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Mine (Fighter Romance) (Imperfect Chaos #1)

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by Marie York

  I pulled into the parking lot a little before nine that night, and smiled when I saw Brooklyn’s car already there. After I walked away from her this morning, I wasn’t sure if she’d actually show. She was probably in a shitload of pain from our earlier workout. Lucky for her, we weren’t going to do anything too strenuous. I’d start off with the basics and we would go from there.

  She got out of her car, and was wearing different clothes from what she had been wearing earlier, though they were still two sizes too big.

  “You came,” I stated, as I pulled myself out of Tanya, my orange Mustang with black racing stripes, and the only girl who ever left me begging for more.

  Brooklyn shrugged. “I figured it was time to stop being scared. Besides, I have a feeling your bite is a lot softer than your bark.”

  My dick hardened at the thought of biting her. “Keep saying things like that, and I may just have to prove you wrong.”

  Her weight shifted from one foot to the other. “So, what is this place?” she asked.

  “Follow me.” I walked over to the side door of the warehouse and unlocked it. I stepped inside and Brooklyn followed.

  “My God it’s hot in here,” she said from the doorway, as I went to flip the light switch. “And it smells like feet.”

  “Anything else?” I asked as the lights flickered on across the large space.

  She scanned the now lit space, taking in the free weights, punching bags and the ring in the middle.

  “Now I know why it smells like feet.” She smiled, and usually a girl’s smile had no effect on me, but hers not only caused my dick to twitch in eagerness, but also stirred something inside me that I had never felt before. Like my hard on, I ignored it.

  “They turn the A/C off in here at night to save on costs. Besides,” I said, and ripped my shirt off. “There’s nothing wrong with a little sweating.”

  Her eyes widened as she took me in. She went to speak, but stumbled on her words before finally darting her gaze away, and pulling herself together. “Is this where you train?” she asked, trying to keep eye contact.

  I lifted an eyebrow in her direction. Most people knew I was a fighter, but she didn’t take me as a person who paid attention to that stuff. “You stalking me?”

  She rolled her eyes. “You wish. I saw a flyer in the gym for your next fight.”

  I moved toward her, and leaned in close. Close enough that my lips were just barely grazing her ear. “You’re right. I do wish.”

  She sucked in a jagged breath, and I laughed as I made my way to the ring. I jumped through the ropes, and held my hand down to her. “You coming?”

  It was only a moment of hesitation, but it felt like a goddamn lifetime before she placed her hand in mine, and let me help her into the ring. I was not one for hand holding, but there was something about the way our hands molded together that felt so right. As Brooklyn straightened up and let go of my hand, breaking the connection, she winced slightly.

  “How you feeling?” I asked, knowing how hard I pushed her this morning.

  She walked around the ring and came to a stop in the middle. “I’m hurting in places I didn’t know could hurt.”

  I smirked. I could make her hurt in even more places if she would just let me. “You’re welcome.”

  “You’re right, you are a sadist,” she said, but this time there was no hate in her tone. It was more playful. Maybe she was finally warming up to me enough to let me see what was beneath those baggy ass sweats. Because, goddammit, I wanted to know. “So, you’re going to teach me to fight?”

  “I’m going to teach you self-defense. That way, if you’re ever in a situation like earlier, you can be assured to know that if anything more were to happen, you’d be able to handle yourself.”


  “Come here.” She looks at me with questions in her eyes, but doesn’t ask them. Instead, she does as I say. I lift my arms and place my hands on either side of her neck, pretending to choke her. “If I was attacking you right now, and I grabbed you like this, how would you get me off of you?” I asked.

  “I don’t know.”

  I put a little pressure into my hold. “How about now?”

  Her entire body locked up, and her eyes froze on mine. I squeezed a little harder, not nearly enough to cut off her air flow, but enough to scare her into reacting. “So, you’re just going to let an attacker win. You’re not going to even attempt to try?”

  “It’ll only make it worse,” she said.

  “Not if you do it the right way. Now, show me. Do exactly what you would do.”

