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by Charlotte Featherstone


  Charlotte Featherstone is the multipublished author of sensual historical and contemporary paranormal novels, e-books and short stories. An avid reader, she counts among her vices good chocolate, her husband’s coffee and dark, brooding alpha heroes. Charlotte lives in Ontario, Canada, with her husband and young daughter and is currently working on her next novel for Spice Books.

  Please feel free to drop Charlotte a line at:

  www. CharlotteFeatherstone. net


  A book is never simply written. It is rewritten until it comes together as it is meant to be, and Addicted is no exception. I have so many people to thank for their belief in this book.

  My agent, Mary Louise Schwartz, has always been there for me with hand-holding when needed and butt kicking when required. Your enthusiastic “there’s no way this isn’t going to sell,” still makes me smile. Thank you for taking on this project with me and for always being there through panicked phone calls and e-mails.

  To the art department at Harlequin for giving me such a stunning cover and for using the red smoke idea. I adore it and couldn’t imagine anything more perfect.

  To Kristina Cook (Kristi Astor) my longtime critique partner who has been with me from the very beginning. Where would I be without you? You truly are my rock in good times and bad. I know Addicted wouldn’t be here if it hadn’t been for you encouraging me along the way. I value your insight, your skills and friendship. There are no words that begin to express how instrumental you have been in helping me get here. Thank you a hundred times over.

  And last but most certainly not least, to my editor, Susan Swinwood, for allowing me to write this book as I had originally intended. Your edits empowered me to stretch myself as an author and take chances. Thank you for allowing me to keep Lindsay as he truly is, scarred, dark, flawed and so very human. You “got him” and that really is a dream come true.

  IMPRINT: Spice

  ISBN: 9781460820698


  First Australian Publication 2012

  Copyright © 2012 by Charlotte Featherstone

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  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are either the product of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

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