Book Read Free

A Rocky Demise

Page 3

by Pete Thorsen

  “I see you have several pails of stuff in the garage. Would you like me to put them on the shelves for you? I would guess some are rather heavy.”

  “I guess as long as you have already noticed them you might as well help me put them on the shelves.”

  I thought how she worded it was somewhat strange but she was not very big and I knew it would be way easier for me to put the big things on those shelves. Plus, the shelves went all the way to the ceiling and I was taller than her so it just made sense for me to help.

  We both went into the garage and she directed me on arranging the stuff. When I asked about the cans and pointed at the boxes she just nodded and started opening the boxes. All the pails and cans contained a variety of food. I noticed that they were mostly pretty light, and I read that the stuff was dehydrated or, in some cases, freeze dried.

  I pointed to one of the cans that said ‘TVP meat substitute’ and asked if she was a vegetarian.

  “No. I eat meat and would rather have regular meat, but this is supposed to taste pretty good and it is way cheaper to buy and store.”

  “It’s none of my business but I admit I am curious when I have only seen you here why you have bought all this food.”

  “With everything happening in the world I just wanted to buy some food to store, so in case something happened I could at least eat.”

  “I don’t watch the news but I haven’t heard anyone talking about anything special. You do know we don’t get hurricanes or anything around here, right?”

  “Yes I know that. But things can still happen here or even across the whole country. Which reminds me…I wonder if you could haul something here that I will be buying. It’s too big for me to haul and really too heavy for me to move.”

  “Sure, I don’t mind. Will it fit in my truck or will I need to bring my trailer?”

  “It’s one of those big crates that hold water that have the metal cage around them. I think that would fit in your truck wouldn’t it?”

  “Yeah, that should not be a problem. Are you putting it inside your garage?”

  “That was my plan. Would you haul it for me? I will certainly pay your regular rates.”

  “Sure I’ll haul it. And if you just pay my gas that would be plenty.”

  “I would insist on paying you for your time also. Would tomorrow work to go pick it up?”

  “Sure. What time?”

  “How about around ten in the morning?”

  “Fine. I’ll see you then.”

  “Wait! I have to pay you for helping put the stuff up on the shelves.”

  “No ma’am. I had just asked if I could help you. I was not asking for another job. This time I insist.”

  “OK. I’ll see you tomorrow then.”

  I thought about the woman a lot on the way home. And after I got there. She sure had a lot of food stored up and she had me put that food on the upper shelves. That led me to think she plans on buying more. It would be easier for her to put it away herself on those open bottom shelves.

  I had noticed on one of the cans of food that it said it had an unbelievable shelf life of twenty-five years! I had never heard of any food with that long of an expiration date. Ever.

  So I guess she likely has plenty of time to eat it all up anyway. I still wondered about all the food. She obviously planned on storing water too if she was putting a water tank inside her garage.

  All this sure had me wondering. And it wasn’t like she was some kind of a wacko or something. From talking to her she seemed quite intelligent and down to earth. Curious indeed. And I also kept remembering just how pretty she was too.

  Chapter 6

  So tomorrow came and I went to the woman’s house around ten. She was ready and came out to my truck when I stopped.

  “I don’t think I ever gave you my name. It’s Donna Hensley.”

  I smiled. “Pleased to meet you, Donna.”

  “Oh, you’re into guns!”

  I had not even thought about the rifle I always keep in my truck for shooting coyotes. It was always there so I had simply forgotten about it.

  “I should have taken that out. I have chickens at my place and I carry the rifle to shoot coyotes. Wouldn’t want to lose any more of my chickens.”

  “Oh I don’t mind at all. Guns certainly don’t scare me or anything like that. In fact, I would really like to buy a gun but am reluctant because I don’t know anything about them.”

  “I believe a gun is something most adults should have, though only if they want to and if they get familiar enough with them.”

  “I guess that is about my view also. Would you consider teaching me about guns?”

  “I’m not much of a teacher. You should probably just take a regular class. But if you would like, I will take you shooting. You can at least shoot a couple if you want to.”

  “That would be fantastic. At least it would help me decide if I even want to pursue this at all.”

  “No problem, we could just shoot a little out at my place.”

  “You live in the country?”

  “Yes, I live out a ways.”

  “You will have to give me directions.”

  “I think it would be best if I just brought you out there. It’s a little hard to find.”

  “Whatever you think is best.”

  We talked all the way to the place that she had bought the caged water tank from which was in a nearby larger city. She showed them her receipt and they loaded the tank in the back of my truck without me even touching it. I probably did not need to but I cinched it down with a ratchet strap so it couldn’t move.

  It was getting close to noon by then and Donna directed me to a restaurant where we stopped to eat. We talked during lunch (which she insisted on paying for) and we talked on our way back to her house. I have to admit she is quite pleasant to talk to. Well, mostly listen to because she is quite a talker.

