Hurley Marine Works
immigration: backlash against California textbook on
Ishi (Yahi Indian)
Italy: HEB knighted by king of
Jacobs, Wilbur R.
James, William
Jameson, J. Franklin: as AHA president; as American Historical Review editor; circle of; death of; guides to Mexican materials and; Haskins’s correspondence with; history dissertation data of; legacy of; letters of introduction obtained via significance in HEB ’s career Teggart’s skills and. See also American Historical Review
Janes, Gertrude. See Bolton, Gertrude Janes (wife)
Janes, Mrs. (Gertrude’s mother)
Jews: allegations about HEB ’s refusal to hire fraternity’s discrimination against; HEB ’s work supported by identified in recommendations (and later not); university discrimination against
Jinx (play)
John Paul II (pope)
Johns Hopkins University
Johnson, Allen: as editor of Chronicles of America series HEB ’s book for series of writing lessons of
Johnson, Hiram
Johnson, Paul
Johnson, Thomas (HEB ’s grandson)
Jones, Richard Lloyd
Jones, William Cary
Jordan, David Starr: admiration for; eugenicist beliefs of; HEB ’s meeting of Turner recruited by. See also Stanford University
Juárez, Benito
Kantorowicz, Ernst Hartwig
Kaukauna High School (Wis.)
Kerner, Robert J.
Kerr, Clark
King, James Ferguson
King, Thomas Starr
Kinnaird, Lawrence: HEB ’s legacy and; HEB ’s replacement and; loyalty oath controversy and; new curriculum requirements and; promotion for; WWII service of
Kino, Eusebio: committee to promote statue of; European research on exploring trails of; HEB compared with; Tumacacori mission of
Kino’s Historical Memoir of Pimería Alta (HEB)
Kipling, Rudyard
Knights of Columbus
Kosmos Club
Kroeber, Alfred L.
Ku Klux Klan
La Follette, Robert
Lane, J. J.
Larned, William E.
Larson, Lawrence M.
Latin American studies and history: first formal college course in; HEB ’s view of future for sidelined in wartime curriculum report. See also Americas; history of the Americas (hemispheric history); Spanish America; Spanish Borderlands
Leonard, Charles B.
Leonard, Irving B.
Lesley, Lewis B.
Lewis and Clark expedition
Libby, Orin G.
Library of Congress
Lincoln-Roosevelt League
Lindbergh, Charles
Lipman, Charles
litigation support for attorneys (HEB)
Lockwood, Frank C.: background of HEB biographical sketch by HEB ’s students questioned by; travels with HEB; work: “Adventurous Scholarship,”
Lodge, Henry Cabot
London, Jack
Los Almagres silver mine
Los Angeles City Council
Los Angeles Express
Lost Trail, The (Cozzens)
Lothrop, Maria Lydia
Lovejoy, Arthur
Lowell, Abbott Lawrence
Loyola University (Chicago)
Lummis, Charles Fletcher
Lunt, William E.
Magnaghi, Russell
manifest destiny
maps. See cartographic materials
Margaret Byrne endowed professorship
Marshall, Thomas Maitland: anti-Semitism of as HEB's student on Paetow work: The ColoniZation of North America (with HEB )
Mather, Stephen
Mayflower (ship)
McCarthy, Joseph
McCormac, Eugene I
McGraw-Hill.See Whittlesey House (publisher)
McKinley, William
McLaughlin, Andrew
McMaster, John Bach: as AHA president background of death of HEB's reading of mentoring style of popularity of views on Maine and expansionism students of work: History of the American People
McWilliams, Carey
Mecham, John Lloyd
Menéndez de Avilés, Pedro
Merritt, Ralph
Metcalf, John Brockway
Mexican-American War California textbook on HEB's search for records of HEB's visit to sites of in hemispheric history perspective treaty to end
Mexican Revolution Guide to the Materials delayed due to HEB in country just before in hemispheric history perspective oil industry impacted by
Mexican War of Independence
Mexico: American Indians as citizens of Anza's trail in Coronado quadricentennial and U.S. relations with damage to archives in details for academic absence for research in Doheny's hopes for U.S. intervention in eugenicist beliefs about people of family story about HEB's persistence in HEB's travels to, Figs letters of introduction for research in oil industry in provincial archives of race relations in See also Archivo Nacional; Museo Nacional
Mexico City: HEB'S lodgings in HEB's research schedule in HEB's travel, teaching, and lectures in unexplored archival repositories of See also Archivo Nacional; Museo Nacional
Mezes, Sidney E
Mézières, Athanase de
Mills College (Oakland)
Milwaukee (Wis.): brothers living in social activities in See also Wisconsin State Normal School
“Mission as a Frontier Institution in the Spanish American Colonies, The” (HEB)
Mission Santo Domingo (Ga.)
