Herbert Eugene Bolton_Historian of the American Borderlands

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Herbert Eugene Bolton_Historian of the American Borderlands Page 47

by Albert L. Hurtado

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  The index that appeared in the print version of this title does not match the pages in your eBook. Please use the search function on your eReading device to search for terms of interest. For your reference, the terms that appear in the print index are listed below.

  Note: The abbreviation HEB has been used throughout. Figures are denoted by. and the figure number; these refer to the photograph gallery the follows page 158.

  academic freedom: Adams’s promise of Barker’s speech on; loyalty oath in context of Wells-Ely controversy and

  Academic Senate (UC)

  Academy of American Franciscan History

  Academy of Pacific Coast History

  Acheson, Dean

  Adams, Ephraim D.: on academic freedom as AHA president; death of; work: California’s Story (with HEB)

  Adams, Herbert Baxter

  Adams, James Truslow

  African Americans: beliefs about equality struggles of. See also slaves and slavery

  AHA. See American Historical Association (AHA)

  Aiton, Arthur

  Albion College (Mich.)

  Albright, Horace

  Albright, Leslie

  Allen, William F.

  Ambrose, Genevieve

  America: use of term, See also Americas

  American Association of university Professors

  American Commonwealth series

  American Council of Learned Societies

  American Historical Association (AHA): cross-country travel to conference; expeditions of HEB praised at; founding and goals of; generational and regional changes in HEB as president-elect and president of; HEB’s presidential address for; HEB’s “Two Types of Courses in American History” presented to loyalty oath controversy and meetings mentioned; nominations for office (1921); Panama- Pacific Historical Congress of Pike papers discovery announced at; presidents after HEB presidents before HEB; reorganization proposed Southwest historical studies report for; structure of leadership (1929); Turner’s frontier thesis presented to; U.S. history teaching initiative of. See also Pacific Coast Branch (AHA)

  American Historical Review: editor of; HEB ’s articles: introduction and Pike’s papers; on Mexican archives; “The Mission as a Frontier Institution in the Spanish American Colonies,”

  American Indians: assimilation of; childhood reading about; graduate student research on; HEB ’s articles in handbook on; in HEB ’s Coronado; in HEB ’s Escalante book; legal issues of; number in California; as objects of missionary attention; population decline in colonial period

  Americanism: use of term

  American Philosophical Society

  American Revolution

  Americans: use of term

  American West: AHA representation and meetings in context of AHA resolution on; childhood reading about; McMaster’s interest in; Wheeler’s view of. See also Southwest; Spanish America; Spanish Borderlands; and specific states

  Americas: conflicts and differences among nations of curriculum terminology and FDR’s use of term; Good Neighbor Policy and. See also history of the Americas (hemispheric history)

  Anasazi ruins

  Anderson, Clinton P.

  Anderson, Ethan

  Andrews, Charles McLean

  Anglo-American history: assumptions about Spanish in Drake plate as venerable relic of; ethnocentric view of; HEB ’s discussions of; as HEB ’s heritage; indigenous population decline in; key repository of materials on; missions’ role in; Turner’s privileging of vigilantism in. See also anti-Catholic attitudes; frontier thesis (Turner)

  Anglos: Mexican attitudes toward; organizations of; use of term

  anthropology department (Calif.)

  anti-Catholic attitudes: in California milieu; historical research as counter to; in narrative of Spanish America in Parkman’s writing; rejection of. See also Anglo-American history

  anti-Semitism: allegations about HEB ’s common experiences of of fraternity; pragmatic approach to

  Anza, Juan Bautista de: exploring trails of publications on

  Anza’s California Expeditions (HEB)

  archives: Catholic history documents in; funds for foreign research in; guides to Mexican materials of; researcher’s death in foreign location; Texas Bexar Archives; Zacatecas. See also

  Archivo Nacional (Mexico); Bancroft Library; historical documents; Huntington Library; Museo Nacional (Mexico City); National Archives Archivo Nacional (Mexico): Garrison’s role in exploiting; guide to materials of; HEB ’s first travel to and publication from schedule of

  Arizona: Anza’s trail Coronado’s trail Escalante’s trail; Kino’s trail. See also Spanish colonizers and missions

  Arizona Coronado Commission

  Arredondo’s Historical Proof of Spain’s Title to Georgia (HEB)


  Athanase de Mézières and the Louisiana- Texas Frontier (HEB)

  Austin (Texas): HEB ’s first impression of; political figures’ challenge to direction of university courses university faculty circle and activities in. See also Texas; University of Texas

