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NEBULAR Collection 6 - The Great Tremor: Episodes 27 - 30

Page 16

by Thomas Rabenstein

  »We need to be more cautious with our approach,« Vasina remarked. »If he gets killed and burned in the process, we might lose the key.«

  »Do you think that he carries the Jamal-Comb with him?« Pi inquired with a hoarse voice. He was still kneeling beside Voit Masgur, waiting for a miracle.

  »I know it!« she replied sternly. »When he was up there on the statue, my combs were reacting to the one he possesses. They react stronger; the more of them come together. The aura was shining through his suit!«

  »Then he also knows that we have the other combs here,« Arkroid concluded. »He’ll try again!«

  Suddenly, Paafnas became visible and jumped from the statue, landing beside Pi. Tranos had coded the defense shield to recognize the individual mental signatures of the team members, which made it possible for them to leave and re-enter the defense parameter without being repelled by the shield.

  Paafnas licked over his large eyeballs, he looked sad.

  »Is he … is Voit dead?« he asked.

  Pi only nodded briefly.

  »You were very brave, Paaf,« Pi said a minute later, nodding.

  Paafnas handed Masgur’s weapon to Pi.

  »I’m a Protector like you, I’m not afraid. Morgotradon had me as his prisoner on the Treugolan world for too long, torturing me!«

  Paaf was breathing heavily. Everybody saw that his excursion had exhausted him.

  »I have bad news …,« he began hesitantly.

  Arkroid turned around.

  »What do you mean, Paaf? What is it?«

  Paafnas looked up, his large black eyes reflecting the luminous phenomenon of the upper atmosphere.

  »When I was up there fighting Morgotradon, I had a better view at the horizon. I know now why this planet looks like this and why the atmosphere is reacting so violently.«

  Herimos and Tranos stepped closer. The rest of the team was also looking at him.

  »It’s the sun! I saw the protuberances expanding over the horizon. You assumed correctly, the skulls are aligned to face the rising sun! It’s a warning and a reminder! The sun is either very close or is in the process of turning into a nova. We will all burn to death, if we don’t leave this world.«

  Arkroid paled, his thoughts were racing, Fleeing via the portal is suicide. If the planet doesn’t kill us, then Morgotradon will. He would not let us retreat!

  Wake up

  Maya was thinking about Voit as she confronted Arkroid, »Is this the future? Did you know about Voit’s fate before we stepped on this forsaken planet? If yes, then I ask myself how you can live with this? Why didn’t you warn him?«

  Arkroid frowned and replied shaken, »How did you get that idea? If I would’ve known, then I’d come and face Morgotradon alone!«

  »That’s not what I asked, Toiber! Did you foresee his death or not?« she shouted at him.

  Arkroid glanced at Voit’s lifeless body, then he looked up to the clouds, tears at the corners of his eyes. Tranos had covered Voit’s body with a thin metal foil, taken from the dead man’s emergency pack.

  »Maya …,« Arkroid choked, »… I had no idea what was about to happen.« He paused for a moment, drawing a deep sigh, before he continued, »The information in my head doesn’t concern living beings or what becomes of them. Boiltos didn’t tell me who of us will die and under which circumstances. I don’t even now my own future. It’s irrelevant if one, two or all of us complete this mission … fate has its own laws. The important thing is only which time line will preserve, regardless of our sacrifices.«

  He had just finished his sentence as a protuberance was illuminating the night sky. The phenomenon extended beyond the horizon into the upper atmosphere and saturated the entire sky in a blood red light.

  A horrible storm raged above the team members’ heads. Dark clouds which rotated around an imaginary center, anchored on the ground by the tachyon portal.

  Arkroid had taken cover inside a small nook between the two statues to be somewhat safe from the elements, while Herimos and Tranos secured the perimeter in opposite directions. Paafnas was clinging with his suction cup hands to a statue and observed the surroundings. Kuster~Laap was standing to the side, removed from Arkroid and conducted a silent conversation with his guards. Vasina was in deep thoughts, staring at Voit’s remains.

  »I … I trust you, Toiber,« Maya confessed. »Voit’s murder seems so senseless to me. It came too suddenly. He didn’t die facing his enemy, he was ambushed! I feel responsible … I should’ve been more alert!«

  »Death always comes to you suddenly and when you’re unprepared,« Vasina said. »Morgotradon knew what he was doing. This disloyal bastard knew very well, who to take out first!«

  Arkroid nodded tired.

