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Rules of Seduction

Page 4

by Joya Ryan


  His jeans were gone. Nothing between them now but desire.

  He continued to kiss her jaw, her neck, down to the swell of her breasts as he reached behind and unfastened the tie around her wrists. When her hands came free, he grabbed one and placed it between their bodies.

  With his hand covering hers, he traced her palm from his chest, down his cut abs to his cock. It was hard and, like she’d thought, big. But what was different was that he didn’t coax her to stroke it, he simply wanted her to touch it. He tapped her hand once, as if telling her to keep her hand there. A rip of cellophane sounded, then she felt him roll the condom on.

  Something in her chest tugged. He wanted to make sure she knew he was keeping her safe.

  She nodded in understanding. She wanted to tell him that she meant it when she said she wanted to feel him. Everywhere. In every way. And she was dying to feel him in one way in particular.

  As though he could sense her desire, he wrapped a strong arm around her back, scooted her even closer, rubbing the head of his shaft between her folds. Her head fell back at the incredible contact. She was sensitive and the feel of him driving along the bundle of nerves sparked to life another dose of lust. But she felt empty. Tilting her hips, she silently begged him for more. In one long, powerful thrust, his massive length impaled her.

  “Ah!” she gasped and stilled. He filled her up, so hard and big she could barely breathe. It was a stretch, a little sting, but it was good. So insanely good she didn’t want to stop. This was what being consumed felt like.

  He didn’t move. Simply sat there. One arm kept her in a vice grip, the other cupped her face, his thumb brushing back and forth along her cheekbone.


  He was doing it again, and she was getting swept up in it.

  “I’m okay,” she whispered. “Keep going.”

  He let out a heavy exhale and did just that—thrust up and hit a spot deep inside that, like the man currently wrapped around her, seemed so good it may as well have been a myth.

  Her fingernails sank into his shoulders as she held on, and a low burning pleasure rose in her core. Another orgasm was simmering, but this was different than the first. This was a slow, burning heat that started like a single match and built to a wildfire with every pulse of his body entering hers.

  “More,” she said. “Please.” She was lost, but not lost enough. She was thinking of how good his hands felt. How well he read her. How perfect he played her body. She needed the distraction of sex, of crazy lust, to keep from thinking of anything deeper than that. Because that’s where emotions crept in—emotions she wasn’t interested in feeling.

  He rocked in and out, a punishing pace that was hard, rough, and deep. But slow, so measured and precise, as if calculated to deliver maximum pleasure. Like he couldn’t get deep enough. And she felt the same.

  Then he intertwined their fingers and laid back. He lifted his hips at the same time as he pulled her hand. She got it. He was giving her a piece of control to set the pace. A grin stretched her face. She liked this guy. He held her up by the hands while she started to ride him hard and fast.

  He bucked up with every one of her downward glides and hit her so incredibly deep that each thrust cut off her gasps and moans.

  “Yes…God yes…”

  She fucked him hard, and he let her. He also met every move, bouncing her up, her breasts jutting with every swift thrust. She gave back as best she could, circling her hips and taking in every inch and curve of his amazing cock.

  It was a duel, and it was pushing her toward the brink of bliss. Because she was determined to use every ounce of strength she had to feel him, while letting him take her just as roughly in return.

  “I’m there,” she said. “Come with me…”

  With a strangled groan, she felt his shaft grow impossibly hard, and she spiraled over the edge into another incredible orgasm. She didn’t know his name. What he looked like. But she felt him. Felt him come. Felt his body quake beneath hers. He continued to piston, as if not ready to be done.

  “Myth,” she whispered. It was his name to her. One that would likely whisper through her dreams and thoughts from here on out.

  With heavy breaths, she squeezed his hands, and he squeezed back. She had said she’d wanted anything. And while that encompassed a range of things, tonight was exactly what she needed.

  He’d read her perfectly. Tapped into what she needed. Given. Taken. Demanded and played. All of it more engulfing than she thought possible.

