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Destiny Undone 2

Page 9

by Heartley, Amanda

  She hung up and I smiled at Sophie. “Pepper wanted me to thank you for showing up last night. She says that you saved her.” The server brought our tray of food to the table and I began loading up my plate with bacon and croissants.

  “That’s great. I’m glad I was wrong.”

  “I know you don’t know her, Sophie, but Pepper is a nice girl. She’s made some mistakes in her life, but I really like her and I hope you’ll come to like her, too.”

  “Aw, Gabe, you know what? If you like her, any friend of yours is a friend of mine. I’m sorry I was so judgmental. I guess I just have a soft spot where you’re concerned. Now I’m going to say this because I promised myself I would.” Then she took a deep breath. “I love you Gabe, and not just like a friend. I realize I’ve made a mistake by playing hard to get. I was hoping this wasn’t serious, your relationship with Pepper, but I can see that’s not the case and I’m sorry for that.”

  I had no idea Sophie felt that way about me. “Why didn’t you tell me this before? It seems kind of unfair to tell me now.”

  “It is. I should have kept my mouth shut, but then again, I promised myself that I’d tell you, and now I have.” Then she just sat there with a smug look on her face.

  What do I say? I’d fantasized about being with Sophie many times before. We’d even sort of hooked up once, but that was a long time ago and I definitely wanted to pursue what I had with Pepper, not chase the ghosts of my past.

  “I will like her...for your sake, but you can’t blame me for loving you. I’ve known you such a long time and you’re a great guy.”

  I looked out the window. This was hard...and kind of awkward. I hated the fact that my friend was hurting and that I was be to blame. I didn’t want that, but I didn’t love her, that much I knew. After a few minutes of clumsy silence as we ate our breakfast, we talked about the success of the gala and then transitioned into other topics of conversation. The whole thing was incredibly uncomfortable, and when we got ready to leave, I hugged her and thanked her for coming.

  “Be safe going home, Sophie. Call me when you get there, okay? You leaving tonight?”

  “No, I’m taking a red-eye in the morning. I’d like to get home soon—I’ve got a big project over there. Thanks for the chance to work with Sea Lab. I believe in what you’re doing and I fully support you. I hope you know that.”

  “Yes, I do. Thanks again.”

  “Okay, bye now.” Then Sophie drove away and I wondered if I’d lost her as a friend.

  I drove back to the beach house and asked Luis to wash the car while I gathered everything I thought we might need. I planned on taking Pepper and her friends to a private beach at the west end of Destiny Beach. It was privately owned, but I had permission to access it and there’d be no worries about paparazzi bothering us there unless they had a telephoto lens. Nothing I could do about that if they did.

  At twelve o’clock, Pepper, Mills and Fallon were on my doorstep, ready to head to the beach. Pepper wore her white sunglasses, a flimsy white cover-up and what looked like a white bikini. Her sister wore the exact same thing, but in pink. Fallon waved then shook my hand. “Thanks for the invite, dude.”

  “You’re welcome. Come in and I’ll see if our picnic basket is ready yet. Let’s take my convertible. Luis should be finished with it by now. It’s in the driveway if you want to stash your things in there.”

  Pepper put her arms around me and hugged me tight. She smelled incredible. “Long time no see,” I whispered to her.

  “I know, it’s been like two hours and I’ve missed you,” she whispered back.

  I held her hand then we walked into the kitchen and stashed a few water bottles into the basket. “How did the meeting go? I’ve always wondered what a family meeting was like. What did he say? Are they getting married?”

  “No. It’s kind of weird, though. Dad left us a note saying he had to postpone, and on the marriage thing, don’t mention that to Mills, please. She’s not a Charlotte fan, although I can’t figure out why. I guess he’ll talk to us later, when he gets time.”

  “Yeah, I’m sure he will. Okay, looks like we’re ready. Wow, that’s heavy.”

  “Here, let me help you. Which beach are we going to, by the way?” I could see the anxiety in her eyes—Pepper had to be careful wherever she went to avoid the media.

