A Gentle Madness: Bibliophiles, Bibliomanes, and the Eternal Passion for Books
Page 78
Manney, Richard, 240–41, 520–29
Manney collection, 331, 524–28
Manutius, Aldus, 44, 80–81, 446
Marble Faun, The (Faulkner), 294–95, 297, 300
Marconi, Guglielmi, 437
Marcus, Stanley, 193
Mardersteig, Giovanni, 254
Marion, John, 240, 520–22
Mark Antony, 68
Markings (Bridges), 255
Marlboro Books, 361
Marmier, Xavier, 10–12
Marriage of Figaro (Mozart), 437
Martial, 69, 74
Martin, H. Bradley, 221, 228, 260, 331
Martin, Josiah, 131
Martin collection, 226, 228, 411, 422, 508
Massachusetts Historical Society, 142–43, 157, 302
Massachusetts Laws, 147
Massachusetts Spy, The, 145
Massey, Stephen, 227, 230–35, 241, 250, 303, 532
Master of Ballantrae, The (Stevenson), 455
Mata Hari (Margarethe G. Z. McLeoud), 365
Mather, Cotton, 128–29
Mather, Increase, 305
Mather library, 147
Matisse, Henri, 348
Maugham, W. Somerset, 426
Maximianus, 76
Maximilian (Emperor of Mexico), 330–31
Maxwell, James Clerk, 53
Medicí, Cosimo de’, 75–76, 78
Meerman, Gerard, 122
Meerman, Jean, 122
“Meeting in Valladolid, A” (Burgess), 47
Meisei University Library, 453
Mela, Pomponius, 492
Melville, Herman
Moby Dick, 39; Typee, 417
Memoires Relating to the State of the Royal Navy (Pepys), 104
Memorabilia, Xenophon, 59
Mendele Mokher Sefarim, 385–86
Mendele Moykher Sformin, 386
Mendelssohn, Felix, 437
Menus, 358
Meres, Francis, 216
Mesnae, Jacques, 459
Metamorphoses (Ovid), 106–7, 124
Mexico, books from, 170–71
Michener, James A., 57, 347–50
Micrographia (Hooke), 459
Midsummer Night’s Dream, A (Mendelssohn), 437
Midsummer Night’s Dream, A (Shakespeare), 48
Milles, Thomas, 92
Milligan, Joseph, 151
Milne, A. A., 416
Milton, John, 238
Areopagitica, 96; Paradise Lost, 57, 177, 220–21, 527
Milton (Blake), 181
Minuet in G (Paderewsky), 437
Moby Dick (Melville), 39
Moffett, William A., 484–89
Molière, Jean-Baptiste Poquelin, 366
Molloy (Beckett), 318
Mommsen, Theodor, 37
Monastery, The (Scott), 113
Monihan, William J., 452–54
Monroe, Henry T., 166
Montaigne, Michel Eyquem de, 239
Monte Cassino, 69–70, 75–76
Montefeltro, Federico, 78–79
Montgomery, Lucy Maud, 379
Moore, George, 53
Moorland, Jesse E., 395–96
Moorland-Spingarn Research Center, 396
Moral Distichs (Cato), 134
More, Thomas, 70, 452–53
Morgan, J. P., Jr., 188–89
Morgan, J. P., Sr., 188
Morgan, J. Pierpont, 40–41, 116, 167, 176, 180, 183–84, 199, 207
Morgan, Junius Spencer, 188
Morhange, Charles Henri Valentin, 37
Morris, William, 183, 287, 444, 446–52
Morris & Co., 447
Morse, Samuel, 437
Mount, Charles Merrill, 487
Mount Holyoke College, 390, 393
“Moving a Library” (Eagle), 275–76
Moving Pageant, The (Adelman), 18
Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus, 360, 437
Muir, Percy, 24, 39–40, 53
Mulholland, John, 419
Mulholland Library of Conjuring and the Allied Arts, 419–20
Munby, A. N. L, 110–11, 120–21, 124, 333
Muniments of Battle Abbey, 207
Musophilus (Daniel), xvii
My Life on the Plains, or, Personal Experiences with Indians (Custer), 570n
Name of the Rose, The (Eco), 51–52
Narrative of the life of James Allen, alias Burby Grove (Allen), 154
Narrative of the Troubles with the Indians in New-England (Hubbard), 147
Narrowgansett Declaration, 164–65
Nash, Frederick, 371
National Gallery of London, 261
National Intelligencer and Washington Advertiser, 150–51
National Yiddish Book Center, 384, 387–89, 391, 393
Natural History (Pliny the Elder), 73–74
Naudé, Gabriel, 29
Neal, John, 282
Nebula Award, 492
Needham, Paul, 273–74
Neely, Mark E., Jr., 431–32
Neff, Wallace, 228
Negro Book Collectors Exchange, 396
“The Negro Digs Up His Past” (Schomburg), 398
Negro Makers of History (G. Woodson), 402
