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My Guardian

Page 5

by Alanea Alder

  "Would you please let one of us kill him?" Grant asked in a congenial manner, as if they were not discussing cold-blooded murder.

  "We will have too much on our plate in the next few months, dealing with new people in the city without the headache of facing a tribunal for killing that waste of blood." Adriel looked at his clipboard.

  "Micah, are you comfortable being assigned as Meryn's guard while she is here?" he asked.

  "Absolutely. That woman is hilarious. I can't wait to see what she does next." Micah's eyes sparkled with laughter.

  Grant shook his head. "Better you than me. Women confuse me, and she is baffling even for a woman."

  Micah sighed happily. "Women make this life worth living. They add color to these gray walls and perfume to the air."

  Grant scratched his head. "I have paintings in my quarters and air fresheners, I am good."

  Micah looked around. "Speaking of my little firecracker, where'd she go?"

  Adriel studied his roster and, without looking up, pointed to the far side of the room where Meryn was standing next to Aiden, practically behind her squire as her mate greeted a line of Nobles.

  "How do you do that?" Micah demanded.

  Grant snorted. "Adriel has a built in trouble detector."

  "He is just amazing at what he does," Bethy said, walking up with her mate and Declan in tow. She leaned over and looked down at his plans. He watched her read over his lists, nodding. She looked up. "Sorry, old habits die hard." Her cheeks flushed.

  "Not at all. In fact, I was going to ask your opinion regarding unit assignments. You may have learned your organizational skills from me, but you learned just as much from watching your father anticipate Broderick in the lab." Adriel handed her his clipboard.

  Bethy's mouth formed a small 'o'. He never let anyone handle his clipboard. With her eyes gleaming, she accepted it and started skimming his meticulous notes. As she was flipping through the pages, Etain returned.

  Gavriel clapped the man on the back. "Many thanks. I saw what you and Declan did; I owe you."

  Bethy looked up confused. "What did they do?"

  "Nothing," all three of them said together.

  Her eyes narrowed. She looked at them for a few more seconds then returned to his notes. "I think you should split up the units by level. We don't know how many people we'll be getting, but I have a feeling we'll have fewer "accidents" if we have warriors visible on every level." She handed him back his clipboard.

  He nodded. "Excellent. I agree. Let us not give them an opportunity to make mischief."

  Gavriel pulled Bethy under his arm. "What kind of mischief are we talking about? Should Aiden know?"

  "Should Aiden know what?" Their commander walked up to them with Meryn and Ryuu. The hall was empty now except for the unit warriors. All of the Founding and Noble families had returned to their levels.

  Adriel gave a half shrug. "You saw their lukewarm reception of the plan to open up the city. I do not believe they will stage open protest; do not be surprised if supplies for any newcomers go missing, we experience an unexpected level escort shortage, or if suddenly all of the bed and breakfasts and hostels on Level Six are filled."

  Meryn raised her hand.

  Adriel stared at her. "Meryn, you do not have to raise your hand to ask a question."

  Meryn shrugged. "It's your clipboard; you remind me of my eighth grade math teacher."

  "I am sorry?" Adriel asked, unsure if that was a good thing.

  "It's cool. Anyway, what's a level escort?"

  "Of course, you would not know that term. My apologies. A level escort is a low ranked vampire who transports persons between levels. They are usually used for citizens who do not have the ability to fly, young vampires who have not learned how or sometimes by the Founding Family members as a service, so they do not have to."

  Meryn turned to Bethy. "Is that how you got around?"

  Bethy blushed a bright red.

  Meryn's eyes brightened, and she grinned. "Tell!"

  Bethy cleared her throat. "Either Tarragon, Tarak, or Kuruk would escort me between levels."

  Declan snickered, and Bethy shot him a dirty look. Declan held up his hands. "Come on, it was adorable!" he protested.

  Bethy crossed her arms over her chest and tapped her foot.

  Meryn poked Bethy in the side. "Tell."

  Bethy threw her arms in the arm in exasperation. "Fine! When I was little, I wanted to be like my Papa and Uncle, so I thought that if I tried hard enough, I could fly, too."

  Meryn's eyes widened, and she winced. "How deep is that tunnel?"

