Passion, Vows & Babies_With This Ring

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Passion, Vows & Babies_With This Ring Page 3

by Elle Jefferson

  Scanning the bar, I didn’t see anyone in a green dress. Might as well relax while I’m here. I ordered a glass of Pinot Grigio after taking a seat at the bar. The club was busy but not nearly packed to capacity. Then again it was only 8:30. Most people didn’t hit the scene until ten. I wondered briefly when Pierce might show up. If he’d even show up. I didn’t think drug lords spent much time in places like this. I sipped my wine and people watched for a bit. Nothing exciting to see. A couple people were dancing and there were a few groups sitting along the couches at the opposite end of the club. In a word it was pretty boring. Apparently, Club Denoir wasn’t the “spot”.

  Three glasses and two hours later still no sign of Paige. How long did I wait before I called the night a bust? Agent Monroe said 8:30. It was almost eleven. I checked my phone. Nothing. The worst part, I thought I looked hot, but not a single guy tried to talk to me. There were a few guys I noticed who were clearly alone. Even after I made eyes at them not a one came over. The clock above the bar said 10:57.

  I’d use the ladies room, give it another thirty minutes and then I was calling it. I finished off my drink then hopped off my stool. Across the dance floor and down the hallway I found the bathrooms. No line. This was a club on a Friday night with no line? That was just sad. When I came back out I noticed a set of stairs. There was a chain and a bouncer.

  “Where’s that go?” I asked the stiff man in a tuxedo.

  He looked me over, said nothing, and pulled back the chain. “Do I go up?” Again, he didn’t say anything but nodded. When I emerged on the second floor, it was a whole different atmosphere. It was packed. Music was blaring. People were shoulder to shoulder on the dance floor.

  I waded through the people, shaking my hips and bopping my head as I went. One guy grabbed my arm another slid his hand across my back. I slapped their hands away continuing my trek through the people.

  Was Paige up here? I needed a better view. Once I got to the bar I pushed my way in between two men, grabbed the bartender’s attention and ordered a Cosmo. To the right of the bar I noticed steps that lead up to a seating section. From there I could scan the crowd and see if Paige was out there. With a Cosmo in hand I moved through the people over to the steps. I sipped my drink and searched.

  Red hair, green dress. The first two red heads were wearing black. Although with the lights flashing and the music pumping it was hard to say for sure they were redheads and not brunettes but they were definitely wearing black. Not Paige. Hopefully, she was still here. Then I spotted her. She was across the dance floor sitting at a table by herself. I moved through the crowd towards her. I set my drink on her table and took the empty stool besides her. “Hi, I’m Amelia.”

  She looked at her watch then at me. “Only three hours late.”

  “I know. I’m sorry. I’ve spent most of this evening in the wrong club.”

  Paige laughed. “Your tardiness saved me from leaving with a mistake.”

  “You’re welcome?”

  “He was one hell of a good-looking mistake, though. Whatever. I’m agent Paige Meyers with MI5. I’m here to familiarize you with the bride and groom—”

  “British intelligence? I thought you were just a socialite who owed a debt.”

  “Oh no everything about me is true. My father was a prince and my mother a duchess, but I wanted more than lying on beaches so I went to college and was recruited by MI5 because of my connections and my bank account. Anyways I’ve known the bride, Bethesda Huntley, since we were kids. As I understand it you’re looking into the groom?”

  Did she know my true mission? Was she supposed to? I decided for now to play it close to the vest. “Something like that. Are you staying at La Boule too?”

  “Oh no, my parents have a house here on the water so I’m staying there. You should totally come by tomorrow night.”


  “Oh, yeah. You’d love it, the view from the hot tub is amazing.”

  “Sounds good.”

  “Awesome.” She grabbed my phone and typed in her number. Then sent herself a text. “There now you have my number. I hate to be rude, but I have to get going. Another after party.”

  “Can I ask you one thing?”


  “Is there any advice you can give me so that I don’t draw attention at the wedding?”

