’m afraid I am walking inside a trap.

  A low, alto sound echos as I press the doorbell. Every time I come over I get greeted by their butler/bodyguard; he’s always in a dark suit, like he’s one of the “Men In Black” guys—he really bugs the shit out of me.

  “Mr. Montgomery is waiting for you.”

  I follow behind him as we go toward the great room.

  Mr. Montgomery’s back is turned; pouring himself a drink. I stand there with my hands in my pockets, waiting impatiently. “You can go now Martin,” he orders.

  “Sir,” Martin curtly replies. I turn my head and watch him close the great rooms doors; he briefly meets my eye, as if this was my last day to live, and quickly exits the room.

  “You must be wondering why I called you over?”

  My attention snaps back. Mr. Montgomery is not a very tall man; I tower over the guy, yet his crisp, villainous nature overpowers my height. He’s got short, clean cut black hair, with scattered gray at the sides that is slicked back without a strand out of place.

  I scowl at him as he drinks his booze. “You can say that, yeah,” I reply.

  I can hear him swallow every single drop that goes down his throat. What the hell does he want? “I have a proposition for you.”

  I cross my arms at my chest. “What kind of proposition?” I ask suspiciously.

  Without hesitation he states, “I’ll just come out and say it—money.” My eyes immediately widen. He raises his glass and points at me. “I knew that’d get your attention, since that’s all you ever wanted from my daughter.”

  I am taken aback. “Excuse me?”

  He sets his crystal glass down on his booze bar and takes out a check. He holds it up like it’s a prize. “You will take this money . .. . . .” His voice drops low, “then you will be forbidden to ever see Faith again. . . . .do you hear me?”

  Is he fucking serious? Out of his mind? Like he can buy my way out of Faith’s life! I slowly shake my head, seething. “No, sir, I don’t. I don’t want your money because I love her and Faith loves me,” I reply, my tone rigid, bitter.

  Mr. Montgomery’s face turns red with fury; he slams his hand down on the bar. He shouts at me, “Don’t you dare disrespect me inside my house!” He briskly comes closer to me; eyes bugged out, face red with anger and points directly in my face. “You and your tattooed nonsense and attitude will never get near my daughter. Ever again! Since the moment you walked into my daughters life she has gotten into more trouble than ever before; lying, coming home after curfew, talking back to me and her mother. If you think I will allow that in my home, you’ve got another thing coming, boy.” He looks me up and down like I am trash, like I am a nobody. “No daughter of mine will be caught up in a rocker wannabe who has nothing better to do than play obnoxious music and turn my daughter against me. You are no good for Faith and you have no business being a part of her life.” His demeanor changes in an instant; he becomes calm and overly confident. He straightens his suit jacket, as if it somehow had gotten wrinkled. “That said, I plan to have her marry someone who comes from money, who will carry on my empire, you got me?“ He pushes the check into my chest, gritting his teeth. “You will take this check and get the hell out of Arizona and not come back.”

  I take the check and look at the fat numbers; I take a double glance—I’m in shock, he’s got to be fucking kidding me! “One million dollars?” I chuckle. “You can’t pay me off—“

  His grin turns into a deep scowl and once again he loses his temper; he swipes his hand in the air a
nd gets up in my face. “Like hell I can’t! You good for nothing scoundrel! I am a very wealthy and powerful man; if you don’t take that money, I will make your life a living hell. I will make sure your mother is exposed for her drug habit, that you both lose that God forsaken trailer you call a home; you will be penniless. Since you work for Montgomery Construction, you work for me. Therefore I can fire you. Ruin you. You will have nothing—no job, no home and your mother will waste away because she can’t manage to live without her daily snort. I have many contacts and I will make sure they stay on your ass until You. Are. Gone.”

  I swallow on every word he throws at me; they are venomous, and they scare the shit out of me—so scared that I can’t seem to move; I feel frozen, uncertain on what to do next. I glare at his eyes, trying my damndest not to show how he just tore me to shreds. Despite everything. . . . . . Mr. Montgomery is right. I’m not worthy of Faith—never have been, never will be. Nor will I ever be accepted by her father. He holds all the cards in his hands; he has hated me the moment I stepped foot into his daughter’s life. I got caught up in believing we were meant to be something, go places together. She was going to travel the world with me, be my number one groupy. We were going to take the world by storm with my music and never look back.

