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NEBULAR Collection 6 - The Great Tremor: Episodes 27 - 30

Page 36

by Thomas Rabenstein

  Bruno contemplated for a moment, then he cleared his throat and said, »The impact crater is almost round and reaches deep into the ground. We cannot determine from here how deep it is. We need to climb down and get closer to the impact site. The Techno-Cleric didn’t just fall from the sky or crashed. It rather seems to me as if he’d aimed almost perpendicular at the surface. He had purposely chosen this location!«

  »Go on, go on,« Fitz encouraged him to continue. »You’re on the right track.«

  »The explosion might have been caused by an ultra-hot, high-energy plasma beam that drilled into the ice-cold rock surface. I’ve seen similar effects when surveyors took mineral probes on other asteroids.«

  Bruno squinted.

  Is Fitz hinting at something? he asked himself.

  Bruno thought about the event, which had indirectly cost the pilot’s life.

  »I imagine an energy beam as hot as the sun, striking a rocky crust whose ambient temperature is at almost absolute zero. The rock at the focal point will melt like butter. It evaporates immediately. In the peripheral zones, explosive outgassing will occur. Violently expanding gasses will fill crevices as well as small cavities and make them burst apart. The effect would be the same as during an explosion.«

  Bruno pointed with his hand down.

  »I see radial structures around the impact site, similar to fragment debris when a comet hit an airless celestial body. It could be fallout from outgassing. Presumably, ammonia and methane, perhaps even nitrogen. The gasses were trapped in the surface layers, released and then evaporated due to the high heat only to immediately freeze again to rain down onto the surface. The molten rock around the impact crater is without a doubt surface rock and not of volcanic origin. I can see that from here. Debris of this glowing matter had rained down on the Hawk and on us.«

  Fitz grunted and said, with a hint of irony in his voice, »Before you turn it into a dissertation, Bruno, what’s your conclusion?«

  »I think you already know that. The Techno-Cleric hasn’t crashed; he probably wasn’t even destroyed by the impact. He quickly fell from the sky. He had selected this crater and drilled into the surface, possibly with a plasma cutter or similar technology. It was a deliberate process. It was not a crash or an accident!«

  Bruno felt a pat on his shoulder and shortly after heard the benevolent voice his professor.

  »I knew, I could count on your expertise, Bruno. You drew the right conclusions.«

  Bruno was contemplating for a moment before he replied, »Such reckless behavior doesn’t fit the robot’s profile. He must have noticed the Hawk. This action seems rather ...«

  »… violent and ruthless?« Fitz interrupted.

  »Exactly, Professor, « Bruno replied bitterly. »He’s responsible for the pilot’s death! To me, it’s manslaughter! It could’ve hit us also.«

  Bruno’s words sounded harsh and accusatory.

  »This is exactly what we will tell him after we’ve found him down there,« Fitz replied emphatically. »Then I’ll also ask him why he’s so interested in the Genorantan technology on Haumea.«

  »Do you think that the Techno-Cleric is searching for Genorantan artifacts?«

  »Why should he be here otherwise?« Fitz reaffirmed his presumption. »Believe me, Bruno, he’s up to something and we’re the only ones who could figure out what he’s planning.«

  I trust you Scorge

  »My name is Klori’Tar,« the stranger introduced himself.

  The holographic image had almost stabilized and distorted only occasionally, which was not due to the efforts of the fleet technicians, but rather an action of the unknown visitor. The communications officer shrugged his shoulders helplessly, signaling Nok that he had no control over the connection. The stranger had taken over.

  A wide corridor had formed around the burning ship. The refugee fleet took the warnings to stay away seriously. Nobody dared to get too close to the stranger, who in turn held a safe distance to Triton. For him, a landing on Triton was unthinkable.

  »I don’t know if you’re in charge ...«, the bizarre-looking extraterrestrial was saying in a rather confidential manner. »... but I see that you belong to the same species as Toiber Arkroid. Maybe a little bit shorter and petite, but probably still a Human being. Are my conclusions correct?«

  Nok briefly gasped for air. She assumed that the lax tone was of a species-specific nature and relaxed quickly. She was already used to Scorge’s conduct.