  She grabbed for my arms, and started yanking on them, but she could barely budge them. Panic flashed across her face before defeat settled in.

  “You tried. That’s all that matters,” I said. “But now I’m going to show you the right way, because we both know trying means shit in this situation. So, go ahead and grab my neck.” Her fingers slid around my neck, and I focused on the lesson, and not on how fucking amazing it felt to have her willingly touching me. “What you want to do is chop the arms.” I demonstrated as I said it. “And then knee the groin and run. You hit the arms first to grab his attention. He won’t expect you to go for anything below at that point because you channeled his attention elsewhere. Got it?”

  “I think so.”

  “Show me.” I wrapped my hands around her neck again, and she chopped my arms, and then pretended to knee me.

  “Perfect. But don’t think that’ll always work. You need a plan B. First rule. Never stop moving. You are fighting for your life. You do everything in your power to get away. Get as dirty as you can. He has you by the throat, your hands and legs are free. Push into his throat. Poke him in the eyes. Punch him in the face. Keep kneeing and kicking him. Your targets are his groin, feet, throat, eyes and stomach. You want to stomp his feet, hit his throat, and stomach and poke his eyes. If you can go for the eyes, always go for them. Because what happens when you get hit in the eye?”

  “You reach for it,” she said.

  “Exactly. Which means he’ll drop his hold on you, and you have time to run. So, show me again, using these other tactics.” I placed my hands back on her neck, enjoying the feel of her skin way too much.

  She pretended to chop my arms, knee me in the groin, and then poke my eyes. I played out what would happen, but this time I pushed her knee away from my groin, and when she poked at my eye I covered my eye, but reached out, and grabbed her hair. She chopped my arm again, and pulled back, pretending to land a punch to my jaw. I let go of her hair. “Good.”

  I used the back of my arm to wipe the sweat from my forehead. Brooklyn was right. It was hot as hell here.

  She lifted her shirt to her face, and blotted away the sweat that gave her a glow. Then, she pulled the material up and over her head. Beneath the abundance of cotton, was a tank top with tiny straps, barely containing her beautiful tits. My eyes drifted down to this tiny waist that I never would’ve known about, what with all the baggy crap she wore.

  As I gawked, she covered her stomach with her arms, which was a damn travesty. She shouldn’t be covering that body up for shit. It was fucking gorgeous.

  “You have curves. Who would’ve known?” I joked.

  “That’s your nice way of saying I’m fat.”

  I went to her, and took her hand so she’d stop hiding behind it. “First of all, I don’t do nice. Second of all, curves and rolls are two totally different things. And this.” I grabbed her waist and squeezed the smallest section of her body and then ran my hand along the arc that gave way to her amazing ass, forcing myself to keep from sinking my fingers into it. “Is all curve.”

  A sexy blush spread up her neck, and across her cheeks. “When you’ve been called fat for so long, it’s hard to see it as anything else.”

  “Maybe if you stopped hiding behind big ass clothes…”

  “The clothes have nothing to do with it,” she cut me off.

  “Who the fuck would call you fat?” Ange
r swelled inside of me which was completely fucking stupid since, when she walked into the gym, I myself questioned if she was fat or not.

  “It’s not important. Come on. Show me what to do next.”

  “We went over front choking. Now, what happens if I grab you from behind, and start choking you with my arm?”

  “I assume I go for the same spots. Feet, throat, stomach, eyes.”

  “Yes, but it’s not always that easy.” I held my finger up to her, and gestured her to come to me. I turned her so she was facing away from me, and hooked my arm around her neck. I pressed my chest into her, and her ass pushed into my cock. “Get me off of you,” I whispered against her ear.

  Her body tensed. Her arms shook and suddenly she bucked against me. She didn’t pretend to stomp my foot, she actually did. I took an elbow to the side, and dodged quickly before getting another.

  “Get off of me!” she screamed, panic lacing her words.

  I dropped my arm from her, and backed up, holding my hands up. “What the fuck was that?” I yelled, my voice echoing off the walls, but it was like she didn’t even see me.