  Tarak sighed. "Deep. When Bethy was five, Prince Magnus had us install a huge net fifteen feet below Level One after she ended up in the healers' quarters with two broken legs and a concussion. We had to fish her out of the net twice a week until she was eight and at least once a month after she was eight."

  Meryn turned to Bethy. "Why did you keep trying after you were eight?"

  Bethy's shoulders sagged in defeat. "I kept falling in."

  "Oh." Meryn turned her head to look out of the door to the hall that led to the transport tunnel. "How safe is that net?"

  "No." Aiden shook his head.


  "No, Meryn." Aiden firmly wrapped his arm around her shoulders.

  "Okay," Meryn said quickly.

  Aiden looked down at her. "Really?"

  "Yup." She nodded and smiled up at him.

  Adriel looked over at his second in command. No words were needed. Declan walked away to ensure the net was intact. Between Meryn's sense of adventure and Bethy's luck, one, probably both would end up in the net during their stay.

  Gavriel rubbed his nose up and down Bethy's neck until she giggled. "I have even more reason to stay glued to your side," he murmured.

  Bethy turned to Adriel. "If you assign all the units out to monitor each level, who will be with your trainees?"

  Adriel frowned. "What trainees?"

  "What?" Aiden asked.

  "What?" Adriel echoed.

  Aiden looked around. "Don't you have an academy?"

  Adriel shook his head. "Not for some time. We contact Adair when we need replacements for shifter and fae warriors, and we contact Storm Keep directly for new witches. Last year, when the council approved Meryn's idea to move the trainees to the unit estates so that Lycaonia's academy could take in new cadets, the compromise was that the other cities did not have to maintain their own academies. Since the program has done so well, there have been talks at council level to permanently remove the academies in the other cities and reappropriate the funds to other programs."

  Meryn looked shaken. "That wasn't the plan! Each unit was supposed to get five trainees, and the academies would take in thirty new cadets per city. It was supposed to triple your manpower!"

  Aiden clenched his teeth together. "I bet Adair and Father didn't mention anything because they didn't want to upset you in your condition."

  "Fuck my condition! Just because I'm pregnant doesn't mean I'm suddenly weak or stupid. Just wait until we get home," Meryn fumed.

  Bethy rubbed a hand across her forehead. "Oh dear."

  Micah clapped his hands together to get the women's attention. "I know just the thing to help you de-stress."

  Grant cuffed him upside the head. "Micah! They are mated!"

  Micah rubbed the back of his head and frowned up at his friend. "I didn't mean sex, you insensitive clod. What I was going to say is that it's getting late, and I'm sure these two beautiful goddesses are getting hungry. I know for a fact that Sebastian has been cooking up a storm in our absence, and I'm pretty sure I smelled cinnamon wafting up from Level One." He winked at Bethy.

  "He remembered!" Bethy was now all smiles.

  Micah snorted. "As if that man has ever forgotten a single thing about you. He started stocking up on your favorites the second he learned you were returning to the city, and that means lots of cinnamon and vanilla."

  Meryn licked he
r lips. "What'd Sebastian make?"

  Bethy spun to face Meryn. "It's the most wonderful dessert I've ever had. He creates this masterpiece with graham cracker layers, homemade vanilla pudding, cinnamon, and whipped cream. Gods, it's divine!" she gushed.

  Meryn looked around. "So, we're done here right? Good. Let's go." Meryn grabbed Bethy's hand, and they practically began to run toward the transport tunnel.

  "Meryn! Wait for Ryuu! Do not jump into that net!" Aiden yelled after them.

  She was just one human female; there was nothing she could do that his units couldn't handle. Right?


  Adriel looked around the large dining table. He had never been invited to dine with Magnus before; the prince was usually too busy hosting dinners for the Founding and Noble families, keeping them placated.

  So he had been pleasantly surprised when Bethy invited the entire Eta Unit to dinner. Aiden had been given the seat at the end of the long table opposite Magnus. Adriel sat to his left and Meryn to his right. To Adriel's left were Declan, Etain, Broderick and Caspian. Across the table, Micah sat to Meryn's right, then Grant, Gavriel and Bethy. The four corners of the room were filled with Tarak and Kuruk on opposite sides acting as guards and Ryuu and Sebastian across from them.

