Herbert Eugene Bolton_Historian of the American Borderlands

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Herbert Eugene Bolton_Historian of the American Borderlands Page 48

by Albert L. Hurtado

  –– publications. See publications (HEB)

  Bolton, Jane (daughter)

  Bolton, Johnnie (brother)

  Bolton, Laura (daughter)

  Bolton, Rosaline (Cady) (mother)

  Bolton, Roy (brother)

  Borah, Woodrow

  borderlands. See also Spanish Borderlands

  Brinton, Crane

  British Museum

  Brooks, Philip

  Buenos Aires Herald

  Bugbee, Lester Gladstone

  Burbank, Luther

  Bureau of American Ethnology

  Burr, George Lincoln

  Bursum Bill (proposed)

  Bynum, Lindley

  Byrne, Margaret, endowed professorship

  Cady, Roseline. See Bolton, Rosaline (Cady) (mother)

  Caldeira, William

  Caley, Earle

  California: anti-Catholic and Anglo attitudes in; earthquake in (1906); eugenicists in as exemplar in Spanish Borderlands concept HEB as most important historian in HEB ’s approach and generalized discussions of beliefs in high school teacher requirements of; Mexican archival sources on; wildfire in Berkeley (1923). See also California history; California legislature; and specific universities

  California Division of Beaches and Parks

  California Hall (University of California, Berkeley)

  California Historical Society

  California Historical Society Quarterly: Drake’s Plate discussed in

  California Historical Survey Commission

  California history: Anglo perspective highlighted in Bancroft Library and Cal as synonymous with; centennial projects in democracy’s beginning in; first book on; gold rush in; hangings by vigilance committee in; HEB ’s definition of; HEB ’s textbook on in hemispheric history; Mexican bandit in mission history and gold rush as key to; preservation of documentary basis for; Serra and King as exemplars of

  California Institute of Technology

  California legislature: anti-communist bill in; loyalty oath of

  California’s Story (HEB and Adams),

  California State Council of Defense

  California State Supreme Court: on Indian citizenship on loyalty oath

  californios: definition of

  Camp, Charles

  Campbell, W. W.

  career (HEB): breakthrough point in change in direction; colleagues in California Coronado as culmination of declining influence of key ideas Doheny Foundation work; editorships of journals; festschrifts in honor of; field of his own; field research central to foundations of thinking; HABS work; historical document finds honorary doctorates; honors Huntington’s cooperation; insecurity about later view of language of; legacy of litigation support for attorneys mistaken identification of Drake plate (see Drake plate); mistaken identification of mission ruins as most important historian in California national and professional recognition others’ criticism and resentment of; personal charm in dealings; public school program assessments of; recommendations for replacement of himself Sather Professor of History; Stanford’s recruitment of Texas presidency considered Texas visit and advice; universities’ later recruitment attempts; War History Committee work work habits and schedule. See also American Historical Association (AHA); Bancroft Library; historian; history of the Americas (hemispheric history); National Park Service; research in Mexico; retirement years; Spanish Borderlands; Spanish colonizers and missions; students, graduate; travels and expeditions; Turner-Bolton relationship; University of California, Berkeley, history department; University of Texas, history department; wages and income (HEB); Wisconsin State Normal School

  Carnegie Institution: funds from

  Carr, Helen

  cartographic materials: classroom use of, Coronado’s route; Escalante’s route HEB ’s pride in compiling; manuscripts and expeditions linked “Map of Pimería Alta,” “Map of Texas in the Eighteenth Century,” silver mine located via land records

  Castañeda, Pedro de

  Catholic Church: attitudes toward HEB ’s research in Mexico; ecumenical view of; interests in mission essay; Mexican archival holdings of; Serra Cause and. See also religious contexts; Spanish colonizers and missions

  Catholic University of America

  Catholic World

  Caughey, John Walton: on Americas course; anti–loyalty oath stance of; California centennial projects and; on Chronicles of California direction HEB ’s Pan American Day talk and; work: Gold Is the Cornerstone

  Centennial History Advisory Committee. See also Chronicles of California series

  Chandler, Robert

  Chapman, Charles Edward: as carrying HEB ’s legacy; courses taught by; death of; on HEB ’s detractors; HEB ’s replacement and; as HEB ’s student; position of; thesis on California history of

  Chappell, Maxine

  Cherrington, Ben M.

