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Desire Part Three (The Desire Series Book 3)

Page 3

by Alexia, Ava

  “That sounds great. I need a night out,” Tess smiled.

  “Terrific. Meet me at Tall Boys at six-thirty,” Jaclyn instructed.

  “Cool. I’ll see you then,” Tess said.

  She placed the phone in its cradle and turned to see Matt leaning against the kitchen door jamb with his arms crossed.

  “Out running?” he queried with raised eyebrows.

  “Well, I wasn’t about to tell her what I was really doing,” Tess defended her lie.

  He shrugged and pushed away from the wall to move toward her.

  “Did I understand you to agree to go out tonight?” he asked softly.

  “Yes. I’m having dinner with my friend,” Tess replied.

  “A male friend?” he asked sharply.

  “What if it is?” she returned.

  Matt now stood directly in front of her. Tess looked at him closely. Was he jealous? How could he be? There was nothing between them. “But he wanted there to be,” she said silently.

  “Cancel the date.”

  “What?” she questioned in outrage.

  “Cancel the damn date. Tell ‘what’s his name’ the rendezvous is off,” he snapped.

  He had assumed she was meeting a man and the assumption delighted her.

  “I most certainly will not. I happened to like Jax’s company. I will not blow off the date because you blew into town,” she retorted. She used Jaclyn’s nickname deliberately.

  He gripped her shoulders.

  “Do it, Tess,” he ordered.

  “No,” she stated stubbornly.

  He lowered his head to kiss her intensely. She responded instantly; she couldn’t help it. Then reason penetrated the fogginess of passion and she snatched her mouth away. His kiss excited and angered her at the same time. Did he think he could control her with sex?

  “Let me go,” she rasped. He released her. Tess moved away. “I think you should leave.”

  “Tess, I over reacted. I’m sorry. Let me—

  “Just go,” she muttered.

  “My God! What have I done?” he thought.

  “I’ll be back,” he stated.

  “I don’t think that’s—

  “I’ll be back,” he repeated inflexibly.

  Tess watched him leave in frustration. He confused the hell out of her; yet she knew she still wanted him.

  Tess walked briskly down the street with thoughts of Matt filling her mind. Her earlier encounter with him had been exciting and had she not received a phone call she probably would have ended up in bed with him. That would have been foolish and dangerous. She didn’t know anything about him. It would be insane to sleep with him under those circumstances. She arrived at the corner and turned left into a row of restaurants, shops and entertainment. She loved where she lived. She was within walking distance to the pulse of the city. It was unreal how expensive it was to live in New York; even in her small apartment. But so far she was earning enough money to remain in this locale. She was glad that she had not allowed Matt to dictate her activities this evening. She needed to be with her friend tonight and hear a voice of reason. She knew she would tell Jax about Matt, she had to. She was her best friend who knew her inside out. Jax would need only two minutes to size up the situation. Tess entered the restaurant and told the hostess whom she was meeting. Before the hostess could escort her to the table, Tess saw Jax waving to get her attention.

  “Never mind. I see her,” Tess said to the hostess.

  Tess moved among the tables and finally reached Jax. Jax stood to hug her.

  “What a great table. Who did you bribe to score this booth by the window?” Tess laughed.

  “The head chef and I are good friends. He reserved the table for us when I told him I was coming,” Jax grinned.

  “And just how good of friends are you?’ Tess asked slyly.

  “Never you mind,” Jax smiled suggestively.

  Tess giggled.

  “I don’t need to know,” Tess chuckled as she wiggled out of her coat.

  The waiter brought two glasses of Mimosa.

  “Thank you,” Jax said to the waiter. “I ordered for you,” Jax said.

  “Great. Thanks,” Tess smiled. She took a swallow. “Mmm, I needed this.”

  Jax looked at her speculatively; curiosity reflected in her deep blue eyes.

  “May I take your order?” the waiter asked.

  “Will you give us a minute, please,” Jax said.

  “Sure,” he said and walked away.

  “Why the need for a Mimosa? And don’t tell me you’re thirsty. I know better. What’s going on?” Jax asked.

