A Gentle Madness: Bibliophiles, Bibliomanes, and the Eternal Passion for Books
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Miller, Edward. Prince of Librarians: The Life and Times of Antonio Panizzi of the British Museum. London: British Library, 1988.
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Mirrlees, Hope. A Fly in Amber. London: Faber & Faber, 1962. A biography of Robert Cotton.
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Morris, Leslie A. Rosenbach Abroad: In Pursuit of Books in Private Collections. Philadelphia: Rosenbach Museum and Library, 1988.
——— . Rosenbach Redux: Further Book Adventures in England and Ireland. Philadelphia: Rosenbach Museum and Library, 1989.
Morris, William. The Ideal Book: Essays and Lectures on the Art of the Book. Edited by William S. Peterson. Berkeley and Los Angeles: University of California Press, 1982.
Muensterberger, Werner. Collecting an Unruly Passion: Psychological Perspectives. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1994.
Muir, Percy H. Minding My Own Business: An Autobiography. London: Chatto & Windus, 1956.
——— . Book-Collecting as a Hobby: In a Series of Letters to Everyman. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1974.
——— , ed. Talks on Book-Collecting. London: Cassell, 1952.
Mumby, Frank Arthur. Publishing and Bookselling: A History from the Earliest Times to the Present Day. 4th ed. London: Jonathan Cape, 1956.
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——— . Phillipps Studies. 5 vols. Cambridge, England: Cambridge University Press, 1951–1960.
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Neely, Mark E., Jr. The Last Best Hope of Earth: Abraham Lincoln and the Promise of America. Louise and Barry Taper Collection. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press; San Marino, Calif.: Huntington Library; Springfield, Ill.: Illinois State Historical Library, 1993.
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——— . A Magnificent Farce and Other Diversions of a Book-Collector. Boston: Atlantic Monthly Press, 1921.
O’Dwyer, E. J. Thomas Frognall Dibdin: Bibliographer and Bibliomaniac Extraordinary, 1776–1847. Pinner, England: Private Libraries Association, 1967.
O’More, Haven. Sacrificial Bone Inscriptions. Millerton, N.Y.: SADEV, 1987.
Olmert, Michael. The Smithsonian Book of Books. Washington, D.C.: Smithsonian Books, 1992.
Orcutt, William Dana. The Kingdom of Books. Boston: Little, Brown, 1927.
——— . The Magic of the Book: More Reminiscences and Adventures of a Bookman. Boston: Little, Brown, 1930.
Osborne, Lucy Eugenia. Alfred Clark Chapin: March 8, 1848-October 2, 1936. Portland, Me.: Privately printed, 1937.
——— , ed. A Short Title List of the Books in the Chapin Library, Williams College. Portland, Me.: Southworth-Anthoensen Press; London: Bernard Quaritch Ltd., 1939.
Painter, George D. William Caxton: A Biography. New York: G. P. Putnam’s Sons, 1977.
Paintin, Elaine M. The King’s Library. London: British Library, 1989.
Parke-Bernet Galleries. The Celebrated Collection of Americana Formed by the Late Thomas Winthrop Streeter. 8 vols. New York: Parke-Bernet Galleries, 1966–1970.
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Parsons, Edward Alexander. The Alexandrian Library: Glory of the Hellenic World. Amsterdam: Elsevier Press, 1952.
——— . The Wonder and the Glory: Confessions of a Southern Bibliophile. New York: Thistle Press, 1962.
Partington, Wilfred. Thomas J. Wise in the Original Cloth: The Life and Record of the Forger of the Nineteenth-Century Pamphlets. 1947. Reprint. London: Dawson’s of Pall Mall, 1974. Published in the United States under the title Forging Ahead.
Peters, Jean, ed. Collectible Books. New York: R. R. Bowker, 1979.
Petersen, Carl. Each in Its Ordered Place: A Faulkner Collector’s Notebook. Ann Arbor: Ardis Publishers, 1975.
Peterson, William S. The Kelmscott Press: A History of William Morris’s Typographical Adventure. Berkeley and Los Angeles: University of California Press, 1991.
Pierpont Morgan Library. In August Company: The Collections of the Pierpont Morgan Library. New York: Pierpont Morgan Library, 1993.
Platthy, Jenö. Sources on the Earliest Greek Libraries with the Testimonia. Amsterdam: Adolf M. Hakkert, 1968.
Plomer, H. R., G. H. Bushnell, and E. R. McC. Dix. A Dictionary of the Printers and Booksellers Who Were at Work in England, Scotland and Ireland from 1726 to 1775. 1932. Reprint. London: Bibliographical Society, 1968.
Plutarch. The Lives of the Noble Grecians and Romans. Translated by John Dryden and revised by Arthur Hugh Clough. 1864. Reprint. New York: Modern Library, n.d.