  Chicago Inter-Ocean

  Chickering, Allen L.: Drake plate and,

  Chronicles of America series (Yale): HEB ’s book as success HEB ’s book revised and ghostwritten; HEB ’s drafts rejected; HEB ’s proposed book for

  Chronicles of California series,

  Civil War

  Clark, Arthur H.

  Clark, George C.

  Clark University

  Coan, Charles

  Cold War: academic effects of

  Colegio de Guadalupe (Zacatecas)

  College of the Holy Cross (Querétaro)

  Colonization of North America , The (HEB and Marshall)

  Columbia University

  Columbus Memorial (Santo Domingo)

  Committee on American History in the Schools and Colleges

  communism: allegations about Becker and loyalty oath controversy and

  Conmy, Peter

  Conquest of Mexico, The (Prescott)

  Contra Costa Junior College

  Cook, Sherburne F.

  Corcoran, May

  Coronado (joint publication, HEB ),

  Coronado, Francisco Vásquez de: exploring trails of; HEB ’s book on; HEB ’s lecture on; as hero; quadricentennial celebrations of

  Corral, Ramon

  Cortés, Hernán

  Coy, Owen C.

  Cozzens, Samuel Woodworth

  Craven, Avery

  Crespi, Juan

  Cuba: HEB ’s views on (1898)

  Culleton, James H.

  Cunningham, Charles

  Dane, George Ezra

  Dartmouth College

  Davis, John F.: Catholicism of; death of graduate fellowships supported by HEB ’s request for opinion of; HEB ’s work supported by; hemispheric approach to California history and; as historical survey chair; War History Committee and

  Debatable Land, The (HEB and Ross)

  Debo, Angie

  democracy: in California history vigilantes and

  DeVoto, Bernard

  Dewey, John

  Díaz, Porfirio

  Dickson, Edward A.: attitude toward HEB and history California centennial projects of; HEB ’s treatment of Caughey compared with loyalty oath supported by

  Dictionary of American Biography

  Diocesan Historical Commission

  doctoral programs: comparison of; dual problems in development of; fellowship policies and; historical research collections and; mentor – graduate student relationships in; placement of Cal graduates from. See also historical profession; students, graduate; University of California, Berkeley, history department

  Dodd, William E.

  Doe, Charles Franklin

  Doe Library (University of California, Berkeley). See also Bancroft Library

  Doheny, Edward I.

  Doheny Foundation

  Dominican Republic: HEB honored by

  Drake, Francis

  Drake plate: attacks on authenticity of belief in authenticity condition of ECV’s perfidy in concealing truth; fabrication and inscription of HEB ’s reflections on; inspiration for negotiations for; Shinn’s discovery of; testing of

rake University

  Dressler, Albert

  DuFour, Clarence

  Duke University

  Dumke, Glenn S.

  Duncalf, Frederic

  Dunn, William E. (“Eddie”): as HEB ’s student later positions of; position of; proposition for HEB; Spain research of

  Dunne, Peter Matsen

  E Clampus Vitus (ECV, fraternal organization): Drake plate hoax and; HEB ’s talks on Drake for; HEB ’s view of; revival of

  Ehrman, Sidney Hellman, endowed professorship

  Ehrman, Sidney M.: California centennial project and; Drake plate funds from; festschrift involvement of; HEB ’s Coronado and; HEB ’s funeral and; HEB ’s work supported by; loyalty oath and

  Eisenhower, Dwight D.

  Eliot, Charles W.

  Ellison, Joseph

  Ellison, William Henry

  Ely, Richard T.