  Tess sighed heavily and set her glass down.

  “Something happened when I was on Aruba that I never told you about. Frankly, I was too embarrassed,” Tess said.

  Jax’s eyes widened,

  “What?” she queried.

  Tess related the water fountain incident and the subsequent episode. Jax’s eyes were two full moons by the time she finished the tale.

  “How could you not tell me about this? This is the stuff that romance novel are written about,” Jax exclaimed.

  “Because I felt like a total idiot for falling in the fountain and I doubted that I would ever see him again. What was the point?” Tess asked.

  “How about because I’m your best friend?” Jax demanded.

  “Well, there is that,” Tess teased.

  Jax threw her napkin at Tess in mock anger. Tess laughed as she gave it back to her.

  “But something regarding that incident has happened. Have you seen this Matt again?” Jax asked shrewdly.

  “Yes,” Tess whispered. “I saw him earlier today.”

  “What!” Jax nearly yelled.

  “Hush, Jax! You want to tell the entire restaurant?” Tess cautioned irritably.

  “You saw him? Details,” Jax demanded.

  Tess told of her encounter with Matt at her apartment; leaving out certain particulars.

  “So, you have a suitor,” Jax said excitedly.

  “He’s not a suitor. I barely know him,” Tess corrected.

  “Well, he definitely wants to know you. He didn’t come all the way to New York for the weather,” Jax retorted. “What else happened?”

  “What else? Nothing,” Tess hedged.

  “Liar! I know you, Tess. If he kissed you those rampant hormones of yours took off. Did he kiss you?” Jax questioned as she tucked her long, dark blond hair behind her ear.

  There was no sense in not tell it all. Jaz was like an interrogator when she wanted to know something.

  “Yes, he kissed me. And my God, Jax I wanted to throw him down and have my way with him right then and there. He turned me on like a sex fiend,” Tess revealed. “Had you not called I’m not sure that I wouldn’t have slept with him.”

  “Wow! He must be some stud,” Jax said appreciatively.

  “But it scares me, Jax,” Tess wailed. “You know I don’t sleep around. I have to be emotionally involved with a man before I have sex with him. And then it’s making love; not just sex.”

  Jax leaned forward over the table.

  “Matt is different, Tess. Maybe you’re emotionally involved with him but don’t realize it yet,” Jax said.

  “That’s crazy, Jax. I’ve only been in his company twice. And each time was forgettable,” Tess responded.

  “Was it really, Tess? I don’t believe it was. You’re drawn to him and him to you. There’s obviously more going on here than either of you understand,” Jax mused.

  Tess had no answer to Jax’s logic. It made sense but she still didn’t know how to how handle the situation.

  “What am I going to do, Jax?” Tess implored.

  “Why not get to know him? It’s what he wants and he seems determined to see you. Date him. See where it leads. Where you end up may surprise you,” Jax advised.

  “I’ll probably end up in bed with him,” Tess muttered.

  “I can’t think of any better place. Can you?” Jax grinned.
  Tess laughed. Jax’s grin was infectious. Besides, she knew her wild sexual impulses would not stop until she was humping the life out of him.

  “Let’s order. I’m starved,” Tess said.

  Jax smiled.

  “For more things than food,” Jax murmured.

  This time Tess threw her napkin at Jax.

  Chapter 3

  Matt was forced to wait six days before he could see Tess again. He called her two days after she went out with another man but she didn’t answer. He went by her apartment and her landlord guessed that she was probably on an assignment. He cursed his luck. He thought about finding out where she was and going there but decided against it. The last thing he wanted was to appear as a stalker. It had made him mad as hell that she had gone out with another man. But he had no claim on her. She was free to see whomever she chose. He just wished he was the man with whom she spent her time. He knew he had to be patient. Too bad it was an attribute he had precious little of. So he decided to throw himself into his work. He traveled to Hampstead, Virginia to check on his stables. He had recently purchased a new filly, Rosebud and wanted to see her progress. He had great hopes for running her in the upcoming Tremont Derby in Kansas. Spring would be here faster than rain and he wanted her ready to stand in the winner’s circle. Matt had an uncanny knack for picking winning thoroughbreds; which was how he had amassed his fortune. He knew horses; there was no one better. And he had a stable full of winning racehorses to prove it. He had gone to London, England to attend the horse auction at the world famous Tattersall. When he saw Rosebud in the lineup he she was the one. He’d been willing to pay big bucks to get her but no one had seemed interested in claiming her. He’d gotten her for a song. Won’t those other buyers be sorry when she wins? He walked through the stable and arrived at Rosebud’s stall. Rosebud stuck her head over the half door to be petted. Matt’s laughed and obliged.

