Passion, Vows & Babies_With This Ring

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Passion, Vows & Babies_With This Ring Page 4

by Elle Jefferson

  Paige might know who the blond woman was. How did I casually bring it up without letting on that I wanted to know? It was important I find out who this woman was, in case she might be competition. With my current mission being to seduce Pierce I needed to know who or what roadblocks might lie before me. Bethesda noticed Paige first. “Finally, you took forever.”

  “Daddy’s jet is in for repair so I had to fly on a regular plane.”

  Bethesda shook her head in disbelief. “Tragic.”

  “I know, but at least I’m here. And you’re finally getting married.”

  “I know can you believe it? Took Ryder long enough.”

  “Oh. My. God. You’re getting married.” Paige scooped Bethesda up into a hug. They squealed and danced in a circle like two drunk sorority sisters. Watching them move I forgot Paige was MI5. “Oh my god, you have to try on your bridesmaid dress.”


  “How about now?”

  “But your guests, and P.S. I’m starving,” Paige said.

  “Fine eat and then we’ll go up to my room.”

  Paige shook her head, noticing me awkwardly standing there. “Oh my gosh Bethie I forgot to introduce you to my friend. Amelia, this is Bethesda.”

  Bethesda gave me the once over. I got the distinct impression she didn’t like me. She stuck her hand out but it was a stiff unfriendly gesture. “Pleasure to meet you.” Pretty sure her statement was loaded with sarcasm.

  I had to get her on my side. I took her hand. “You too. Congratulations, though I have to admit,” I looked Bethesda up and down, my thumb rubbing along the inside of Bethesda’s hand, “your fiancé is incredibly lucky.” I gave her my best bedroom eyes.

  She smiled. “Please call me Bethie.”

  “Okay … Bethie.” I let her hand go slowly.

  “Anyway,” Paige said interrupting the stare-down between Bethie and, “we’re going to eat and then I’ll find you.”

  “Okay.” Bethie and Paige hugged. Paige’s hands were in my back pushing me in the direction of the buffet.

  “Care to tell me what the hell that little exchange was about?”

  “She didn’t like me I could tell so I wanted to disarm her. All woman love flattery. If she thinks I’m into her then I’m no longer a threat.”

  “Yoda teach me how to use the force like you.”

  We were next to the buffet. I stopped in my tracks and turned to face Paige, “Are you seriously throwing Star Wars into this? I thought your class of people don’t know what sci-fi is.”

  “My class of people? Amelia don’t be a classist, it’s unbecoming I mean you don’t want me to go all Chewie on you. Now, move because the bacon wrapped scallops are calling my name.”

  “Paige you’re here.” That voice. I closed my eyes fighting against the sensations Pierce’s voice did to my body.

  “Long time no see,” Paige said.

  “Bethie was out of her mind worried you weren’t coming.” They hugged. I tamped down he jealousy that bubbled to the surface. He was a job and even if he wasn’t we came from two different worlds. Pierce was wearing gray linen pants and a white t-shirt. His hair was damp, his face clean-shaved. He smelled amazing. My thoughts went to last night and our kiss. Instantly, my cheeks heated.

  “Daddy’s jet had issues delaying md a day. I had to fly like a regular person can you even imagine?” Did they even know what regular people were?

  Pierce placed the back of his hand to his forehead, “You poor thing how did you survive?”

  “Barely. We’re trying on dresses after we eat.” Pierce’s attention turned to me. Curse those blue eyes. Paige’s attention turned to me, “Oh my gosh, Pierce have you met my friend Amelia? She’s my plus one for the wedding.” How was he going to play this? Because whatever he did, I would do the same.

  “Nice to meet you,” he said shaking my hand.

  I let his hand go quickly. “I need a refill. How about you?” I was asking Paige doing my best to act unaffected by Pierce.

  “Yes, please. Thank-you,” she answered. I hurried off towards the bar. A mimosa never sounded so good. The bartender was fast taking my order and getting my drinks. Too quick for my taste. I needed to plan my—

  “Amelia, didn’t you hear me calling you?”

  Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.