Neleus, 65
Newberry, Walter Loomis, 168
Newberry Library, 5, 168, 320, 323–24
Newbery, John, 378
Newburgh Address, 143
Newell, Lynne, 475–76
Newell, Peter, 532
New-England Primer, The, 378
Newman, Joseph and Josalyn, 392
Newman, Ralph, 428, 431, 532
New Picture Primer, The, 379
New Testament, 570n
Tyndale translation, 563n–64n
Newton, A. Edward, 185–86
Newton, Isaac, 5, 104, 130, 459
Principia Mathematica, 5, 104, 130
New-York Historical Society, 143, 165
New York Public Library, 123, 162, 261, 355–57
New York State Library, 165–66
New York University, 333–34
Niccoli, Niccolò de, 75–76
Nicholas V (Pope), 78
Nickerson, Don C., 475, 496
Nijinsky, Vaslav, 239
Nikirk, Robert L., 238, 316
Norman, Haskell F., 336, 457–64
Norman, Jeremy, 457–58, 460, 463
Northern Voice Toward Dissolution of the Union (Stockton), 404–5
Nostromo (Conrad), 413
“Notes on Bibliokleptomania” (Thompson), 34–35
Notes on the State of Virginia (Jefferson), 166, 239
Notices of Public Libraries in the United States of America (Jewett), 156
Nuremberg Chronicle, 270, 475, 483
Nyesbaum, Ken, 509
Oath of a Freeman, The, 304
Oberlin College Library, 485
O’Brien, Tim, 280
Occidental College, 493
Oceans of Life (Silverstone), 255
Ochs, Jonas, 510
Octavo, 81, 151
Of All Things (Benchley), 55–56
Oldham, Estelle, 297
Old South Church, 139–41
Oliphant, Dave, 329
Oliver Twist (Dickens), illustrated by Cruikshank, 187
Olson, Dwaine, 479, 484, 494
Omar (Caliph), 69–70
O’More, Haven, 229–62, 463, 521
Sacrificial Bone Inscriptions, 243, 254–56
O’More, Lorea, 233–34, 239, 242, 247– 48, 250, 253
Onassis, Jacqueline Bouvier Kennedy, 32
“One Hundred Books Famous in the History of Science,” 461
Opie, Iona and Peter, 381
Osborne, Edgar, 380
Osborne, Lucy E., 20
Osborne, Mabel, 380
Osborne, Thomas II, 108–10, 131
Osborne Collection of Early Children’s Books, 380–81
Ibis, 74; Metamorphoses, 106–7, 124
Oxford University, 98, 384
Oxler, David, 509
Paderewsky, Ignacy, 437
Palladis Tamia (Meres), 216
Palmart, Lambert, 33
Pamphlets, 96–99
Paradise Lost (Milton), 57, 177, 220–21, 527
Parchment, 65
Parker, Matthew, 89
Parkman, Francis, 155, 160
Parks, Stephen, 190–91, 293
Parrish, Maxfield, 379
Parrish, T. Michael, 488–89
Parsons, Edward Alexander, 67–68
Passage to India, A (Forster), 330
Passe, Crispen van De, 286
Pasternak, Boris, 311
Pasteur, Louis, 459
Pat the Bunny (Kunhardt), 378
Paulding, James K., 282
Pavlov, Ivan Petrovich, 53
Paxtot, Augustino, 33
Penn, William, 129–30
Pennsylvania’s Black History (Blockson), 401
Penrod (Tarkington), 379
Penrose, Boies, 191–92, 552n
Pepys, Samuel, 99–100, 102–4
Pepys Library, 99–107
Pergamum, rivalry with Alexandria, 64–65, 68
Perot, H. Ross, 349
Perry, Marsden J., 197–98, 553n
Perry library, 196–97, 199
Petersen, Carl, 295–96, 299–300
Peterson, William S., 451
Petrarch (Francesco di Petracco), 71–74, 76, 85
Pforzheimer, Carl, Jr., 193
Pforzheimer, Carl H., 210, 219, 367–68
Pforzheimer, Walter, Jr., 362–68
Pforzheimer, Walter, Sr., 367–68
Phelps, William Lyon, 189–91
Philadelphia Museum, 261
Phillipps, Thomas, 106, 120–22, 162, 206–7, 273, 333
Phillipps collection, 122–25, 340–42
Philobiblion (de Bury), 84–86
Philobiblon, The (periodical), 118
Philobiblon Club, 216
Philoponus, John, 69
Philosophical Society of Philadelphia, 136
illustrations for Little Dorrit, 187; illustrations for The Pickwick Papers, 176
Picasso, Pablo, 348
Piccus, Jules, 385
Pickwick Papers, The (Dickens), illustrated by Phiz, 176
Pierpont Morgan Library, 40–41, 146, 265, 450
Pilgrim’s Progress (Bunyan), 267–68
Pinkerton, Alan, 364
Pitkin, Timothy, 152
Plato, 82, 253
editio princeps, 239
Pliny (the Elder), 64, 69, 73–74.