  Emerson, Ralph Waldo

  Engelhardt, Zephyrin

  Epic of America, The (Adams)

  “Epic of Greater America, The” (HEB)

  Equestrian Order of Saint Sylvester

  Escalante, Francisco Silvestre Vélez de: exploring trails of; HEB ’s book on planned book about

  eugenics: assimilation vs.; Jews as viewed in widespread belief in

  European countries: broad commonalities among; HEB ’s travel and research in

  Ewing, Russell

  expansionism: McMaster’s support for; new course on racial issues in

  expeditions. See travels and expeditions (HEB)

  Faculty Club (and Glade)

  Faddis, Miss (instructor)

  Fairchild (Wis.) High School

  family life and children: Big Papa and Big Mama in; family photograph, financial needs of; Gertrude’s management of home destroyed in wildfire (1923); losses in Mexico City stay of; new home for (1930s), outings and visits; support for HEB ’s work

  Farquhar, Samuel

  Farrand, Max: as AHA president; background of Jordan’s correspondence with; Turner’s friendship with; Turner’s posthumous books overseen by; Yale position for

  federal government: HEB ’s connections to; Indian policy of; Latin American policy of. See also Historic American Buildings Survey (HABS); National Park Service; U.S. Department of State; and other agencies

  Federation of Graduate Clubs

  Ferguson, James

  Fessenden, Ellen

  Fessenden, Josephine

  Fink, Colin

  Fish, Carl

  Fiske, John

  Fletcher, Parson

  Florida: in Spanish Borderlands; U.S. acquisition of

  Flower, Robin

  Floyd, Marmaduke

  Ford, Guy Stanton: AHA role of; assistance after wildfire; fraternity of; HEB ’S appeal to; historical views of; Texas presidency rejected by; on Turner’s death; U.S. history teaching initiative of

  Fort Caroline

  Franciscan order research assistance

  Fray Juan Crespi (HEB)

  Friedenwald, Herbert M.

  Friend, Llerena

  frontier thesis (Turner, 1893): approach and summary of; HEB on modification of; HEB ’s borderlands concept and implications for; HEB ’s loyalty to; HEB ’s reflections on; HEB ’s Spanish missions juxtaposed to; historical standpoint of; history teaching adjustments for. See also Anglo-American history

  Fuchs, Klaus

  Fuller, William

  Garcés, Francisco

  Garrison, George Pierce: Carnegie proposals of death of; HEB recruited by; HEB ’s first impression of; HEB ’s hopes to please; HEB ’s Mexican research supported by HEB ’s outmaneuvering of; hopes for University of Texas politics and controversies of university and; works: introduction, With the Makers of Texas (HEB and Barker); Texas, A Contest of Civilizations

  Gayley, Charles Mills

  Geiger, Maynard

  gender, graduate degrees by See also women

  Georgia: mistaken identification of mission ruins in Spain’s title to in Spanish Borderlands

  Georgia Historical Quarterly

  Georgia’s Disputed Ruins (report)

  Georgia Society of the Colonial Dames of America

  Germany: academic model of; Jewish immigrant from

  Giannini, Amadeo Peter

  Giannini, L. Mario

  Gillan (professor)

  Gilman, Daniel Coit

  Glasgow, Robert

  gold rush

  Good Neighbor Policy: HEB ’s lectures on; hemispheric history linked to

  Goodwin, Cardinal

  Grand Canyon: Castañeda’s description of; HEB ’s expeditions to

  Granite (Wis.): lumber company job in

  Great Britain: removed from center of American history. See also Anglo-American history

  Greater America (festschrift)

  Great Hall (University of California, Berkeley)

  Guerra de Tejas. See Mexican-American War

  Guide to the Materials…in the Principal Archives of Mexico (HEB)

  Guinn, James M.

  HABS (Historic American Buildings Survey)

  Hackett, Charles W. (“Hackie”): on AHA Nominating Committee; assistance after wildfire; death of; on HEB biographical sketch; as HEB ’s student; position of; on Texas presidency

  Hakluyt, Richard

  Hale, George Ellery

  Hammond, George P.: as Bancroft Library director; festschrift involvement of; HEB ’s Coronado book promised to HEB ’s expeditions and, loyalty oath controversy and

  Handbook of North American Indians

  Hanna, Edward J.

  Harper, Lawrence

  Harper, William Rainey


  Harpers (publisher)

  Harriman, E. A.