Pollard, Alfred W. Early Illustrated Books. London: Kegan Paul, Trench, Trübner, 1893.
Powell, Lawrence Clark. A Passion for Books. Cleveland and New York: World Publishing, 1958.
The Prince Library: A Catalogue of the Collection of Books and Manuscripts Which Formerly Belonged to the Reverend Thomas Prince, and Was by Him Bequeathed to the Old South Church, and Is Now Deposited in the Public Library of the City of Boston. Boston: Alfred Mudge & Son, 1870. Introduction by Justin Winsor.
Putnam, George Haven. Books and Their Makers During the Middle Ages. 1896–1897. Reprint (2 vols.). New York: Hillary House, 1962.
Quaritch, Bernard, ed. Contributions Towards a Dictionary of English Book-Collectors. 1892. Facsimile reprint. New York: Burt Franklin, 1968.
Quayle, Eric. The Collector’s Book of Books. New York: Clarkson N. Potter, 1971.
Randall, David A. Dukedom Large Enough: Reminiscences of a Rare Book Dealer, 1929–1956. New York: Random House, 1969.
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Rees, J. Rogers. The Diversions of a Bookworm. New York: George J. Coombes, 1887.
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Rees-Moog, William. How to Buy Rare Books: A Practical Guide to the Antiquarian Book Market. Oxford: Phaidon-Christie’s, 1985.
Regan, Mary Jane. Echoes from the Past: Reminiscences of the Boston Athenæum, with a Memoir. Boston: Boston Athenæum, 1927.
Reid, B. L. The Man from New York: John Quinn and His Friends. New York: Oxford University Press, 1968.
Rendell, Kenneth W. Forging History: The Detection of Fake Letters and Documents. Norman, Okla., and London: University of Oklahoma Press, 1994.
Richardson, John. “Imprint of the Connoisseur.” House & Garden, September 1992, 166–72.
Ridley, Jasper. Henry VIII: The Politics of Tyranny. New York: Viking, 1985.
Robert, Maurice, and Frederic Warde. A Code for the Collector of Beautiful Books. Translated from the French by Jacques Le Clercq. New York: The Limited Editions Club, 1936.
Roberts, Julian, and Andrew G. Watson, eds. John Dee’s Library Catalogue. London: Bibliographical Society, 1990.
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�� . “D. H. Lawrence at Texas: A Memoir,” in The Library Chronicle of the University of Texas, Austin, Texas: University of Texas, new ser. no. 34, 23–38.
Roberts, William. The Book-Hunter in London: Historical and Other Studies of Collectors and Collecting. London: Elliot Stock, 1895.
Rogers, David. The Bodleian Library and Its Treasures, 1320–1700. Oxford, England: Aidan Ellis, 1991.
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——— . Books and Bidders. Boston: Little, Brown, 1927.
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——— . “Henry C. Folger as Collector.” In Henry C. Folger: 18 June 1857–11 June 1930. New Haven: Privately printed, 1931, 75–105.
——— . The Unpublishable Memoirs. New York: Mitchell Kennerley, 1917.
——— . The Collected Catalogues of Dr. A. S. W. Rosenbach, 1904–1951. 10 vols. New York: Arno Press, 1967.
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Scoggin, G. C. As to Bibliomania. New York: Henry Holt, 1919.
Sharpe, Kevin. Sir Robert Cotton, 1586–1631: History and Politics in Early Modern England. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1979.
Shellabarger, Samuel. Lord Chesterfield and His World. Boston: Little, Brown, 1951.
Shelley, Henry C. John Harvard and His Times. London: Smith, Elder, 1907.
Shipton, Clifford K. Isaiah Thomas: Printer, Patriot and Philanthropist. Rochester, N.Y.: Leo Hart, 1948.
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Sims, George. The Rare Book Game. Philadelphia: Holmes Publishing, 1985.
——— . More of the Rare Book Game. Philadelphia: Holmes Publishing, 1988.
Singer, Isaac Bashevis. Nobel Lecture. New York: Farrar, Straus & Giroux, 1978.
Sinnette, Elinor Des Verney. Arthur Alfonso Schomburg: Black Bibliophile and Collector. New York: New York Public Library; Detroit: Wayne State University Press, 1989.
Sinnette, Elinor Des Verney, Paul W. Coates, and Thomas C. Battle, eds. Black Bibliophiles and Collectors: Preservers of Black History. Washington, D.C.: Howard University Press, 1990.
Smith, Harry B. A Sentimental Library: Comprising Books Formerly Owned by Famous Writers, Presentation Copies, Manuscripts, and Drawings. Privately printed at the DeVinne Press, 1914.
——— . First Nights and First Editions. Boston: Little, Brown, 1931.
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——— . The Celebrated Library of Harrison D. Horblit Esq., Removed from Ridgefield, Connecticut. 2 vols. London: Sotheby’s, 1974.