  “Private beach, the one at the west end of Destiny. No one allowed there without the owner’s permission. There’s a nice cove. It’s a perfect spot and they have a cabana we can use. I’ve asked them to set it up for us.”

  “Sounds perfect.” We loaded up the car, tuned the radio to a classic rock station and sang along as we headed down the highway. It was amazing to be spending time on such a beautiful day with someone like Pepper. She had such a zeal for life and I loved that about her. The sun beamed down on us and azalea blooms scattered the sidewalks. It wasn’t long before some attentive eyes spotted us and I heard Pepper sigh as she lowered her head and dug in her bag. She emerged, holding a white baseball cap with a Dolce & Gabanna emblem in gold thread, then she pulled her hair into a ponytail and gathered it through the back of the hat. Between the hat and the sunglasses, no one would recognize her.

  Mills copied her sister and put on a hat, too. I wondered how complicated life really was for them, constantly having to avoid the spotlight. Pepper smiled at me and I thought about having sex with her on the beach—though not today, of course. My dick started to get hard, so I turned my attention back to the radio and we sang off-key to some classic rock tunes that played. Dick control, mission—accomplished.

  We drove slowly down the road that led to the private beach and fortunately, there were only four cars and no paparazzi in sight. I greeted the man at the gate, showed him my identification, then he loaded us into his dune buggy. “Don’t worry. I’ll carry all that stuff, Mr. Gregory. I’ll take you good folks down to the cabana first, and then I’ll come back for it.”

  “Great! Thanks.” Our cabana came complete with a personal bartender, televisions, towels, beach toys and everything we’d need for a fun day at the beach.

  “Oh, yum, I’ll have a pina colada,” Mills said as she plunked her butt down on a bar stool.

  “A virgin pina colada, right?” Pepper scolded her.

  “I think I liked you better when you were an irresponsible sister.” Mills put on a fake frown, half-joking with Pepper. “Okay, make it virgin. Honestly, what’s the point?” The bartender began whirring up cocktails while Mills and Fallon sat on their stools and people-watched. “Oh, my God! That’s Aven. She’s waving at us. Yuck.”

  “Mills, be nice. Wave back or ignore her, but don’t flip her off.”

  “Oh, I’m waving. I just hope she can see my finger.”

  “Stop that.” Pepper laughed at her.

  “Oh, no, look who she’s with. Eww, Jonathan Church. Double yuck.”

  “As long as he stays over there, I don’t care who he’s with—or her, for that matter.” The guy on the dune buggy returned with our things and I helped him unload them while I stared at the other cabana. I silently hoped that douche bag would walk over here just once.

  “Come on, babe. It’s a beautiful day and the water is calling. Let’s go swim.” Pepper had shed her hat, glasses and cover up and she looked friggin’ hot in her bikini.

  “That was fast. When did you undress?”

  “While you were staring at the crazy people. Now, come on. We’ll stay on our side of the cove and there won’t be any problem. Will you oil me up first, please?” Fallon had found the radio and tuned in to a pop station. Pepper sat between my legs on a lounger and I helped her apply tanning lotion. She returned the favor and we smiled awkwardly at one another, fully aware that two young people were watching us like hawks. I didn’t care. I couldn’t help myself and I kissed her. I loved kissing her. I could tell she felt a little embarrassed so she grabbed my hand, pulled me to my feet, then we walked to the water’s edge and strolled into the ocean.

loved the emerald green waters of the Gulf of Mexico. Today the water was clear, since no rain had fallen recently. I smiled at her, dove into a wave and I swam along at a good clip before I stopped to wait for her. I shouldn’t have bothered—my dolphin girl was right beside me. I hadn’t realized what a powerful swimmer she was. I held her close to me and we kissed as we bobbed in the warm waters of the gulf.

  That was the way the rest of the afternoon went. We dipped in the water, retreated to the cabana for a drink, lay in the sun for a few, then back in the sea—again and again. Mills and Fallon mainly stayed on shore but they ventured out once to splash around. It was good to see them getting along so well.

