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Government Zero : No Borders, No Language, No Culture (9781455563517)

Page 15

by Savage, Michael

  This is all the result of legal immigration, assuming there is still any distinction between legal and illegal. Illegal immigrants are having an even worse effect. At best, they are illiterate in their own language and have grim prospects for employment. At worst, they are hardened criminals or terrorists themselves who are a grave threat to public safety.

  Those of us who remember the America of not so long ago wake up every day and ask, “What country is this?” Those of you who don’t will nevertheless ask the same question just a few years from now, unless the Progressive-Islamist takeover is stopped.

  Sleeper Cells Among Us

  While illegal immigrants continue to pour over our southern borders carrying potentially deadly diseases, socialist values, and no discernible benefit to American society, the progressives in control of the White House are also importing one hundred thousand Muslims per year as refugees.3 Under the pretense of humanitarianism, these useless academics are creating the very sleeper cells FBI counterterrorism chief Michael Steinbach says now exist in forty-nine states.

  The White House sorority and the useful idiots who parrot them constantly downplay the threat of radical Islam by saying there is no way for Islamofascist armies like ISIS to breach our borders. “It’s not like we’re going to wake up one day and find ISIS in New York,” they sneer. They refer to the farcical prospect of ISIS invading the United States in a conventional military operation.

  They’re right about one thing. ISIS won’t have to wait for the progressives to weaken our military to that extent. ISIS is already here. But they didn’t land Normandy-style in amphibious landing craft. They were brought in by our government as refugees and secretly resettled all over America.

  Earlier this year, Rep. Trey Gowdy (R-SC) sent John Kerry a letter. He wanted more information about the dozens of foreign refugees from Syria, North Africa, and elsewhere coming into South Carolina.4 It was the first time I know of that a congressman actually called the federal government to account for its unilateral decisions while bringing in seventy thousand refugees a year on average over the past few years.5

  Congressman Gowdy asked all the questions one would expect from a conscientious representative of his constituents. Who in Congress or the state and local governments were consulted before the decision was made to resettle these people in Spartanburg, South Carolina? What services will taxpayers be obliged to provide these refugees? How many have criminal records? How many more are coming?

  As glad as I was to see somebody in Congress actually pushing back, there are a few questions I’d like to ask Mr. Kerry myself.

  First, why is the administration granting asylum mostly to Muslims from Syria, Somalia, Afghanistan, and Iraq, when a full-fledged holocaust is being perpetrated against Christians? Second, how do we know that ISIS agents posing as refugees are not among those the administration has admitted and put on a fast track to citizenship, just as the FBI has warned?

  I know the answer to my first question, although I wouldn’t expect the Islamophillic administration to answer it. Bringing in Muslims, even legitimate refugees, is consistent with the Progressive-Islamist takeover of America. These ready-made communities are just more pockets of anti-American, unassimilated foreigners who will eventually become citizens and vote Democrat. They further dilute Christianity as the dominant religion in America, English as the dominant language, and American values as the dominant culture.

  As far as my second question, the FBI has already told us they aren’t screening refugees for links to terrorism. As World Net Daily reported, “The U.S. simply does not have the resources to stop Islamic radicals in Syria from slipping into the country through the State Department’s refugee-resettlement program, said Michael Steinbach, deputy assistant director of the FBI’s counter terrorism unit.”6

  Leaving Christians to the Wolves

  While we know the progressives want to do anything but bring more Christians into America, it is unconscionable that they would allow their political agenda to deter them from taking immediate, emergent action to address the genocide of Christians in the Middle East. While the Muslim in chief refuses to say the word Islamic when referring to the Islamic State, that very group is systematically exterminating the most ancient population of Christians in the world.

  You wouldn’t know this from listening to the president. Just like the Jews murdered by Islamic terrorists in a kosher Jewish deli in Paris became merely some “folks” randomly murdered by “zealots,” the 147 Christians murdered by Islamic terrorists were nondescript “innocent men and women” murdered by “terrorists.”7

  There isn’t any doubt that these were Muslims targeting Christians. They were members of the Somali-based al-Shabab terror group, and they specifically asked the victims if they were Christian or Muslim before murdering them. Christians attempting to impersonate Muslims to save their lives were asked to recite a Muslim prayer. If they could not, they were killed.8

  Similarly, Obama referred to the twenty-one Coptic Christians beheaded by Islamofascists in Libya merely as “Egyptian citizens.” Yet, when ISIS kills Muslims they believe aren’t practicing the faith properly in their insane opinion, Obama openly recognizes the religious identity of the victims, as he did “Ismailis and Alawites” in Syria.9

  The president is always quick to remind us that ISIS has killed more Muslims than members of any other religion. He truly has a keen eye for the obvious. Most people in the region are Muslims, so it isn’t surprising ISIS has killed more Muslims overall than Christians.

  The difference is that Muslims are not targeted because they are Muslim. On the contrary, demonstration of one’s dedication to orthodox Islam can save one’s life and property in territories under ISIS control. Christians, on the other hand, are without exception dispossessed and exiled, if they’re lucky, or summarily executed if they’re not.