  Just like him.

  “Myth…” she whispered again, half wondering if she’d dreamt this whole moment.

  Chapter Four

  Nolan splashed water on his face, then dressed quickly. He’d left Ava sitting comfortably with a blanket wrapped around her.


  That’s what she’d called him.

  He picked up his shirt…and saw his back in the mirror. The vixen’s fingernail marks tracked down his shoulders. He smiled, recalling the memory of her tight little pussy gripping him while the sting of her scratches shot his body even higher.

  It also meant, though, that if he were to keep this up, the less she touched him—Myth—the better. One flash of a mark and she would figure out it was him. He couldn’t risk it. From now on, he had to limit when and how she touched him. Which kind of sucked, because her hands on him made him feel more wanted than he had in a long time.

  Get over it, it was just sex.

  He was keeping her safe and enjoying himself. Nothing wrong with that. Anything more was unwise. He was glad, though, that it had been him to see to her needs tonight. The way she’d responded, a lot of men would have jumped on her cues and likely misread them. Yeah, she wanted hard and rough, but there were still limits. She wasn’t ready for everything—certainly not all at once—despite what she thought.

  He finished tugging on his clothes, took out his tongue ring, and did everything he could to look normal. He felt anything but.

  Christ, he could still taste her, like wild honey. She was incredible—the way she challenged him, clung to him, begged him. She was strong, feisty, and yet completely trusting. She let him take over when he needed, but also stepped up and took what she wanted.

  Lord, he’d never met, felt, or experienced a woman like her.

  He could only hope she would return for a second session with her mystery man. Everything from his brain to his cock to his damn chest was pulling him toward her.

  This might be just physical. And she wanted anonymity. But he hadn’t had enough of her yet, in or out of the club.

  He needed more.

  He’d just have to be creative on how to get it.

  He opted for the cinnamon mouth wash instead of the mint and swished it around, hating that he had to disguise his scent. More so, he hated that he couldn’t keep her taste on his lips a little while longer. He finished off with a shot of vodka. He was officially Nolan again.

  He walked back into the room where Ava sat, just as he’d left her. Her head didn’t even turn toward him as he moved her direction.

  “It’s me, sweetheart,” he said, sitting beside her on the bed and unfastening her blindfold.

  Her hand came up and brushed across her eyes. “I’m okay…” she murmured.

  When he saw her face, it felt like an invisible hand reached out and sucker punched his gut.

  “Tears?” He lifted her chin with a single finger and looked her in the eyes. They were glossy. Oh God…had he hurt her? That was the last thing he wanted to do. “Are you okay? Did things go too far?” Christ, he’d never forgive himself. He was ready to beat his own ass—

  “He didn’t hurt me,” she said, and a smile split her beautiful lips as a single tear rolled down her cheek. “It was perfect.” She shook her head and hugged the blanket closer. “I don’t know why my eyes are watering.”

  He grinned. Stubborn woman wouldn’t admit she was tearing up. No, no, her eyes were simply watering. S

  He ran his hand down her back, and she arched into the touch. For whatever reason, it felt like a small victory to him. She was seeking comfort from him. Not Myth. Him. And he was there to give it to her.

  “Sex can be intense,” he said. “Especially when one of your major senses is taken away. You just felt things on a deeper level than you would have if your sight wasn’t blocked. And that can be overwhelming.”

  “I’m not emotional.” She rubbed the back of her hand over her eyes.

  “Of course not.” He nudged her a little. “You’re strong, and you know what you want.”

  She looked at him. Those big green eyes would be his undoing.

  “Did you see him?” she said. “Talk to him?”

  Nolan nodded.

  “Can you tell me what he said?”

  “I can tell you anything you want.” He would do whatever she wanted, so long as he didn’t violate her hard limit. Talking didn’t go against the rule. It was another veil to maintain anonymity. He looked at her sweet face and plump lips. Lips he’d just kissed, sucked, and bit. God, she was gorgeous. He had to keep it in check, though. “Do you really want to know?”

