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Love and War nas-2

Page 20

by Джон Джейкс

  Cuffey was caught, which made him all the madder. Hate shone before he averted his eyes, trying to soften or prevent punishment by mumbling, "I din't push him. Haven't been feelin' good — kind of dizzy, like. I just stumbled an' knocked him down. Haven't been feelin' good," he repeated in a lame way.

  Over derisive groans from some of the others, Percival said, "He's been feelin' snake-mean, like every other day. Nothin' else wrong with him." As protocol demanded, Orry glanced at his head driver for a verdict.

  "Percival's telling it right," Andy said.

  "Cuffey, look at me." When he did, Orry continued. "Two tasks each day for a week. A task and a half every day for a week after that. See that he does them, Andy."

  "I will, Mr. Orry."

  Cuffey fumed but didn't dare speak. Orry wheeled and stomped back to the house.

  Soon after, he and Madeline joined right hands while the rector said, "That ye may so live together in this life that in the world to come ye may have life everlasting. Amen."

  In their bedroom that night, Madeline reached through the dark to find him. "My goodness, you'd think the bridegroom had never been with the bride before."

  "Not as a husband he hasn't," Orry said, sitting beside her, his hair-matted thigh touched the smoothness of hers. A bright, cloudless night filled the room with light that spilled softly over them while they sat kissing and touching. The tips of her breasts were as dark as her hair and eyes; the rest of her was marble.

  She laid both arms over his shoulders and clasped her hands. Kissed him. "Lord, but I do love you."

  "I love you, Mrs. Main."

  "It is real, isn't it? I never thought it would be —" She laughed low. "Mrs. Main. How grand it sounds."

  Another long, ardent kiss, his hand on her breast.

  "I'm sorry that muss happened during the ceremony. I ought to sell Cuffey. I don't want him causing trouble when I go to Richmond."

  "Mr. Meek will be here to handle him then."

  "Hope so." No reply had arrived from North Carolina as yet. "I trust Meek won't live up to his name. Cuffey needs a strong hand."

  Madeline caressed his cheek. "As soon as you're settled in Virginia, I'll join you. Till then, everything will be fine here. Andy's a good, trustworthy man."

  "I know, but —"

  "Darling, don't worry so." Saying that, she turned herself. The bed creaked as she brought the white of belly and breast into the pale glow from outdoors. They lay back gently; she touched him with her hip. Mouth against his face, she murmured, "Not to­night. A husband must attend to certain duties, you know."

  Drowsing afterward, both woke to a wild, raw sound out in the night.

  "Dear God, what's that?" She started up, bracing her hands on the sheet.

  The cry came again, then went echoing away. They heard birds roused in the night thickets. Downstairs a house woman called an anxious question. The sound wasn't repeated.

  Madeline shuddered. "It sounded like some wild animal."

  "It's a panther cry. That is, an imitation of one. Now and again the nigras will use it to frighten white people."

  "There's no one here who would want to do such a —"

  She stopped and pressed against his back, shivering again.


  A momentous excitement filled Washington that night. The city resounded with the grind and rumble of wagons moving, the thuds and flinty ring of horsemen galloping, the shouted songs of regiments marching to the Virginia bridges. It was Monday, the fifteenth of July.

  George had spent the day trying to get a hundred personal details in order — it seemed that many, anyway — in preparation for the arrival of Constance and the children. At half past nine, he entered Willard's main dining room. His brother waved from a table near the center.

  George felt stiff and ridiculous carrying the French chapeau, with its clutter of devices, authorized for general staff officers: gold strap, extra braid, brass eagle, black cockade. He had purchased the cheapest regulation sword available, a tinny weapon good only for show. That was all right; he would wear it as seldom as possible. The damned hat, too.

  It seemed queer to be back in uniform, queerer still to be greeting his own brother in a hotel in wartime. George had sent a message over to Alexandria suggesting supper, and it had gotten through.

  "God preserve us — what elegance!" Billy said as George sat down. "And I see you outrank me, Captain."

  "Let's have none of that or I'll put you on report," George growled good-naturedly. He found it hard to arrange himself and the sword on the chair without embarrassing contortions. "I'll probably be a major in the next month or so. Everyone in the department is due to move up one or two grades."