  »Voit was too dangerous for him. As a hybrid Human, he was able to taste his aura. Voit may’ve been able to detect, maybe even surprise him.«

  »Voit could’ve taken him out from the distance in the same way as he chased away the Kokradian on board the Atlantika,« Vasina summarized. Her face became grim as she continued, »Morgotradon analyzed us long ago, don’t forget: he was a Progonaut fleet commander. While we were struggling with this world’s environment, he already had a plan and executed it … we’re not here by accident. If I’m correct then we need to keep an eye on Paafnas!«

  She had forgotten for a moment that there was no private conversation between two team members due to the group comm-link. Everybody could hear what somebody else was saying!

  »I’m not afraid of the Master of the Treugolan world,« Paafnas rebutted. »As soon as I can lock on to him, I’ll let you know and warn you.«

  »Because of that, you’re a danger to him,« Arkroid determined.

  While continuing his watch, Paafnas said, »I cannot read Morgotradon’s mind or taste his aura like our dead friend Voit, nevertheless I can sense his presence. During my imprisonment on the Treugolan world, I tried to replicate parts of Morgotradon’s brain whenever I had a chance, but I was never successful. I think that his entire body is contaminated by the crystal substance – I can’t replicate these types of structure.«

  »You still hit him and marked him for me,« Herimos added without leaving his post. »You were very brave my little friend!«

  »Where is he now?« Tranos asked aloud at the same time a lightning bolt hit the portal, illuminating the entire area, even behind the statues.

  »He’s lurking out there and is waiting for the right moment to attack us again,« Vasina stated convinced.

  »Let him come!« Herimos growled determined. »I’ll be ready for him!«

  »He’s also pressed for time,« Pi threw in to the discussion. »At the time when the planet has finished its rotation then this side of the Skull World will be scorched by the solar winds. He has to finish his actions before the sun rises, or leave the planet. «

  »He didn’t come via the portal!« Kuster~Laap announced suddenly. Instead of whirling his ears they were now laying flat at the sides of his head.

  Is he afraid? Arkroid thought.

  »At least, it’s not part of his plan to use this type of transportation,« Kuster~Laap continued. »Nood and Naad sent their nano pods to the portal. The portal is deactivated and enveloped with a shield. We can’t enter it!«

  »I already had a strange feeling about this place,« Pi said mutedly. »This is not the first time this happened to this world; just look at the molten rocks, even the sculptures show signs of extreme heat exposure. This occurs periodically – and the portal is still standing – protected by an automatic defense field.«

  »Huh, huh … I knew it … I knew it!« the replication laughed out loud. »Morgotradon is far superior! You act like rodents inside a cage with snakes – within easy striking distance!«

  Arkroid ignored her and turned toward Maya instead, who obviously disliked her replication’s behavior.

  »If we can’t use the portal then Morgotradon can’t use it either. That means that he’s come with a ship!« he remarked dryly.

»Maybe we should take the initiative rather than wait inside this mousetrap,« Pi threw in. »I’d prefer if we would change the strategic situation to our advantage. We don’t know where he is. We have to lure him to where we can pin him down!«

  »Too late!« Vasina warned, pointing at her pocket where the combs were reacting to Morgotradon’s key. »He’s very close!«

  »The combs are reacting strongly,« Pi announced and pulled his weapon. »As long as Morgotradon carries his key, our Jamal-Combs act as indicators.«

  A blinding bright light appeared at the horizon. The rising sun was slowly emerging, created an eerie dawn. It was already enough to make the upper atmosphere boil. What had occurred so far had just been a mere foreplay of what was to come.

  »It’s beginning!« Tranos cautioned. »We may only have a couple of hours. We’re dealing with a variable star, which pulses periodically and which is about to expand. At one point in time, this planet will be destroyed! There’re not too many of these expansion cycles left before the planet is history!«

  »The Genorantans!« Kuster~Laap’s voice sounded. »The Galactic Brotherhood erected the portal to evacuate the inhabitants of this world!«

  Arkroid pondered for a moment then shook his head.