  Unfortunately, I realize those times will never happen. Mr. Montgomery has me by the throat and he knows he has a way to get rid of me—if I loved her enough I would take the money. If I loved my mother enough I would take the money—on top of that, Faith is going to be forced to marry someone she doesn’t love. I wonder if she has the slightest knowledge she’s being set up to marry? If she did, she would have told me and we would have fled the state a long time ago; there is no way in hell she would allow her father to control who she could or couldn’t marry. I want to be the man she was going to spend the rest of her life with! However—I know it’s impossible. Her father was never going to allow me into the family—I am useless in his eyes and will never be good enough or rich enough. Therefore I know it’s over. Faith and I are over. She deserves far better than what I can give her.



  With his eyes blazing into mine he gives Martin his orders. “Escort Mr. Jones out and make sure he gets off my property,” he hisses.

  I am disgusted with myself as I keep that check in my hands, while I slowly walk backward; my eyes are slit as I look at his smirk—it takes everything in me not to hurl at him with my fist.

  I am reminded that MIB is waiting for me so I turn around just as Faith appears in the doorway. I take a small gasp. Shit! She’s back from her trip a day early. If only she had gotten here five minutes earlier, and before I had chosen to listen to her father—I wouldn’t be walking away right now. She looks at me with confusion; her eyes are a deep blue and her hair is jet black—so black that it should have it’s own name. It’s long, wavy and goes over her tits like a dark scarf. Her body is slim and her height is short; she melts underneath my breast bone. She has a small amount of freckles that lay upon her nose and lips that look like bow ties. I want to bury myself inside her everyday at every hour.

  Sadly this is it. The dreams we planned together were just that—dreams. We’re over, thanks to her dad.

  Her mother walks in from the front foyer and stands behind Faith. I see her glance over at her husband; her body and face immediately become aware of the situation—she knows exactly what’s happening and she has no say in it.

  “Lucas? What are you doing here?” Faith asks.

  I can feel her father getting closer. “Let him by Faith.”

  She stays in the doorway, blocking me from exiting the great room. “No, Daddy. Lucas look at me,” she pleads with me. I can’t look at her. I can’t look into those deep ocean blues and witness the pain that is about to take effect.

  Her father loses his patience, “Faith!”

  She ignores him and moves closer to my side. “Lucas,” she repeats.

  I look straight ahead and quietly say, “Goodbye Faith.” I brush my right shoulder along the side of her body as I make it through the doorway. I go straight for the foyer, stopping in front of her mother. I look away from her so I can’t see her reaction when I break her daughters heart.

  “Wait, what? No, no, what’s happened!” Faith is frantic and moves in front of me.

  From the great room doorway Faith’s father plays his game and lies to her. “You’re smooth talker boyfriend just landed a million dollar deal. He never loved you Faith. He only wanted money.”

  That sonofabitch!

  She’s gasps, “You’re lying Daddy! Lucas tell me he’s lying! You would never take money from him!”

  My eyes finally land on hers. I have to do this, I have to make her hate me. “I took it. I got what I wanted. Now, get the hell out of my way,” I snarl at her. I have never spoken to her that way; I hate myself for sounding like a greedy loser. I’ll never forgive myself for hurting her, but It’s the only way out; her father will never allow us to be together, I have to get out now before we get more serious.

  “You’re lying too!” She screams at me and tries to grab onto me; I flinch her off. Her father comes around and tugs onto her upper arm. She screams at him too. “Get your hands off me!”

  He moves behind her to get a better grip. She tries to escape, yet his hold is too tight. “He’s no good for you, Faith.” He flicks his head at MIB, “Martin, lead the way.”


  All I hear is Faith whimpering, begging me to stay. What can I do? I’m a fucking coward. With my tail between my legs, I blur everyone from my vision and exit the front door.

  “No! Lucas, no! You can’t leave! Lucas!!”

