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Desire Part Three (The Desire Series Book 3)

Page 9

by Alexia, Ava

  Tony crossed to the sofa and knelt on the floor at Tess’s head.

  “I’m so very glad you are alright, Tess. Get some sleep and I’ll see you in the morning,” Tony said. He kissed her forehead.

  Ollie went to the sofa and kissed Tess’s hand.

  “Sleep tight; glad you’re alright,” Ollie smiled.

  “A poet you are not,” Tess smiled sleepily.

  Everyone chuckled.

  “You’re staying the night, aren’t you?” Matt asked his friends.

  “Of course. We’ll borrow some of your designer duds in the morning.” Tony laughed.

  Ollie and Tony went upstairs. Jaclyn moved to the sofa and sat on the edge of the cushion.

  “You really scared me, girl. Don’t ever do that again,” Jaclyn smiled wanly.

  “I don’t plan on a repeat performance,” Tess chuckled.

  “Sleep well, Tess. Love you,” Jaclyn said.

  “Love you too,” Tess smiled.

  Jaclyn stood.

  “Goodnight, Matt. Thank you for all that you did for Tess. You saved her life and I am so grateful,” Jaclyn said earnestly.

  “You don’t have to thank me, Jax. I would do all over again in a heartbeat,” Matt returned.

  Jaclyn smiled understandingly then left the room. Matt turned to look down at Tess who could barely keep her eyes opened. He smiled as her eyes drifted closed. All he wanted to do was to tell her how much he loved her but he would have to wait. He wanted her wide awake when he professed his love to her. Ana returned with the first aid kit. She gently touched Tess’s ankle and determined that it was a sprain. She had learned quite a bit from her late husband who was a small town doctor in Cornwall, England. Ana washed and bandaged her Tess’s ankle and advised Matt to give her two Advil for the pain.

  “She’s not going to want to wake up to take the Advil,” Matt said.

  Ana smiled at him.

  “I’m sure you’ll figure it out,” Ana responded.

  Ana then left the room.

  “I’m sure I will,” Matt thought silently.

  He gathered Tess in his powerful arms and lifted her from the sofa and carried her to the room he had come to think of as their bedroom.


  The next morning was full of activity as Tess received visits from Jax, Tony and Ollie. Tess was glad of their visits for they distracted her from dwelling on her aching ankle. The Advil helped but if she moved her foot a certain way her ankle would throb. Matt wanted Tess to stay in bed with her foot propped up but she insisted on going downstairs.

  “Matt, I’ll go nuts being cooped up in this room,” she exclaimed.

  “You need your rest, Tess,” Matt said.

  “I can rest on the terrace. Please, Matt,” she coerced.

  Matt eventually gave in as he knew he would. There wasn’t anything that he would deny her and he kind of thought that she knew it. It was that sneaky grin on her face that gave her away. He carried her downstairs and settled her on the terrace sofa. The others congregated there and Tess told them of her experience in detail.

  “So you knew the punk that Matt beat the crap out of?” Tony asked.

  “Yes,” Tess answered.

  “I can’t believe that Todd would get into something like this. I mean, I know he was a creep but I won’t have thought he would deal drugs,” Jax said.

  “He wanted to get rich but he didn’t want to work hard to achieve it,” Tess said.

  “Had I known his connection to you I would have given him a few extra punches,’ Matt snarled.

  “I doubt if he’ll forget the punches you did give him any time soon,” Ollie grinned.

  “Just think, Tess. You helped the FBI bag one of the biggest criminals in this century. That must feel really good,” Jaclyn enthused.

  “It actually does. I should be getting calls from Oprah and Anderson Cooper any day now,” Tess laughed.

  “And don’t forget all of the night time talk shows. David Letterman has already called,” Jax giggled.

  “And I sure Jimmy Fallon will be next,” Tess laughed.

  Tess and Jax laughed uproariously. The men rolled their eyes.

  “Don’t get your hopes up,” Matt said dryly.

  Tess looked at him and grinned gaily and he couldn’t help but smile back. He loved her to distraction and wanted so very badly to tell her; but he hadn’t had the chance. And that wasn’t the only thing he wanted to tell her. He had done something and he could only hope that she would be happy with it. Jaclyn cell rang and she left the terrace to take the call. The remaining four of them chatted and ate the delicious snacks that Ana had provided them. Jaclyn came back onto the terrace looking glum.

  “What’s wrong?” Tess asked anxiously.

  “It’s Forever Trends,” Jaclyn moaned.

  “What’s Forever Trends?” Tony asked.

  “Jax’s boutique,” Ollie answered.

  Jax had told Ollie about her shop. Tess thought that was significant. Jax had shared something personal and very close to her heart with Ollie. Doing so had set him apart from Tony and showed in a small way whom she favored. Tony was quick to sense the turn of events. He looked at Ollie and Jax speculatively and smiled wryly. Matt leaned over to whisper in Tony’s ear.


  “I think you’re right. But it’s all good,” Tony smiled.

  “What about the boutique?” Tess asked.