  »Right now, I’m not interested about this world’s past. Ask the ZyClonians, please, to install another tachyon beacon. We have to get ready for the fight!«

  It was too late, however. Paafnas was hit by the same weapon that had killed Voit Masgur. The Pleunatan glowed, lost his hold on the wall and fell.

  Maya, who had been standing close to that wall, screamed and caught Paafnas before he hit the ground. Although Paaf was very light, she still went on her knees upon impact. Herimos instantly reacted and covered the entire area from which Morgotradon’s shot had come with a barrage of plasma charges, causing the rock and ground to throw large, molten blisters. To no avail as Morgotradon must have changed location immediately after firing at Paafnas.

  »Herimos! Don’t destroy his comb!« Vasina yelled at him.

  Maya only had eyes for Paafnas. She examined his fragile body, shaking him softly by the shoulders.

  »Paaf! Wake up! We don’t want to lose you too!«

  This world will go under

  Vasina signaled Herimos and shouted, »Cease fire! Save your plasma! Morgotradon is no longer in this area!«

  »He’s still out there, waiting for us!« Herimos rebutted aloud, pointing into the plain. He noticed that Vasina’s Jamal-Comb aura had weakened. He glanced at Maya who was holding Paafnas in her arms.

  Disregarding his safety he laid down his weapon and ran over to her – leaving his post!

  Paafnas didn’t move, his body was stiff as a board. Maya appeared edgy and unsure of what to do.

  »I swear, if he killed Paaf then …«

  Herimos looked at Paafnas attentively.

  »Calm down, Maya. I don’t see that his suit is damaged. The weapon wasn’t able to penetrate the defense shield and the suit,« he remarked.

  »But … but … how’s that possible, the same weapon killed Voit?

  Cautiously, Pi and Ivanova examined Paafnas again, but couldn’t find any indication of injuries.

  Silently, the ZyClonians came over but seemed otherwise uninterested. This was, however, a deception. Even though, they never showed any emotions, it didn’t mean that they were entirely emotionless inwardly. A fine dust of nanopods left their chests and circled Paafnas. Moments later, the particles returned to their bearers.

  As usual Kuster~Laap spoke for the two guardians, »Nood and Naad acknowledge your theory. He hasn’t suffered any injuries, not even a scratch! He must be alive!«

  As if he’d heard Kuster~Laap’s report, Paafnas opened his eyes and squinted. He nervously licked over his eyeballs and wondered about the people staring at him.

  »Paaf! Thanks God, you’re alive and well!« Arkroid said relieved. He had feared for the worst.

  »I have to apologize, but I can’t do anything against my body’s self-defense reflex. We Pleunatans are born with the reflex which puts us in a state of stasis or rigor in moments of high danger. The reflex doesn’t last long and I wake up again. I hope, I didn’t scare you.«

  »He played dead, this coward!« the replication hissed despising.

  Herimos turned around gave her an angry glance and pushed her hard.

  She stopped talking immediately and seemed irritated. Never before had she ever encountered such a glance, she was afraid.

  »The field structure of your defense suit has changed,« Kuster~Laap explained to Paafnas. »The ship of the Creators had implemented intelligent field projectors, which adapt the defense shields to new parameters. Actually, the newly learned conditions are also transmitted to the other suits so they can adapt as well. Ironically, Voit Masgur’s death saved Paafnas. Before the defense shield collapsed, it was able to analyze Morgotradon’s weapon signature and improve the other shields!«

  Pi looked down on himself and murmured, »An intelligent system.«

  »Okay then, let’s be glad that Paaf’s alright,« Arkroid suggested. »Let’s not underestimate our enemy. Morgotradon is watching us and adjusts his strategies accordingly.«

  »He doesn’t have much time before the planet is getting roasted,« Herimos gnarled.

  »As much as we have to defeat him,« Maya added and glanced at her sister who was quietly sitting on the ground.

  »Why don’t we give him the Jamal-Combs?« Maya asked suddenly.

  Pi jumped up while Herimos gnarled loudly, shaking his head while Paafnas, who had recovered rather quickly, jumped on Herimos’ shoulder.

  »What? Can you explain yourself, Maya?« Arkroid inquired interested.