Mississippi Valley Historical Association
Mitchell, Richard
Moffitt, James K
Monroe Doctrine
Montcalm and Wolfe (Parkman)
Monterey (Mexico) archives,
Mood, Fulmer
Moore, Harry
Morison, Samuel Eliot
Morrill Act
Morris, William A
Morrison professorship
Moses, Bernard
Mount Vernon (Va.)
Mowry, George
Murieta, Joaquín
Museo Nacional (Mexico City)
Nasatir, Abraham
Nation, The
National Archives
National Board of Historical Service
National Council for the Social Studies
National Education Association
national histories: borderland and transnational dimensions of HEB's alternative to hemispheric context of post-WWII demand for U.S.
National Park Service: Coronado's trail expedition and HEB's students hired by HEB's working relationship with
Native American history: emergence of HEB's narrative in context of
Native Americans. See American Indians
Native Sons of the Golden West: anti-communism of central role of controversy over statues and Davis’s death and graduate fellowships funded by graduate fellowships withdrawn by on HEB and Texas presidency offer HEB honored by HEB's European trip funded by EHB’s presentations for HEB's view of historical commission member named by history department support from War History Committee funds and
Neasham, Vernon Aubrey
Nebraska: family's failed move to
“Need for the Publication of a Comprehensive Body of Documents Relating to the History of Spanish Activities within the Present Limits of the United States, The” (HEB)
Neff, Pat M
Neillsville (Wis.): HEB s teaching in
Nettels, Curtis
New Deal (FDR)
New Mexico: conquest of Coronado's trail through Mexican archival sources on mission essay on Pueblos of See also University of New Mexico
New Mexico Coronado Commission
New York Times,
Noll, Lorenz
Northwestern University
Noticias de la California (Palóu)
Nussbaum, Jesse
Oahu College (Honolulu)
sp; OBrien, Eric
Office of Strategic Services (OSS)
Ogden, Adele
Ohio State University
oil industry in Mexico
“Our Nation's First Boundaries” (HEB)
Outpost of Empire (HEB)
Oxford University
Pacific Coast Branch (AHA)
Pacific Historical Review,
Pacific Ocean in History, The (HEB and Stephens)
Pacific Theological Seminary
Paetow, Louis
Pageant in the Wilderness (HEB)
Palma (Yuma chief)
Palóu, Francisco
Paltsits, Victor Hugo
Panama-Pacific Historical Congress
Panama-Pacific International Exposition (San Francisco)
Pan American Day (UCLA)
Pan American Institute of Geography and History
Pan-Americanism: HEB's concept of
Pan American Trade Committee
Parish, John
Parkman, Francis: American Indian narrative of HEB compared with HEB's reading of as model for HEB prejudices of writing style of works: Montcalm and Wolfe, Pontiac
Paxson, Frederic Logan: as AHA president Byrne professorship for California centennial projects and HEB's replacement and as history department head Jones’s criticism of students under on U.S. history works: History of the American Frontier,; review of The Colonization of North America, 1492–1783(HEB and Marshall)
Perkins, Dexter
Peru: HEB's visit to
Peterson, Harry
Phelan, James D
Philippine Commission
Philippine Islands: educational work in
historical documents collection on
Pike, Zebulon Montgomery
Pioneers of the Old Southwest (Skinner)
Pius XII (pope)
Plan of Iguala (Mexico, 1821)
political science department (Calif.)
politics: avoidance of controversy declined to discuss questions about universities as separate from See also communism
Polushkin, E. P
Pomeroy, Earl
Pontiac (Parkman)
PortoláGaspar de
Powell, Philip
Powicke, F. M.