  For once, Magnus looked relaxed, as if he was truly enjoying himself. Adriel knew more than most how difficult the past couple months had been on their prince. He hoped that Aiden would be able to provide the support needed to get their people to safety.

  Bethy's voice brought him back to the present.

  "Meryn, didn't you pack? When Darian escorted us to the portal, all you had was your backpack, and Aiden only carried a small suitcase."

  Meryn glared at her mate. "No. I've been wearing my super gown because someone won't let me go get maternity clothes because they are being a paranoid, drama bear."

  Bethy blinked. "You're using the Gown of Éire Danu for maternity clothes?"

  Meryn nodded. "I think it likes me. I mean, think about it. It has all this cool power but only gets pulled out a couple times a year for the same ole boring stuff like, poufy dresses. I could be wrong, but I think I gave it a graphic tee shirt addiction."

  Bethy groaned and buried her face in her hands.

  Gavriel rubbed her back trying to fight back a smile. "There, there love."

  Etain was staring at Meryn, his face a mask of concentration.

  Meryn caught him staring. "What?" she demanded bluntly.

  Etain tilted his head. "Is that truly the fabled Gown of Éire Danu? One of the most powerful fae relics in existence?"

  Adriel really looked at Meryn and saw what Etain was talking about. Meryn had on a tee shirt that looked like it had zombie teddy bears on it. Over the tee, an unzipped grey hoodie covered her arms and, if he remembered correctly, earlier Meryn wore faded jeans and scruffy sneakers.

  Meryn rolled her eyes before she closed them. Seconds later, the air around her shimmered, and she was now wearing an emerald green gown with an empire waist that draped demurely over her rounded belly. Her short curls were arranged and a silver circlet sat on top of her head.

  "There, better? Does it look all regal now?" Meryn pointed to the dress.

  Etain smiled. "I don't know why, but I think you're right Meryn. I feel like the gown is having fun dressing you."

  Bethy shook her head. "Zombie. Care. Bears. Meryn! Where did it get the idea for Zombie Care Bears?"

  Meryn concentrated on her silverware. "I may or may not have a Pinterest board dedicated to tee-shirts I like, and it may or may not be on there for reference." Meryn closed her eyes again and her tee shirt, hoodie and jeans were back.

  "What's wrong with a nice pair of khaki capris and a light green cardigan with pearls? Or a sundress and sandals? Why zombies?" Bethy asked.

  Meryn picked up her butter knife and set it on her empty dinner plate. Absently she began to spin it. "Because when I wear dresses my thighs rub together, and it sucks. Capris are weird because sometimes they aren't short enough when I'm hot, but too short when I'm cold. Jeans and hoodies are always perfect.

  Declan turned to him. "I never knew women felt that way about dresses."

  Adriel shrugged. He had never given women's fashion a second thought; evidently more planning went into it than he knew.

  A throat cleared and the table turned to look at Sebastian. "Meryn, while you are here, I could take your measurements and begin some stylish yet comfortable maternity clothes for you. I make all of Bethy's clothing."

  Bethy's face lit up. "Sebastian, you are a life saver! We've been trying to get her to a tailor for months!"

  Meryn scowled. "They poke me with pins on purpose! And it's always, 'Hold still!' and 'You can't have to go to the restroom again!' Mean old biddies!"

  Sebastian made a clucking noise. "Poor darling. Do not worry Meryn, I have never stuck Bethy with a pin, and you can take as many breaks as you like."

  Meryn thought for a moment then nodded. "Okay, but only to give my super dress a break every now and then. I had to stop wearing my other hoodies when they started to fit."

  Declan frowned. "That's good right?"

  Bethy grinned. "She wears them three sizes too big."

  Understanding dawned on his face. "Oh."

  Magnus chuckled. "On that note," he turned to Sebastian and Ryuu. "Whenever you gentlemen are ready, let us begin."

  Sebastian and Ryuu worked seamlessly serving the entire table. A large roast was brought to the center of the table along with three bowls of steaming vegetables. Basket after basket of fresh bread was set down and wine and water goblets filled. When everyone was served, Magnus smiled. "Micah, if you would please?"

