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Gorgeous Chaos

Page 17

by T. K. Leigh

  She laughed through her tears. “You call that a little hiccup?”

  “In the grand scheme of things…yes, I do.”

  She ran her fingers up and down his back, suddenly feeling calm considering everything she had been through that morning. “I’ve never stopped loving you, you know?” She pulled her head out of his chest and looked deep into his eyes. The affection he had for her was evident.

  “I know, Olivia, and I will never stop loving you. I’ve loved you since the day you were born, and I’ll love you until the day you die. And I plan on making it up to you every day in between.”

  Reaching up, she grabbed his face with both her hands, bringing his mouth to hers. As their lips touched for the first time in weeks, tremors ran through her body. She had grown accustomed to his kisses over the course of their relationship, but that kiss felt so much more meaningful now that she knew who he really was…the boy that saved her when she was little. And he was the boy that saved her again less than a year ago. And he would always be there to save her. Finally, Olivia was happy with that.

  Their tongues met briefly before Alexander realized where he was and what he was there for. While he was happy to finally be reunited with his Olivia, he wasn’t sure making out in the corridor of the emergency room at Mass General was appropriate, given the circumstances.

  Slowly, Alexander pulled back. “To be continued later, love.” He winked and grabbed her hand before stopping abruptly. He lifted her left hand, examining her delicate finger. “You’re still wearing it…?”

  “I never stopped wanting to be your wife, Alexander, aside from what I may have wanted you to think. Like you said, we had a little hiccup.” She shrugged.

  He embraced her again, groaning. “I didn’t think it was possible, but I just fell a little bit more in love with you.”

  She smiled briefly before focusing her attention toward the waiting room. “I need to go check on Mo. He’s in a bad way.”

  “Come,” Alexander said, placing his hand on the small of her back and leading her down the hallway.

  Melanie smiled when she saw them return together.

  “I’ll be right back. I’m going to see if I can find out what’s going on.” He kissed Olivia on the cheek.

  “Well, finally some good news today!” Melanie said once he was out of earshot.

  Olivia blushed, avoiding her eyes.

  “We’ll talk later.” Melanie winked.

  Olivia glanced to the corner of the waiting room, her eyes welling up with tears as she made her way over to speak with Kiera’s mom and dad. “Mr. and Mrs. Murphy,” she said softly.

  They raised their heads simultaneously. “Oh, Olivia, dear.” Catherine Murphy stood up and embraced her. “Our poor Kiera.”

  Olivia willed herself to not break down. Everyone seemed so sad and dejected. She needed to stay strong for them.

  “I’m so sorry, Mrs. Murphy. I…” She trailed off, not able to form the words that said that everything was all her fault.

  “Hush, dear. You have nothing to apologize for. The only one who should be here apologizing is that monster who did this to my girl.”

  “Excuse me…” an authoritative voice rang out, grabbing everyone’s attention.

  Olivia turned and saw Alexander standing next to a doctor. Damn. He can be persuasive, can’t he? she thought to herself.

  “I’m Dr. Rosenblatt. I’d like to speak to Miss Murphy’s parents privately for a moment please.” He looked toward where Olivia stood next to Kiera’s mom and dad.

  “All these people are Kiera’s family,” Catherine Murphy told him very matter-of-factly. “Anything you need to tell us, you can say to them.”

  Dr. Rosenblatt sighed before he continued, “Kiera is in stable, but critical, condition. She’s lost a lot of blood. She was shot in the leg, chest, and head. We’ve been operating on her for the past several hours and were able to successfully remove all the bullets. Thankfully, they missed hitting all vital organs. The shot to the head appeared to just graze her. We induced a coma as a precaution to operate and remove bullet fragments.”

  “Is she going to be okay?” Bridget asked.

  “It’s touch-and-go at the moment. She still has quite a bit of swelling in her head so we need to keep her in a coma until that has reduced. Once the swelling begins to subside, I’ll know more, but until then, that’s all I can really tell you.”

  “Can I see her?”

  Everyone turned to the source of the voice. Mo sat there with a blank look still on his face, staring ahead at nothing in particular, his eyes glassed over.