  She took a deep breath. “Yes.”

  “All right then.” He waited until she looked at him. “He said you were incredible.” She smiled and glanced down. “He also wanted to know if you’re coming back.”

  She thought for a moment, then nodded slowly. “I just might.”

  Nolan chuckled a little. She wouldn’t give an inch. Nope, she had to keep his ego in check.

  “Is there anything you want me to tell him? What you liked, didn’t like?”

  He held his breath as she worked his question through her brain. Her face was so damn expressive, he could almost pull out the memories she was recalling.

  “I liked it all. I just…”

  He coaxed her gaze back to his. “You just what?”

  “I didn’t get to touch him as much as I thought.” She blew out a breath, as if just now realizing where she was. Nolan followed her gaze to her dress on her floor and the ripped lace panties on the other side of the room. “I think I just need time to process all of this.”

  “Processing is good,” he said. Because he needed to do a hell of a lot of that himself. Especially since he was set on getting to know her better, in any capacity he could. Didn’t mean he wanted anything with a label, or long term. It just meant he felt responsible for her.

  And in her, he’d finally met someone different, challenging, and delectable. She walked the line of strength and innocence, and he couldn’t quite figure her out. Sure, he liked her. But this went beyond affection. The arrangement required something more. She was his to look after, pleasure, please, and care for.

  “If you ever have questions, or want to talk, to process by getting another perspective maybe…” He winked at her, and she smiled. “You’ve got me if you need me.” She nodded. He bent and picked up her dress. “Can I help you dress?”

  She looked at him like there was some kind of emotion behind her eyes, reserved just for him. He wasn’t about to point that out, since she seemed to have an aversion to emotion. And to be honest, that was better for them both.

  “Yes, please,” she said, and damn if Nolan didn’t feel like he’d gained a bit more ground. Because he wasn’t just playing a hand against the stubborn woman before him. He was playing against himself.


  Ava crossed and uncrossed her legs. Her thighs were still sore from the other night. Not to mention her core. Every time she moved, she felt where Myth had been.

  She’d taken the whole weekend to process what Nolan had said. If she ever had questions or wanted to talk, could she really reach out to him?

  He was easy, uncomplicated. Not too close, but close enough to keep things on a semi-surface level.

  She pinched the bridge of her nose. God, even her own thoughts contradicted themselves. Nolan was intimate but only surface level? How the hell did that make sense? It didn’t. Her mind was messing with her.

  Surely he wasn’t new to this situation. He worked at a sex club, interviewed people, and set up scenes, for God’s sake. His kindness and care must be part of his persona and job.

  She wouldn’t delude herself into thinking she was the only woman he treated that way. It was his duty to make sure everyone was happy at Serve. Protected. Taking it personally wasn’t smart. Especially since she didn’t want to take anything personally.

  She’d gone there knowing what she needed. Total anonymity. No chance of being tempted by intimacy. It was the only way for her to ensure she didn’t make the same mistakes that had gotten her into her current mess in the first place.

  No. Nolan was part of this journey. Any affection she felt for him was an illusion, and any affection he seemed to feel for her was him doing his job. That was it.

  Keeping that in mind, there was no reason not to explore a learning opportunity. After mulling over the amazing sex with her anonymous lover, she did have lots of questions, and she wanted to talk about it. Nolan was the best person for that responsibility. Since it was literally in his job description. And he had offered…

  She’d gotten good work done for the day. And she couldn’t go into the next phase of her marketing proposal for Xspot Inc. until their sample shipment came. Maybe a trip to Serve was just what she needed to gain some perspective.

  Chapter Five

  Nolan didn’t expect to see Ava walk into Serve tonight. It had been a few days since he’d been inside her, and he’d thought of nothing else. Sure, he had her contact information, since he’d handled her admission to the club, but he couldn’t reach out to her. Not without breaking their boundaries.

