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Matched to the Wolves [Werewolf Brides 4] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

Page 11

by Cara Adams

  “I did, too, she seems like a very nice person,” said Shakina.

  “Whereas he’s not nice at all. He uses people,” said the client, as she walked out of the beauty parlor.

  “I wonder if he’s tried to use her?” asked Tanisha thoughtfully.


  * * * *

  Shakina, Yaro, and Zoan sat around the table eating the last few slices of pizza out of the box. Shakina had just set the coffee pot bubbling and they were all looking rather stunned, Zoan thought. Or possibly jetlagged in Yaro’s case.

  “All this happened today? Cooper told us about the possibility of buying and taking over the BDSM club, Arthur Avery told you Mr. Green, who works for Rinehart, is not a good person, and one of the ex-Mrs. Rineharts turns up wanting a foot spa, and a customer says Rinehart himself is a bad guy? It’s like something out a movie. It’s too much to take in. It can’t be coincidence.” Zoan jumped up to get out the coffee cups.

  “Well, that’s not quite fair. Cooper really decided days ago. It’s just he didn’t announce it until today,” said Yaro.

  “And CarolLynne coming to Shakina’s Styling might truly be coincidence,” added Shakina.

  “No. I worry about you. Seriously, Shakina, if Green is after you, it’s not safe. He’d know that parking lot is where Okapi escaped from his people and might blame us somehow.”

  “So, Zoan, how can we turn that into a positive?”

  “What?” He stared at her. What the hell did she mean? Turn what into a positive?

  “We need to think of a way that people taking an interest in my store could be useful. Free publicity, you know. I can’t afford to buy advertising, but if people are talking about me and like my foot spas, that’s all good.”

  “You mean, like ask this CarolLynne if she’ll endorse your foot spas?” suggested Yaro.

  “That sort of thing, yes. She said she’ll come back, so maybe she’ll tell her friends. Maybe Shakina’s Styling will become the trendy place to have a foot spa while getting a haircut.”

  “Anything is possible, but I’m not buying it, Shakina. How can I keep you safe? What if Green comes after you?”

  “I have no value, Zoan. No one is going to pay a million dollar ransom for me. If they’re after anyone, it’ll be Mr. Cooper himself. He’s the obvious target.”

  Zoan tried to explain his fears to her but it was clear she didn’t believe him. He looked at Yaro. By the look on his face, Yaro had the same sensations of uneasiness as he did, but apparently he had no better idea about how to protect her.

  Then Zoan thought of the old men who took turns to escort unaccompanied human women around Coopersville. “What about the old men? What if each day a different one of them came and just sat in the beauty parlor? You could say you were granddad-sitting or something.”

  “It’d be dreadfully boring for them, though,” Shakina objected.

  “What about if they came in wolf form then? You could say you were dog sitting.”

  Zoan smiled at Yaro in gratitude for his suggestion. “That might work.”

  “But what if one of our clients actually knows about dogs.? She’d know they weren’t dogs and you don’t want people thinking of werewolves.”


  There was silence while they finished drinking their coffee. Zoan watched as Yaro folded up the pizza boxes to put them in the trash. Then he thought of a variation on what they’d been saying.

  “Okay, how about this? One of the old men comes and sits with you. When the place is empty, you cut his hair. Then he stays there for a while, until he’s bored or whatever, and the next old man arrives. Old man one goes home and old man two takes over. Surely three men would be all you’d need in a day. We should be able to get enough volunteers to last you for the best part of a week.”

  Shakina smiled. “That would work and it’d be good, too, because the store wouldn’t look empty. There’d always be someone waiting and they’d be rewarded for sitting around for a few hours by a fresh haircut. We could shampoo and condition their hair too. Even if you send me someone who’s nearly bald we could give them a foot spa. Oh, remember Alfred said he’d like a foot spa? Maybe we can give them all foot spas while they wait.”

  Zoan laughed. “Oh, Shakina, I love you so much. You’re very important to me. Won’t you agree to mate us both, please? Marry us and we promise to love you forever.”