Prather, W. L.
Prescott, William Hickling
Priestley, Herbert Ingram: as Bancroft Library director courses taught by death of dismay at HEB's use of budget Doheny Foundation work of HEB's replacement and as HEB's student position of student of
primary sources. See cartographic materials; historical documents
Princeton Institute for Advanced Studies
Princeton University
professionalization See also historical profession
Professor's Faculty Club (Philadelphia)
Prolegomena to History (Teggart)
Protestantism: Drake plate as venerable relic of
narrative about triumph of
See also Anglo- American history; anti-Catholic attitudes; frontier thesis (Turner, 1893)
publications (HEB): as chronicle vs. critical analysis Coronado as culmination of detailed vs. pleasing to read Ehrman's funds for first article foreword to book ideas underlying introductions to edited documents listed by year maps and photographs in multiple ongoing projects plans for writing lessons for See also cartographic materials
publications, specific (HEB): Anza's California Expeditions Arredondo's Historical Proof of Spain's Title to Georgia Athanase de Mézières and the Louisiana-Texas Frontier California's Story (with Adams) The Colonization of North America 1492–1783 (with Marshall) Coronado (joint publication) The Debatable Land (with Ross) “Drake's Plate of Brass,” “The Epic of Greater America,” Fray Juan Crespi Guide to the Materials…in the Principal Archives of Mexico The Hasinais Kino's Historical Memoir of Pimería Alta With the Makers of Texas (with Barker) “The Mission as a Frontier Institution in the Spanish American Colonies,” “The Need for the Publication of a Comprehensive Body of Documents Relating to the History of Spanish Activities within the Present Limits of the United States,” “Our Nation's First Boundaries,” Outpost of Empire, The Pacific Ocean in History (with Stephens) Pageant in the Wilderness, Palóus Historical Memoirs of New California (ed. HEB ) The Spanish Borderlands, Texas in the Middle of the Eighteenth Century, “Two Types of Courses in American History,”
Pueblo Indians
Pueblo Lands Act(1924)
Pullman Strike (1894)
Querétaro (Mexico), missionary archives of
Quinan, Francis G.
race: Cal campus and HEB's beliefs about Jews considered as southern beliefs about See also eugenics
Ranke, Leopold von
Read, Conyers
religious beliefs (HEB): avoidance of controversial churchgoing in high school years favorite scripture silence on strict Methodist upbringing Texas cultural assumptions about
religious contexts: job hunting and prejudices in key article on significance of missions narratives about Spanish America and oaths in of Texas controversy of Texas search for president See also anti-Catholic attitudes; anti- Semitism; Catholic Church; Spanish colonizers and missions
Remington, Frederick
research in Mexico (HEB): first publication from Lewis and Clark expedition documents Pike papers discovery in political power underlying support for Transcontinental Treaty documents travels for unexplored archival repositories and
retirement years (HEB): Bernard Moses Memorial Lecture California centennial projects Chronicles of California series Coronado publication Coronado's trail expedition date of first retirement date of permanent retirement Escalante project Escalantes trail expedition joys of lectures loyalty oath controversy and projects planned for Serra Cause teaching and university duties at Cal during WWII teaching elsewhere wartime rationing and work habits and schedule
Revolutionary Europe (Stephens)
Rhodes, James Ford
Rippy, J. Fred: festschrift presentation and HEB's recruitment of, HEB's replacement and as HEB's student HEB's students hired by hired by Chicago wartime curriculum report and
Robinson, Edgar E.
