[In Distress 02.0] In Pain

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[In Distress 02.0] In Pain Page 4

by Caethes Faron

  “You never did do being loved well, did you?”

  “This has crossed over into smothering.”

  “Maybe, but it’s better than what we’re going to be doing the rest of the night. He’s only worried about you.”

  “Is Walken really that bad?” Will held eye contact with Kaleana to see if he could pick up on anything she wouldn’t say.

  “No. He’s not as bad as some, but it is going to be humiliating. We’re not used to being objectified every day anymore.”

  Will hated the thought of what they might have to do to each other tonight, but he didn’t say anything. It was a sort of unwritten code that Zeds didn’t talk about the things their Alphas made them do to each other. They all knew it wasn’t their choice, so they tried to keep resentments from forming. Above all, they never apologized. That made it seem as if they had some choice in the matter, and they most decidedly did not. Even if they were given one of those impossible choices like dry fuck a Zed or be dry fucked, they all knew the choice was an illusion. Whatever the Alpha wanted to happen would happen.

  “It’ll be worth it. I wish Malcolm could see that, could see and respect that this decision is mine to make. He may be content to let our progress move at a snail’s pace, but I’m not.”

  “It’s not that, Will. He’s scared of losing you. He’s already lost one man he loved to the system, and what he felt for Billy pales in comparison to what he feels for you. Imagine if the roles were reversed and Malcolm was asking to be raped and possibly beaten with no way to defend himself, and you had to sit and just watch as if it didn’t affect you in any way.”

  The image was impossible to bring to mind. Malcolm always stood so separate from everything, so strong and controlled. He remembered back to times he’d seen Malcolm cry and the sheer wrongness he had felt at the sight, the helplessness. He couldn’t bring the image to mind because he would never allow it to happen.

  “I’m not saying I’d react any better than Malcolm.”

  “Good. This is hard for him, and not just because he’s concerned about you. He’s justifiably worried about his reaction. He will put the movement in jeopardy for you, and he knows it. What’s worse, you’d never forgive him for it if he did.”

  Just then Malcolm entered. His jaw was set, lips in a firm line, eyes like blocks of ice. The blue one always looked cool, but no warmth escaped from the amber one either. He appeared as if he were going into a war zone, not a social function.

  “Come on, it’s time to go.” He led the way down to the garage, and Kaleana and Will followed, holding hands. Will was grateful for her support. Now that they were actually leaving, nerves assaulted his stomach.

  Will sat next to Malcolm in the front and Kaleana took the back seat. As always, Malcolm drove, refusing to engage the autopilot or the flight capabilities of his bullet car.

  As they left the compound, Malcolm finally broke the silence. “Are you ready?”

  In light of his conversation with Kaleana, Will suppressed his groan and biting retort. For tonight, that question was just Malcolm’s way of telling him he loved him. “Yes. I’ll be fine.”

  Kaleana scooted forward and rested her head on the shoulder of Will’s seat. “It might help if we had a signal. How about if there’s a problem, we’ll call you ‘Master?’”

  Malcolm nodded. “That’s smart. No one will find it strange.”

  Indeed, it was far stranger to not call him that, given the setting. Of course, Will and Kaleana would never dream of calling him by his name in public, but they usually settled on “sir” as a way to show respect without demeaning themselves.

  Will took Malcolm’s hand. “You have to promise not to interfere otherwise. I can’t be worried about your reaction to everything I do. It’ll make it next to impossible to get through the night convincingly. I give you my word that at the slightest hint of distress, I’ll call out for you.”

  “And what do I do if I feel like I’m about to kill Walken or whoever’s touching you?” No humor lit Malcolm’s voice or his features. Will didn’t know how to answer him.

  “We can both read you well. It won’t come to that. If it does, order us back to you and just act upset with us for breaking some rule you had set out before we got there.” Kaleana sounded so sure of herself. Will wished he had her confidence that the night would go well.

  Malcolm nodded, and not another word was spoken until they pulled up to the gate of Walken’s compound.

  “Will, look at me.” Will turned from the window to meet Malcolm’s eyes. “You don’t have to do this.”

  “Yes, I do. You know that. Everything will be fine.”