  We raided the picnic basket periodically and ate the chicken salad, sugared grapes and the cold, boiled shrimp. It was a wonderfully relaxing afternoon. Once the sun started going down, I flipped the switch on the fire pit and we all sat around it to chat and toast marshmallows. Pepper looked beautiful, of course. She’d rinsed off under the shower, wrapped herself in a giant towel and perched her gorgeous body between my legs. She leaned back against my chest while I tilted my beer and enjoyed the moment. Thankfully, our nasty neighbors had left, and Church hadn’t been brave enough to come and say anything to me. Smart man—maybe smarter than I thought.

  I kissed the top of Pepper’s head and she snuggled closer. “Good day?”

  “Very good day. Can we do it again soon?”

  “I don’t see why not. I’d better get you back to your car, though. It’s getting late.” Fallon and Mills were definitely into each other and they kissed practically the whole time—but who was I to say anything?

  The dune buggy guy carried us back to my car and we drove home with the stars overhead shining bright. I checked the rear view mirror and there were no cars behind us except the occasional driver. Stop being so damn paranoid. He’s not there. I kind of hoped he would be. I really wanted him to show his ass just one time and if he hurt a single hair on her head, he’d pay for it.

  “Maybe I should drive you home?”

  “No, it’s okay. Fallon will be with us. I’ll be okay.” She knew exactly what I meant.

  “All right, but call me when you get there. Okay?”


  I watched her walk away, her long, tanned legs, her wild blonde hair, and I knew in that instant that I loved her. I loved Pepper Anderson.

  Chapter Eleven — Pepper

  I walked through the door, tired—but happy. It had been like a dream—the most perfect day with a guy I was crazy about. Mills giggled when she saw the look on my face. I could tell she was happy as well, so that made everything even more perfect. I liked Fallon—he was a nice kid with a big, toothy smile. He seemed to really care about my sister, and I loved him for that. We talked excitedly about the day as we climbed the stairs to get showered. The cabana shower was nice, but I needed my own shampoo and body wash. It felt wonderful to be clean again. That was the one downside of the beach—the sand!

  Just as I stepped out, my phone rang and Dad’s number glowed brightly on the screen. I quickly wrapped my body with a warm, fluffy bath towel and pulled my hair up into another one. “Hey, Daddy! You coming home soon?”

  “Yes, I’m on my way now. Could you and Mills meet me downstairs in the living room in about fifteen minutes?” I didn’t like the tone of his voice and I suddenly felt anxious of what I was going to hear when he got here.

  “What is it, Dad?”

  “I want to tell you both at the same time. Can you let Mills know and I’ll see you downstairs in fifteen minutes, okay?”

  “Sure, I’ll tell her now. She’s in the shower.”

  “Thanks.” He hung up and I strolled across the hall. Mills’ music was blasting in her room so I knew she wouldn’t hear me, but I knocked anyway. No answer, so I put my head in the door and found her already dressed in shorts and loose t-shirt.

  “Hey. Dad called. He wants to meet us downstairs in fifteen minutes.”

  “Oh, no. I hope it’s not what I think it is. Do you think they’re getting married?”

  “I don’t know. If that’s what it’s about, I don’t think he’d tell us like this. He seemed pretty serious on the phone. I’m sure I haven’t done anything wrong this time. Have you done something crazy?” Mills looked a little sheepish, but she shook her head furiously.

  “Not me. I’ll be ready in a few minutes.”

  “Okay, meet you down there,” I said, then I ran back across the hall to my room. Oh, snap! I’d forgotten to text Gabe. I’m home and showered, family meeting now.

  I grabbed a giant t-shirt and some underwear. No need for yoga pants or shorts with this big old shirt. I combed my hair out and smoothed some lotion onto my hands and feet, but I couldn’t stop wondering what this was all about. I had no idea what it could be, then I heard the front door open. Dad called out for us and I knocked on Mills’ door and hurried down the stairs to greet him.

  “Hey, Dad! Where’s Charlotte?”