  I was able to slide the big tank out of my truck and horse it around in her garage to the spot where she wanted it without too much trouble at all.

  When I got the tank in place I was about to get going when she started talking again.

  “So, as long as you are here, how about that shooting lesson today?”

  “Ah, yeah I guess. If you want.”

  “Great. Let me just run in and change my shoes. I’ll just be a minute.”

  Change her shoes? Whatever, I guess. I didn’t know anything was wrong with the shoes she had on. They were just regular tennis shoes. I waited for several minutes and she re-appeared with a different outfit on. I didn’t notice if she had the same or different shoes.

  She locked up and we got back in my truck and I drove out to my place.

  “You’re right. I don’t think I could have found your place. You really are in the middle of nowhere out here. You don’t even have any neighbors.”

  “That is just the way I like it.”

  We talked a little as we headed for the house. I thought she would just wait outside but she followed me in.

  “My house isn’t done yet. I’m doing it all myself as I get the money. It is just done enough for me to live in here now.”

  “I just realized there were no electric wires running to your house. You run everything off the solar panels I saw on the roof?”

  “I do now. I got them installed awhile back. Before that, if I wanted power I had to use my generator. This is much handier.”

  “So you must have a well here. I did not see any big water tanks to hold water.”

  “Yeah, it has a well. And the pump runs off the solar set up. There is a pressure tank here in the house so the pump does not run so much.”

  “Wow. This is just like the place I would really like to own. Did I see a garden? And I know I saw some fruit trees and there were some chickens running around outside. It has everything in a place that I would like to own.”

  “You would want to live out in the sticks like this?”

  “Yep. My dream would be to have a little homestead like thi
s. Even the house itself is perfect.”

  “I like this house but I would hardly call it perfect. And like I said, it is long from done. Come on. As long as you are in here you can help me carry a couple things so we can go shoot a little.”

  She walked with me to a spare room where I had some of my junk in a pile. I found some ear muffs and I took my twenty-two rifle and a box of shells and we went back outside.

  We walked a short distance off and I started showing her the rifle and telling her not to point it at anyone, especially herself. Then I showed her the safety and told her not to depend on the safety and instead keep your finger off the trigger at all times and always point it in a safe direction.

  I had her hold the rifle but she looked uncomfortable so I showed her just how to hold it. Then I explained about gun sights and how to line them up to hit your target. I had her aim at a distant rock then remove the gun from her shoulder and again raise it up, find the sights, and aim.

  I had her do that until she would raise the gun smoothly to her shoulder and quickly find the sights without any trouble. I watched where she put her hands and praised her for keeping her finger off the trigger. Then I had her put on the ear muffs. With that done I showed her how to load the rifle and explained that you had to work the action once to get a shell up in the chamber.

  “Only then is the gun ready,” I told her.

  I had brought an empty can with and now I threw it out a ways, telling her it would be the target. I told her she already knew how to bring the sights on a target so she was ready.

  I had her move the safety to the fire position and aim at the can. Once ready, I told her to gently place her finger on the trigger. “Keeping the sights lined up on the can, gently squeeze the trigger, while also trying to keep the sight aligned on the target.”

  She shot and I saw her jump a little. She missed the can but was very close.

  “It surprised me when it went off.”

  “That is exactly what it is supposed to do. Every time you shoot. You did an excellent job.”

  “But I missed the can!”

  “You came very close. Look at all the space in front of you and how little of that space the can takes up. Obviously it would be way easier to miss the can than hit it. And you were very close. Now, just try it again and do everything the same.”

  She shot again and, again, was very close. On the third shot she sent the can flying!

  “I hit it!”

  “You certainly did. Now let’s see if you can do it again.”

  In the next five shots she hit the can three more times. She was really happy.

  “This is fun. I never thought it would be fun. Is it always like this?”

  She was happy and excited and was just rattling off talking. It was fun watching her and seeing her so excited.

  “Shooting is often fun. That is why many people shoot. Some never even go hunting, they just enjoy shooting.”

  “I see why. I like it.”

  “Go on and shoot some more. You get better all the time and the can gets farther away every time you hit it, which just makes it harder to hit.”

  Donna shot the little rifle again, hitting the can several more times. She shot until the magazine was empty and when the gun went ‘click’ she turned to me, looking a little worried.

  “Did I break it? I’m sorry.”

  “No, you did not break it. You just shot all the shells we put in it is all. It looked like you were having fun and you sure made that can fly.”

  “Oh yeah, they do run out of ammo don’t they. I was worried I broke it. Yes it is a lot of fun. I know I want one now. I think I was doing pretty well. What do you think?”

  “Yes you were indeed doing very well. Must have been because you had such a good teacher.” I laughed.

  “I think so too. A very good teacher. And I thank you.”

  We talked some more and I had her load the gun again and she shot up another magazine full of shells. It was obvious that she really did like shooting the little gun. She had shot the can full of holes so I went and got another can which she also promptly shot full of holes.