  “She’s a beauty and runs faster than the wind. She’s a winner, mister Edelston. That’s she is.”

  Matt turned to see his trainer, Morrison Brown walking toward him with a slight limp. The limp was the result of being kicked by a stubborn mule on his family’s farm years ago. Matt grinned at the older man.

  “I trust your instincts, Mo. If you say it, I’ll put money on it,” Matt chuckled.

  “It’s a sure bet. There’s no horse on this side of the Atlantic that can match her speed,” Mo said confidently. “No horse on the other side of the ocean either for that matter.”

  “I take it her training is coming along well,” Matt said as he continued to rub Rosebud’s nose.

  “That she is. I’m about to take her through her paces. You can see for yourself,” Mo said as he entered Rosebud’s stall.

  “I’m anxious to see how well she performs,” Matt said.

  Matt leaned on the door and watched Mo saddle Rosebud. Mo talked to the horse softly and Rosebud whinnied contentedly. Man and horse were in accord. The connection that Mo had with horses was almost eerie. He could whisper in their ear and get them to do whatever he wanted. If there was such a thing as a ‘horse whisperer’ Mo was that person. Matt thanked the Great I AM the day Mo moseyed into Edelston Stables looking for work. One look at how Mo handled the horses and he was sold. Matt had hired Mo on the spot and he’d been with Matt for the last ten years. Mo never seemed to mind working with a man fifteen years his junior; he’d just wanted to work with the love of his life: horses. Mo finished saddling Rosebud and walked him out of the stables where the jockey, Manny Rojas waited patiently on the mounting block. Mo walked Rosebud over to Manny who hopped onto Rosebud’s back effortless. Manny took Rosebud through his paces and Mat was greatly impressed with her progress. He knew in his gut that Rosebud would take first place at the Tremont Derby. As he watched Manny ride Rosebud it wasn’t long before thoughts of Tess invaded his mind. He had never known a woman that he craved so much. He longed to plunge into her and feel her vibrating muscles massage his penis. And he could tell that she desired him just as much. He’d felt her response to him when he kissed her in her kitchen. She was ready and more than willing. If only her blasted phone had not rung; she would have been his. Well it hadn’t happened then but it would; it had to. He didn’t think he would survive if it didn’t.

  Tess arrived home a two weeks later in a great mood. She had received another job while she was in La Jolla, California to shoot a fabulous home in Kauai, Hawaii. She had been thrilled with the new assignment and had travel directly to Hawaii from California. Her career was taking off and she couldn’t be happier. She had finally returned to New York and taking a cab home when her cell rang. She couldn’t believe her ears. The editor at Homes Extraordinaire magazine was asking if she were available to shoot Matthew Edelston’s estate. She had submitted four pictures of his estate to them weeks ago but hadn’t heard back. She had decided that they were not interested and forgotten about it. She had not, however forgotten about the owner of the estate. Matt was not so easily dismissed. But wasn’t going to allow her jumbled feelings about Matt to prevent her from taking this assignment. She would just have to figure out how to deal with him. Her instincts told her that Matt had something to do with her getting the assignment and she was grateful. She would be sure to tell him so. Tess entered her apartment and changed into comfy lounge wear and her fluffy Tweety Bird slippers. She made a fire in her fireplace then went into the kitchen to prepare clam chowder soup and a turkey sandwich. She decided to eat in the living room and watch television. A comedy would be perfect. She was eating and laughing hysterically at an old episode of Frasier when there was a knock on her door. She assumed it was Jax. She had told her she would be home today. She moved to the door and opened it without looking through the peephole. She was stunned when she saw who stood there.