  Hart, Walter Morris

  Harvard University: AHA leadership connected with; Eliot’s travels as president Jewish enrollment issues at; Turner’s move to

  Harvey, Fred

  Haselden, Reginald Berti (“Captain”): attack on authenticity of Drake plate on cleaning of Drake plate; photographed at work, response to Drake plate testing report; work: “Is the Drake Plate of Brass Genuine?”; Scientific Aids for the Study of Manuscripts

  Hasinais, The (HEB)

  Haskins, Charles Homer: age cohort of; AHA activities of; background of; death of; on Eliot’s visit to Madison; on Gilman’s visit to Madison; HEB as student of; at Johns Hopkins University, professional circle of; significance in HEB ’s career; status of; Turner’s position and; Wisconsin history department and


  Hearst, George

  Hearst, Phoebe Apperson: Academy of Pacific Coast History and; death of; HEB family visits with; projects funded by

  Hearst, William Randolph

  Hearst Hall (University of California, Berkeley)

  Hearst Memorial Mining Building (University of California, Berkeley)

  hemispheric history. See history of the Americas (hemispheric history)

  Heraldic Order of Cristóbal Colon

  Hewett, Edgar

  Hicks, John D.: HEB ’s funeral and; HEB ’s replacement and; institutional prestige and; loyalty oath controversy and; PCB/AHA dispute and; U.S. history survey of; wartime curriculum report and

  Hildebrand, Joel

  Hispanic American Historical Review

  Hispano-American Education Bureau

  Hiss, Alger

  historian: as adventurer as explorer as good vs. bad influence as hero as transnational figure

  historical documents: AHA resolution on; attitudes toward; authentication of central to HEB ’s career documentary edition as model for publishing expeditions utilizing funds requested for saving; guides to Mexican archives of; Mexican-American War records as; Pike papers as research in for Serra Cause; significance of and access to; state statutes on slaves as; thesis about abolition vote based on; Turner’s preferences for collecting; Venegas manuscript; women’s translation of. See also cartographic materials

  Historical Memoirs of N
ew California (Palóu, ed. by HEB )

  historical profession: age divisions in AHA presidency as pinnacle; anti-communism’s effects on checks on race and religion of candidates circles of connections in; doctorates required in; emergence of; financial reward issue in; generational and regional changes in inside game in institutional relationships of; local political influences on objectivity and historical context of as role models for graduate students; Stephens’s role in trans-Mississippi West conference of. See also academic freedom; American Historical Association (AHA); doctoral programs; historian; universities and colleges; and specific institutions

  Historic American Buildings Survey (HABS)

  historic sites and trails: HABS work and; mistaken identification of Spanish mission ruins (Ga.) official status in research on. See also travels and expeditions (HEB)

  history: context of writing decision to study; early interest in; of hemisphere vs. nations; inclusive, broadened perspective on; of oaths; philosophical spectrum in. See also Anglo-American history; California history; frontier thesis (Turner, 1893); history of the Americas (hemispheric history); Latin American studies and history; national histories; Native American history; Spanish Borderlands; Spanish colonizers and missions; transnational history

  history courses: curriculum reorganized at Cal; demand for U.S. history in European expansionism European history hemispheric emphasis in; map for, Spanish Borderlands used in; Teggart's interference in. See also history of the Americas (hemispheric history)

  History of Education in Texas (Lane)

  History of the American Frontier (Paxson)

  History of the American People (McMaster),

  history of the Americas (hemispheric history): AHA presidential address on; California textbook incorporating; conceptualization of course on; easterners’ rejection of; foreign policy context of map for, others’ reservations about approach; Pacific Coast and Basin defined in resurgence of concept; social and political context of; standpoint of; text organized on; Turner’s ideas juxtaposed to virtues and flaws of; WWII backlash against. See also Spanish Borderlands

  Hodder, Frank C.

  Holmes, William A.


  Hoover, Herbert

  Houghton Mifflin (publisher)

  Houston, David F.

  Howard, John Galen

  Hubble, Edwin Powell

  Hull, Cordell

  Huntington, Collis:

  Huntington, Henry E.:

  Huntington Library, Art Collections, and Botanical Gardens: authentication methods of Caughey’s research at; focus of; Haselden photographed at, origins of; Turner’s research at


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