  »You’re correct Klori’Tar. Toiber Arkroid is one of us and you have arrived in our home-system,« she replied. »How do you know about Arkroid? He’s on a mission …«

  »… I know, I know,« Klori’Tar interrupted her with a high-pitched voice. He was excited and shook his head so violently back and forth that his shock of red hair tipped from one side to the other. »He’s not just on any mission. He is on the most important mission that there ever was for this galaxy! Well, maybe, except for the aversion of the Vendrusian invasion in the Eastern spiral arms about 1.5 million years ago.«

  »Vendrusian … what?« Nok inquired seriously. Instead of an answer, she just received a series of croaks from Klori’Tar before he continued. The words streamed out of his mouth like a waterfall, which made Nok think that it was a rehearsed speech.

  »Unfortunately, we had to separate. After I repeatedly saved Arkroid and its crew and transformed them back into normal matter using my cannon, he entrusted me with a task,« explained Klori’Tar in a nasal voice. »I want to spare you the details of the repolarization, even if this action was quite remarkable and an engineering feat on my part. Maybe we can talk about it later so that your historians can record the events for later generations. After all, your friends also could have dissolved into a pile of light quanta during the repolarization process.«

  »Stop, stop! I don’t understand what you want to say,« she interjected, but Klori’Tar kept talking.

  »Your friend didn’t tell me much about your solar system,« he changed the subject matter. »This energy field around your system has surprised me, just like the tachyon node on the ice giant and this overpowering tachyon beacon. Does that not give you any headaches? It’s impossible to communicate properly! For me, it leads to neuronal chaos and my different identity levels begin to argue with each other! Can you imagine what this causes inside my head?«

  »This alien seems to be totally out of his mind,« Hassan whispered.

  Nok threw a cautionary glance at him.

  »Arkroid gave me the coordinates to your system, confidentially, you understand?« Klori’Tar continued and moved closer toward his camera. »Huh, even with primitive scanners your position can be detected without difficulty. They’re probably already wondering in the Andromeda Galaxy what is happening here!«

  Is this some sort of an attempt at humor? Nok asked herself and grinned sourly at Klori’Tar.

  »Even a blind and outcast tatzelbrewler could locate you inside a dense star cluster as long as this energy shield surrounds your system,« Klori’Tar quacked.

  »Can you tell us something useful about our people?« Nok asked. »Uh … are they alright?«

  Klori’Tar’s cheeks turned pink and his voice sounded slightly piqued.

  »They were still alright when we parted on the other side of the galaxy.«

  »On the other side of the galaxy?« Nok repeated surprised and exchanged a quick glance with Hassan and Nuri.

  »Yes!« replied Klori’Tar euphorically. »A space sector, only true spacefarers can master, provided they have ships, which come close enough to the standard of my Cobalt Hunter, but the Techno-Ferry is indeed a very passable spacecraft.«

  »Why are you here?« asked Nok unmoved.

  »Arkroid asked me before his departure, to give you a message. He said that my appearance would set an example and be of enormous importance. I do not have to mention that we Klorians always cause amazement, no matter the solar system we visit.

  40028 suddenly hovered beside Nok and remarked, »The tim
e marker. I don’t know how Arkroid knew, but you fulfilled your destiny!«

  For a moment, it appeared as if Klori’Tar was looking down on the Techno-Cleric from his elevated position inside the holo. Then he blew up two cheek pockets and quacked excitedly, »Are your robots always so cocky? What do you mean by this statement? Verzimut! They have a playmate for you!«

  »How could Arkroid know about the time marker?« Nok whispered to the Dragon’s mission commander.