  She backed into the corner, her body pushing up against the pole as she gasped for breath. Tears rimmed her eyes, and she looked like she just saw a goddamned ghost.

  The girl was losing her shit, and I didn’t know what to do. I walked over to her and rested my hand on her shoulder, but she flinched away from my touch. That, and remembering how she bucked against me, desperately trying to get away from me, sent anger coursing through my veins.

  I slapped my chest, and bent down to her. “Did you honestly think I was going to hurt you?” Her lip quivered, and she squeaked. Un-fucking-believable. “I may be an asshole, but I’m not fucked up. I wouldn’t fucking do something like that.”

  “I know,” she whispered so softly I barely heard it.

  “Then, what the fuck was that? Because clearly you felt threatened.”

  She shook her head, refusing to look at me, and refusing to say anything else.

  I stepped over to her, wanting to rest my hand on her shoulder, but afraid it would send her into another freak out. So, I resisted the urge. “Did someone already hurt you? Is that why you want to learn to defend yourself?” Rage built inside of me, and my fists clenched at my side, but I managed to subside it. “Tell me, B, and I’ll fucking make sure they never touch you again.”

  “I’m sorry. I have to go.” She grabbed her t-shirt and took off running.

  I had the urge to hit something. To break something into a million fucking pieces. I jumped out of the ring, and went right to the punching bag. I didn’t waste a second, pounding the shit out of it. Sweat poured off of me, and my knuckles were raw, but the anger was still swirling inside of me. This wasn’t working.

  I grabbed my shit and headed out to the bar down the street, looking for a body with hole to stick my dick in, and give me the release I really needed.

  Chapter 7

  The redhead that sucked me off last night did little with the fucking rage inside me. As soon as I shot my load into the back of her throat, all the anger I felt toward Brooklyn, for thinking I was capable of attacking her when I was actually helping her, swelled right back to the surface.

  Never in my life had a girl ever been able to get me so heated. My already short fuse was cut down to a stub. All I wanted to do was break shit. Every little goddamned thing pissed me off. And, right now, the only place for me to be was the ring.

  Kevin, my sparring body, held up his hands as I punched the pads over and over again. I landed my left fist into his right so hard that he stumbled back. “Whoa there, killer. You want to take it down a notch.”

  “No,” I growled, and continued to hit the pads with all that I had.

  He stumbled again, and this time he didn’t put his hands back up. “Dude, you’re going to take my hand off. What is your problem today?”

  “Nothing,” I spat.

  “Well, whatever is eating at you, seal it up inside you, and let it out at your next fight. The guy won’t have a chance in hell.”

  I’d used that tactic before. Fed off my anger to give me an upper hand in the ring. The reason I beat Brian “Brick” Johnson to a fucking pulp was because I spotted my ex-best friend in the crowd. Unfortunately for Brick, everything I was feeling toward Beckham, I took out on him. He was lucky he only wound up in the hospital and not six feet under. If I didn’t get pulled off him, I don’t think I ever would’ve stopped.

  But I couldn’t hold this inside me anymore. I snapped at poor Sassy this morning. All she wanted was her damn mouse that was stuck under the couch where she couldn’t reach it, but instead of getting it for her, I screamed at her to shut the fuck up and slammed my door in her face.

  There were two girls in my life: Sassy and Tanya. I screamed at Sassy, and then beat the shit out of Tanya driving here. All because of another girl managed to weasel herself into my life. How the fuck did that even happen anyway? One minute, I was doing my job, and the next I was volunteering to teach her how to defend herself. I didn’t do shit like that, but the idea of someone threatening or hurting her was making me crazy.

  I ripped my gloves off, and jumped out of the ring. I threw my gloves down on the bench, and plopped down beside them.

  Kevin sat down on the other side. “Like I said, bottle that up for your match, and use it wisely. But don’t let it fuck with you and pull your head out of the fight.”

  “Nothing can pull my head out of a fight.”

  Kevin patted my shoulder as he stood. “I know, but everyone has a weak spot, and it looks like you finally found yours,” he said, reminding me of Sal and his stupid warnings about Seth.