  With a fake smile in place I turned around. Pierce was standing there looking every bit of delicious. “Yeah, I did,” I said trying to avoid his gaze. I totally hadn’t. I mean I’d heard the name Amelia being called but I forgot that was me. That I was Amelia.

  “Look about last night—”

  “How about we forget last night?” I said quickly. I was going for nonchalant but there was a hint of bite to my voice.

  “Great we’re on the same page.”

  Excuse me? “Excuse me?”

  “It was a mistake. Please forgive me.” It was one thing to blow me off for another woman, but to act like it was nothing?

  I had to keep my cool. Mission remember? “You’re forgiven, now if you’ll excuse me.” I made to move around him but he didn’t move.

  “Let me make it up to you,” he said.

  “Huh?” These elegant responses of mine were blowing my cool facade.

  “I regretted not being able to finish what we started. I’d like to take you out.”

  “What?” I was hitting it out of the park. Get it together. “I mean, why?” Inwardly I rolled my eyes.

  Pierce took a step towards me taking the drinks from my hand and placing them on the counter beside me. His hands went to either side of the bar, caging me in. I couldn’t breathe, couldn’t think with him so close and smelling the way he did. I looked up into his blue eyes. “I should never have let you leave last night. Make an excuse with Paige and meet me in the lobby in thirty minutes.”

  “I—” He pressed his lips to mine silencing me. Instead of pushing him away I grabbed a fistful of his t-shirt pulling him closer. Our bodies pressed together felt right. Our mouths collided in a war of lust. My body burned from his kiss. Before I was ready he pulled away breaking the kiss. I opened my eyes to see those blue eyes staring at me with so much desire. He ran his thumb over my lips. “Thirty minutes. Please.”

  I couldn’t speak so I nodded instead. In a blink he was gone. My body was fluttering with excitement. Thirty minutes. I had to leave now so I could run up to my room grab what I needed and leave. If I was lucky I’d kill two birds with one stone today. My libido and my mission. My lips tingled. I grabbed a mimosa and downed it in one swallow. Paige was seated at a table eating. I put the mimosa down beside her plate. “I’m sorry but I have to go.”

  “Everything okay?”

  “Migraine, I’ll catch you at the party tonight?”

  “Anything you need me to keep an eye on?”

  “Yeah,” I leaned down making sure only she could hear me, “the bacon-wrapped scallops.”

  “Can do buckaroo. Feel better.”


  I was practically sprinting by the time I reached the elevators. I kept my eyes on my watch as the elevator cart ascended. Could this cart go any slower? Once in my hotel room. I shucked off the jeans and dress shirt exchanging them for a navy-blue maxi-dress that pooled around my feet allowing me to wear my four-inch bamboo wedge sandals that had daisies near the toes. I had no idea what Pierce had planned for us but I hoped it involved little to no clothing. But just in case I grabbed my back-pack purse stuffing it with everything I could think of including the lipstick jump drive. I also wore the flower pin that was a tiny camera. Who knew what secrets I might unlock. Another sprint to the elevators and I was back in the lobby.

  Exactly thirty minutes. No sign of Pierce. Another ten minutes passed and still no sign of him. Had he stood me up twice? Fuck. There was a loud ruckus coming from the direction of the restaurant. Bethesda and Paige were coming out. Shit they couldn’t see me. I ducked behind some plants hoping they kept me hidden. I watched them walk off towards the shops. Thank go
odness, they didn’t see me. Something tapped me on the shoulder I jumped and screamed.

  “What the hell?”

  It was the goon. The one who kicked me out of the cabana, then ruined my evening with Pierce. “What do you want?”

  “Follow me.”

  “Last I checked I wasn’t doing anything wrong.”

  “I’m supposed to take you to Mr. Huntley.”

  “Oh. Then please lead the way.”

  He headed towards the elevators but made a right going down a flight of stairs that lead to an exit. His strides were long making it difficult to keep up with him in heels. Outside the doors was a golf cart. The goon hopped behind the wheel. I slid in on the passenger side. He drove us down a pathway that lead towards the docks. I asked, “What’s your name? I’d like to be able to refer to you as something other than Scary Goon.”

  He looked at me. The hint of a smile. “It’s unnecessary.”