  “That was Jennifer who called. One of our major sellers wants to delay his shipment. I have to go back to straighten it out,” Jaclyn sighed.

  “I’m sorry, Jax. It’s been so good having you with me,” Tess said.

  “And I loved being here. It’s been a blast….minus one small occurrence,” she responded.

  “Will you be able to come back?” Matt asked.

  “No. I’ve been gone long enough. It’s time to go back to work and make my millions,” Jaclyn laughed.

  “I’ll call Michael to ready the jet,” Matt said.

  “Oh, you don’t have to do that. I can fly commercial,” Jaclyn objected.

  “But you don’t have to,” Matt smiled. “I’ll call Michael now.”

  Matt left the terrace.

  “I better go pack,” Jaclyn sighed.

  “I’ll come with you,” Tess said.

  She stood up with the help of the cane, that Ana had produced from her closet and accompanied Jaclyn from the terrace.


  The group stood on the portico while Jaclyn and Tess had a tearful goodbye with Tess promising to come see her as soon as she returned to New York. Ollie was driving Jaclyn to the airport where Michael had the jet fueled and ready to go.

  “I’ll see you soon, Jax,” Tess smiled.

  “Thanks for inviting me, Tess,” Jax grinned. She turned to Matt. “Take care of her, Matt.”

  “I will,” Matt replied.

  Jax got in the car and Ollie closed her door. Tony was leaving too and he waved as he got in the back seat. Ollie entered his convertible Jaguar, tooted his horn and drove off. Matt and Tess waved goodbye and then Matt swept Tess into his arms and carried her inside the house and up to their room.

  “Matt! I want to be downstairs,” Tess exclaimed.

  “I want in you in bed with me,” he replied.

  He deposited her onto the bed then joined her. Tess sat comfortably on the bed beside him and turned her head to catch the wafting air that was coming through the window. She breathed deeply of the sweetly scented tropical breeze.

  “This air smells so good,” she sighed.

  “Not nearly as good as you,” Matt murmured as he nuzzled her neck.

  “You are so good for my ego,” Tess grinned.

  “Is that the only thing I’m good for?” Matt said suddenly serious.

  Tess turned her head to look at him and saw burning intensity in his shimmering grey eyes. It was a loaded question but one that she wanted to answer it.

  “I can’t begin to tell you the things that you
are good for,” she responded.

  “Try,” he returned.

  “You’re good for me. I need you in my life, Matthew Edelston and I don’t intend to live without you,” she said sincerely.

  He gasped at her words. He had dreamt of hearing them from her but to finally do so was a bit of a shock.

  “I love you, Matt. But if you are not ready to return the sentiment I understand. It is early in our relationship for me to be saying it,” she continued. “But I couldn’t wait any longer. I wanted you to know what you mean to me.”

  Matt leaned his head against the headboard and breathed deeply. He looked at her and cupped her cheek.

  “I love you too, sweetheart,” he responded. “I think I fell in love with you when you fell into my water fountain.”

  She chuckled.

  “I was so embarrassed yet attracted to you all at once. I couldn’t decide if I should scream at you or kiss you,” she giggled.

  “I would have preferred the kiss. This was why I took certain liberties when I invited you in for coffee. You were so damn sexy in my robe. I couldn’t keep my hands off of you,” he said softly.

  “Oh, you mean what you did after you burnt my leg?” she grinned.

  He groaned.

  “It was my turn to be embarrassed. I acted like a clumsy oaf,” he moaned.

  “Instead of the smooth operator that you are?” she suggested.

  “Exactly!” he exclaimed.

  They laughed.

  “I do love you and I want to spend the rest of my life proving it to you,” he vowed.

  “You don’t have to prove anything. I can feel your love for me right here,” she said as she placed her hand over her heart. “You are my twin flame, my love and we will never be parted; not even in death.”

  He kissed her lovingly, infusing every ounce of his love for her into one kiss. After several long moments he pulled.

  “Since I know that you will love me beyond the grave I feel safe in telling you something else,” he said.

  She looked at him warily.

  “What?” she asked.

  “Remember when you told me that it was your passion to do fashion photography?” he asked.


  “Well, I happen to know some people in the industry and I contacted one of them about giving you a photo shoot,” he said hurriedly; unsure of her reaction.

  “You what?” she exclaimed.

  He wasn’t sure if she were happy or angry.

  “I know some people—

  “Not that. The part about the photo shoot,” she said quickly.

  “I asked Eugene Chappelle to hire you to shoot his mini collection. And he said yes,” he explained.

  “Eugene Chappelle? The world renown couture designer? Oh my God!” Tess exclaimed.

  “Are you happy?” Matt asked. He was truly unsure of how she felt.

  “Happy? I’m ecstatic. Over the moon thrilled. Are you serious? You aren’t teasing me?’ Tess accused. “That would be really cruel and I would never forgive you.”

  “It’s no joke. I wouldn’t do that to you. If you want the job, it’s yours,” Matt responded.

  Tess screamed in happiness as she threw herself into his arms and pinned him on his back.

  “Yes I want it. Oh Matt! Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. How can I ever repay you?” she asked breathlessly.