  I can’t see her when she continues to scream, nor do I ever want to see her that way. I tuck the tainted check in my back pocket, get in my truck and never look back.

  Present day 2014

  “YOU NEED TO GO NOW.” I am spread eagle on top of my bed, skirt bunched up, and my panties hanging from my right ankle. “Mmmmm,” I moan from the orgasm I just had.

  “I don’t think you want me to go, precious,” Phillip Caffrey, the guy who I am supposedly dating, huskily assumes. He climbs on top of me and kisses me; I can taste myself—which is always a turn on. “How about I stay the night?” He asks as he nibbles down my collar bone.

  I roll my eyes, blow out a puff of air and push him off. “You know how I feel about that.” I yank my panties off my leg, throw them in my laundry basket and start undressing.

  “Faith, what the hell? We’ve been together for months now,” he irritably reminds me.

  “I’m aware of that, but you knew what you were getting into when we started dating, Phillip. My ways have not changed.” I discard my blouse, along with my skirt and throw them in the basket. I walk to my bathroom and grab my white bathrobe.

  When I come back out, Phillip is standing in the middle of my bedroom with his hands on his hips. “That’s the problem, your ways haven’t changed. You know I want more, and you know I’m in love with you.”

  “If you love me then you would respect my decisions,” I point out to him.

  “Do you love me back?”

  My head shoots up. “Phillip—“

  “It’s a simple yes or no.”

  Phillip is a very handsome guy; medium height, beautiful toned muscular body, light brown hair and green eyes. Anyone would be a fool not to fall for this man. Unfortunately that fool is me.

  I slap my hands on my thighs, raising my voice. “No. Alright? No. I don’t know how many times I have explained this; I don’t want to fall in love. I don’t ever intend to fall in love. It’s nothing against you, Phillip, it’s just how I am and it’s how it’s going to be. I like being with you. I like having sex with you, but it won’t go any further than that for me.” We stare at one another for a moment. I know I have hurt him—it’s all I ever seem to do. I let out a breath and wrap my arms around the back of his neck, kissing him on his cheek. His brows are furrow
ed, giving him those lines in between his eyes. “Look I’ll see you tomorrow, honey okay? We’ll go have lunch at that new restaurant you wanted to try, yeah?”

  He finally reaches around my waist and kisses me. “Sure.” His eyes tell me he’s been defeated, yet he will take what he can get.

  “Okay, good,” kissing him back. “Now, I have an early appointment to meet my contractors and I need my sleep. Plus you have that video conference with my father you have to prepare for. So, this is goodnight.”

  He gives me one more panty melting kiss. “Night, precious,” and exits my room.

  I fall on my bed knowing I am the worst girlfriend anyone could ever have; Phillip does not deserve this, yet he stays—and I don’t complain. I give him all I can and he gives me what I want—someone who is there to get me off.

  Worst girlfriend ever.

  I want to chase after him, but my dad has a hold on my arms; I am twisting and turning to get out of his grip, yet he won’t let me go. “You always hated him!” I yell into his face.

  He is shaking me, rattling my body. “Because I knew he would ruin you,” he says to me, gritting his teeth.

  I keep shouting at him and struggling to get out of his restraint. “He didn’t ruin me! He loved me!” Tears are blinding me, running down my cheeks and into my mouth. I am beyond shattered; my heart has been ripped from my chest, I want to crumble and die.

  I hate him more than anything. He’s done nothing, but humiliate me and torture Lucas from the moment we started dating. He never thought it was possible I could ever love a man like Lucas. He never cared about my feelings, nor would he ever accept Lucas in my life. It was a battle which lasted six months. Now, here we are at our final showdown and my dad has finally won. He’s finally taken the cake and can now eat it too.

  I am getting a headache from the shaking. “He took my goddamn money! That doesn’t look like love to me.”

  “You probably threatened him, right?”

  His tight hold of my upper arms stop and he releases me; his voice is calmer, and his eyes look hurt. Well I don’t care if he’s hurt or not, he’s hurt me more times than I can count. “I would never do such a thing. I only ever wanted you to be happy—“


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