  “Never. Just having a day,” I muttered.

  “If you say so. I’m going to hit the showers. See you same time tomorrow?”

  I nodded. “I’ll be here.”

  I took out my phone, and did the only thing that would make me happy. I sent a nasty text to my sister.

  Are you pregnant yet?

  I slid my phone into my shorts pocket, grabbed the rest of my shit, and headed home to give Sassy a treat.


  The day of my fight, I headed to work. I had to squeeze three clients in early in the morning so I wouldn’t lose out on any money. When I walked into the gym, I nodded to Randy who was smiling at his reflection in a metal water bottle.

  “Ready for tonight?” he asked as I strode by.

  “I was born ready.”

  “Hell yeah!” he cheered. “I’ll be there tonight. Oh, and your first appointment is here. Over by the treadmills.”

  “Thanks,” I said and walked away.

  “Good luck tonight,” he called out as I walked away.

  “Thanks,” I said, not like I needed it. I was fighting Lorenzo ‘The Rat’ Alvarez. His nickname was a fucking rodent that Sassy could take down. I wasn’t intimidated. Hell, I wasn’t even concerned. If I was, I wouldn’t have been spending my morning at work.

  I got over to the treadmills and spotted Hayley. Fuck me. I didn’t even think to look at the lineup for today. She had been booking more and more personal sessions, and every time she got more and more aggressive in her advances. You’d think she’d take a fucking hint. Maybe I just had to tell her she was a dime a dozen and fucked like a corpse.

  “Viper, you’re here,” she cooed, and I wanted to roll my eyes, but tried to refrain.

  “I’m here. Let’s get this over with.”

  “I’d like to drag it out for as long as we can,” she said and tapped my chest with her finger, letting it trail down before I grabbed it and shoved it away.

  “You have an hour,” I stated. “Go over to the medicine balls.”

  She skipped away like a fucking over caffeinated child. I ignored her and went to head in the same direction, when my gaze landed on Brooklyn. Her eyes met mine, and all the anger I was trying to contain brewed to the surface as I saw her working out with Melissa, the other trainer.

I switched directions and went right to Brooklyn. “What the fuck?” I demanded.

  “Viper.” Melissa held her hand up, and I gave her the death stare.

  “You’re my client,” I said, as my hands clenched and unclenched.

  Brooklyn got up from the leg machine she was on, and stood in front of me, trying to keep her voice down. She wasn’t wearing her usual t-shirt. Instead, she was in a similar tank top to the one she had on the other night. Her curves were exploding out the top, and as angry as I was, it didn’t stop the hard on that was coming on.

  “You’re the one that called me a lazy slob. I’m sorry, but that’s not exactly my idea of motivation,” she spat.

  “And I thought you let that go after I saved your ass in the parking lot.”

  I stepped toward her and then realized how big of a mistake that was. Her scent surrounded me, and the animal inside me was losing control.

  “I feel more comfortable with Melissa.”

  “Because I’m some monster that’s going to attack you, right?” I leaned in close to her and whispered against her ear. “You wouldn’t even be my second choice.”

  I pulled back, and her eyes darkened. We stared off, neither one of us saying anything. Until I couldn’t look at her for another second. I stormed away and grabbed Hayley’s hand, dragging her out the building.

  Hayley giggled. “Where are we going?”

  “Parking lot,” I growled. As soon as we got outside, I rounded the building and went behind the dumpster. I dropped my shorts and stroked my cock. “Get on your knees,” I demanded and she obeyed, parting her lips like a good little girl. I shoved my cock into her waiting mouth, and she took it like a champ. Sucking hard and twirling her tongue up and down my shaft. At least she was better at giving head than she was at sex.

  She cupped my balls, and I shoved into her harder until she was choking and drooling. She moaned, and I knew the dirty slut liked to be treated like a piece of shit. She reached into her spandex and began rubbing her clit as she voluntarily took me in all the way. Her lips tightened around my base and she pulled up, applying just the right amount of pressure.

  “That’s right, suck it nice and good.” I wrapped my hand around her ponytail and controlled her movements.


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