  “I love you, too. It’s my dearest wish that you’ll mate us and make us a family,” said Yaro.

  * * * *

  Marry them. That’s not what she’d been expecting to hear tonight. Of course she guessed they’d ask her again sooner or later, but there were still a few months before her time limit was up. She hadn’t expected the question to come now, especially after they’d all had such an unusual day. Most days they went to work, they worked, they came home. Today, not so much, at least for the men. Yaro had been to Chicago and back. He had to be exhausted. And Mr. Cooper had dropped a bombshell on his staff by saying he would likely buy the BDSM club. So much had happened they really needed a little time to assimilate it all.

  On the other hand, why wait? What would change if she stopped and thought about it for a day, a week, a month? She already knew she was going to say yes. She’d known for a while. Basically agreeing to have sex with them had demonstrated she was taking their interest in her seriously. It wasn’t like she slept around much. She didn’t sleep around at all.

  “Tell me again exactly what mating involves.”

  “Once we are mated, we are partners for life under shape-shifter law. I’m sure you were told before you came here that there’s no divorce under shape-shifter law,” said Zoan.

  “Yes, we were told that. Also that we could choose one man to be married to at city hall under American law if we all agreed on that. I don’t need a civil ceremony. I don’t have a family expecting wedding photographs posted on Instagram or anything. They’ll be more excited I finally have my own beauty parlor.”

  “So all that happens is we all make love with no protection. Double penetration is required. As we come, we bite you and claim you as ours. But you need to know we will always love you. That’s our solemn promise to you. Then later we’ll have the ceremony in front of the community saying we’re mated, if you’d like that. I think I’d like everyone to wish us well for the future,” said Zoan.

  “I’d like a mating party. I want everyone to know Shakina belongs to us,” added Yaro.

  Shakina remembered Esther’s mating party and her pretty green dress. “I’d like a party. So many people have helped me to start the beauty parlor. The whole community has been involved. They all deserve to share in the party.”

  “Does that mean you’ll mate us?” asked Zoan.

  “You know it does. You know I love you both. Who else would put up with a couple of clowns who throw shower gel all over the floor?”

  “I didn’t throw it. The bottle slipped,” argued Zoan.

  “Yeah, right, sure it did.”

  “Shut up and kiss me,” she told them.

  “Just a minute.” Zoan waved to Yaro and they both disappeared from the room. Now what?

  They were back in seconds, each of them holding a pile of bedding in his arms. Zoan opened the sliding glass doors onto the deck. Shakina had looked out the window there many times, but she’d never stepped onto the deck. For the first time she noticed there were no other houses immediately overlooking the deck. She knew both men liked the house being farther out of the community so they could easily go running in wolf form. Now she began to guess another positive aspect of not having neighbors able to see onto her deck or into her home.

  They set the bedding onto the deck, piling up blankets and quilts haphazardly into thick mat, and then opening out clean sheets over the top of them.

  Yaro turned the main lights off in the living area, leaving a dimmer light shining through from the hallway and one of the bedrooms where they’d just collected the bedding. She realized it was l
ikely that the blankets came from both their bedrooms. She knew the big double bed was only used when she slept here with them. The rest of the time they stayed in their own rooms. She wondered if the blankets would smell of them, and if she’d be able to tell which of them was which by scent alone.

  And then they were surrounding her, their bodies pressing close to her and she could smell them and feel their need for her. Zoan was darker and bigger than Yaro, more muscular, possibly because of working on the farm. His scent was more earthy as well. Yaro’s hair looked darker, more brown and less red in the dim light, but she still caught flashes of red fire from it as he moved. His smell was slightly spicy, as if he’d just eaten chilies, not pizza.

  “Time to get undressed,” said Zoan huskily.

  “You first,” she said.

  She’d expected an argument, but they were both far more eager than she’d understood. Clothing scattered all over the floor, with pants dropped where the men stood, shoes kicked off and shirts thrown over heads to land where they might. Both men were completely naked before she had time to draw breath.

  “Time to get undressed,” Zoan repeated.

  “Since I don’t want my clothing ruined, I’ll do it myself,” she said as four hands reached out to strip her.