  The president knows all of this, but he and the sorority have made up their minds to pretend the extermination of Christians isn’t happening. That makes it a certainty Christians can expect little help from U.S. Immigration as long as the progressives control the White House.

  Believe it or not, this is exactly what the so-called bleeding-heart liberals did during the original Holocaust. Their patron saint, that great “man of the people” Franklin Delano Roosevelt, and the Democratic Congress were in a similar position to help Jews during the 1930s. But despite repeated pleas to increase the quota for German immigrants, the Democrats failed to do so.

  As Kristallnacht and Auschwitz loomed, FDR’s government kept the limit on German immigration at just over 27,000 immigrants per year. They failed to significantly raise the limit even after Jews were declared noncitizens in 1935. From late 1938 through June 1939, over 300,000 German refugees applied for visas, but most were unsuccessful.10

  Even after the Holocaust was under way, the progressive FDR administration refused to believe the truth about it, although admittedly less deliberately than Obama appears to be denying the new holocaust.

  Worst of all, the FDR administration didn’t even admit all of the Jews the quotas would have allowed. Between 1933 and 1937, only 30,000 refugees entered the United States. The quotas would have allowed almost 130,000.11 That means FDR could have admitted 100,000 more Jews without even fighting the political battle to have quotas raised, but he didn’t.

  You’ll never believe the reason given for not admitting more Jews fleeing the Holocaust. They were afraid the refugees would be a burden on the welfare system. Can you believe that, coming from the Democrats? The same people who want to bring in tens of millions who can’t read or write in their own language were suddenly afraid that Jews fleeing the Holocaust would be a burden on taxpayers. It would be funny if it weren’t so tragic.

  So much for the great defenders of the oppressed. If you’re African, Muslim, or socialist, progressives will spare no expense to defend you against the slightest infringement of your rights. But if you’re Jewish, Christian, or capitalist, they will look the oth
er way even in the face of mass murder. They protested every war the United States fought against communism, but actively supported Clinton’s intervention into Kosovo. Why? Because Clinton took the side of the Muslims against the Christian Serbians. Suddenly, the peaceniks were war hawks.

  Now they are silent while Christians are slaughtered, just as they were during the Nazi Holocaust. The women’s-rights activists who invent “rape culture” on college campuses and in the military have nothing to say about ISIS kidnapping ten-year-old girls and forcing them to get married. They say nothing about Yazidi girls abducted and turned into sex slaves for ISIS soldiers. Where is their outrage?

  One has to wonder what could be in the minds of this administration, other than direct harm to the American people. Forget the lack of compassion for Christian refugees of this new holocaust. What possible benefit could the American people derive from bringing in 100,000 Muslims every year? Given a finite total number of refugees who can be accommodated, what possible reasoning would lead any sane person to choose Muslims over Christians?

  He is bringing Shia/Sunni internecine warfare into America. It’s like bringing viruses and bacteria into a healthy population.

  The Sleepers Awaken

  As I’ve said many times about this administration, it doesn’t matter whether they are playing for the other side or just clueless academics in over their heads. Either way, the results for the American people are the same. These progressives are a clear and present danger to the American people every day they remain in office.

  We can’t necessarily just wait out Obama’s term, either. Hillary Clinton certainly isn’t talking about doing anything different. Picking up right where Obama will have left off, she’s talking about LGBT activism, income inequality, and global warming. As I’ve discussed in other chapters, she’s been friendly with the Muslim world for decades.

  We don’t have time to wait for the right people to get elected. Without a serious opposition party, it may not matter who wins the next election. Besides, the sleeper cells have already started to wake from their slumber.

  In April, Abdirahman Sheik Mohamud was arrested for plotting to attack police or military personnel after returning from ISIS training in Syria. The initial reports sounded like something Obama’s sorority had scripted for his latest press conference. Mohamud was initially described as “an Ohio man” and “a U.S. citizen.”12 You might have thought this was just an average local boy who fell in with the wrong crowd and was led astray.

  In reality, Mohamud was a Somalian immigrant who was already plotting to commit terrorism within the United States when he became a U.S. citizen in 2014.13 His communications with his brother indicate that becoming a citizen was all part of the plot to become an ISIS agent within our borders.

  How did this man become a U.S. citizen? Where was DHS, TSA, and the rest of the security apparatus our billions fund? How does an immigrant from Somalia get through the process to become a citizen and receive a U.S. passport while NSA is intercepting the phone and e-mail metadata on every man, woman, and child in this country? Could it be they aren’t looking for Somalian terrorists? Are they spending too much time targeting conservatives for tax audits?

  Whatever the explanation, ISIS is laughing at us. Just think about this: If Mohamud hadn’t been caught after returning from Syria, he would have been able to vote in the next election. How many more like him are out there?

