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Page 7

by Carys Weldon

  “What other things?” I thought I’d spare myself the effort of looking into it.

  Frank watched me in the mirror. “Your wolf is showing. Suck it up.”

  The reflection of my face in lupine jumped out at me. My eyes were blank, glassy. I reached up and touched the side of my muzzle. It wasn’t slipping back to place--to face.

  “That bitch.” I closed my eyes and said quietly, “Go find Amber before I kill everything looking for her.”

  Frank didn’t move, though. Mesmerized by the image--me growing out of my clothing, shredding everything, crinosing. He said, “Get a grip!”

  I panicked, though. I had no grip. No control of my brain. “Fuck, Frank--help me!”

  His body rolled along the lavatory, as he scooted away from me, and his head swung around after his torso faced me--and I saw horror in his expression. “Holy shit!”

  What clothes hadn’t fallen from me, I pulled loose. The confinement was too much. Again, I said, “I’m not in control of my--help me.”

  Frank was frozen in place, his eyes as wide as they could be.

  One more glance into the mirror, and I could see why. I had horribly contorted--a terrible monster of the man, crinos and true wolf. Crinos body, totally wolf facial features, human ears, hands, and feet. I touched myself all over, watching in the mirror.

  Finally, Frank managed, “What the hell did she give you?”

  Chapter Five

  “A mind talk blocker--I thought.”

  Frank’s handkerchief came out and he wiped the sweat that poured from every pore of his body. He said, “Okay. Okay. Just stay calm.”

  I was doing anything but that. I was getting more and more furious by the moment. The stiff crinos hair on the back of my neck and on my thighs began to stand up.

  “Relax, Mark. Just try and focus on relaxing.”

  “You fucking relax!” I headed for the door. “I’m gonna kill something.”

  He leaped me from behind, slipping crinos in the air. Not that he could bring me down. But he knocked me off balance, and I slammed him into the wall. He hit with a horrible thud and a groan.

  I reached down to get a hold of him before he could spring back up. Lifting him off the ground, I asked, “Are you fucking nuts?” I looked down at his body. “What did you do? Go crinos on my ass?”

  Frank’s talons wrapped around my big human paws, but he didn’t draw blood. He said quietly, “You can’t let anybody see you like this. Not here.”

  It took a minute for it to sink in. Remember what I said about L.I. and Wolf E. having a Hitlerish agenda? A werewolf that morphs like a freak would be put down on the spot. It happens all the time, but secrets are kept, if you get my drift. We were working to eradicate the freakish genes.

  This was the first time it had happened to me, and I know sure as shit that it was the pill that had done it to me. The fact that most of my head was still human, the brain and back part at least--and I was in control of my faculties like a man would be--just a little tipped toward the wolf thinking--I had to work through it all. Poor Frank, I had him off the ground by a foot, staring into his face while I did it.

  He must’ve felt me relaxing, because he repeated, softly, “Put me down.”

  When I didn’t, he flashed fangs and squeezed his fingers into my hand, letting me feel the sharpness. He had ugly nails in crinos, gray, long and rounded, but then--he was a gray wolf.

  I dropped him abruptly, asking, “You think they heard us?”

  “I’m sure.”

  “Think he’s got cameras in here?” I glanced around.

  “Giselle says the men’s room is about the only place he doesn’t.”

  There’s a reason for a double-take. Frank and Giselle are on some pretty tight terms? Enough so for her to tell him that? I looked him over again, wondering if he’d ever availed himself of her services, and if Bark had known. There was a helluva lot more sneaky shit going on than I could see, I knew that.

  I accused him. “You and she slept together?”

  He didn’t look me in the eye.

  “Bark know?”

  Frank tucked his shirt in. I guess I pulled it out when I lifted him in the air. “Yeah. He knows.”

  “That why he dumped her?”

  “She dumped him.”

  “That’s not how I heard it.”

  “Yeah, well. Then you heard wrong.”

  I watched Frank morph back to human. He scooped up my clothes. They were dust. He said, “What the fuck are you gonna wear?”