  “Hello Tess.”

  “Matt!” she exclaimed. “How did you get in the building?”

  “I slipped in when the garage door opened to allow a vehicle to enter,” he said.

  He entered her apartment without waiting to be invited. That annoyed her and she slammed the door shut.

  “What do you want?” she snapped.

  “To see you,” he replied.

  He unbuttoned his coat to remove it.

  “I didn’t invite you to stay,” she said hotly.

  He smiled and shrugged as he opened the closet and hung his coat there. Tess thought he was being extremely familiar in a place where he was not welcomed. She opened her mouth to tell him so.

  “I missed you,” he said earnestly.

  Her mouth clamped shut on that comment. She was totally unprepared for such a statement. How was she supposed to respond to it?

  “You don’t even know me,” she said baldly.

  “But I feel like I’ve known you for years. That’s silly I know but it’s how I feel,” he said.

  Tess couldn’t very well contradict his feelings. He felt what he felt; no matter how odd it seemed. She was non-plus as to what to say or do next.

  “May I sit?” he asked.

  She looked at his clear grey eyes and knew she could not refuse him.

  “Sure,” she answered. She gestured to the sofa. “I was having my dinner. Would you like soup and a sandwich?”

  “No. Thank you. I’m good,” he said.

  Tess quickly removed the remains of her meal.

  “Please finish your meal,” he said.

  “I’m done,” she replied.

  She knew she wouldn’t be able to force another morsel down her throat. She took everything into the kitchen and this time he did not follow her. After putting her dishes in the sink Tess turned to observe him from the kitchen door. He sat with his head relaxed on the back of the sofa and laughed at a funny Frasier antic. He seemed comfortable and peaceful. Maybe they could have an easygoing time together without the sexual tension. She would like that. Tess entered the living room and sat at the end of the sofa.

  “I watch these old episodes whenever I get a chance. Frasier was
a great show,” he said in amusement.

  “I like them too. Frasier was just what I needed after my trip,” she said casually.

  He turned his head to look at her. Tess was arrested once again by his translucent, intelligent grey eyes.

  “Where were you off to this time?” he asked.

  She averted her gaze to focus on her answer.

  “I was initially in San Diego to photograph a fabulous house. Then I was offered a job to shoot an estate in Kauai Hawaii. My name and reputation as a good photographer is getting around which will only lead to more jobs,” she said.

  “From California to Hawaii. It must be nice,” he smiled.

  “It is. But I wish I could spend more time in these exotic places to explore them,” she sighed. “I’m seldom able to stop and really take in the surroundings.”

  “You’ve not stayed over to sightsee?” he asked.

  She shook her head negatively.

  “Only twice. My budget doesn’t allow me to extend my hotel lodgings very often,” she replied.

  Matt was silent for several moments. He didn’t like to see her struggling financially. He wanted to assist her. He could secure more lucrative jobs for her but would she let him? He had encountered a lot of people in various fields during his travels. He primarily was a thoroughbred horse breeder but he also had business interests in areas of the arts as well. He knew people in the fashion industry who would hire her on his recommendation. Just two of those shoots would dispel all of her monetary worries.

  “Have you ever done any fashion shoots?” he asked.

  Tess face lit up like New York’s Rockefeller Christmas tree. He knew where her passion lay.

  “Only a couple of catalog spreads. But fashion is what I would really like to do,” she said excitedly. “I love the artistry of it and I’m really very good at it. I just need someone to give me a chance.”

  “Do you have any fashion photos in your portfolio?” he asked.

  “Yes. I’ll get them,” she said eagerly.

  Matt smiled as Tess left the room. No need for him to ask if he could see them. She was more than willing to show them. Maybe her ardent enthusiasm would allow her to accept his help. She returned with her portfolio. She handed it to him and he opened the large leather case. He was astounded by her work. It wasn’t just photographs, it was beautiful art. The pictures of stunning homes, rolling hills, sunsets, waterfalls and sculptures all told a story. She was brilliant with the camera. He turned page after page and marveled at her talent.


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