  "How do you like Ordnance so far?"

  "I don't."

  "Then why on earth —?"

  "We must all occasionally do things we don't like. I think I can be useful to the department. I wouldn't be there otherwise." He lit one of his cigars, which induced a coughing spasm in the hovering waiter. George barked selections from the menu, inwardly amused when he realized he sounded like a West Point upper classman hectoring a plebe. He had never cared for soldiering, but it came easily. The waiter's pencil flew.

  "I'll have the veal chops too," Billy said. The waiter left, and the brothers sipped their whiskeys. "You know, George, maybe you won't have a chance to do anything in the department. One sweep to Richmond and it could be all over. McDowell's moving tonight."

  Nodding, George said, "You'd have to be dumb and blind not to notice. I had advance warning from Stanley. We had dinner this noon."

  Billy looked guilty. "Should we have invited him tonight?"

  "Yes, but I'm glad we didn't. Besides, Isabel probably wouldn't let him out."

  "Your note said Constance will arrive in the morning. Do you have rooms?"

  "Right here. A suite. Expensive as hell, but I couldn't get anything else."

  "Willard's is packed. How did you manage it?"

  "Cameron managed it somehow. I gather the secretary can rig or arrange anything." He puffed the cigar. "Are you as fit as you look?"

  "Yes, I'm doing well — except for missing Brett a lot. I have a splendid commanding officer. Much more religious than I am, but a fine engineer."

  "On speaking terms with God, is he? Got to keep track of fellows like that. We may need all available help. I watched some volunteers drilling on the mall this afternoon."



  "How many men is McDowell marching into Virginia?"

  "I heard thirty thousand." Another puff. "I'm sure the correct figure will be in print tomorrow. We can write Old Bory for confirmation. I'm told he gets the local papers delivered by courier every day."

  Billy laughed, amazed. "I've never been in a war, the way you have. But I never imagined it would be carried on this way."

  "Don't fool yourself. This isn't war, it's — well, who knows what to call it? A carnival. A convocation of zealous amateurs led by a lot of politicians everybody trusts and a few professionals they don't. Maybe it's an exhibit fit for Barnum's Museum — it's that bizarre." The waiter brought steaming bowls of fat oysters in a milky broth.

  "Tell you one thing," George continued as he put his cigar aside and spooned up stew. "To speed the end of the war, I'd certainly arm all the blacks pouring in from the South."

  "You'd arm the contrabands?"

  George was put off by Billy's disapproving expression. He shrugged. "Why not? I suspect they'd fight harder than some of the white gentlemen I've seen skylarking around town."

  "But they aren't citizens. The Dred Scott case said so."

  "True — if you believe the decision was right. I don't." He leaned over the table. "Billy, secession is the powder that blew up to start this war, but the fuse was slavery. It's the moral heart of all this trouble. Shouldn't black men be allowed to fight for their own cause?"

  "Maybe. I mean, you may be right politically, but I know the army. There'd be violent
reactions if you introduced Negro troops. The change would be too drastic."

  "You're saying white soldiers would have no faith in colored ones?"

  "No, they wouldn't."

  "Including you?"

  Concealing his embarrassment behind a faint defiance, Billy answered, "Yes. I may be wrong, but that's how I feel."

  "Then perhaps we'd better change the subject."

  They did, and the rest of the meal proved pleasant. Afterward they walked out to the avenue in time to watch a regiment of foot ramble by, bayoneted muskets pointing every which direction. The drummers might as well have tapped their cadence on the moon.

  "Take care of yourself, Billy," George said in a quiet voice. "The big one is coming — maybe within the week."

  "I'll be all right. I'm not sure our unit would be sent on to Richmond with the others anyway."

  "Why is everyone so confident of reaching Richmond? People act as if the rebs are all fools and fops. I know some of the West Point men who went south. They're the cream. As for the rank and file, Southern boys are accustomed to the fields, to rough living out of doors. Their way of life favors them. So don't underestimate them. And heed my advice. Be careful. For Brett, if for no one else."

  "I will," Billy promised. "I'm sorry we differed over the nig— the other question."

  "I needn't agree with my brother's dunderheaded opinions to care about him."

  George put his arms out. They embraced, and Billy went away into the dark, following the spiky glitter of bayonets, the tap-tapping of unseen drums.