  “All right then Scary Goon it will stay. So Scary, can you tell me where exactly we’re going?”

  “It’s supposed to be a surprise.”

  “You know Scary, I’m showing a lot of trust here, I mean going to some unknown place with a guy named Scary? Super trusting.”


  “Say, what?”

  “My name is Charles.”

  “Charles? Well, that’s downright normal. Almost to normal. I think I’ll stick with Scary instead.” Charles laughed. I understood why he didn’t smile, because when he did it made him about as lethal looking as a wet noodle. We drove down to the docks. Stopping at a small motorboat. Charles turned off the cart and got out. He moved with a stealth and quickness that didn’t fit his massive size. He jumped into the boat and started it before offering up his hand. “This is the surprise? You’re going to kill me and throw my body in the ocean.”

  “No, I’m taking you there.” He was pointing to a large yacht.

  “Oh.” I let him help me onto the boat. He untied us from the dock, started the engine, and we were off.

  Pierce was standing at the back of the yacht waiting. Charles pulled the boat up to the back deck and cut the engine. “Glad you could make it,” Pierce said as he took my hand and helped me onto the deck. He turned to look at Charles. “I’ll call when we’re ready.” Charles nodded then took off.

  “Shall we?”

  “Yes,” I said.

  Chapter 8

  “Wow,” I said again. As Pierce finished up my tour of his boat on the upper deck where there was a hot-tub and lap pool. “I mean it seems a bit redundant but it’s cool.”

  His face fell, “Whatever do you mean?”

  “We’re in a boat in the middle of the water and you put another body of water in the boat. It’s like having a bathtub inside of another bathtub,” I motioned to the water surrounding us, “If you want to get wet there’s a giant pool right there.”

  “Have you ever taken a swim in that pool? Trust me this is much nicer.”

  “I see Mr. Lives Dangerously.”

  He wrapped his arms around me pulling me close. “There are other ways to live dangerously,” he whispered in my ear. Goosebumps spread across my skin just before he tossed me into the pool. I spluttered when I broke the surface. “You’re going to pay for that.”

  Pierce was looking down at me laughing. “I’m shaking in my boots.”

  “Never underestimate a soaking wet woman.” I wiped the water from my eyes. Thank the heaven above for waterproof mascara. “Can you at least help me out?”

  Pierce shook his head. “Not falling for that.”

  “Smart as well.” At least the water was warm. I swam to the other end of the pool, proceeding to take my dress off. I slopped the wet material onto the edge of the pool. I swam back over to Pierce. “Care to join me now?” I arched a brow as I looked at him.

  “I thought you’d never ask.” He lifted his shirt over his head and unbuttoned his pants letting them slide down to his feet. My mouth fell open when I saw he wasn’t wearing underwear. He winked. “See something you like?”

  I shrugged a shoulder, “Don’t know, it’s too soon to tell.” He dived into the water breaking the surface beside me. He flipped his wet hair out of his face. The games were over. I wanted him. There was no time to waste. I flung my arms around his neck pulling him to me and kissing him. His arms wrapped around me. I wrapped my legs around his waist. As we kissed I ground my hips against him feeling him grow beneath me. I deepened our kiss. He pulled away, “There’s to many clothes between us.” In the next second my bra and underwear were gone.

  There was nothing but his skin against mine in the warm water. We continued kissing. The edge of the pool bit into my back. His mouth explored my neck, my shoulder. One of his hands squeezed my breast. The fire was building inside me. As if he sensed it his hand found my clit. He worked me into a frenzy. My head fell back as his fingers worked me into a frenzy. I moaned. He bit my collarbone as he drove two fingers inside me filling me. Like that the dam broke. “Oh shit,” I panted out.

  Slowly, I caught my breath and came back down. Once the spasms stopped I lifted my head and opened my eyes. Pierce was staring at me intently. He placed a soft kiss on my lips. “That was the sexiest thing I’ve ever seen.”

  “There’s more where that came from.” I licked my lips.

  He brushed my bangs away from my eyes, “You’re so beautiful.”

  The desire and sincerity I saw in his eyes made me uncomfortable. “I’m hungry,” I said.