  The doctor looked at Kiera’s parents, silently asking permission if it was okay that he be allowed to see her.

  “Like I said, Dr. Rosenblatt, this is Kiera’s family. Anyone here is allowed to see her as long as the hospital is okay with her having visitors.”

  “Follow me, please,” Dr. Rosenblatt said to Mo. “No more than two people at a time.”

  “Libby, dear, why don’t you go with him? He looks like he could use a friend.”

  Olivia looked at Kiera’s mother. “Are you sure? You can go first, if you want to.”

  “You go. James and I will go after you return.”

  Olivia wrapped her arms around her, pulling her in tight. “Thank you. We’ll make it quick.” She turned, following the doctor and Mo down a long corridor past double doors marked ICU. They continued through what seemed like a maze of hallways before stopping outside the door to a private room.

  Mo sobbed quietly when he entered the room and saw Kiera’s lifeless body lying on a stark white hospital bed. He sat down next to her and held her hand, his cries making his entire body shake.

  Olivia walked in and closed the door, giving them some privacy. She placed her hand on Mo’s shoulder, still determined to remain strong, even though she wanted to break down and scream and cry. She had to keep it all together…for Mo.

  Everything was her fault. She knew it. The letter Carol had shown her proved it. She had something these people wanted and they weren’t going to stop until they had it. But what was it? Was Alexander still keeping information from her? Carol’s words kept repeating through Olivia’s head: “Listen to whatever Alexander thinks is best. He’s only ever had your best interests at heart.”

  After looking down at Kiera’s swollen and badly beaten body, Olivia couldn’t take it anymore. “Come on, Mo. Let’s give her parents a chance to see her.”

  He slowly nodded. “You’re right. Sorry,” he said, his voice void of emotion. He raised himself from his chair and leaned over, planting a kiss on Kiera’s lips. “I love you, K.”

  Walking over to the bed, a tear fell down Olivia’s cheek. She placed her hand over her friend’s, noticing how cold and lifeless it was. “I’m so sorry, Kiera,” she whispered. “I’ll make it up to you. I promise.”

  She turned and left the small room, closing the door behind her. Olivia resolved to do whatever it took so that none of her other friends met with the same fate as Kiera…even if it meant putting herself in danger.



  “HOW’S SHE DOING?” ALEXANDER asked as soon as they returned to the waiting room.

  “Oh, Alex,” Olivia cried out¸ unable to muster any more strength after seeing Kiera’s lifeless body.

  His arms were around her instantly and he soothed her tears, trying to comfort her.

  “It’s so horrible. She looks like she’s dead. I just…”

  “What is it, love? What do you need? Name it and I’ll do it for you.”

  Her chin quivered as she listened to his heart beating in his chest. “Take me home, Alexander. Please. Get me out of here. I can’t be here anymore, and if that makes me a weak person, I don’t care,” she sobbed, clutching on to his back, wanting him to take the pain away.

  “Olivia, look at me.”

  She slowly tilted her head up, staring into his beautiful green eyes.

  “Don’t ever think that you
’re a weak person.” He brushed the tears from her face. “You’re not. You’ve just been trying for too long to stay strong. Let me be the strong one for a little bit. Okay?”

  She nodded, wiping her tear-stained cheeks.

  “Good,” he smiled. “Now, you said you wanted to go home. Do you want me to give you a ride to your place or did you bring your car?”

  “I have my car, but I was referring to our home, Alex.”

  His smile widened and he grabbed Olivia’s hand, pulling her through the sliding glass doors and out of the emergency room.

  He led her toward the parking garage, grabbing his cell phone as he walked. “Martin, it’s me. Miss Adler’s Audi is in the garage at M.G.H. Coordinate with Carter to retrieve it and bring it to my place.” He hung up just as they reached his Maserati. He opened the door for her and she smiled, happy that things were starting to feel somewhat normal again.