  Constance and the children arrived safely. They brought stacks of luggage, and a package of food and reading material Brett had prepared for Billy.

  Patricia was excited to see the capital and elated by the thought of attending school there in the fall. Her brother, older by exactly ten months, shared the former enthusiasm but stuck out his tongue at the latter — in the Willard lobby. His forceful opinion earned him a whack and a reprimand from his mother.

  George said they all might be back home by autumn. The coming battle would give some indication, anyway. Prices for hiring horses and renting vehicles had escalated wildly in the past couple of days; hundreds of people planned to drive into Virginia to view the stirring event from some safe vantage point. Although George knew the real nature of war, he too had succumbed; they had a barouche available if they wanted it.

  "If I told you what it cost, Constance, you might turn me out."

  Wednesday evening, George returned to the hotel suite after long hours of attempting to wade through the quixotic confusion of Ripley's department. Looking grim, Constance handed him a carte de visite.

  "Someone delivered it while I was shopping. I thought we might be fortunate enough to have Stanley and Isabel snub us."

  He turned the card over and, with dismay, read Isabel's handwritten invitation to dinner the following night. He scowled at the message for some time before he said: "Let's go this once and be done with it. Otherwise she'll keep inviting us, and we'll keep suffering and dreading it the way you dread an appointment to have teeth yanked."

  Constance sighed. "I suppose I can endure it if you can, though we both know who's probably behind the show of friendliness. Old Simon wants to keep you content."

  He shrugged to acknowledge the likelihood, then said, "Perhaps Isabel actually enjoys entertaining us."

  "George, do be serious."

  "I am. It gives her a chance to show off to newcomers." He scratched his chin. "Wonder what she'll choose to brag about this time?"

  A whole menu of items, as it turned out. The appetizer was the rented mansion on I Street. They were forced to tour it for fifteen minutes; Isabel alternately called attention to its expensive appointments and commiserated: "I feel so sorry for you, cramped into Willard's. We were ever so fortunate to escape the National and get into this place, don't you think?"

  "Oh, yes." Constance was impeccably polite, her smile imperviously genuine. "It was kind of you to invite us, Isabel."

  "Bygones should be bygones — especially in times like these." Isabel thrust that one at George, who didn't swallow it. He suddenly felt tired, cranky, and overdressed — a toy soldier. The hilt of the ridiculous staff sword kept knocking against his sash.

  At dinner, the knives were brought out. Stanley and Isabel larded their talk with names of important persons, implying they were intimate with all of them — Chase, Stevens, Welles, General McDowell, and of course Cameron.

  "Did you see his latest monthly report, George?"

  "I am in no position to see it, Stanley. I read about it."

  "The remarks about the Academy —?"

  "Yes." It took control merely to admit that.

  "Exactly what did he say, dear?" Isabel asked, causing George to hear a phantom door go bang; he was in their trap.

  "Why, merely that the rebellion wouldn't have been possible — at least not on such a large scale — without the treason of the officers educated at West Point at public expense. Simon concluded by asking whether such treason was not directly due to some radical defect in our national system — namely, the mere existence of the elitist institution."

  Elitist. Public expense. Treason. It was the same old crowd of ragpickers, given new respectability by their new red, white, and blue suits. "Balderdash," he said, longing to use a stronger word.

  "Permit me to differ, George," Isabel said. "I've heard the same view from any number of the congressional and cabinet wives. Even the President expressed it in his July fourth message."

  Stanley feigned a mournful air, shaking his head. "I'm afraid your old school is in for hard times."

  George shot his wife a seething glance over the tureens of turtle soup. Her eyes mirrored his misery but pleaded for patience.

  The next knife appeared as the table servants offered platters of broiled tilefish and roast venison. Smiling, Isabel said, "We have another bit of good news. Tell them about the factory, Stanley."

  Like a schoolboy reciting a rote lesson, Stanley did so.

  George said, "Army shoes, eh? I presume you already have a contract?"

  "We do," Isabel said. "Profit isn't the chief reason we purchased Lashbrook's, however. We wanted to help the war effort." George couldn't help a glance at the ceiling. Fortunately, Constance missed it.

