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Naughty Bits Part IV: The Highest Bid

Page 7

by Hill, Joey W.

  “Forehead to floor, ass in the air. Spread your thighs. Let me see those switch marks.”

  She obeyed, whimpering. She was so close to coming it was as if she was in aftershocks already. It was hard not to move. He pulled up a chair near her and rested the flat of one shoe against her ass cheek, using her as a footrest. A struck match and she smelled the scent of a clove cigarette, a much more pleasant scent than the tobacco kind.

  “We have a competing bid of ninety-thousand, sir. I believe you have some competition.”

  “One hundred and five thousand. I know my competition, and he’s about tapped out. He doesn’t want her as much as I do. Which will be his eternal loss.”

  He shifted his foot, rocking her body slightly, almost like she was a cradle to soothe a baby, only she was the occupant being soothed by the movement as well. “I have some friends eager to meet you. You’re my gift to them tonight. After I enjoy you myself. I have to be sure you’re worth what I’ve paid for you.”

  Another silence, and then the intercom crackled. “Congratulations, sir. You have the winning bid. We’ve completed the transfer from your account. You may take her home.”

  “I’d like to see them try to stop me.” The delicious threat and promise rippled along her spine. Her Master rose, trailing his fingers along that same track, down to the crease of her buttocks, probing between them, making her twitch as he dipped down beneath the thong to collect some moisture from her pussy, paint it around the rim where it was stretched around the plug. “It’s good they’ve stretched you out there, but not too much. Some of the boys will want that pleasure tonight.”

  He lifted her to her knees, caught his finger beneath the collar. “You’ve made this too tight, baby. Trying to please your Master.” He loosened it a notch, and she realized she could breathe a little easier. “Your handler should have checked that. I’ll be sure to take it out on his ass.”

  She felt a twinge of sympathy for Troy, but she also wondered if she’d have the sadistic pleasure of witnessing it. The soldier gave her a sharp tug with the lead that had her stumbling to her feet, his hand grasping her arm to keep her from falling. Once she was steady, he dropped the lead and she let out a whimper as he unclamped the nipple jewelry, removing the chains that connected them to the collar so she wore just the collar and the thong. He cupped her breasts, massaged her nipples with his thumbs as the painful tingle made her shudder, bite back another whimper.

  “They’re nice and swollen now. I have an oil at home that, when painted on nipples, makes them stay aroused and stiff for hours. When I rub it onto your pussy, it will keep you so worked up I’ll have to gag you to stop you begging to be fucked.”

  Her lips parted, that whimper turning into a pleading noise. She was almost at that point now. He stepped back, taking his hands away.

  “You’ll go with the two who brought you here tonight. They’ll bring you to my home.”

  She didn’t want him to leave her again, and she made a movement forward before she thought to restrain herself. He touched her face, telling her he wasn’t displeased with her show of preference, but his voice was uncompromising.

  “You’ll behave, or I’ll hear of it. You’re mine now. You’ll be a credit to my ownership, or you’ll face punishment.”

  She swallowed, sinking back down to her knees to convey her obedience. As his footsteps receded, she heard two other sets approaching. Though she stayed in place as she’d been bid, she had an overpowering need to be with her Master again. Was that part of full submission, this swelling anxiety unless her Master was near?

  Troy and Shale stood over her, speaking as if indifferent to her presence, a pet patiently sitting at their feet, though Troy did pick up the tether, since she felt the tug on the collar from his direction.

  “I was surprised he bid so high,” Troy said. “He’s not the romantic type.”

  “He’s a Master.” Shale’s voice reflected cool amusement. “It’s not romance like candy and flowers, but something that means even more. When it’s the one you want to belong to you, not just the one you’re owning for the moment, you’d pay anything for that.”

  Her voice softened over those words. Madison suspected she’d reached out to touch some part of Troy, the one who belonged to her. The silence suggested Troy was responding to that, probably with one of those scorching looks the two of them liked to exchange.