  Maya displayed a thin smile and replied, »Don’t worry, guys, but I’m just trying to think logically. I’m not the traitor.«

  Arkroid made a quick hand movement, indicating that he wouldn’t have believed it anyway. He encouraged her to speak up.

  »Think about it! Why should we fight with teeth and claws on a God forsaken world while Morgotradon is after the same objective?« she argued.

  »Are you saying that we should surrender the combs?« Pi asked confused.

  »He wants to stop the Dimensional Transfer as much as us, although he has different motives. Let him do it! Let him have his toys! We go after him later after the galaxy is secured.«

  »NO!« Arkroid said, but is sounded like an eternal law.

  »No?« Maya followed up. »I gave you my reason … I expect the same of you!«

  Arkroid pondered for a moment. He had his eyes closed. As he opened them again, he sadly looked at her.

  »We cannot give up the initiative, Maya. Morgotradon won’t save the Milky Way for us. He wants it for himself. He wants to become the supreme ruler over the galaxy. He’ll probably find the fifth and last key and figure out how to stop the parasite galaxy. I’ve seen this possible future. Boiltos showed it to me.«

  »What … did you see, Toiber?« Herimos asked.

  »I saw a galaxy in shambles, burning planets and a cosmic catastrophe, plunging everything into chaos.« Arkroid was breathing heavily as he continued, »Morgotradon will wait for the Great Tremor. He won’t prevent it and use it for his goals to stun the galactic people. Only after the tremor has passed will he employ the defense mechanism. The parasite galaxy, partially emerged, will be eradicated from this universe. This will cause, however, a gigantic overlapping front, affecting the entire galaxy.«

  Maya lowered her eyes concerned, »I didn’t know that.«

  »Don’t worry, Maya. Vasina will never surrender the combs, right?« he addressed Vasina while patting his hand on Maya’s shoulder.

  As there was no answer, he turned around.

  »Vasina?« he called into the small passage way between two statues. She must have heard him via the comm-link.

  »No!« Tranos shouted terrified. He sensed that something unforeseen must have occurred.

  Herimos ran to the end of the
relatively short passage way and looked into the plain. His eyes became bigger. The entire horizon in front of the statues was just one glowing and flaming picture. The star had come very close. Vasina was gone and could not be found. She didn’t react to Arkroid’s worried calls via the comm-link.

  »Morgotradon took her!« Paafnas said what everybody was thinking.

  Herimos cursed aloud and screamed, shaking his fists at the fiery plain.

  Tranos seemed nervous. He took his shield and went over to Herimos.

  »I’ll find and rescue her!« he vowed.

  »Wait, Tranos!« Arkroid pleaded. »Don’t over-react. Let’s act together and discuss our next actions first.«

  »There’s nothing to discuss, Toiber Arkroid,« Tranos rejected brazenly. »My time has come! I swore an oath and will do my duty! It’s bad enough that I failed my queen when he kidnapped her. I need to find her!«

  Without waiting for Arkroid’s answer he stepped onto the fiery plain, the atmosphere at the brink of collapse. Fine dust of sulfur was raining from the sky, probably caused by volcanic activities and heavy thunderstorms.

  It didn’t take long and Herimos didn’t see him anymore.

  »This is your undoing, you Progonaut fool!« Herimos shouted after him, glancing at the rising sun, now being very worried, »This world will go under!«

  »Kuster~Laap!« Arkroid called. »Tell Nood and Naad to scan for Morgotradon’s ship! Tell them to do something fast. Either let their Nanopods fly out or construct a scanner! Morgotradon and his ship can’t be far away. I bet his ship’s propulsion system is in standby mode! He has to leave the planet soon. We need to know where the ship is! Quickly!«

  Pi paled, understanding Morgotradon’s plan fully, »He’ll grab the keys and leave us here for dead!«

  »We can’t let that happen,« Arkroid said, »regardless!«

  »Huh, huh, your galactic rescue plan is falling apart, Arkroid!« the replication remarked mockingly.

  We don’t have much time

  A gloomy, simmering ocean of flames slowly extended across the horizon, sending its hot breath over the planet’s surface. The zone of the planet still within the dawn was fully exposed. The sun’s unleashed energy rays caused a tremendous shock wave which even blew away the lightning storm over the tachyon portal.


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