Stanford University: faculty recruitment agreement with Cal HEB recruited by HEB's reversal of decision for Jewel Fund of library of San Francisco earthquake's impact on students of, recruited by H EB Turner recruited by wartime curriculum report of See also Jordan, David Starr
Stanley, Henry Morton
Stark, J. Lutcher
Stephens, Henry Morse: as AHA president background of Bancroft Library negotiations and in Bohemian Club, death of desire to recruit Turner in Faculty Club, graduate fellowships supported by HEB recruited by HEB's first meeting with HEB's relationship with legacy of lodgings of move to California Pacific Coast view of on religious matters role in California's history department reputation teaching of Teggart's position and university responsibilities of works: The Pacific Ocean in History (with HEB ) Revolutionary Europe
Stewart, George
Stripp, Fred
students: curriculum reorganized for GIs as HEB as (see Bolton, Herbert Eugene [HEB]—childhood and youth); homogeneity of student life and sports activities of travels to Mexico with U.S. history curriculum and
students, graduate: accomplishments of Americas course sidelined later by degrees by year and gender festschrifts for HEB organized by focus on funding and fellowships for HEB as (see Bolton, Herbert Eugene [HEB]—education, post-secondary) HEB's attempt to include student writings in Chronicles as HEB's “boys,” HEB's mentoring relationship with hemispheric history idea spread by Jews as number of placement of recruitment of rivalry among seminar gathering of, stresses and unhappiness of women as See also specific students
Sulloway, Frank
Sutro, Adolph
Sutter's Fort State Historic Park
Tate, Vernon
teaching positions (college-level). See University of California, Berkeley; University of Texas; Wisconsin State Normal School
teaching style: collaborative seminar philosophy; encouragement rather than humiliation; interrogation technique; passion in; Turner’s influence on. See also students, graduate
Teggart, Frederick J.: Bancroft Library work of; Chapman as student of; departure of; grudge against HEB; on HEB ’s hemispheric approach; return to Cal; standards and rules under; teaching of; work: Prolegomena to History
Texas: Coronado’s trail through; HEB ’s early books about; HEB ’s history textbook on; as key to Spanish American history; racial attitudes in. See also Austin; University of Texas
Texas (Garrison)
Texas Agricultural and Mechanical College
Texas Ex-Students Association
Texas in the Middle of the Eighteenth Century (HEB)
Texas State Historical Association Quarterly: Carnegie grant announced; founding of; HEB ’s articles in; HEB ’s role in
Theta Delta Chi: Cal chapter; Wisconsin chapter
Thickens, Virginia
Thomas, Albert B.
Thompson, James Westfall: as AHA president; Ehrman professorship for; as PCB representative; retirement of
Thwaites, Reuben Gold
Tilden, Douglas
Time magazine
Tomah (Wis.): high school years in
Tomah Journal
Toronto (Ontario): AHA meeting in
Transcontinental Treaty (1819)
transnational history: concept of; context of writing; Coronado as hero of; historian’s role in; national histories in context of. See also history of the Americas (hemispheric history); Spanish Borderlands
travels and expeditions (HEB): AHA conferences; Anza’s route; approach to; archival research in Europe; archival research in Mexico; Coronado’s route; Escalante’s route; as Graduate Clubs delegate; Kino’s route; Lima, Peru, for conference; Morison’s admiration for; photographs from, post-retirement plans for; Pueblos in Southwest; travels and writing on trails; Washington (D.C.). See also cartographic materials; research in Mexico (HEB)
Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo (1848)
Treutlein, Theodore
Trevelyan, George Macaulay
Truman Library
Tulsa Tribune
Tumacacori mission. See also Kino, Eusebio
Turner, Frederick Jackson: AHA activities of; background of; on Bancroft Library; circle of; death of; focus of; graduate fellowships and; HEB ’s loyalty to; HEB ’s reflections on; historical standpoint of; Huntington Library research of, Jones’s criticism of; lecture of; legacy of; position at Harvard; position at Johns Hopkins, position at Wisconsin; as role model; significance in HEB ’s career; on Skinner’s Pioneers of the Old Southwest; status of; Stephens’s appeal to; summer teaching at Berkeley; teaching methods of; universities’ recruitment of; voice of; on Wells’s accusations about Ely (report); writing style and; works: “The Significance of the Frontier in American History” (see frontier thesis); The United States 1830 – 1850
Turner-Bolton relationship: academic context underlying; approach to; demand for equal recognition in works; HEB on Berkeley move and; HEB ’s congratulations for Turner’s Harvard move; HEB ’s hopes to engage Turner in discourse; key differences in; Turner’s assistance with position for HEB
Tuskegee Institute
“Two Types of Courses in American History” (HEB)
United States, 1830—1850 The (Turner)
universities and colleges: anti-communism’s effects on; demand for U.S. history in; discrimination against Jews in; doctoral training issues for; enrollment decline in WWI; funds from public land sales for; growing importance of midwestern and western; president’s role in; set theory analogy of. See also academic freedom; doctoral programs; historical profession; students; and specific institutions
University of Arizona
University of California, Berkeley: Academic Senate’s role at; anthropology department of; Bernard Moses Memorial Lecture; building boom of, Coronado quadricentennial and; depression years at; Doheny Foundation at; Drake plate conveyed to; faculty recruitment agreement with Stanford; foundation of; HEB ’s History 8 popularity at; HEB ’s interest in; HEB ’s legacy for; HEB ’s students hired by; interlocking network of; loyalty oath controversy at; mandatory retirement age at; political science department of; presidential crisis of; publishing arm of (see also University of California Press); religious matters at; research board of; student life and sports at; Sutro’s library rejected by; Turner recruited by; Turner’s summer teaching at; War History Committee of; wartime curriculum report of. See also Bancroft Library; Doe Library