  Mohamud wasn’t the first Somali immigrant to attempt this. Just a few days after his arrest, six men from the Somali immigrant community in Minnesota were arrested for attempting to travel to Syria to join ISIS.14 And these six weren’t the first from this community. Late last year, two other men attempted to travel to Syria to join ISIS from the same Somali community. One of them was successful.15

  Over the past eight years, at least twenty-two people from “Little Mogadishu,” as this Somali community in Minnesota is called, have left the United States to join the Islamofascists overseas.16 Some have gone back to Somalia to join al-Shabab. Some have joined the rebels the White House sorority is funding in Syria against the Assad regime. Wherever they end up, they join the war against civilization being waged by Islamists on a global scale.

  This isn’t an isolated incident. Little Mogadishu has just had more time to develop into a full-blown terror cell. The government has an ongoing Refugee Resettlement Program that has resettled Somali refugees in Columbus, Ohio; San Diego, California; and Lewiston, Maine.

  By the way, these cities were picked at least partly because of their generous welfare programs. I’m sure you’re happy to hear you’re funding this terrorist recruiting program.

  I do not mean to imply the program is limited to these few states. The network of federal, state, and private agencies is able to resettle refugees in all fifty states.17 Once you understand what is going on, the threat of terror cells in every state doesn’t sound at all crazy. On the contrary, it’s crazy to ignore what’s happening before our very eyes.

  From listening to our Soviet-style media, one could only assume our biggest challenge was to ensure Muslim Americans weren’t discriminated against. I’m not saying some innocent Muslims aren’t unfairly assumed to be violent in some cases. What I am saying is we have far more serious problems to worry about. We have an administration which is, intentionally or not, rolling out the red carpet for people who have not only sworn to kill all of us, but to enslave the entire world.

  They can only succeed with a compliant government that puts its own needs above those of its people.

  Importing Crime

  Not every crime committed by an immigrant or illegal alien is an act of terrorism. Some are just ordinary crimes, committed by garden-variety criminals, who likewise should not have been admitted into the United States.

  The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) is charged with making the removal of illegal immigrants who have criminal records a priority. On its website, DHS reported it “conducted a total of 577,295 removals and returns, including 414,481 removals and 162,814 returns” during fiscal year 2014.

  That sounds like an impressive number, until you dig a little deeper. That’s when you start hearing about the results of Obama’s “prosecutorial discretion” in dealing with his so-called dreamers. In a report DHS provided to Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Chuck Grassley, illegal aliens with criminal records released by DHS committed one thousand crimes in 2013.18 These crimes included child sex abuse, carjacking, aggravated assault, and a host of others.

  Those are just numbers for 2013. A separate report based upon Judicial Watch’s analysis of 76 DHS documents concluded that almost 166,000 illegal aliens with criminal records were released back into American society as of April 2014.

  America learned how tragically this can end when thirty-one-year-old Kate Steinle was shot to death by an illegal immigrant who had previously been deported five times.19 Not only had Juan Francisco Lopez-Sanchez been deported five times before the shooting, he had seven prior felony convictions.

  Sanchez was on an American street because San Francisco is a “Sanctuary City,” meaning its government does not cooperate fully with federal immigration authorities.20 Sanchez had been turned over to San Francisco deputies pursuant to a drug warrant by the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) with a request that they be notified if Sanchez were released. This routine request is called an immigration detainer and would have been honored by law enforcement elsewhere. It was not honored by San Francisco law enforcement because of the Sanctuary City policy.

  This was by no means the first time the policy has resulted in tragedy. In 2008, Edwin Ramos, an illegal immigrant suspected of previous murders, shot and killed a forty-eight-year-old man and his two sons.21 Ramos thought one of the sons was a rival gang member. Ramos had been twice protected by the city’s Sanctuary City policy after committing crimes as a minor.

  There couldn’t be a better example of Government Zero than this. After letting the federal government run roug
hshod over the powers reserved to the states or the people, the one instance in which local governments push back is on an issue on which they actually should cooperate fully with the federal authorities. Had they done so this past July, Kate Steinle might still be alive today.

  It is not just intentional violence one has to worry about. Illegal aliens are convicted of drunk driving and driving without a license or insurance. So if you’re involved in a traffic accident with an illegal immigrant, you have zero chance of getting medical expenses or damages to your vehicle reimbursed, even if the accident was 100 percent the other driver’s fault.

  Juan Perez-Juarez managed to hit the trifecta. He managed a violent crime, indecent exposure, and a traffic accident involving injuries to another driver all on the same day.22 It almost sounds like a joke, but it’s not. The details are chilling.

  It all started when the illegal immigrant from Guatemala saw a little girl playing in front of her house in Bensalem, Pennsylvania. Perez-Juarez first attempted to entice the little girl into his car. When she refused to get in, he got out of his car, exposed himself, and then urinated in the street.

  Fortunately, the child’s father came out to chase Perez-Juarez away. While making his escape, Perez-Juarez crashed his car into a pole. He was later involved in a second accident involving injuries to the other driver and was finally arrested.

  All of this mayhem was caused by one criminal illegal alien released by the Obama administration. Just imagine Perez-Juarez’s Saturday afternoon multiplied by 166,000. This is the kind of chaos the progressives are creating in a society where violent crime rates had previously been cut in half over the past twenty years. Just as they are destroying the world order with their Progressive-Islamist foreign policy, they’re destroying civil society from within with their insane immigration policies.


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