  I didn’t care. “Tell me what the hell happened between that bitch and my brother. You do realize that the jacket she gave him is the one at that murder scene, right?”

  “Yeah. I saw it.”

  “Did you talk to her about it?”

  “She doesn’t know what’s going on.”


  The door started to open. I slapped a hand to it before it moved more than an inch, slamming it shut. “We’re busy.”

  To my surprise, the door popped open anyway. Amber was in, and pushing the door shut, and looking me up and down with an odd expression.

  Without thinking, I shoved her against the door, and said, “What the fuck did you give me?”


  There was no relaxing in that state, not really. My muscles bunched. The veins in my neck pulsed.

  I put my muzzle to the skin at her throat. Her jugular throbbed. I licked. I smelled juices coming from between her legs.

  Before I could decide if I was gonna fuck her or rip her neck open--she flipped out. From the force of her shove, I went through Frank, and together, we went through a stall door, taking down the partitions. Let me tell you something, when Amber throws a crinos, you never know what hit you. A minute later, she had us by the balls--literally--yanking us up off the floor.

  Giselle came through the door, asking, “What the hell--?” Then she shut the door behind her, too, saying, “Shit. You gave him one of those--”

  “Just shut the fuck up and help me.” Amber tossed Frank like a rag doll.

  Frank kept his cool, or maybe he’d lost any he had. He remained human. In fact, if you couldn’t smell the wolf on him, you’d have sworn he was nothing but human, and taking the whole thing remarkably well. I expected him to piss his pants any minute, but Frank was surprising the hell out of me--all day long.

  Giselle went to him. “Are you all right, Frank?”

  Amber asked, “Where the fuck is Hood?”

  I winced at the pressure she was putting to my nuts. I started to say something, but she squeezed more. That hold was the only thing that kept me from friggin’ killing her.

  But I’m such a dog. I felt my cock rising between us, rubbing against her forearm.

  Giselle said, “You know where.”

  “I’m gonna tell you one last time, Giselle, you better fuck his brains out tonight or I’ll slit your pretty little bitch throat myself. He’s only doing it to piss you off.”

  “What?” Frank asked, which was good. I couldn’t get a word out edgewise, and we both wanted to know.

  “She’s got him tied up, screwing every bitch he can, trying to prove something. And he’s proved it, all right. Hood’s a total asshole. He can fuck until we’re all sore.”

  Giselle helped Frank up, smoothed his clothes for him. Extremely solicitous.

  Amber looked at me. “What the hell are we gonna do with you?”

  “I wanna know what the hell you already did.”

  She tipped her head. “Would you relax a little? That’s what’s wrong.”

  “I can’t,” I managed to squeak, “You’ve got me by the balls.”

  We both looked down. She let go of me instantly.

  I ouched a little monkey dance, grabbing myself. “Ow. Ow. Ow. Damn.”

  Frank noted with a bit of a smile, “This is the first time I ever saw you lose your cool.”

  “ fucking morph into shit at L.I., and see how well you do.”

  Amber said, “Giselle, get out there and keep an eye out.”

  “You gotta help him to relax or we’re all dead.” Giselle’s words spooked me and Frank both. We knew it already, though. She said, “You can’t say anything about that pill.” To Amber, she said, “I can’t believe you gave him one! He’s a Gaia-damned natural and you know it!”

  “Shut up and get out of here.”

  “Give him another pill,” Frank suggested. “Surely you’ve got a muscle relaxer.”

  Amber shook her head. “No. He’s gotta get a grip.”

  She moved toward me, while Giselle went to the door, dragging Frank, “You, come with me.”

  “But--” Frank didn’t want to leave me again, I could tell that. Not with Amber, anyway.

  “Go.” Amber turned her head toward them. In the mirror, I saw her eyes flash red. I could’ve sworn I saw light beams come from them, but that was just too...Hollywood. I must’ve been imagining it.

  Giselle trembled, and Frank scrambled backward. I remember thinking...what the hell? Frank pushed Giselle out the door, and followed her.