University of California, Berkeley, history department: anti-communist political climate of; Bancroft Library’s relationship to; cost-cutting measures of; endowed professorships established in; focus of; graduate education development of; graduate funding and fellowships of; HEB as chair of; HEB recruited by; HEB ’s consolidation of power in; HEB ’s replacement in; HEB ’s retirement from; HEB ’s return in WWII; HEB ’s vision for; Huntington’s cooperation with; ranking of; reputation of; revisionist, broadened direction of; Sather Professor of History of; Teggart’s interference in; U.S. history required. See also history courses; students
University of California, Davis
University of California, Los Angeles: communist professor barred from; HEB ’s lecture at; HEB ’s students hired by; origins of; wartime curriculum report of
University of California Board of Regents: Academic Senate’s relationship with; Dickson on; Doheny Foundation approved by; Ehrman appointed to; on HEB ’s death; historical survey member named by; loyalty oath required by
University of California Press: Chronicles of California series of; HEB and editorial board of; Ibero-Americana series of
University of California Publications in History series
University of Chicago: academic freedom issues at; Garrison’s doctorate from; HEB recruited by; HEB ’s students hired by; Madison’s competition with; wartime curriculum report of
University of Illinois
University of Iowa
University of Michigan
University of New Mexico
of New Mexico Press
University of Pennsylvania: HEB ’s fellowship at; honorary doctorate for HEB; reputation of
University of San Francisco (earlier, Saint Ignatius College)
University of Southern California
University of Texas: Bexar Archives of; funding issues of; HEB and presidential opening at; HEB ’s students hired by; HEB ’s visit and advice for; politics and controversies of; racial segregation of; visitors to. See also Austin; Texas
University of Texas, history department: Barker’s role at; Garrison’s hopes for; HEB ’s departure from; HEB ’s direction changed at; HEB ’s hiring and move to; HEB ’s return to; HEB ’s teaching at; HEB ’s teaching for field school of; HEB ’s work in Mexico supported by; political challenge to direction of courses at; positions open at
University of Toronto
University of Washington: communist professors fired at; Fred as dean of school of education at; job offer of; Turner’s departure from
University of Wisconsin: dreams of attending; fellowship policies of; focus of; Fred Bolton as student at; HEB as student at, history department of; honorary doctorate for HEB; Jones’s diatribe against; Turner’s position at; Wells-Ely controversy at; Wells’s hopes for reform of
U.S. Civil Service Commission
U.S. Coronado Exposition
U.S. Department of State: HEB ’s service to and lectures for; HEB ’s students hired by
U.S. – Latin American relations: Good Neighbor Policy and; HEB at conference on; HEB ’s talks on:
U.S. Office of Education Wartime Commission
USS Maine
Utah Historical Society
Vanderbilt University
VanderHoof, V. L.
Van Nostrand, John
Venegas, Miguel
Villa, Pancho
Vincennes University
Vinson, Robert
wages and income (HEB): Berkeley salary; Bureau of American Ethnology for Mexico research; California centennial projects; Carnegie research; Coronado expedition for NPS; fellowship and advance for Coronado; lectures to supplement retirement; post-retirement attempts to raise money; post-retirement research funds; post-retirement teaching; Serra Cause research; Texas salary; textbook royalties; Wisconsin Normal salary
Wagner, Henry Raup
Walker, Margaret
Walker, Vande
War History Committee (California Historical Survey Commission)
Warren, Earl
Warren, Richard
Washington (D.C.): HEB ’s visits to
Washington, Booker T.
Washington, George
Washington University (St. Louis)
Webb, Walter Prescott
Wells, Oliver E
West. See American West; Southwest; Spanish America; Spanish Borderlands
Wheeler, Benjamin Ide: admiration for; on American West; Austin visit of; background of; Bancroft Library negotiations and; eugenicist beliefs of; funding concerns of; HEB appointed history department chair by; HEB recruited by; HEB ’s report on publishing documents for; history and political science professors under; organizational activities of; photograph of, presidency in crisis; university responsibilities of
Wheeler Hall (University of California, Berkeley)
Whitaker, Arthur P.
Whittlesey House (publisher)
Willard, James F.
Williams, Mary Floyd
Willoughby, Barrett
Wilson, Woodrow
Winsor, Justin
Winston, George T.
Wisconsin: attitudes toward University of Wisconsin in; boyhood in. See also Milwaukee; Wisconsin public schools; Wisconsin State Normal School; University of Wisconsin
Wisconsin Historical Society
Wisconsin public schools: Fairchild High School; Kaukauna High School; Neillsville; state oversight of; Tomah, Tunnel City, York
Wisconsin State Normal School (now, University of Wisconsin – Milwaukee): Fred as student at; Fred hired by; Fred’s departure from; Herbert as student at; Herbert hired by; Herbert’s unhappiness at
With the Makers of Texas (HEB and Barker)
women: gender discrimination against; graduate degrees of HEB on sons vs. daughters; HEB ’s attitudes toward scholarly work of; as HEB ’s students; publications assistance of; as translators
Woodward, C. Vann
Wooten, Joe
World War I: academia impacted by; in hemispheric history perspective; War History Committee work during
World War II: gasoline and cigarette rationing during loyalty oath in context of; precursors to entry; social and political changes after; U.S. entry; U.S. history emphasized during and after
Yale University Press. See Chronicles of America series (Yale)
Ye Preposterous Booke of Brasse (ECV)
York (Wis.): HEB ’s teaching in
Young, C. C.
Youth’s Companion
Zacatecas missionary archives
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Compositor: BookMatters, Berkeley
Indexer: Margie Towery
Printer and binder: Sheridan Books, Inc.
Herbert Eugene Bolton_Historian of the American Borderlands Page 50