  Bancroft, George

  Bancroft, Hubert Howe

  Bancroft Library (University of California, Berkeley): appraisal of original collection; building on campus for; directors after HEB; Doheny’s failure to fund; Drake plate acquired by; focus of; HEB ’s collection in; HEB ’s control of; HEB ’s interest in; HEB ’s Mexican manuscripts in HEB ’s retirement from HEB ’s return in WWII; HEB - Teggart relationship and; HEB working in, highlighted in international exposition historical demography drawn from keys to; leadership needed for; negotiations for acquiring; origins of; Priestley’s role at; reputation assured; for sale since 1880s; saved from earthquake and fire (1906); special strengths of; Turner’s evaluation of; university’s relationship to Venegas manuscript of

  Bancroft Prize

  Bank of America

  Bannon, John Francis

  Barat College of the Sacred Heart (Lake Forest)

  Barker, Eugene C.: angry at HEB ’s hiring; considered for Byrne professorship; Garrison’s attitude toward; HEB ’s friendship with; HEB ’s students hired by; HEB ’s university absence and; role in history department of Texas; teaching of; on Texas presidency work: With the Makers of Texas (with HEB )

  Barron, George Haviland

  Barrows, David Prescott

  Bean, Walter

  Beard, Charles

  Bear Flag Revolt (1846)

  Becker, Carl L.: as AHA president; fellowship process and; fraternity of; HEB ’s defense of historical views of on Rosenberg as Jew; on Turner’s voice

  beliefs (HEB): about Spain in America; ethnocentric, pro-missionary perspective : exclusions of; general discussions of inclusive sense of history in; on race; southern white influences on; Texas cultural assumptions about youthful prejudices abandoned. See also politics; religious beliefs

  Bemis, Edward W.

  Bénard, Emile Henri

  Berkeley. See University of California, Berkeley

  Bernard Moses Memorial Lecture

  Billington, Ray Allen

  Binkley, William

  Boaz, Franz

  Bocqueraz, Leo

  Bohemian Club

  Bolton, Alvin (brother)

  Bolton, Edwin Latham (father)

  Bolton, Eugenie (daughter)

  Bolton, Frances (daughter)

  Bolton, Frederick (brother): anti-communism and; on church going; as dean of school of education at Washington; departure for and return from Germany; education of financial assistance from; on Gertrude Janes; on hard work; as high sc
hool principal; marriage of; teaching at college; teaching at high school; on Texas presidency

  Bolton, Gertrude (“Tootie,” daughter)

  Bolton, Gertrude Janes (wife): courtship and marriage of; death of; expedition role of; health concerns of; HEB driven by; HEB ’s correspondence with; on HEB ’s honors; high school years; home destroyed in wildfire (1923); household economy of intelligence and academic excellence of; Philadelphia stay of; teaching of; Texas move and; Texas presidency offer and; at University of Wisconsin. See also family life and children

  Bolton, Grace (sister)

  Bolton, Helen (daughter; later Schneider)

  Bolton, Herbert, Jr. (son)

  Bolton, Herbert Eugene (HEB): birth; courtship and marriage; death photographs. See also Bolton, Gertrude Janes (wife); family life and children; wages and income (HEB)

  ––beliefs. See beliefs (HEB)

  ––characteristics: affability; ambition to be somebody; appearance; behavior toward subordinates vs. superintendents cigarette smoking; contradictions in; ego and arrogance failure to observe poverty; gentleness and encouragement hard work and discipline health concerns lack of executive decisiveness; learning and maintaining social skills misogyny as young man; nocturnal studies; optimism; persistence personal charm in negotiations practical jokes; pragmatism romanticism; summarized; work habits

  –– childhood and youth: discipline and hard work in farming in high school years, memories of; reading during

  –– education, post-secondary: delegate of graduate students :; familial assistance with funds for father’s encouragement in fraternity membership graduate, University of Pennsylvania graduate, University of Wisconsin language preferences; teaching positions alternated with, undergraduate, University of Wisconsin, undergraduate, Wisconsin Normal School

  –– career. See career (HEB); retirement years (HEB)

  –– occupations (before college teaching): farm work; high school principal and teacher; hotel work (for room and board) lumber store manager; printer’s devil; school teacher, traveling salesman

  –– outdoor and athletic activities: continued vigor; fishing; football and rowing at Madison; high school sports; wrestling with lumberjacks. See also travels and expeditions (HEB)


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