Plutarch, 238
Poe, Edgar Allan, 211, 337, 423
Tamerlane and Other Poems, 5, 142, 195, 213, 336–37, 421, 522, 527
Poems, Chiefly in the Scottish Dialect (Burns), 212
Poetic Garland, The, 374
Poitiers, Diane de, 28
Pollard, Graham, 40, 218–19
Polock, Moses, 536n
Pompadour, Madame de, 28
Pompeius, commentary on Donatus’ Ars maior, 76
Poole, William F., 155
Pope, Abbie Ellen Hanscom, 31
Pope, Alexander, 108–109
Pornography collection, 306–7
Portrait books, 289
Posidonus, 66
Possession (Byatt), 52
Posthumous Papers of the Pickwick Club, The (Dickens), 421
Potter, Beatrix, 532
Pound, Ezra, 317
Powell, Lawrence Clark, 411, 453
Power, Eugene, 107
Pownall, William, 267
Prescott, William H., 159
President’s Commission on Pornography and Obscenity, 307
Priapeia (Ausonius), 74
Price, Reynolds, 57
Prices, 182–83, 198, 533. See also Auctions, record sums spent at
Prince, Thomas, 138–39, 142
Prince library, 139–41
Princeton University, 185
Principia Mathematica (Newton), 5, 104, 130
Printed books, public response to, 78–79
“Printing and the Mind of Man,” 267
Printing press, invention of, 78
Pro Archia Poeta (Cicero), 61, 73
Proofs, 280
“Proposals Relating to the Education of Youth in Pennsylvania” (Franklin), 134
Proust, Marcel, 239, 413
Prozess gegen die Juden von Trent, 44–46
Ptolemy, 63, 238
Almagest, 132–34; Cosmographia, 44
Ptolemy I Soter (King of Egypt), 63–64
Ptolemy V Epiphanes (King of Egypt), 65
Puccini, Giocomo, 437
Pudd’nhead Wilson (Clemens), 41
Pushkin, Alexander, 397
Putnam, George Haven, 71
Putnam, Samuel, 406
Pyle, Howard, 379
Pynson, Richard, 46, 104
Quaritch, Alfred, 178, 181–82
Quaritch Ltd., 186, 211, 233, 252, 522
Quarto, 96
Queen Mab (P. Shelley), 211, 213
Queen of Hearts, The (Collins), 532
Quinn, John, 40
Quintilian, Marcus Fabius, 69, 73, 77
Rabbits’ Wedding, The (Williams), 379
Rainbow, The (Lawrence), 318
Raleigh, Walter, 92
Ramírez, José Fernando, 171
Ramírez collection, 171
Ransom, Harry Huntt, 312–54
Rape of Lucrece, The (Shakespeare), 190
Rare Books and Manuscripts Librarianship, 418
Rasselas (Johnson), 30
Rationale divinorum officiorum (Durandus), 272
Rawlings, Marjorie Kinnan, 378
Reade, Linda R., 5, 469, 484, 496, 507, 509, 518
Recollections of James Lenox (Stevens), 153
Redden, David, 226, 240, 527
Redouté, Pierre-Joseph, 489–90
Reese, William S., 293, 303, 532
Rees-Moog, William, 320
Regulus, 69
Rembrandt van Rijn, 291–92
Reminiscences of a Literary Life (Dibdin), 113–14
Renaissance, book collecting in, 71–82
Rendell, Kenneth, 474, 509
Renouard, A. A., 25
Revere, Paul, 143
Reynard the Fox, 104
Rhetoric (Cicero), 71
Rheuban, Carl M., 419
Rhodes, Kenneth J., 468–74, 479, 485, 494, 516–18
Ricci, Seymour de, 110, 121, 123
Rice, John A., 167
Rice University, 469–70
Rich, Obadiah, 154, 157–60
Richard III (Shakespeare), 190
Ridge, John Rollin, 493, 495
Rimbaud, Arthur, 350
Ring and the Book, The (R. Browning), 39
Rite of Spring (Stravinsky), 437
Rivers, Larry, 347
Rizik, Jim, 306
Robert, Maurice, 275
Robert Berol Collection, 334
Roberts, Julian, 49–50
Roberts, Warren, 315–19, 329–31, 353
Robeson, Paul, 396
Robinson Brothers, 123–24, 340–42
Rockefeller, John D., 198
Rockwell, Norman, 528