  “Have fun. Drink a lot, act like you love everyone then talk about them behind their back.” She finished off her drink. Set her glass down and got up, “And whatever you do watch out for the bride’s cousin Pierce.”


  “Trust me, you want none of that. I’ll see you tomorrow for brunch. Now I’m off to find mistake number two of the evening.” She left me alone with little more than what I already knew. Although it was cool to learn she was MI5. It made me feel a bit safer knowing she had training, it might come in use.

  I checked the clock it was midnight. One more drink and then I was heading back to my room. Maybe I should make a mistake tonight too.

  Something bumped into me from behind knocking me forward. My Cosmo sloshed out of my glass, down my arm and onto my dress.

  “Shit,” I hollered, “why don’t you watch where you’re going.”

  “My apologies.” It was a man’s voice. Deep and rich. His voice sent shivers down my spine. It was the kind of voice you wanted to read dirty stories to you every night. I wanted to hear that voice whisper my name as he pounded me from behind and I hadn’t even seen his face. I turned and froze. Standing before me was Lord Pierce Huntley. This close up I could see his eyes were blue. And he was even sexier. My mind turned to mush as I checked him out. He was wearing a pale blue button down beneath a black vest and black slacks.

  His square jaw was covered under a day’s worth of scruff. Everything about him screamed man. When I met his blue eyes, they were watching me intently. His jaw ticked. This was my chance. I ignored his looks and focused on the advice I’d read in the book agent Reyes gave me. “Since you spilled my drink the least you could do is buy me another.”

  “Of course,” he said. His hand fell to my lower back as he guided me over to the bar. I remembered at the pool how he reacted when I bent over and I decided to test the waters further. I gave my ass a little shake. When I looked over my shoulder I saw he was looking down. When he looked back up I knew I had him where I wanted him. I licked my lips. “See something you like?” I asked.

  “Maybe. Too soon to tell.”

  Game on. “Trust me it’s not.” I added a purr to my voice. I planned on winning. I shimmied my way through the crowd moving towards the bar when his hand clasped my elbow. “Not this way,” he said. Ugh, his voice did such weird things to my insides. The feel of his hand pressing into my back had me shivering. In a good way. He guided me to an alcove where there was a velvet rope. He nodded to the bouncer there who quickly lifted the rope to let us pass. Over here, the music was softer and there were less people. Definitely, VIP. He pointed to a nook where there was a long velvet couch and marble table. “What would you like?”

  “A Vodka sour.”

  “Make yourself comfortable, I’ll be right back.” I watched him walk away. He was as gorgeous going as he was coming. Coming. That took me to even naughtier thoughts. He’s your target. This is a job. Didn’t mean I couldn’t enjoy myself. Maybe he was meant to be my mistake for the evening. A very delicious—

  He stopped a woman carrying a tray, whispered in her ear. I didn’t like the way she smiled or placed her hand on his arm. He handed her some money. Another man stopped him on his way back to me. They whispered animatedly. I couldn’t make out a word they were saying, but the guy Pierce was talking to didn’t look like the up-and-up type, if you know what I mean. I quickly snapped a picture with my flower pin. Pierce waved the man away walking back over to me.

  He sat down beside me. “I don’t believe I properly introduced myself, I’m Pierce.”

  “Nice to meet you.” I settled back into the couch, crossing my l
egs and trying my best at looking bored and uninterested.

  Pierce stretched back placing an arm along the back of the couch. Those blue eyes studied me. Looking me up and down. “Now is when you would tell me your name.”

  I held up my drink free hand, “I’m here for the drink you owe me nothing else.” Pierce rapped his knuckles along the couch back. Poof. A drink was placed in my outstretched hand. “Thank you,” I said to the retreating waiter.

  Pierce smiled. I wanted to lick his face. “And now?” he asked.

  “Now what?” I looked down to the floor. He was wearing expensive black Italian loafers. Was it possible for shoes to be sexy? He had big feet probably size 14 or 15. If the old wives’ tale about shoe size were true then boy oh boy. I shook away the thoughts. When I looked up he was watching me. I blushed. He leaned forward setting his drink down on the table. His look was smoldering, that was the only way to describe it. It was the kind of look that melted panties. I bit my lip. It was time to test the waters.