  “None necessary. Just go to Milan and kick ass,” he grinned.

  “Milan, Italy! And shooting for Eugene Chappelle. It’s a fairy tale come to life,” she said in awe.

  “You belong in fashion, babe. Even my untrained eye could see that when I saw your pictures. You’re about to take the fashion world by storm,” he grinned.

  “And you did this for me,” she said in disbelief.

  “I would do anything to help you. I love you darling. You and only you,” he promised.

  “I love you. My love,” she pledged.

  “Will you be my wife?” he asked softly.

  “Yes! Yes! Yes! Forever and ever,” she laughed delightedly.

  Matt flipped her onto her back and kissed her. He then pulled back.

  “You realize you are forever mine?” he asked.

  She slowly smiled.

  “Undeniably,” she grinned.

  She looped her arms about his neck and they made sweet beautiful love.


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  This book is Part Three of “The Desire Series”


  Desire Part Two

  Desire Part Three

  About the Author

  Ava Alexia loves to plot and create fun characters. Ava loves the easy going outdoor lifestyle and spends lots of time at the beach. She lives in California with her husband, son and dog. She loves music, traveling and shopping. You will find her running on the beach singing to the tunes on her phone!

  Keep in touch with Alexia at or

  For even more romance, check out Brazen Romance

  Here is a preview of a new adult movie star romance Starstruck by Ava Alexia!


  Rachel didn’t know she was awake until she realized her eyeballs were burning because she’d been staring at the ceiling for so long. The fan oscillated sluggishly, clicking with each revolution, but she couldn’t feel the breeze. Summer made her room hot and still.

  She felt encased in Jell-O. Like nothing had ever changed. Like nothing would ever change. She was stuck. If she stayed still long enough, she’d slowly suffocate

  There were probably worse ways to go.


  It was an effort to roll onto her side, the bed sheets sticking to her sweaty body, but she managed it. Her eyes gradually brought items in her room into focus: her dresser, its surface covered in dozens of picture frames memorializing happier times; the mound of clothes piled on her closet floor; the other mound of clothes that completely covered one of two bean bags, her overstuffed bookshelf that seemed in danger of collapsing at any second.

  Give or take a few books and outfits, it was the exact same room Rachel had lived in during high school, a converted sanctuary above the garage her parents had built to house their beloved boat. Rachel remembered the drama when she had begged to live in the space, which included its own bathroom and was meant to be a man cave for her father. It had been a hard-won victory, but one she’d never regretted. She had so many precious memories built around this room — all-night chats with Fiona, cram sessions to pass her finals, even the first time she’d ever made love with Tyler.

  She wouldn’t give up those memories for anything — not ever. But she was tired of this room. Bone tired.

  “Rachel Marie Moore!”

  “Yeah?” she called back, only her voice stuck in her throat. Maybe she’d been closer to suffocating in this mausoleum than she’d thought. Rachel coughed and sat up, pushing her limp bangs out of her face. Her parents had never tolerated her complaining about the wildly varying temperatures of her. They told her that she knew what she was getting into, that she knew the extreme swings of Indiana’s moody seasons, that she could expect to be hot in the summer and cold in the winter in spite of her properly functioning air conditioning and heating system. It was a garage, after all. What did she expect?

  A frantic knocking on her bedroom door helped her shake off the last of her torpor.

  “Yes?” she called, and her voice worked this time. It was still a little thick with slumber, but there it was — proof that she was alive, that the gelatin keeping her in this place hadn’t gotten her yet.

  The door cracked open
and Rachel’s mother popped her head in.

  “Rachel!” she exclaimed, her mouth poised in a perfect o. O was for Outrage. “You’re still in bed?”

  Rachel looked down at the sheets tangled in her lap, at the pajamas she was still wearing.

  “Yeah,” she said. “Still in bed.”

  “Why?” her mother demanded. “Do you have a hangover? Did you go out drinking last night? Do you have an alcohol problem?”

  “No, Mom, come on!” Rachel said. “I just stayed up late watching a movie. That’s all.”

  That was a lie and a pretty bad one, at that. The old VCR attached to her television still worked, but all she had were Disney movies in here. The truth was that Rachel couldn’t sleep. She’d stared out her window for most of the night, sitting in the dark, wondering what was coming for her. What did her future hold, and when was it going to find her?

  “Well, you are going to be late for work if you don’t get the lead out,” her mother said, shaking her head. “Late to work and you don’t even start your shift until 5 p.m. Unbelievable. Lazing about in bed all day.”

  “Better get ready, then,” Rachel said, hoping the hint was enough to get her mother out of her hair.

  “Have a good one.” Hint taken.

  Rachel showered, trying to wash the funk off of her, trying to scrub down the layers of her skin to reveal what she was supposed to be beneath it all.

  She had been a college graduate for almost a year now, and she was using her hard-earned English degree to serve up plates of Italian food at the only restaurant in her hometown. Everyone always had a saying for this place: Drive north on I-65 from Indianapolis for about forty-five minutes, but don’t blink at forty-five minutes and ten seconds — you’ll miss Blakely, otherwise.


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