  “Of course.” He carried me to the steps of the pool. We got out. He grabbed two plush black towels from a small chest near two lounge chairs. He handed me one before wrapping himself up in the other one. “Follow me.” We moved down to the lower deck. He leads me to a sprawling master bedroom. “Make yourself comfortable, I’ll be right back.”

  “You can’t just call someone and have them bring us food?”

  “No. We’re alone today. I wanted you all to myself.” He gave me another kiss before leaving. The back of the room was all windows. Blue water as far as I could see. The sky was overcast, the clouds a dark gray. Rain was definitely coming. I walked about the room not sure what to do. I used the restroom to make sure my makeup wasn’t smeared all over my face. I took the braid out of my hair and shook out the tendrils. After I was cleaned up I went back into the bedroom. I noticed a wardrobe near the foot of the bed.

  Maybe …

  Pierce walked in the room then, “Lunch is ready.”

  I looked him over. He was wearing a robe, whereas I was wearing nothing but a wet towel. “I don’t see any food.”

  “That’s because it’s in the living room,” he handed me my bag and a robe, “Put this on and join me.” Before he could turnaround and leave, I dropped the towel taking my time putting on the robe. He licked his lips. “Maybe lunch can wait.”

  I walked past him, “It’s your dirty thoughts that can wait.” I went down the hall and up the four steps to the main living room. On the floor a blanket was laid out with all sorts of food. I sat down. “An indoor picnic?”

  Pierce sat down beside me, “There was a bit of lightning so no eating outside for now.”

  “This looks delicious.”

  Before I had the last bite of my sandwich in my mouth, Pierce was grabbing the plate from my lap and moving the food out of the way. “Hurry up and swallow.”

  “You’re not a patient man, are you?” I asked as I chewed.

  “No. Not when it comes to something I want.”

  “Maybe I’ll chew slower then.”

  In seconds he was on me, pushing me back into the carpet. He untied the belt of my robe and pushed it open. He ran his hands along my thighs, “So beautiful,” he whispered. He kissed a trail up the side of my hip and ribcage. He hovered over me looking into my eyes. “Are you finished?”

  I swallowed before nodding. “This time I plan to savor every inch of you.” He kissed my lips. Kissed my cheek. Kissed a trail along my jaw and down my neck, pausing
to run his tongue across my collar bone. I moaned. He kissed his way down my right arm flipping my hand over and kissing the palm. He ran his mouth back up my arm his lips ghosting against my skin. He reached my chest taking a nipple into his mouth. He sucked and nibbled. My head fell back. My eyes closed. I focused on the sensation of his mouth on my skin. The feel of his tongue as it swirled around my nipple.

  I stretched my arms above my head arching my back giving him more access to my breasts. He bit my nipple making me moan. His mouth moved down my chest to my navel biting and sucking as he went. My body moved of its own accord, every part of me desiring his touch. He was every bit as good as I imagined.

  “I need …” were the only words I could get out.

  He lifted his head to look at me, “Tell me what you need.”

  All I could manage was, “More.” His mouth moved down my navel to the top of my pubic bone where he licked and bit then licked and bit some more. My hips bucked begging for his mouth to move lower. This was some kind of exquisite torture. He put me out of my misery his tongue tracing my folds before his mouth latched on to my clit sucking and licking in a 1, 2, 3 pattern that had my eyes rolling to the back of my head. I could feel the fire building in my stomach and spreading until my entire body was on fire. His tongue licked lower lighting the fuse exploding my body. I shook with the power of my orgasm. “Oh shit” I screamed until I went hoarse.

  In the next second he was rolling on a condom and pushing inside me. I’d barely come down from my first orgasm before I was building towards another. He grabbed my hands pinning them above my head as he ground into me. He kissed me. I could taste myself on his lips. I kissed him harder, deeper. His mouth devoured mine.

  His hips slowed and he let go of my hands, then flipped me over to my stomach. He pulled my hips up and once again pounded into me. He twisted a hand into my hair yanking my head back. He placed kisses along my neck. He pulled me back so we were both kneeling. He splayed one hand across my stomach while the other groped at my breast never once breaking his rhythm. We fit well together. The hand he had on my stomach moved down his fingers playing with my clit. My body began to shake.


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