  Isabel continued, "I will admit to one selfish consideration. If the factory succeeds, Stanley will no longer be exclusively dependent on income from Hazard's to supplement the pittance paid by the War Department. He will stand on his own feet."

  He'll rest in Boss Cameron's pocket, more likely.

  Infernally insincere, Isabel continued to smile as she went on. "If each of you manages his own business, it should promote family harmony — something I would find refreshing. Of course we assume the income from Stanley's ownership interest in Hazard's will continue to be paid —"

  "You needn't worry that anyone will defraud you, Isabel." Constance heard the growl in her husband's remark and touched his wrist.

  "We mustn't stay late. You said tomorrow would be busy."

  False politeness settled over the table again. Isabel was in fine spirits for the rest of the meal, as if she had played a trump — or several — and won.

  In the hack returning to the hotel, George burst out: "Stanley's shoe contract makes me feel like a damn profiteer, too. We're selling iron plate to the navy and eight-inch columbiads to the War Department I work for —"

  Constance patted his hand and kept patting, trying to relieve his tension. "Oh, I think there are differences."

  "Too subtle for me to see."

  "What would you do if the Union desperately needed cannon but couldn't afford to pay? What if you were asked to manufacture guns on that basis?"

  "I'd kick like hell. I have an obligation to the people who work for me. They expect wages once a week."

  "But if you could manage to meet the payroll, you'd say yes. That's the difference between you and Stanley."

George shook his head. "I don't know whether I'm as saintly as all that. I do know our cannon are probably a damn sight better made than Stanley's bootees."

  Constance laughed and hugged him. "That's why Stanley may turn into a profiteer, but you'll be — always and forever — George Hazard." She kissed him on the cheek. "For which I'm thankful."

  At Willard's, she was relieved to find their son safely back from the encampments over in Virginia. She hadn't wanted him to go by himself, deeming him too young. George had persuaded her not to be so protective. The boy seemed none the worse for the experience.

  "McDowell's on the march," he told them with great enthusiasm. "Uncle Billy says we'll probably fight the rebs on Saturday or Sunday."

  Stanley had announced plans to drive out to view the spectacle. Undressing for bed, George and Constance discussed the possible risks of such an outing. She wanted to go and, counting on his consent, had ordered a lunch in a hamper from Gautier's. George marveled silently; in her short time in the city, his wife had learned any number of things, including the fact that one simply didn't do business with any other, less prestigious, caterer. "All right," he said. "We'll go."

  That night, Billy wrote in his journal.

  Today my nephew and namesake came over from the city. Securing the captain's permission, I took him to Fairfax Courthouse to watch the advance. It was a grand sight, with colors waving, bayonets sparkling drums throbbing. The volunteers displayed high spirits because a fight is now virtually certain. Some units, not engineers but designated so, have already drawn the fire of hidden batteries as they labor to clear the roads of trees felled by the rebels. Our company is to stay behind with the District forces, which disappoints me. Yet I also confess to a measure of relief. The battle may not be easy and sportive — though the volunteers behave as if they expect such. At M.R. this spring C. told me that prior to a fight, soldiers grow nervous and joke a lot. It's true; so much whooping and joshing I never heard as I did today. They sang too — one song "J. Brown's Body" — and were so busy with the music and merriment they forgot all else. They do not keep in orderly ranks or follow instructions well. No wonder McDowell is mistrustful. Returning several miles to the encampment by shank's mare — we found no supply wagons bound this way — William and I passed Capt. F. 's tent and heard him praying in full voice: "Behold the day of the Lord cometh. He shall destroy the sinners." What is that? asked my startled namesake. To which I replied, "I think it is Isaiah." When I recovered from my mistake — he wanted to know the speaker's identity — he confounded me by asking whether God had turned away from our friends the Mains. I gave him the most honest answer possible, viz. — Yes, according to our side. But I explained that our enemy counted upon His favor with equal confidence. Young William is quick, like his father; I believe he understood the paradox. Capt. F. invited him to join our mess and treated him most cordially, complimenting him on intelligent questions. William stayed till watch fires shone across the countryside, then mounted his hired horse to go back to Washington, where, I am told, great excitement also prevails. As I write, I can still hear the army in the distance — wagons, cavalry, singing volunteers, and all. Though I have not seen the elephant and would be scared, I now wish I were going, too.


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