  Malcolm leaned forward and took his lips in a kiss. Will felt all the words he knew Malcolm wouldn’t say here in front of Walken’s house. In a few hours, it would all be over, and Will could spend the time with Malcolm they both needed. He’d ignored his responsibilities to his lover for too long. Perhaps if he hadn’t been so wrapped up in work, he could have taken the time to make this easier on him. He’d make up for it later.

  From the way Malcolm and Kaleana walked through the house, it was clear they were familiar with it, even without the benefit of the Beta who led them to the room where the other guests were. As he stepped across the threshold, memories assaulted Will. The shock of being in a playroom again surprised him. He hadn’t expected it would be so hard to slip back into the Zed shell he had inhabited for most of his life.

  Four comfortable chairs sat in a circle in the middle of the room. Three of them were occupied by Alphas. They had plates of finger foods, casually eating as they enjoyed the sight of two male Zeds wrestling in the middle. Will recognized the game. Whoever won would top. Whatever a Zed’s personal inclinations, in the presence of an Alpha, they all wanted to top. Topping was always safer.

  Will’s eye immediately noticed the telltale signs of the room’s purpose. Hooks in the walls and ceiling were disguised by draped silks. On the floor in the circle where the Zeds wrestled, he saw eyelets that were laid flush with the carpet, waiting to be pulled out when they were needed. Playrooms were often used to not only entertain but to punish.

  No such room existed in Malcolm’s home. Will knew not all Alphas had a penchant for such things, but Malcolm was the only Alpha Will knew who didn’t have one. Walken’s wasn’t as vulgar as most of the ones Will had seen. A beautiful cherrywood cabinet stood against the wall. Will could guess at the contents. A large bed sat on one side of the room, made up with a thick comforter and dozens of soft pillows. At least it appeared Walken was a sensualist. That was encouraging, as was the cream carpeting that would be too impractical if the owner expected regular blood.

  “Ah, Malcolm! Come, come. Have a seat.” A man with dark-blond hair just past his shoulders that Will had to assume was Walken gestured to the vacant seat. Like every other Alpha, he looked younger than he likely was. If he were a Beta, Will would guess he was thirty, but his face held the signs of vanity procedures. The skin around his reptilian-green eyes was unnaturally full and smooth. In all likelihood, given his high position within the Geneticists, he was at least in his sixties. He had a female Zed in his lap and one at his feet. The other two Alphas each had a Zed attending them as well, one female and one male.

  One of the Zeds in the middle looked up at the interruption, and his opponent took advantage of his distraction. “It looks like Zachary has won.” Walken called the match. Will immediately knew which of the other Alphas Zachary belonged to. His owner smiled with pride while the other one scowled, as if they had anything to do with it.

  Will moved to sit at Malcolm’s feet, but his lover pulled him into his lap. In this instance, Will appreciated the possessiveness. “Kaleana, get me something to eat.” Will could hear the “please” that Malcolm hadn’t uttered.

  While Kaleana prepared a plate at the buffet, Will cuddled into Malcolm, playing the part of a favored pet Zed. He was small enough to get away with it.

  “Now, the only question is, will the d
ear loser capitulate to the victor?” Walken eyed the two Zeds on the floor.

  The loser’s owner nodded to Zachary. “Go ahead. Bitch doesn’t deserve anything else.”

  Will’s stomach churned. He couldn’t watch this. He had forgotten what it was like. Why would anyone remember such awfulness when they were no longer subjected to it?

  “But I think my Zachary deserves to have his cock sucked first.”

  The loser looked to his owner, a glimmer of hope in his eyes. The Alpha gave a curt nod and the Zed practically lunged at Zachary, taking his cock in his mouth and working it for all he had. Not only would whatever saliva he could muster act as his only lube, but it also served as a desperate plea for Zachary to go easy on him.

  “You’re such a softie, Jeremy,” the owner of the loser said.

  “Because I don’t enjoy watching dry fucks? You’re right. I’m a terrible bore.”

  “Malcolm, I don’t know if you’ve met Jeremy and Alex. Malcolm here is the owner of Panacea.” Walken made the introductions.