  He glanced over at her as he pulled out of the parking garage and onto Storrow Drive, heading back to the waterfront. “Olivia, darling, I know you probably have a lot of questions right now, and I promise…”

  “Alexander,” she said, interrupting him. “I don’t want to think about any of that right now because I’m pretty sure I’m going to get pissed off at you again. Please. Let’s forget about all of that for now. I just want to sit here and hold your hand. I’ve missed feeling your skin on mine.”

  He opened his mouth to say something, quickly realizing that she was right. She would get more than just pissed off when she found out how much he had kept from her. Instead, he smiled at her, happy to have her at his side once more, even if it was fleeting. “Okay, love. Whatever you want.” He grabbed her hand and clutched it in his, not letting go as he made his way through the busy Boston streets and parked his car in the garage beneath his building.

  After a tension-filled elevator ride to the penthouse, they finally exited into the foyer. Olivia inhaled deeply, thankful to be back where she belonged. She missed everything about Alexander, including the smell of his home.

  “What would you like to do, Olivia? Name it.” He turned to face her once inside their living room.

  She gazed into his brilliant green eyes. The eyes that once haunted her dreams. The eyes that had loved her since the day she was born. “Alexander, I want you to make love to me.”

  He bowed his head. He wanted nothing more than to feel Olivia’s skin against his, but there were still unresolved issues.

  Olivia noticed his hesitation and reached for his hand, clutching it in her own. “Alexander, please. I need to feel you. I need to feel the love you have for me. It’s what I need right now,” she pleaded with him before turning her lips into a smirk. “Don’t make me beg,” she said coyly, pulling his body into hers.

  Alexander lost any willpower he had left. Leaning toward her, his lips brushed hers very gently. “But I like it when you beg,” he whispered.

  Olivia could feel a smile creep across his mouth. “Please, Mr. Burnham. Make love to me.” Her voice was sweet as she softly kissed his lips, sliding her tongue between them. Her kiss was warm and passionate as she explored his mouth like it was the first time.

  Bending down, he scooped her into his arms and carried her up the stairs into the bedroom. “Are you sure about this, Olivia?” he asked, placing her feet on the floor next to the bed.

  “Do you not want to have sex with me, Alex?” she asked, her voice brimming with hurt.

  “Olivia, I would love nothing more than to be inside of you every waking moment of every day, but I know we still have things you probably want to talk about.”

  She lifted her finger up to his lips, hushing him. “Stop talking, Alexander. All I want is to feel your lips on every inch of my body. I need you inside of me. I feel like an addict that hasn’t gotten a fix so, please, make love to me.”

  Alexander crushed his lips to hers, gently lowering her onto the bed. His hands roamed all over her body, never staying in one place for too long.

  “Take off my shirt, Alex,” she said, her voice husky with desire.

  He made short work of her blouse, unbuttoning it and throwing it on the floor as he stared down at her lacy black bra. She could feel him get hard as he knelt between her legs, admiring her.

  “Kiss me, Alex.”

  She was bossy. Alexander liked this side of her. He lowered his head to her neck. “Where?”

  His breath was hot on her skin, sending shivers up and down her spine. She panted greedily, basking in the closeness of his body to hers once more.

  “Tell me where, love,” he said quietly.

  “My neck.” She tilted her head, giving him better access.

  He planted gentle kisses from her earlobe, down one side of neck and up the other. “God, I missed the feel of your skin, Olivia. You have the softest skin known to man.”

  She moaned, arching her back.

  “Where else do you want me to kiss you?”

  “My chest.”

  He lowered his lips to her collarbone and proceeded to delicately nip at her skin, circling her chest with his tongue, leaving her squirming from the anticipation.

  “My nipples, Alexander. I want them in your mouth.”

  He looked down at her, an evil grin across his face. “Your wish is my command, princess.” He pulled back the material on her bra, exposing both of her nipples. Groaning, he lowered his mouth, tugging and licking on one before moving to the other one and giving it the same treatment. He glanced up, smiling when he saw her slowly becoming unhinged.

  “Where else, love?”

  “My stomach.”

  “Is that all?”

  Olivia slowly shook her head, pulling her bottom lip between her teeth.