  “I saw you earlier at La Boule surrounded by a bunch of goons. Are you staying there?” Let’s see if I can open a dialog.

  “I’ll make you a deal,” he said rolling his glass along the table.

  “What’s that?”

  He sat back taking a sip of his drink, studying me. He licked his bottom lip. “A little tit for tat.”

  “I’m listening.”

  “You tell me something. I tell you something.”

  I leaned back on the couch, placing my arm along the back mimicking his posture. “You go first.”

  “What’s your name?” he asked with a smirk.

  “Really? You want to know it that bad?”

  “I really do.”

  The way he said it, the sincerity in his eyes. “Amelia,” I said.

  He looked me over from the top of my hair to the tips of my toes. “Amelia,” he said rolling my name around. His voice. How I wished to hear him say my real name.

  “Funny. You don’t look like an Amelia.” In this moment I hated my job as much as I loved it.

  I shook that off and shrugged. “What can I say my mom was a feminist who thought Amelia Earhart started a silent rebellion for women’s right.” Total bullshit. My mom owned a bakery and believed feminism was leading to the decay of chivalry. “Now it’s my turn.”

  He waved his hand, “Anything.”

  “Why were you at La Boule today surrounded by a bunch of goons?”

  “Goons? That’s what you think of my personal security team?”

  “You didn’t answer my question. And yes, your security team looks like a bunch of gorillas in suits.”

  He laughed. The sound of which had my toes curling. “I own the hotel.”


  “That’s another question. And it’s my turn.”

  “Well then, please go ahead.”

  “Are you here alone?”


  “That’s a non-answer.”

  “It’s a stupid question.”

  “Why is that?”

  “It’s my turn. Since you own the hotel you should know your rule about reserving cabana’s is stupid.”

  “Excuse me but that’s not a question.”

  “It’s still true. I mean what happened to first come first serve.” One of his brows lifted and the hint of a smile hit his lips when I said the word come.

  “I’ll take it under advisement. Are you staying alone at my hotel?”

  “Wouldn’t you like to know?”

  “Yes, I would … Amelia.”

  Ugh. I wanted to hear him say my name over and over again all-night long. “I’m here for a wedding which I’m attending with a friend.”

  “The Agner-Huntley wedding?”

  I nodded. He licked his lips. “My cousin is the bride.”

  It was my turn to fake surprise. “Well, it seems both our weekends just got more interesting.”

  His jaw ticked, brooding. That’s how I’d describe his overall demeanor. Or sexy as hell. Definitely another way to describe it. Always leave them wanting more. I put my drink down. “I hate to say this but this Cinderella has to boogie before I turn into a pumpkin. Thanks for the drink.” I got up making sure to swish my hips since it seemed Pierce was an ass man. I heard shuffling and the rustling of leather before the warmth of his body invaded my space. “It seems we’re going to the same place.” He placed a hand to the small of my back, “Might I escort you?”

  I couldn’t say that I didn’t mind the jealous looks I received as Pierce and I walked through the club and out a back entrance, his hand never leaving my back. I had no idea where this was going to lead but I had a plan. Pierce had a car waiting. A nice man opened the door for us giving Pierce a nod as I slid across the seat.

  Pierce scooted in beside me. His shoulder pressed against mine. It was a simple contact but damn if it didn’t spin me further out. I squeezed my legs together. There was an aura about this man that made him irresistible to me. We made small talk in the car and in minutes we were pulling up to the hotel. Pierce helped me out after our driver opened the door for us.

  The foyer was empty, only a handful of guests milling around check-in and a few were over at the bar. When we passed the casino, it was as noisy as the bar. My heels clicked in sync with the thud of his loafers. We stopped at the elevators.

  “Care to come up for a night cap?” I asked staring into those blue eyes.

  One side of his mouth turned up in a mischievous grin. “I would love nothing more.”