  Chapter 7

  It was starting to get to be late afternoon and Donna reluctantly explained that maybe she should be getting back home. We carried the stuff back into my house and I showed her how to do a brief, quick cleaning of the rifle. Then we got back in my truck and took off for her place.

  Naturally, we talked along the way, or at least she did anyway. But she had a pleasant voice and I did not mind her almost-constant chatter. When we got to her place she got more serious.

  “Thank you for everything today. I had a wonderful day.”

  “I enjoyed it also.”

  We were now standing in front of her house and, apparently on a whim, she stood tall and gave me a quick kiss on my cheek before thanking me again and saying goodbye as she retreated into her house, leaving me standing there wondering what that was all about.

  I drove home and my life was perfectly normal. I worked on my house and did a few odd jobs to bring in a little extra cash. The garden was winding down and this year my fruit trees were producing way more than I had expected.

  Someone I had done some work for awhile back called me and asked if I would be interested in a propane tank he wanted to get rid of. It was an upright, and smaller at only 120 gallons.

  I asked how much he wanted for it and he said he really just wanted it gone. When I said how about twenty-five bucks he quickly agreed and asked how soon I could pick it up. When I said tomorrow it seemed to be just what he wanted to hear.

  I went and picked up the tank with my small trailer. I had been using four of the 100 pound propane tanks at my place that I could easily haul in and have filled, but a bigger tank would be nice.

  I brought it home and asked one of the local propane companies how much it would cost to fill it. When they found out where I lived they added a substantial surcharge on the rate for delivery way out here. I thanked them and hung up.

  I thought about it for a couple days and came up with a different plan. I knew about a small trailer that someone had for sale and I went and bought that. I mounted my ‘new’ propane tank solidly in the trailer and decided I could just bring it in to be filled and simply leave it on the trailer. The weight of the tank once full of propane would only be about six hundred pounds total, certainly not too heavy of a load.

  Once filled, I would just park the tank next to my gas hookup and put blocks under the trailer to take the weight off the tires. With a simple, flexible corrugated connector pipe it would be hooked up in no time. Besides, the propane was much cheaper if you did not have it delivered.

  But, as often happens with plans, they don’t turn out. The place I went to have it filled at would not fill it because it was so big. They also said I could not legally transport it when it was full because of its size. I don’t know if what they said was true or not but it really did not matter because they wouldn’t fill it.

  Then, that same morning, Donna called me out of the blue. She said she had bought two guns then asked if she could come out to my place to shoot again. I told her she could stop and shoot most anyplace in the country instead of coming way out to my place, but of course she was always welcome here. She just said ‘great’ and asked if today was OK for her to come out. I told her sure and asked if she could even find the place again to which she replied she wanted to try. About an hour later she pulled into my yard with her rig.

  It was kinda nice to see her again. I had forgotten just how pretty she was. She showed me the two guns she had bought. Both were little twenty-two caliber guns, one a rifle and one a pistol. She said that she had just bought them and had not shot them yet.

  So first we cleaned them and then we took them out for shooting. She had brought her own ammunition and ear muffs, along with a pair of shooting glasses. This time I made a couple of simple targets instead of shooting at cans on the ground.

  When she asked why, I said we have
to get the guns sighted in first. I explained that the gun sights were not likely set in the right spot, so the bullet would not go to where the sight pointed. I had her start with the rifle and shoot three shots into the target. They were all close together but high and to the right of the bullseye.

  I adjusted the sights and made sure she saw exactly what I was doing before she shot three more times. This time the shots were closer to the bullseye but still just a little to the right. I again moved the sight a fraction and she shot again to find that the bullets now hit where she was aiming.

  We did the same with her pistol. She was very disappointed when she shot the pistol and found the hits were scattered on the target. I had to explain that accurate pistol shooting required much more practice and could almost never be as good as a rifle. After some additional shooting she did improve though, just like I predicted.

  When we stopped shooting Donna stayed at my place for some time. We just talked and walked around the place, but mostly we talked. Before she left she asked if I ever came to town.

  “Of course I come to town,” I answered.

  “Is there any reason that you don’t stop in and visit me when you’re in town?”

  I just stammered and finally said that I thought I would stop and visit soon. Donna left and went home while I stayed and thought about her. It was obvious she wanted to take this up a notch but there was something she did not know about me and I did not know exactly how to breach that subject.

  I don’t usually watch TV even though I do have one with a rooftop antenna now that I have the solar setup. Two days later I watched the news and found out there had been another so-called ‘lone wolf’ attack by another Muslim that killed several Americans with a rifle. Of course, the main topic of discussion was gun control while Muslim control was never mentioned. I stopped watching the TV after that and tried to forget that I even heard the report about that shooting.

  I needed to go into town to give an estimate on a small job and so I stopped at Donna’s house after I was done with that. She certainly seemed happy to see me at her door.


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