——— . The Collection of the Garden Ltd. Magnificent Books and Manuscripts: Conceived and Formed by Haven O’More, Funded by Michael Davis. New York: Sotheby’s, 1989.
——— . Incunables from the Schøyen Collection. New York: Sotheby’s, 1991.
——— . The Library of H. Bradley Martin. 9 vols. New York: Sotheby’s, 1989–1990.
——— . The Library of Richard Manney. New York: Sotheby’s, 1991.
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Staley, Thomas F. “The Development of Twentieth Century Collections in American Research Libraries.” Speech given at Cambridge University, Cambridge, England, September 8, 1989. Typescript available at Harry Ransom Humanities Research Center, Austin, Texas.
Starr, Kevin. Material Dreams: Southern California Through the 1920s. New York: Oxford University Press, 1990. Discusses Jake Zeitlin and the Los Angeles rare-book trade.
Starrett, Vincent. Penny Wise and Book Foolish. New York: Covici Friede, 1929.
Steele, Sir Richard, and Joseph Addison. The Tatler and Guardian. New York: Bangs, 1852. With an account of the authors by Thomas Babbington Macaulay.
Stein, Susan R. The Worlds of Thomas Jefferson at Monticello. New York: Harry N. Abrams, 1993.
Stern, Madeleine B. Nicholas Gouin Dufief of Philadelphia: Franco-American Bookseller, 1776–1834. Philadelphia: Philobiblon Club, 1988.
Stevens, Henry. Recollections of James Lenox and the Formation of His Library. 1886. Revised and edited by Victor Hugo Paltsits. New York: New York Public Library, 1951.
Stillwell, Margaret Bingham. The Annmary Brown Memorial: A Booklover’s Shrine. Providence: Privately printed, 1940.
Stoddard, Roger E. “A Talk for the Opening of the Fiftieth-Anniversary Exhibition of the Houghton Library, March 3, 1992.” Speech given at the Houghton Library, Harvard University, March 3, 1992. Typescript available at Houghton Library, Cambridge, Massachucetts.
——— . “Teaching the History of Books at Harvard, 1910–1987/88.” Paper delivered at the American Antiquarian Society, Worcester, Massachusetts, June 13, 1987. Typescript available at Houghton Library. Includes detailed information on Fine Arts 5e, the book-collecting course taught by George Parker Winship, 1915–1931.
Storm, Colton, and Howard Peckham. Invitation to Book Collecting, Its Pleasures and Practices: With Kindred Discussions of Manuscripts, Maps, and
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Strachey, Charles, ed. The Letters of the Earl of Chesterfield to His Son. 2 vols. London: Methuen, 1901.
Swann Galleries. Highlights from the Epstein Family Collection. New York: Swann Galleries, 1992.
Symonds, John Addington. Renaissance in Italy. 7 vols. London: Smith, Elder, & Co., 1904.
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Symons, Julian. A. J. A. Symons: His Life and Speculations. London: Eyre & Spottiswoode, 1950.
Szladits, Lola L. Brothers: The Origins of the Henry W. and Albert A. Berg Collection of English and American Literature. New York: New York Public Library, 1985.
——— . Owen D. Young: Book Collector. New York: New York Public Library, 1974. Introduction by Joseph Young Case.
Tanselle, G. Thomas. Libraries, Museums, and Reading: The Sixth Solomon M. Malkin Lecture in Bibliography at the Columbia University School of Library Service, Dec. 17, 1990. New York: Columbia University, 1991.
Targ, William, ed. Bibliophile in the Nursery: A Bookman’s Treasure of Collectors’ Lore on Old and Rare Children’s Books. Cleveland and New York: World Publishing, 1957.
——— , ed. Bouillabaisse for Bibliophiles. Cleveland and New York: World, 1955.
——— , ed. Carousel for Bibliophiles: A Treasury of Tales, Narratives, Songs, Epigrams and Sundry Curious Studies Relating to a Noble Theme. New York: Philip C. Duschenes, 1947.
Taylor, Francis Henry. The Taste of Angels: A History of Art Collecting from Rameses to Napoleon. Boston: Atlantic Monthly Press, 1948.
Taylor, Isaac. History of the Transmission of Ancient Books to Modern Times Together With the Process of Historical Proof. 1859. Reprint. Liverpool: Edward Howell, 1889.
Taylor, Robert H. “Battle Between Libraries and Taylor.” In Papers of the Bibliographical Society of America (Fall 1954).
——— . Certain Small Works. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1980.
Thomas, Alan G. Great Books and Book Collectors. New York: G. P. Putnam’s Sons, 1975.
Thomas, Isaiah. The History of Printing in America with a Biography of Printers, and an Account of Newspapers. 2 vols. Albany: Joel Munsell, 1874. Includes a memoir of the author by his grandson, Benjamin Franklin Thomas.