  She undressed quickly, catching their urgency but also aware they would do it for her if she attempted to tease them. And their help might involve a loss of buttons judging by the way they’d shucked off their own clothing.

  As soon as she was naked, they took her hands in theirs, one of them on either side of her, and led her onto the deck and the bed they’d made there. She settled on her side watching as Zoan took out a tube of lube and showed it to her before gently pushing on her hip to make her roll over and lie on her front. “This is warming lube. It’ll not only open you for us, but also increase your desire.”

  “I doubt very much my desire could be increased. I’ve never wanted to fuck anyone the way you men arouse me. I’d never had three orgasms in a row until you gave them to me.”

  “Right then. We’d better aim for four orgasms. A man needs a goal to strive for,” said Yaro.

  “Four might kill me.”

  “Not at all. Soon you’ll be telling us off if we only aim for three,” teased Zoan.

  Shakina drew in a hasty breath. Warming lube indeed. Her ass was heating up hotter than the sun and he’d hardly started to open her as yet. Then she couldn’t think as Yaro turned her head to the side and began kissing her. He was a wonderful kisser, his lips gentle yet possessive, sweet yet demanding.

  Finally Zoan rolled her over and Yaro rubbed some of the warming lube on her nipples and massaged her breasts. Heat began penetrating through her skin and she shivered with lust. “Holy hell that stuff is powerful.”

  “Does that mean you’re ready for us? Are you wet?” Zoan opened her legs and licked along her cunt, biting the edges of her nether lips and swiping a line along her slit.

  “Fuck yes. Fuck me.”

  Yaro lay on his back and pulled her over him, his cock sliding into her cunt and his fingers teasing her breasts. She lifted her body up off him to give him more space as he pinched nipples that were aching for his touch. But Zoan forced her to lie flat so he could enter her ass. As soon as she felt his cock begin to penetrate her there, she wiggled, pushing back on him, needing to be filled, needing more, more, more.

  “Dammit, woman, if you keep that up I won’t even get a single stroke inside you before we all come,” complained Yaro.

  “I don’t care. Just do it.”

  Four hands gripped her hips and the two cocks withdrew only to slam into her so hard her body rocked between them. They set such a fast pace she almost couldn’t breathe, but she loved the way they were possessing her. The speed and depth was exactly what she needed tonight. She wanted to be owned, possessed, taken. To be branded by them both and made completely theirs forever.

  Shakina inhaled deeply and squeezed all her internal muscles. The effort nearly made her eyes bug out, but the feeling of being filled beyond full by two enormous cocks was so good she planned to wait until she could catch her breath and do it again.

  She didn’t get the opportunity. They jackhammered into her so hard her body exploded into a million pieces and she screamed with ecstasy. Instantly her cunt and ass were filled with hot seed and two mouths bit down on her shoulders right beside her neck. She felt their fangs slide into her flesh and screamed again as her orgasm raged even higher at their bite.

  She sank limply between them, her body still shaking and her head aching with the force of her climax. “Now that’s what I call an orgasm,” she mumbled, her throat suddenly hurting. Dammit, did I scream that loud?

  “We guessed.” Zoan laughed and kissed her shoulder again, then the two men rolled her onto her side.

  “I think I may be permanently deaf,” teased Yaro.

  “I’ll teach you sign language,” she mumbled, resting between the men, happier than she could ever recall being in her life. Happier even than when she’d first walked into her own beauty parlor, and stared at her name on the window. “Shakina’s Styling.” Now that was something. She’d never imagined anything would make her happier than achieving her life-long dream. But somehow Zoan and Yaro had done it.

  “I love you both so much,” she said, leaning up to kiss Yaro, and then Zoan.

  The four arms tightened around her.

  “I love you, too,” whispered Yaro.

  “You mean everything to me,” said Zoan.




  Cara Adams adores erotic romance, especially ménage, BDSM, and shape-shifters. One day, someone said to her, “Why don’t you put them all in one book?” So she did.

  For all titles by Cara Adams, please visit

  Siren Publishing, Inc.




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