  “It reminds me of the first day he saw her.” Troy paused. “I saw this look on his face, like when he’s at the club and figuring out if a new member is a sub or Dom, or just vanilla out for a lark. I was pretty sure I knew what she was, because I could feel it, like a kinship, a sub-to-sub thing. But I wanted to be sure he and I were on the same page, so I said outright, ‘She’s a sub, right?’”

  She remembered that first day, coming into their hardware store to bring the UPS package that Clarence had left at the wrong store. She also remembered the weighted feel of Logan’s eyes on her as she’d gone back to her own store. This had happened at that moment. Troy’s careful wording told Madison he was trying to communicate something about the reality that had led them here, without disrupting the fantasy, and she was hanging onto every word.

  “He looked at me as if he was coming out of some dark tunnel,” Troy said. “He blinked, then smiled that smile he has.”

  “Dangerous, make-a-woman’s-knees-weak?”

  “If you want to put it that way.” Troy sounded a little aggrieved.

  “Don’t be a baby. What did he say when you asked if she was a sub?” Shale’s voice was warm, teasing.

  “‘Oh yeah. Through and through.’ I asked him if he was thinking of taking her into training, but he shook his head, said he was interested in something more than that. ‘I want to see the spark turn into a fire.’ That’s what he said. I guess this is our answer. He didn’t want to train her. He wanted to own her.”

  Madison drew in a breath. He already did, didn’t he? Alice had given her to him.

  Troy twitched the tether attached to her collar, the little tug a silent message of accord and reassurance she welcomed.

  Did all guided fantasies work like this, or was it unique to her, what she was feeling, who she was? Yes, Logan had done everything to draw her into the role of Nameless Slave, bound to a Master she desired to serve above everything else in life. He knew so much about her, including her penchant for dress-up, for role-playing with her sister when she was young. He also knew just how far she’d taken herself away from play and make-believe for the past few years, such that she was starving for it now, but starving for it with an adult woman’s desires and needs. She didn’t even want to think of herself as Madison. She was simply the soldier’s property now.

  Yet Troy’s words pointed out the message that kept replaying itself, whenever she was involved with Logan this way. This wasn’t happening just because of Logan’s consummate skill at creating the sensory input for a viable fantasy, but also because of her own deep-seated desires and needs that meshed with his. She’d worried about being enough of a sub for him, but he’d said it that night on the stairs, hadn’t he?

  “It’s not my switch you need to worry about turning off.”

  She thought about how she’d reacted each time he’d led her down this path. Uncertain, one hand tentatively holding on to her perceived reality, but as Logan took her other hand, took command, she let go of that reality without hesitation and let him take her into his.

  Into theirs.

  A radio chirped, maybe on Troy’s belt, because she heard him unclip it. “Sir?”

  “I’m done up front. Bring her to my compound. I’ll be just ahead of you.”

  “Yes sir.”

  Another car ride, again sitting on the cloak. She was getting used to being unclothed. The auction house would have been almost uncomfortably warm if she weren’t. The A/C in the SUV gave her goosebumps, but when Troy’s finger
tip slid along her forearm, detecting them, he must have made some gesture to Shale. The temperature almost immediately modulated, and she was no longer cold.

  A few minutes later, another method of warming happened. The bullet started vibrating.

  So did the plug.

  She hadn’t expected the latter to be electronic, but the thick rubber was unmistakably humming against her stretched rim as the bullet was doing the same against her clit and labia. If it hadn’t been both at once, she would have assumed she’d shifted or done something to set one off, but then she thought of what he’d said on the radio.

  I’ll be just ahead of you.

  They were following her Master, and of course he had the remote. She shifted, which was a mistake. She was already intensely aroused, her brief interruption of mulling notwithstanding. A rolling feeling like waves of surf, ebbing and surging against her anus and cunt, ratcheted it to a much higher level. She bit down on her lip, tightening her fingers into balls at her side as she sat in the seat and tried not to wriggle or squirm, moan or gasp. Partially because she was self-conscious, partially because she knew the self-restraint was vital. She would not be allowed to come without his permission, and if she gave in to the feeling, she’d be there all the sooner.