  Micah looked surprised but then started a low incantation. Adriel felt the pressure around them build then settle. Micah had encased the room in a sound-proofing spell.

  Magnus relaxed against his chair. "Thank you Micah."

  Micah inclined his head. "Anytime, sire."

  Magnus was about to begin speaking when a low vibration echoed throughout the room. Everyone turned to look at Ryuu. Frowning, Ryuu pulled a small phone from his pocket. "My apologies. I usually never receive any text messages." He looked down and scowled. Without even replying, he tucked the phone back into his vest pocket. Seconds later, another vibration sounded throughout the room.

  Meryn's eyes narrowed. "How are you getting texts?"

  Ryuu raised a brow at his charge and smiled wickedly. "How else? Magic. I took the liberty of casting a spell on everyone's phones by zeroing in on your device's batteries and used water particles to carry the signals. It isn't permanent, it will only last a day or two, but my denka, should have a solution figured out by then."

  "Damn, skippy!" Meryn muttered.

  Ryuu's phone dinged again, he looked down chagrined.

  Aiden began to laugh. "It's Colton, isn't it?"

  Bethy's eyes widened, and she, too, started laughing. Meryn smirked, and Gavriel shook his head.

  Adriel tuned to Aiden. "Why is your second in command texting your squire?"

  Aiden shook his head chuckling. "Ryuu is Meryn's squire, not mine. And Colton has a man crush on Ryuu, mainly for his ability to cook. I'm guessing Colton isn't liking his first night fending for himself for dinner."

  Ryuu exhaled loudly. "I left plenty of food in the kitchen, along with planned meals and recipes. They shouldn't be running into issues the first night."

  Meryn got up on her knees and turned in her chair so she could see her squire. "What happened?"

  Ryuu rolled his eyes. "The men assumed the women were cooking, and the women assumed the men were. It's ten o'clock there now, and they are having sandwiches. Colton keeps texting me pictures of him pouting. It's getting ridiculous."

  "Awww, they miss you." Meryn giggled. Another phone vibrated and everyone looked at Ryuu, who shook his head. "That wasn't me."

  Meryn sat back in her chair. "That one was mine." She checked her phone and smiled softly. "Felix, this one is
for you." She propped up her phone against her water glass.

  Adriel looked around. "Who is Felix?"

  Meryn pointed down to the table. Seconds later, the air shimmered, and a tiny sprite became visible, sitting on the edge of Meryn's empty soup bowl.

  Etain gasped. "Is that a sprite? I haven't seen one since I left Éire Danu. They never leave fae gardens." He looked at Meryn in wonder. "How did the two of you meet?"

  Felix jumped down and hugged Meryn's phone before returning to his tiny perch.

  Meryn smiled up at Aiden. "Penny sent a good night hug to Felix. She misses him."

  Aiden nodded.

  Meryn looked up at Etain. "I was invited to the fae gardens in Lycaonia. Elder Vi'Ailean and his mate Vivian had me over for cake. Felix was there, but it didn't look like he was having a very good time, so I jokingly invited him to hang out with me. He packed a bag and moved in; we've been together ever since. I couldn't do without my little buddy."

  Felix blushed and reached up to his necklace; seconds later, he was gone again.

  Declan's eyes were wide. He stared, entranced, at the place where Felix had been sitting. "How'd he do that?"

  Meryn's face clouded. Bethy answered for her. "Keelan made a necklace for Felix that allows him to become visible or remain invisible."

  The table quieted. Magnus broke the silence. "Never in my wildest imagination did I ever believe that we would ever have a sprite here in Noctem Falls. Thank you for such an amazing gift."

  Meryn's face brightened a little. "All I did was bring him along; Felix is a gift all by himself," she paused and giggled. "He's blushing."

  Adriel lifted his wine goblet. "You left Colton in charge?"

  Aiden nodded. "He may seem carefree, but he's actually stricter than I am when it comes to drills and patrol. I've chosen him as my successor in the event I need to assume my father's Elder seat before my son is of age."

  Magnus smiled wide. "You are having a son?"

  Meryn shook her head. "We don't know yet. I'm hoping for a girl."

  Aiden shuddered. "No way. I don't think I can handle a girl. I'd never get any sleep. I'd be worried about my tiny princess all the time."


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