  Nexus Tor glanced at her with his golden eyes before he replied, »He didn’t know, unless, he was able to peek into the future or maybe somebody told him.«

  Klori’Tar didn’t hear the silent and brief exchange of words and continued, »Before I met your people and saved them from great danger, I usually ignored the stories about the impending disaster. To me, it was just a myth and I denied the existence of a parasites galaxy for the longest time. Now, the tale of the Great Tremor has unfortunately turned into an oppressive reality. I’m sure that a look through your tachyon telescopes already shows you the manifestation of the contours of this parasites galaxy. The warning beacon at your front door also does not bode well. If you think to be safe for the time being because you’re located at the other side of the galaxy, then you’re deceiving yourselves greatly. This sector of space will undoubtedly be hit very hard by the expected shockwave. Otherwise, the Caravan Scouts would not have installed their beacon here. Spatial distance does not protect you from higher dimensional phenomena. I know what I am talking about! If I have learned one thing on my travels through Scutum-Crux, then the Caravan Scouts are never wrong with their calculations. You should have evacuated your solar system long ago and be on your way to the nearest satellite galaxy. How about the Fornax galaxy?«

  Nok straightened.

  »Did you come all the way and bless us with such abstruse proposals? We will not evacuate our solar system; we couldn’t even think of such an undertaking. It is impossible for us, but even if so, running away is not an option for us,« she rebutted.

  Klori’Tar’s cheeks turned red.

  »Stubborn, stubborn people! Safe at least the most important of you to preserve your gene pool!«

  Nok squinted.

  »You don’t seem to trust Arkroid. When the disaster actually arrives, then there is no safe place in this entire galaxy, no matter where we would be.«

  »The last Goovan caravan has already left this galaxy, heading for the Magellanic Clouds,« Klori’Tar explained. »Even the fearless Krolakans are pulling out. The Crux-Heart is no longer protected. Maybe you can trust the Genorantan technology that is scattered all over the outer sectors of this solar system. Believe me, in approximately sixty hours of your time measurement, you will understand what I wanted to tell you. Perhaps, you will regret not having followed my advice.«

  Nok threw a warning glance at the Techno-Cleric. She didn’t want to hear any further comments or discussion about the operation of the solar defense field. Nok only hoped that the commanders of the refugee fleet didn’t listen to the conversation via this channel.

  »We’ll try to make the best out of the situation. Our people are warned. Everywhere, preparations to protect our people are on the way. Tell me now, Klori’Tar, what’s that message?« Nok wanted to know now.

  Klori’Tar’s large eyes stared from the holographic display. He pondered for a long time before he said, »There are only a few words ... but don’t ask me what they mean.«

  Nok nodded at him.

  »Yes …?«

  »Protect yourselves from the sunstorm! Avoid Mercury!«

  Nok looked surprised.

  »What’s that supposed to mean? What sunstorm are you talking about?«

  »How do I know,« Klori’Tar answered, quacking nervously. »I just told you not to ask me about the meaning of the message! I do not even know what this Mercury is. Is that a celestial body?«

  Nok’s face froze.

  »Mercury … is the name of the innermost planet of our solar system,« she replied with bated breath.

  Klori’Tar began to rage and produced loud, nasal trumpet sounds.

  What emotions does he want to convey? Nok could only guess. This alien is the strangest intelligent being we’ve met after Scorge.

  »Even semi-savages who are still stuck in the middle of the pre-tachyon evolution and whose brains have not yet developed to full size, should be able to draw the right conclusions, when hearing the two words: solarstorm and innermost planet!«

  Nok suddenly felt an ice-cold breath on her neck. Startled, she turned around and saw Hassan standing close behind her.

  »The Great Tremor will probably cause a violent reaction of the sun and Arkroid wants to warn us about it. We should avoid Mercury since the planet is closest to the sun.« Nok grimaced as Hassan continued, »I’m not sure but isn’t there a large-scale, solar power plant on Mercury? How many people work and live inside the station?«

  Nok Daralamai paled.

  »There’re about 8,000 men, women, and children, entire families live there!« she replied with a dry mouth.

  »Our satellites, which continuously monitor the solar activity, report no significant solar-weather,« Nexus Tor said while sending a query to the Dragon via his wrist-comm. »A spontaneous reaction of the sun to the Great Tremor is very likely. What exactly is going to happen, we can only guess at.«

  »Arkroid could have sent the warning to be understood as a proactive measure,« Hassan said. »Perhaps, in the event that his efforts might fail. Arkroid seems to have information that we don’t have.«

  His brief glance at the Techno-Cleric and the Klorian holo image was in clear reference to the time marker.