  “I’ve never had the pleasure to meet Alex. I know Jeremy, though, and Alex is right, you are a softie.” Nothing in Malcolm’s tone gave away that he didn’t so much as fuck his own Zeds, except Will, of course.

  “Says the man with a crippled Zed cuddled in his lap like a little puppy.” Alex didn’t hide the distaste from his voice. Will noticed Malcolm slightly tense at the attention to Will’s leg.

  “Obviously you don’t know Malcolm. He only buys the damaged ones, and you know there’s only one reason a man with his money would buy damaged Zeds,” Walken said.

  Will knew dark rumors swirled around Malcolm. Between his ice-cold demeanor, his entirely black wardrobe, his damaged Zeds, and the secrecy he wrapped himself in, it wasn’t hard to figure out why. Malcolm did nothing to dispel the rumors. It served their purposes for him to appear foreboding and cruel.

  “Really?” A bit of admiration entered Alex’s eyes.

  “Yes,” Walken said. “Now tell that boy of yours to hurry up. I’m beginning to think he’s stalling.”

  “Stop dawdling and get on with it.” Alex’s tone morphed into a grating harshness as soon as he addressed his Zed.

  The loser reluctantly pulled off of Zachary’s prick. Will didn’t want to see what would come next. At that moment, Kaleana returned and thrust the plate of food into Will’s hands. The action momentarily stunned him. He thought she might have forgotten that Zeds didn’t get to eat at these things unless fed by their Alpha. Malcolm raised his eyebrows and nodded to the plate. Ah, Kaleana’s purpose became clear. She wanted to keep him occupied.

  Will selected a canapé from the plate and held it to Malcolm’s lips. Malcolm opened and took only a small bite of it into his mouth. He chewed slowly, seemingly distracted by the Zeds fucking. Will knew better. Malcolm hoped that as long as Will was feeding him, no one would interrupt and ask to see him perform. Will was more than willing to play along, even teasing Malcolm like a pet Zed might, making the plate of food last as long as possible.

  Once Zachary had finished, both Zeds went back to their respective owners. Walken had the two women who were fawning over him do an erotic dance with each other. By the time they were done, Malcolm had finished the food, but Will held on to the plate, as if it would somehow keep the attention off of him. Unfortunately, the simple plate did not hold such powers of invisibility.

  “Now it’s your turn to share, Malcolm.” Walken turned his gaze to their little trio. “What do you say we see those two Zeds of yours? Can that cripple even manage to fuck Kaleana, or is she the one who does the fucking? I’d have them wrestle for it, but I don’t think even the fact that she’s a girl and twice his age makes it a fair fight.”

  Nervousness over Malcolm’s reaction overcame any embarrassment Will could feel.

  “He’s more than capable. He knows what awaits him if he doesn’t get the job done. Once you see Kaleana come, you’ll know why I’ve kept her this long.” Nerves fluttered in his chest at Malcolm’s words before his rational mind could stamp them down. Malcolm patted his thigh. “Go on and show these men how you can make Kaleana scream.”

  Will slid off Malcolm’s lap and Kaleana stood, taking his hand and leading him to the center of the circle. She had to feel his nervousness. He’d never been good with women, and the audience didn’t help. Will forced his stomach to calm down. This wasn’t like all the other times he’d done this. Kaleana and Malcolm wouldn’t let it be.

  When they reached the middle of the circle, Walken had one of his girls toss them some pillows. “I wouldn’t want to get carpet burn on that beautiful skin of hers,” he said by way of explanation.

  Kaleana seductively undressed herself. Will didn’t know how she could be so good at this without doing it regularly. Then again, perhaps the confidence that came from being treated like a human being the rest of the time made it easier. She situated herself on the floor, using the pillows not for comfort, but to display herself prettily. Will removed his shirt and joined her.

  As beautiful as she was beneath him, he couldn’t convince his cock of it. Women had never held sexual appeal for him, but he’d always managed to perform when required. Will focused on running his hands up and down her body, trying to lose himself in the silkiness of her skin. She put one leg on his shoulder, and he kissed down her calf. When he leaned over her to kiss her lips, Kaleana reached for his pants, but he stopped her, grabbing her wrist and pinning it over her head. He took hold of a breast with his other hand while he lowered his mouth to kiss underneath her ear.