  But oh God, the stimulation was overwhelming. Feeling that hum against her sensitive anal rim, the buzz against her clit and labia, she had all she could do not to lift her hips in a coital rhythm.

  “You better get rid of that hard-on before you get out of the car,” Shale advised from the front. “Or he’ll use a needle to deflate it. I’ll help him.”

  “Kind of difficult to control,” Troy muttered, and she realized his eyes were on her, watching her struggle. Could he see the light perspiration like dew on her skin? She imagined her Master’s lips sucking the moisture away, entirely the wrong thought to have.

  “Oh . . .” The plea escaped her lips, despite herself. She heard Troy bite back an oath. He’d be trying to obey his Mistress, she was sure of it, and yet this would give Shale a reason to taunt and punish him later. Her Master liked to reward his helpers as diabolically as he knew how to torment his own possession.

  His slave. He’d called her that. The vibration’s intensity bumped up, and it changed rhythm. No longer concentrated only in the nose of the bullet, it moved over her labia and pattered over her clit. Her hips convulsed, and she thrashed her head, pulling against the hold Troy had on her tether. “No . . . no . . .”

  There was no help for it. She couldn’t stop herself. She tried to rein the reaction back, but her Master wasn’t going to give her any choice at all. He was hers to command, hers to push over that edge whenever he wished, no matter if it won her a punishment.

  “Help . . .” But there was no help being offered for this. The climax took her, squeezing her internal muscles down on the plug, her pussy rippling beneath the vibration of the bullet. She squirmed on the folded cloak, hips jerking, fingers splayed wide in their bindings against her thighs. It got more and more intense and she screamed in the contained space of the vehicle, the sound rebounding and echoing against her like additional vibration and stimulus. Her nipples were throbbing, still tender from the clamps.

  She choked it down as soon as she could, cognizant that she’d released without permission, but her hips were still moving with that rhythm, her breath choking in her throat. The vibration didn’t abate, such that she jerked and writhed on the seat like a caught fish. She couldn’t make it stop. Couldn’t control her body. Because it wasn’t hers. It was his.

  “Yes, sir. She’s done now.”

  The bullet and plug eased down to a hum again, like a slow lick over her tissues by a lover’s tongue. She moaned in relief and heard Troy shift next to her. There was a click as he let off the radio. She realized he’d been holding it up close to her face as she climaxed, so her new Master could hear her. She thought of him driving ahead of her, thought of how his erection had probably swelled to an impressive length and thickness. Then she thought of her mouth on him there again and licked her lips. She’d just had a climax, but it wasn’t enough. She was still throbbing. She wanted him inside her, in every orifice, penetrating heart, soul and mind.

  As the car rolled to a stop, she rested her temple against the seatback, trying to catch her breath. She was close to Troy’s face, his breath sweet and warm on her forehead. “This is your new home, pretty slave,” Shale said from the front. “Serve your Master well.”

  The car door was opened and she was drawn from the vehicle with another tug against the collar. The smell of mown grass reached her nostrils. Things felt open and quiet, an absence of city noise. She could hear nighttime insects, perhaps some frogs on a nearby pond. Was this the soldier’s property? A remote area, where no one would realize her owner had his own personal slave trained to do his bidding, 24/7, naked all the time if that was what he demanded.

  Her legs were wobbly, such that Troy was supporting her under her arm and around her waist.

  “Sir.” He spoke, and she sensed the transfer of the tether to another’s hand, one who firmly reeled her in until she stood right before him, his heat overwhelming her own. His fingers gripped her chin. “Did anyone give you permission to come, slave?”

  “No, Master.” Though he’d made it impossible for any different outcome. She didn’t really care that it wasn’t fair, though. What did that say about her?