  I’ve seen a hundred bitches crinos. I’ve seen more than I can count shift in various ways. I’ve seen eyes flash. I swear, though, when Amber’s eyes go laser, you see death’s grim reaper. You know you’re one inch from dying.

  You gotta respect that.

  I asked, “What are you?”

  I could see she was a black wolf--a beautiful one at that, with the smoothest, sleekest coat. Her hair had fallen from the clip and spread out over her shoulders, blending with the rest. In crinos, she was covered in fur. The buttons on her coat had popped with the shift, and now that I looked, I saw the garter winking from the pelt of fur on her belly. The hosiery had stretched, and the hair was coming through the holes. Her breasts were still covered by the coat.

  She asked, “What do I look like?”

  “That’s not what I mean.” I sniffed. She smelled natural, but I had the distinct feeling that something unnatural was going on there.

  Now, I never expected to come across a dilemma like that at Lobos. I told myself that I was making things up. She’d shifted like a natural. Her fur coat was good, like a natural’s would be. So, what was wrong? I couldn’t put a finger on it. Or paw. Whatever.

  Remember I said I worked on the P.R. end of things? Well, that wasn’t exactly honest. I sniff out unnaturals and put them down. You could say I had a nose for them.

  Gaia help me, I had a nose for them.

  When I talk about an unnatural, I mean...the bitten werewolves like Hollywood makes movies out of. If the word about them, that they really do exist got out, we’d be up shit creek and shut down faster than we could count to one. Wolf E. fronted like a worldwide advertising agency, but, really, we minimized damage, eliminated issues that would reflect negatively--that sort of thing. A full-fledged public relations company in the old mob sense of the word. We handled the front and the back doors of Lobos and all her subsidiaries.

  But I was a fraud.

  Oh, don’t get me wrong. I hunted every unnatural I could find down and killed them. That was my job.

  But Amber was a prime example of my fucked up brain. I was drawn to them. I harbored the idea of keeping one for a pet. Now, that’s some fucked up shit, isn’t it?

  It dawned on me then that Hood had an unnatural under his roof. A pet? And not only that, from the way she and Giselle had interacted, I could guess that Giselle was one, too? Hood had two pets?

  What was that Giselle had said? You gotta help him to relax or we’re all dead.

  They were afraid Hood would find out about...what? Surely he could smell them? How could he have them under his roof and not figure it out? He had to know, didn’t he?

  I sniffed again. Amber did not smell like an unnatural, and neither had Giselle. It was my second sense on the matter that had tipped me, I think.

  Amber asked, “What are you thinking?”

  I said, “Shouldn’t have given me that pill.”

  Her eyes gleamed. “I can make you tell me.”

  “Go ahead. Try.” I’d forgotten the ball grabbing she’s prone to enjoy.

  At that moment, I was thinking...the bitch is gonna go down. I didn’t care if she disemboweled me. Hood would find out about the friggin’ unnaturals under his roof.

  That didn’t mean I wasn’t turned on by her, and what was going on between us. I’d often been turned on by the hunt of an unnatural female. At least, that explained my abnormal preoccupation with Amber.

  Yeah. I’m saying I’ve always had a thing for unnatural women werewolves. Considering my breeding and position in the company, it wasn’t something I could advertise, though, was it?

  And I never gave Bark the time of day when he tried to talk to me about it...about his ‘let’s all live happily ever after’ horseshit. What kind of fucking fantasy world was he living in?

  They hunt you down and kill you for thinking about that shit, let alone going after it. Nah. You gotta keep those secrets to yourself.

  But my secret wasn’t my own any more. Amber said, “You’ve got to relax.”

  “Mark.” Call me crazy, but I didn’t want to die at Hood’s hands--or anyone else’s--before I heard her say it.

  We’d already been through the fact that she knew my name, and who I was. What they’d done, by giving me that pill, was force me to their side. They had a secret on me. I had morphed wrong. There was the joke of the century. No one would care that it was drug-induced. No one would believe that.

  The other, about me liking to screw unnatural females? Seemed like a small thing in comparison.