  “I’m going to need a minute,” Will whispered.

  “Don’t worry about it. Just get it in, and I’ll handle the rest.”

  He moved to suck on her breast and lowered his hand to find her clit. While he knew that she intended to fake her orgasm, he still wanted to make sure she was wet enough to allow him to enter without causing her pain. As he fingered Kaleana, he tried to imagine they were back home and this was part of an erotic game between them and Malcolm. He could do this with Kaleana. He loved her, as did Malcolm.

  Those thoughts coaxed his cock to life. He lowered his pants just enough to free it and entered her before it had a chance to flag again. Kaleana moaned and writhed beneath him. Aware that they would need to put on a show to appease the onlookers, he pinned her hands above her head again, allowing her to undulate her upper body in a most enticing manner as he picked up speed, eager to finish this as quickly as possible. He looked down on her with hungry eyes, hoping he appeared to dominate her, worried that if he didn’t, they would only want to torment him more because of his leg and the weakness it implied.

  He stooped down and took a nipple into his mouth, pleased with the reaction it elicited from Kaleana but too unfamiliar with her sexually to know whether it was genuine or just part of the act.

  “Yes, oh, ahh!” Kaleana had an unending verbal litany of pleasurable sounds.

  “Come on,” Will urged in a rough voice. “You know you want to. Show them how much you like me inside you.” He wished he had used his mouth on her so there wasn’t so much pressure on him to orgasm. But pleasing women orally had always been a mystery to him. However, Kaleana would have made it work.

  With every stroke, Kaleana gripped him, and he realized that she wasn’t going to pretend to climax until he actually had. It would be difficult for him to fake it to the satisfaction of their audience. He relaxed, focusing on his cock and the pleasure it felt, forgetting the circumstances. He went faster, harder, deeper, figuring being a little rough would be better for Kaleana if it meant coming before she inevitably went dry or got sore.

  He still couldn’t manage it. He raised his head to look at Malcolm, trying to keep the desperation from his face. Malcolm looked him in the eye, his gaze warming, and then deliberately rubbed his own cock through his pants, letting Will see him harden. He focused on that, on his lover, on the pleasure they so often took in each other’s bodies, and he came.

  As soon
as his orgasm began, Kaleana faked one of her own. She would have convinced him had he not been inside her. All he wanted was to collapse on top of her, roll her over to rest on his shoulder, and hold her in apology. That, however, was out of the question. He didn’t even dare cover her body with his own. She was the star of this show.

  “So we’ve seen her perform, but he certainly wasn’t impressive,” Jeremy said. “Surely you can’t be keeping a cripple around for that?”

  Will should have known better than to take Jeremy’s aversion to dry fucking as a sign that he was actually nice. Alphas were weird like that. They all enjoyed their own brand of pain and humiliation and disdained others.

  Jeremy continued. “Let’s see how he takes a thrashing. He looks like the type that needs to be taken down. Maybe Simon can redeem himself. Go get something out of the cabinet, and let’s see how long he can hold out.” Simon stood and went to the cabinet as instructed.

  Will looked to Malcolm and could see his hands grip the arms of his chair. Will didn’t know how to get out of this. He felt sure the moment someone struck him, Malcolm would lose control. Will had never been one who played well at seduction. He knew how to take a beating, how to figure the best way to play it to make it as short as possible, but he didn’t know how to get out of one altogether. Panic started to set in. He didn’t fear the beating—it’d be beyond inappropriate for an Alpha to let his Zed scar the Zed of a mere acquaintance—but Malcolm wouldn’t see it so rationally.


  Will’s head swiveled to Walken. Why would that sadistic prick halt the proceedings?

  “Kaleana here is masterful at delivering a beating. I’ve seen her do it before. Besides, it’ll be more fun to see a woman break him. Such a scrawny gimp probably won’t last long either way.” Pure disgust dripped from Walken’s voice. The disdain in his eyes made Will want to curl into a ball, but all he did was jut his chin into the air. He had nothing to be ashamed of. This had nothing to do with him and everything to do with the evil men in front of him.


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