Rockefeller Foundation
Roosevelt, Franklin D. See Good Neighbor Policy; New Deal (FDR)
Roosevelt, Theodore
Root, Elihu
Rosenberg, Hans
Ross, Mary
Rowell, Chester
Rowland, Donald W.
Ryder, Arthur W.
Saint Ignatius College (later, University of San Francisco)
Saint Mary's College (Moraga, Calif.)
San Diego State Teachers’ College
San Francisco: as borderland community earthquake(1906)
HEB honored in
San Francisco Chronicle
San Francisco Committee of Vigilance
San Francisco Junior College
San Francisco State College
San Luis Potosí archives
Santa Barbara State Teacher's College
Sather Professor of History
Sather Tower (University of California, Berkeley)
Sauer, Carl
Saxon America: use of term
Schevill, Ferdinand
Schlesinger, Arthur M.
Scientific Aids for the Study of Manuscripts (Haselden)
Scott, George W.
Secretaría de Gobernación
Serra, Junípero: admiration for campaign to canonize Drake compared with statue of
Serra Award
Sheridan, Philip H.
Shinn, Beryle: defense of,; Drake plate discovered by
Sidney H. Ehrman endowed professorship
“Significance of the Frontier in American History, The.” See frontier thesis (Turner, 1893)
silver mine, located
Simpson, Leslie Byrd
Skinner, Constance Lindsay: HEB's Anza reviewed by HEB's book revised by writing lessons of work: Pioneers of the Old Southwest
slaves and slavery: abandoned st
udy in Texas milieu graduate study of later terms used for university exam on See also African Americans
Sluiter, Engel: appointment for HEB's legacy and HEB's recommendation of loyalty oath controversy and new curriculum requirements and
Smith, Donald E.
Smith, Preserved
Snyder, Edwin Lewis
Somerby, Grace
Sontag, Raymond
Southern Pacific Railroad
Southwest: childhood reading about HEB's first article on historical archives key to independence of litigation support for attorneys in Spanish character of studies of See also American Indians; Spanish America; Spanish Borderlands; travels and expeditions (HEB)
Southwestern Historical Quarterly,
Spain: HEB knighted by king of HEB's proposed book on research in
Spanish America: California textbook incorporating challenge to assumptions about divisions in writing about Drake plate as counterbalance to historical view in context of 1898 events indigenous population decline in, key article on missions’ role in key repository of materials on ordinary prejudices about studies of Texas as key to See also Spanish Borderlands; Spanish colonizers and missions; travels and expeditions (HEB)
Spanish-American War(1898)
Spanish Borderlands: basic narrative of California's role in conceptualization of context of writing history of culture considered in as key to hemispheric history mapping Kino's trails across mission essay in context of national monuments narrative reflecting precursors to interest in resurgence of concept San Francisco's founding and Texas as keystone in tradition of trail network of transnational view of See also history of the Americas (hemispheric history); Spanish colonizers and missions travels and expeditions (HEB)
Spanish Borderlands, The (HEB): context of writing drafts rejected by Johnson proposal for Skinner's revising of success of
Spanish colonizers and missions: ecumenical Christianity emphasized in discussion of funds requested for restoration of glorified, heroic view of HEB as apologist for HEB's emphasis on HEB's identification with indigenous population decline due to key article on significance of mistaken identification of mission ruins as “principal weapon,” race relations in Serra Cause in context of See also Catholic Church; religious contexts; Spanish America
Spanish Pioneers, The (Lummis)
Splawn, Walter
Sproul, Mrs.
Sproul, Robert Gordon: California centennial projects and as Cal president Drake plate hoax and at event honoring HEB funds for Lima trip from history department appointments under loyalty oath controversy and U.S. history survey requirement and
Stanford, Jane
Stanford, Leland
Stanford, Leland, Jr.
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