Romeo and Juliet (Shakespeare), bad quarto, 190
Rosenbach, A. S. W., 17–18, 30, 32, 39–40, 45, 123, 141, 182, 186–87, 210–12, 267–68, 413, 536n
A Book Hunter’s Holiday, 28; and Hogan, 214–21; and Huntington, 194, 196–99, 205–9; and Scheide, 267, 270–72; The Unpublishable Memoirs, 215
Rosenbach, Philip, 209, 270
Rosenbach Company, 196, 214–15
Rosenbach Museum and Library, 39
Rosenberg, Raymond, 496, 509
Rosenthal, Robert, 166–68
Rosenwald, Lessing J., 44–45, 210, 221, 453
Rossetti, Dante Gabriel, 15
Rossetti, Elizabeth Eleanor Siddal, 15
Rota, Anthony, 449
Roth, Philip, 280
Roualt, Georges, 349<
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Roxburghe Club, 114, 119
Roxburghe collection, 114–16
Royal Library (Berlin), 122
Russell, John, 284
Russia, German books held by, 543n
Rutherford, Ernest, 459
Rylands, Enriqueta Augustina Tennant, 125–26
Rylands, John, 125–26
Rylands Library, 273
Sabellico, Marcantonio, 79–80
Sabin, Joseph, 167
Sacks, Patricia, 486
Sacrificial Bone Inscriptions (O’More), 243, 254–56
Sacy, Silvestre de, 10
SADEV, 236, 254–56
Sadleir, Michael, xvi, 24
Sagan, Carl, 58
Saint Bonaventure University, 319
Saint-Gaudens, Augustus, 455
Salinger, J. D., 379
Salutati, Coluccio, 76
Samaritan Pentateuch, 91
Sandburg, Carl, 371, 427, 429
Sander, Max, 33
Sandwich, John Montagu, fourth earl of, 362
Sandys, John Edwin, 71
Sanudo, Marino, 79
Saur, Christopher, 305
Sawyer, Albion T., 249
Scammon, Jonathan Young, 166
Schad, Robert O., 205, 207
Schaefer, Jacob, 392
Schäfer, Otto, 453
Schedel, Hartmann, 475
Scheide, John Hinsdale, 210, 264
Scheide, John Taylor, 267, 270
Scheide, William H., 5, 142, 221, 233, 250, 263–74, 453
Scheide, William Taylor, 264, 269–70
Scheide Library, 265, 269, 273–74
Schiller, Justin G., 233, 251–52, 372–74, 376–77, 532
Schöffer, Peter, 272
Schomburg, Arthur Alfonso, 356, 394–404
Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture, 394, 398
Schoonover, David, 359
Schøyen, Martin, 173–74
Schratt, Katharina, 359
Schreiber, Fred, 253–54
Schwartz, Jacob, 317
Science fiction collections, 417–18
Science, Industry and Business Library (SIBL), 261
Scott, Walter,
biography of Swift, 187; Ivanhoe, 176–77; The Monastery, 113
Scouting for Boys (Baden-Powell), 53
Sears, David, 157
The Secret Garden (Burnett), 378
Self, Peggy, 422–26
Self, William, 336–37, 420–26
Selznick, David O., 340
Sendak, Maurice, 378–79
Seneca, 61, 68
Sense and Sensibility (Austen), 212
Sentimental Library, The (Smith), 39
September Testament, translated by Martin Luther, 239, 273
Septuagint, 64
Serendipity Books, 279
Serra, Junípero, 442
Seven Pillars of Wisdom, The (Lawrence), 318
Sewter, Charles, 451
Sforim, Mendele Moykher, 385–86
Shaffer, Ellen, 455–57
Shaham, Nathan, 311
Shakespeare, William, 47–49, 92–93, 238, 240, 413. See also Gwynne volume; Palladis Tamia
Devonshire quartos, 196–98; First Folio (1623), 48, 50, 166, 183, 217, 260, 521, 527–28; folios, 412, 414; Fourth Folio (1685), 260, 521, 527–28; Hamlet, 197; Julius Caesar, 197; King John, First Part, 197; King John, Second Part, 197; King Richard the Second, 199; A Midsummer Night’s Dream, 48; quartos, 190; The Rape of Lucrece, 190; Richard III, 190;