  “Then where else, Olivia? Tell me…”

  “I want you to kiss me down there,” she said, raising her eyebrows.

  “Where? Down here?” Alexander asked, mischievously grabbing her knee.

  “No,” she replied, smirking.

  “Then, tell me, Olivia. I want you to tell me exactly where you want my tongue,” he said, tracing circles around her stomach.

  She moaned out, her breathing increasing. “I want you to kiss me on my clit.”

  Glancing up, a wide smile spread across his face. “That’s my girl,” he said quietly, reaching down and sliding off her skirt, followed quickly by her panties. Their eyes met as he buried his tongue between her legs.

  Throwing her head back, she closed her eyes, trying to control the amazing feeling from the contact of Alexander’s tongue on her most sensitive spot. It had been far too long since she had felt his mouth on her. Over the past few weeks, she had often thought of him while touching herself, but nothing compared to the sensation of his tongue swirling around and teasing her.

  “God, I missed the taste of you, Olivia,” he said, sliding one finger inside of her. “You’re so tight. I need to stretch you out a bit.”

  “A little cocky, aren’t we?” she asked with a hint of amusement in her voice as Alexander continued pleasuring her with his fingers and tongue at the same time.

  He smiled. “Not exactly. That’s why I need to stretch you.”

  She moaned when he returned his mouth to her, sucking gently. “Fuck, Alex,” she exhaled, starting to feel her entire body tremble around his rather talented tongue. She was surprised how quickly she was ready to fall apart from his delicate touch.

  “That’s it, Olivia,” he said against her soft flesh. “Just remember how good I make you feel. How I’m the only one who can make you come within seconds of licking your clit.”

  She closed her eyes, desperately trying to fight back her orgasm. She didn’t want to come yet. She wanted it to last, but she knew there was no controlling how he affected her.

  “Don’t deny your body. I want you to come for me. I want to see that beautiful body shake because of what I do to you.” He returned his tongue to her clit and continued circling her, sending her over the edge.

  She screamed out his
name as she shook in his enormous bed, her entire world a haze as she slowly came down from her orgasm. When the aftershocks died down, Olivia grabbed his face and brought it to her own. “I’ve sure missed that, Mr. Burnham.” She pressed her lips to him, invading his mouth with her tongue, tasting herself.

  “I’ve missed it, too,” he admitted as she ran her fingers up and down his back, bringing his shirt over his head. “Know what else I’ve missed?”

  Olivia looked up at him sweetly, admiring his naked chest.

  “Being inside of you.”

  “Then what are you waiting for?” she asked in a deep, throaty voice.

  He quickly stripped out of the rest of his clothes and positioned himself between her legs, easing into her in one slow move.

  She moaned out as he flexed back and forth slowly, making sure her body was re-acclimated to him before he picked up his pace.

  “I love you so much, Olivia.” He kissed her as he moved inside of her.

  “I love you, too, Alexander.” She felt so full and overwhelmed at that moment. She thought the first time that they made love was special, but that moment, right then, was even more so.

  She wrapped her legs around his waist, not wanting to feel any space between them as she pulled his mouth back to hers, kissing him again. She caressed his back, running her fingers up and down his body.

  “Fuck, Olivia,” he exhaled. “I love being inside you. There’s nothing like it.” He kissed her passionately, moaning into her mouth. “I just knew you were still alive. I never gave up hope that I would find you, Olibia.”

  A tear fell down her face at the mention of his childhood nickname for her. “Oh, Alex,” she exhaled, bucking him with her hips. “I love you. I’m so sorry. I never should have left you.”

  He leaned down, gently nibbling on her neck, tracing his tongue across her soft flesh. “I’ve never stopped loving you. You’re the only one for me.”

  Olivia threw her head back, reveling in the feeling of Alexander’s mouth on her body as he moved delicately inside her. It was all becoming so overwhelming. She thought she loved him with all her heart before, but this was so much more. The simple act of him moving inside her was so much bigger than anything she had ever experienced before. She was climbing higher and higher, the love she felt for Alexander making her tears flow even harder.


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