  He needed her to come to him.

  After a grueling weekend that left him worried she might not come back, she finally graced his presence.

  He checked the urge to run over like a fucking school kid desperate to play tag. Because he would chase that woman and her perfect ass all around this club if she wanted him to.

  No. She wants Myth.

  That was the only reason she’d have returned to the club. He needed to remember that. But he’d take what he could get. She intrigued him, and he had a responsibility.

  Yeah…responsibility. Keep telling yourself that, buddy.

  His brain was suddenly fixated on the way her legs moved when she strutted through the crowd in that short red dress. He had a responsibility all right. And it was to that dress. Clearly it belonged on the floor, not covering up such amazing curves.

  “Nolan?” she called as she made her way to stand before him.

  “Hey, sweetheart. Here for another scene?”

  She folded her lips and glanced around.

  “Are you working right now?”

  “Yes.” He looked at her hard, because her face fell in…disappointment? He wasn’t sure, but he did know he didn’t like it. “There’s other security around, though. Is there something I can help you with?” He couldn’t stop himself from looking over her incredible body. There was a lot he’d gladly help with. Including inducing orgasmic bliss in under thirty seconds.

  “I was just curious if I could buy you a drink. Talk maybe?” Her words sounded straight and confident enough, but her right foot turned in slightly, and her fingers fidgeted. She was nervous.

  Man, this woman drove him all kinds of crazy. Mostly because he couldn’t quite pinpoint what made her tick. She was determined, for sure. Then he’d catch a glimpse of something deeper. A kind of soul-deep insecurity, or damage that had left a permanent scar. He knew that look. He’d caught it that first night he’d interviewed her, and it called to him even now.

  Still, he needed some kind of wall, at least for himself. He was a single person, but really, he was two in her world. Doubly tempting to forget her boundaries…and to forget his own. But he knew better. For both their sakes, he wouldn’t forget himself.

  “I’ll talk to you about anything you want,” he said. “Ho
ld on.”

  He looked across the room at Leo until he caught his eye. The guy was awesome. Nolan just gave him a raised brow, looked at Ava, and Leo understood. He’d cover for Nolan until he returned.

  Nolan led Ava to the bar, got a round, and then took her to a quiet corner, where they sat on an empty couch and faced each other.

  She scooted a little closer and turned her knees toward his. He did the same to let her know she had his full attention.

  She opened her mouth, then shut it. Opened it again. Glanced around.

  He smiled and leaned back. “Jesus, sweetheart, the suspense is killing me.”

  She scoffed, took her shot, and slapped her knees with her palms, as if gearing up to pitch a case.

  “I just have some questions. I wanted to talk about the other night, and I realized you are…”

  When she didn’t finish, he took the opportunity to help her.

  “Handsome? Charismatic? Charming? Sexy?”

  She laughed. “Good thing I wasn’t about to say humble.”

  He smiled. “I’m not tossing out these adjectives to impress you, simply informing you that I can inhabit each and every one to be what you need. Say the word, sweetheart.”

  “And you can just magically turn it on? Charm? Charisma? Sexiness?”

  “Well, the sexiness never really turns off.” He smiled.

  “Of course.” She grinned back. “You’re just the only person I can really talk to about certain things, like Serve and the guy from the other night. I’m still kind of new to the city and don’t really have…um…”

  Jesus, it hit him just then. “Friends?”

  She shrugged like it was no big deal, and then her mask of confidence was back in place. “I trust your opinion and knowledge, and I just thought we could chat, that’s all.”

  Not a glowing compliment, or an admission that she enjoyed his company, but he’d take it. If it got her in front of him more, he’d take whatever she gave him.

  But more questions arose, like why were people assholes and not snatching her up, as a friend or otherwise? And what, or who, the hell put that flicker of unease behind her eyes?


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