  I smiled. “Good.” He grabbed my hand lacing his fingers through mine. I hit the button to summon a cart. He brushed his thumb over mine, turning me so we were face to face. “There’s something I’ve wanted to do since I saw you this afternoon.”

  “What’s that?”

  He took a step closer letting go of my hand to cup my face. He stared into my eyes a minute before leaning in. His lips were a whisper against mine a promise of more to come. I felt the gentleness of his touch all the way down to my toes. I wanted this man. He wrapped his arms around me holding me tighter deepening the kiss. His tongue explored my mouth. I melted into him.

  A voice cleared. “Excuse me sir.”

  Pierce pulled away slightly. His tone harsh, “There better be one helluva good reason you’re bothering me right now.”

  “My apologies sir, but there’s a situation.” I looked over Pierce’s shoulder to see the same goon who’d kicked me out of the cabana.

  “What is it?” Pierce asked. The man whispered in his ear. Pierce closed his eyes and nodded.

  Pierce let me go. “Unfortunately, I have to take care of this. Give me one minute?”

  “Of course, duty calls.” He pressed a soft kiss to my lips before walking away with his goon. The goon who was now number one on my shit list. I watched the man lead Pierce to the entrance of the hotel where a woman stood pacing. She was tall, blond, curvy and oozed glamour. When she saw Pierce, she started flailing her arms like she was trying to hit him. He grabbed her arms pinning them behind her. She looked like she was from his world, the world I pretended to be a part of but wasn’t. The woman calmed down and Pierce let her arms go which she swiftly wrapped around his neck. Who was she? Could this be important? How could I take a picture without being …? I remembered the pin on my dress. Clicking on the top petal I snapped several pictures. Hopefully, one came out.

  If I had to guess I’d say they had history. Romantic history. The goon noticed me watching and tapped Pierce on the shoulder. The elevator doors opened. Thank goodness. I stepped in, turned around in time to catch those blue eyes watching me. I waved just as the doors closed. There went tonight.

  Chapter 7

  Sunlight poured in through chiffon curtains waking me. I stretched before calling room service for two espressos to be brought up to my room. I’d had a restless night’s sleep and needed a major caffeine boost if I was going to make it through brunch. At least Paige would be there. She’d texted me several times
last night. Mostly, pictures of mistakes two, three and four. I told her definitely, four and to find out if he had a friend. Which, she promptly told me he did and that she was inviting them both to her place.

  I chugged the coffee and took a shower. I dressed in a pair of skinny jeans and lace dress shirt pairing my outfit with silver sandals. I wore my hair in a French fishtail braid with star hair rings entwined. I went light on my make-up. I twirled in the mirrored, pleased with how I looked.

  Before I left for brunch I grabbed my iPad and sent an email to Duke, updating him on what I’d learn, explaining my progress and I attached a few more photos. I encrypted the file so that Duke would once again need Lilah to decode it for him. I grabbed my clutch then headed downstairs to the restaurant where the wedding brunch was at.

  When I reached the foyer, Paige was standing outside the bank of elevators. “There you are,” she said putting her arm through mine and walking with me. “Are you nervous?” she asked.

  “A little.”

  She laughed. “Don’t be,” She leaned her head on my shoulder like we’d been friends for years and hadn’t just met last night. “Here’s the plan, when we arrive I will introduce you to the bride and groom. We’ll make it into a rhyming game.”

  “A what?”

  “Just follow my lead.” She muscled us through the gathered people straight over to the bride who was standing at the back of the restaurant near a wall of windows with an amazing view of the pool. No sign of the groom. I glanced around noticing no sign of Pierce either. Good. I wasn’t ready for a second go-round with him. Honestly, I wasn’t ready to play the ‘I don’t care’ game. I wanted to be nonchalant about Pierce but last night had affected me.

  When he went off to take care of the blond woman, I’d had a momentary twinge of jealousy. I shoved it away because this was a job. Something I reminded myself of quite a bit. Lilah would be opening my encrypted email any moment. I’d attached a few photos of the blond woman. If anyone could identify her it was Lilah, but it would take her time. If I had a name I could cut that time way down.


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