  »That sounds too speculative,« said Nexus Tor. His eyes glowed. »When our sun, for whatever reason, should suddenly develop violent eruptions and unpredictable solar-weather, then not only Mercury will be affected. The solar wind will have effects even out here. Earth and the colonies would be equally at risk. We don’t know the visitor well enough to trust him.«

  Nok briefly closed her eyes, then she commanded, »Evacuate the Mercury Base immediately! Arkroid’s message was clear about that!«

  Nexus Tor nodded slightly but remained calm as he pointed out,» I have to say that the Tactic Master has already calculated this possibility. We don’t have enough transport capacity to evacuate all the people; also … the tachyon radio link is disrupted. How should the information reach Earth and Fleet HQ? Valuable hours will pass until we have issued deployment orders to all available cruisers. There’s only one alternative ... «

  Nok straightened her back and smiled weakly, she had understood what Nexus Tor was trying to say.

  »That’s it!«

  She turned to the one who could pull this off. »Scorge! On behalf of the Solar Union, I’m formally asking the Shwakans for help! Please, fly to Mercury with your pyramid ships and evacuate the crews and families of the solar power plant!«

  Scorge extended all his tentacles and waved them around tensely.

  »A rescue mission? You mean we should help you? Just like that, for free?«

  Nok’s eyes twitched nervously.

  »We ask you as friends. I take Arkroid’s warning very seriously. You know him! He wouldn’t make statements like that recklessly. Your pyramid ships are large enough to accommodate the entire Mercury crews and their families.

  Scorge chuckled nervously.

  »You trust the Klorian? Well, let me ask him some questions then. Why didn’t Arkroid send a clear message to describe the danger more precisely? Why didn’t he send along a memory chip with a recorded, personal audio-visual message? Instead, this stranger appears, claiming to come from the other side of the galaxy.«

  »What do you mean with stranger?« Klori’Tar raged. »Arkroid and I are on the same team! Through my help, he found and destroyed Morgotradon’s Star Station. Together we defeated his replicas! Without my help, he would never have met the librarian Boiltos who has thought into the future for Arkroid’s sake! Without
my help and the intervention of my genius assistant Verzimuth, Arkroid would never again be able to set foot on one of your planets without leaving a large explosion crater behind!«

  Nok raised her hand and asked the Klorian to calm down.

  »It’s okay. I believe that the message is genuine.«

  »However, Scorge’s questions have merit,« Nexus Tor threw in. »Why this short version without details?«

  An answer came from an unexpected source. 40028 floated beside Nok, pulsating slightly.

  »Anyone who sees the future, changes it and automatically becomes part of it. Perhaps, Arkroid was not sure how much information he could provide us with, without wiping out the timeline. The warning alone has sufficient potential to cause a paradox.«

  »So, he actually saw the future?« Nok asked anxiously. »How would that be possible?«

  »Boiltos!« Klori’Tar shouted from the holo. »Beings of this kind can obviously determine the most likely arriving timeline. He has some information implanted in Arkroid’s mind.«

  »If this is true and Arkroid knows about the sensitivity of this information, then we have to take his warning very seriously!« Nok said forcefully.

  »There is nevertheless a contradiction,« Hassan remarked. »If the Great Tremor’s shockwave causes a solar anomaly, then it seems clear for Arkroid, that the catastrophe will occur. Why is he then still chasing after the Jamal-Combs?«

  Nok looked at Hassan for a couple of seconds, her thoughts were racing.

  Hassan knows how to ask the right questions, but what do we know about time, possible paradoxes and a future that hasn’t even arrived yet? Can we even assess how the knowledge of a potential future may impact us? Wouldn’t we still try to prevent the disaster, even if we knew that it’s hopeless? she thought.

  »Scorge, I beg you as a friend!« Nok appealed again.

  »I’m not a fleet commander,« Scorge said. »Every Shwakan is the master of his own ship. I can’t tell them anything, but I can ask them to join me. I will return immediately to my ship and prepare to take off for Mercury.

  Scorge crawled right in front of the central display and waved at Klori'Tar with his tentacles.


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