  “Then you understand you must pay the consequences.”

  “Yes, sir. My Master wanted me to come to have the opportunity to punish me.”

  She couldn’t resist, which meant her mind wasn’t really straight. She thought she heard a muffled chuckle from Troy, right before her Master’s hand settled on her throat, just above the collar.

  “The Training Mistress warned me about that clever tongue of yours. Another comment like that, and you’ll have it strapped down by a gag for the rest of the night, when it’s not being used in other ways.”

  She shivered at that tone he did so well. “Each time you come without permission tonight,” he continued, “I’ll mark it down. That’s how many times my friends will get to fuck you.”

  “Will you tell me . . . about them?”

  “What does that matter?” His tone sharpened, making her jump like the prick of a rose’s thick thorn. “You’ll serve whomever I wish.”

  “Yes, Master. I wanted to know more about them . . . to know how best to please them for you.”

  Silence as he thought that over. She could sense him circling her. She gasped as he caught her hair, jerked her head back, his thumb tracing her mouth. “Open wide.”

  She complied. As she held her mouth open so wide it made her jaw ache, he kept tracing her lips. “One of them has a very large dick. So large it makes a slave cry, even when she has to take it in her mouth. He likes that, likes feeling her tears fall on his cock. He’ll strap you on a table, put your head over the edge so his balls will be against your face as he thrusts into your throat. Two of my friends like suckling a slave’s nipples while he does that. They’ll put their fingers inside you, make you come again. They’ll keep you tied down so you can only cry for mercy. What will you do, slave?”

  “I will do as my Master wishes.” Her throat was dry, heart pounding so hard he had to hear it. “I will please him and make him proud.”

  “We’ll see.”

  He jerked on her leash, making her follow him. Hearing the vehicle start behind her, she knew Troy and Shale were leaving. It was just the two of them. Maybe. He was so good at this, she was starting to doubt what he’d said, that he would be the only one to touch her tonight. However, if that assertion was true, what he said earlier suggested her Master would be having anal sex with her tonight. As well as every other kind of sex he wanted to have.

  She’d never done that. She had the safe word. But, as scary as some of this was, nothing was scary enough to make her want
to use that.

  He was so close in front of her, she was guided by his body heat. She was brought up onto a deck, taken inside a screened porch. The heat of flame suggested burning candles. It had to be night at this point. “Keep your eyes closed until I tell you to do otherwise.”

  “Yes, Sergeant Major.” She hadn’t tried out that title yet and liked how it came off the tongue. She knew Sergeant was an enlisted man’s rank, not an officer’s. She found that idea fit him perfectly. He was the type of man who preferred to remain directly in charge of those under his command.

  The blindfold was removed, the tether snapped off her collar. Her wrists were freed from the thigh cuffs, though he didn’t remove either set, indicating they might be used again. She heard him move away from her, the creak as he settled into a chair. The tab of a canned drink popped, so she imagined him drinking a beer while he studied her there, naked, waiting on his will.

  “You may lift your gaze.”

  It reminded her of the provocative scene in True Lies, where Arnold sat in a corner of the hotel room and ordered Jamie Lee Curtis to turn and display herself, undress, dance for him. Just like in that scene, she could see Logan’s outline, his features, but nothing specific in the semi-darkness. He sipped the beer, the heat of his gaze like the sun. She’d never imagined doing any of this, but her focus wasn’t on the macrocosm, but on every unique detail.

  Standing before him naked, silent, not allowed to speak, she couldn’t create a shield of words to protect her vulnerability. No, she had to merely stand while he thought whatever he wished of her. The nearby candles, heated by the wick of flame, turned soft and molten under the inexorable burn, the fragrance released by the accelerated temperature. A drop of her own wax, so to speak, rolled down her inner thigh, hot and slick. She could hear her breath, slow and yet erratic, like a languid breeze passing through the branches of a tree.


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