  “Hey, Pepper!” He hugged me tight and kissed the top of my head. “She’s not here, but she might stop by later. Ah, there you are Mills. Look at you two. Got some sun today, huh?” He hugged and kissed Mills, then we all went into the den. He sat in his usual red, button-back chair and we sat on the couch. Now I really felt anxious and leaned forward to listen to what he was about to say. He looked nervous, worried—what could be the problem?

  “The reason I wanted to see you both is I have something to tell you. I hoped I’d never need to have this conversation, but it looks like I have no choice. This is about your mother and me, and you two girls.”

  I felt my stomach do a double clutch. This didn’t sound like it was going to be anything good. Any time Evangeline was involved, nothing good ever happened.

  “Your mother is…well, she’s not…” He took a deep breath. “I’m just going to say it and be done with it. Mills, since you turned eighteen, the court has told me that I don’t have to pay your mother child support anymore, so I didn’t pay it this month. Now she’s angry. So angry that she’s threatening to tell the world something that will affect us all.”

  “Why would she need the money? She has money, right?” Mills nervously clutched at a throw pillow.

  “I imagine she does, but it’s not about the money, really. It’s about control. We all know your mother is a very domineering woman.”

  “Dad!” Mills shouted.

  “Hush, Mills! Let him finish. What’s the secret, Dad?”

  “Pepper, this is so difficult for me...” Daddy paused, and wiped his hand across his jaw. I’d never seen him like this before. “Pepper, I love you. I’ve loved you since the day I saw you and I never dreamed I would ever have to tell you this.”

  “What, Daddy. What is it? Tell me.” Tears welled up in my daddy’s eyes and I knew whatever he was about to say was killing him inside. I leapt off the couch and ran over to where he sat and put my arms around him. “I love you, too, Dad, and whatever it is, it’s okay. You know you can tell me anything. Just tell us...please!”

  “Pepper, I—uhm—I’m not your biological father...and Evangeline is not your biological mother. I don’t know who your parents were and I’m not sure she knows who they are, either. We adopted you when you were born.”

  I heard Mills catch her breath and I simply stared at him. “What? That can’t be true! You’re my dad.”

  My throat closed up and I started gasping—I had to get outside! I needed air!

  “Pepper, wait! Where are you going? Oh, my God! Catch her, Mills!”

  — Continued in Destiny Undone 3 —

  …coming in the next few weeks.

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  FREE BOOK - Don’t forget to check out my other new adult romance series, Oceans Apart, featuring Tristan and Ginny. He’s in London, she’s in LA
but love can’t keep them apart. Get the first book free right now in most online stores.

  Oceans Apart 1

  …and Fueled Obsession, featuring Jack and Mollie. He’s a bad boy street racer from the wrong side of the tracks; she’s a kind, compassionate nurse trying to help the community but the attraction is undeniable. Get the first book free right now.

  Fueled Obsession 1

  ...and Southern Heat featuring Tommy, a hot, hunky cop and his girl, Annie from the Deep South, together with her sassy BFF Marti and her Latino lover, Nick. Free for Kindle Unlimited!

  Southern Heat 1


  I’d like to thank my lovely readers again for your support. Y’all rock! Without you, there would be no reason for me to keep writing these books. You’re all wonderful and I so appreciate you from the bottom of my heart.

  I also want to thank my incredible Facebook fans, newsletter subscribers, beta readers and advance copy reviewers. I so appreciate all your help in making this story a success.

  I also want to thank my PA, Chrissy. Without her taking care of things, I’d never get much writing done and also big thanks to my editor, Cindy and cover designer, Barb who somehow make my words and ideas sparkle.

  About The Author

  Amanda Heartley is a writer of sinfully sexy romance books. She was born and raised in Oklahoma and subsequently transplanted into the hustle and bustle of Southern California. She's a country girl at heart with an insatiable weakness for sexy men and feisty women. Her first erotic series was published in July 2013.

  At home, she plays Mom, chef, ninja, taxi, and nurse hanging out with her four wonderful children and three loveable mutts. You can find her drinking a green smoothie, relaxing in the back yard, writing another steamy story.

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