  Amber smiled and said softly, like a mother crooning to a child. “Relax, Mark.”

  Soothing to my ears. I asked, “Say it again.”

  She did, and again.

  “Just say my name.” I don’t know why, but I loved hearing it from her lips.

  It came out more of a sigh, then. “Oh, Mark.” Sadly, she moved away from me, turned her back, and buried her face in her hands.

  I didn’t even think, I moved toward her, slipped my arms around her and said, “It’s all right. I won’t tell.”

  Okay, those were death words. I hoped to Gaia that Hood didn’t have cameras in the men’s room. And where the hell was he, anyway?

  Some meeting. The habitat, everyone knew, was the orgy room as much as anything. Everything ‘pack’ goes there.

  Working off frustration before meeting with me? He could have at it. I’d like him as relaxed as possible before we met face to face. My gaze strayed to the mirror. Gaia, was I fucked up.

  I wasn’t mad anymore, though. Serves you right, you lying bastard.

  How many times had I told Bark to shut up, that I didn’t want to hear about the tail he’d chased down in Garouville--a seedy part of town that lined Cat City, where those who went both ways lived, and some of us slummed from time to time.

  Nobody cared if you took a whore for a spin--no matter what her persuasion. You just didn’t brag on your bad taste.

  Amber turned her head into my chest and let me wrap my big, stupid arms around her. I felt her breath against my throat as she lifted her head and said, “I think I know how to make you relax.”

  With that, she hopped up onto the counter and said, “How’s this?”

  I blinked.

  She spread her legs. “Please. We don’t have a lot of time.”

  She wanted me to enter her? Even as a morphed out freak?

  I reached out and touched between her legs. Soft, slick. I wanted to go down on her. I frowned when I realized that she hadn’t gone and washed me off of her.

  “You didn’t wash.” It was an accusation.

  Showing no remorse, she said, “Hood knows where we stand on things.”

  “Yeah, but will I be standing once you’re done playing your games?”

  “That depends on you.” Matter-of-factly, she prodded me, “He will be here any minute.”

  She was right. The quicke
st way to relax was to get off. I didn’t wait for another invitation. I moved right into her, guiding myself by hand, touching the folds of skin, spreading them, feeling the natural wetness on my fingers and my manhood.

  I’m not always a minute man, but those first few times with Amber, I don’t didn’t take long. And I know I wasn’t the perfect lover, getting it fast like that. I’ve really tried to make it up to her.

  Not that she was complaining. Clinging, she whispered, “Harder.”

  I put it all into her, too, and she moaned with every thrust, which only tuned me up quicker. I emptied into her in no time, and just hung on through the shudders.

  When I got coherent again, we were both human. I smoothed her hair over her back, and pressed a kiss to her temple. Rather sadly, she looked up at me, and asked, “You won’t talk to Hood about this, will you?”

  “He’ll smell me on you.”

  “The other thing. The pill.”

  “Hood doesn’t know about the mind block pill?”

  She didn’t answer. Instead, she asked, “You won’t tell him about all this, will you?”

  That I morphed like a--no, I wasn’t telling a soul. And I wasn’t turning my back on Frank, or letting him out of my sight again. What if he told on me?

  Chapter Six

  Wait. I could trust Frank. If I went down, they’d probably clean out the whole line. No. He’d come to Lobos to watch my back, and I could count on him.

  But what about Amber and Giselle?

  I had a sudden urge to know more about Giselle and why she dumped Bark, and what the hell she was doing under Hood’s nose. Something wasn’t right.

  “I wish I knew what you were thinking.”

  I pulled free of Amber’s womanly parts, squeezed off the excess juice, flung it, and said, “Listen, don’t wanna know.”

  Her fingers reached out. “I’m glad you’ve relaxed. You’re kind of cute.”

  That got a small harrumph of a smile from me. “Yeah. I’m relaxed. And friggin’ naked at L.I., smelling like Hood’s woman.”

  I’d never been called ‘cute’ before, and I wasn’t feeling particularly cute at all.


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