Rocky Mountain Sister
Page 5
Nathan looked at Cassandra. “We don’t have an account in Denver.
“You do now” Cassandra looked around the table.
“Our bank is in Forest Heights. How can we have an account there and how did so much money get there?” Kenzie questioned.
Anna just sat there. She didn’t know if she should cry or not. Anna had heard of the Vandevier family, she knew they were wealthy. She just couldn’t believe her granddaughter was raised by them.
“Well, I went to Forest Heights just to see about the deed. I wanted to find out how much you owed on it. I know that pa took out the mortgage to look for me. I planned on coming back to the ranch and discuss it with you, but that Mr. Cramberry made me so mad that I just went to Denver and wired my attorney.” Cassandra stood there very nervous. She was not sure how they would react to the news. “He was wiring me some money for myself, so I went to the Bank of Denver to let them know I would be making a substantial deposit and that the draft would be arriving from Jefferson City.” Cassandra finally sat down. “While I was at the bank talking to Mr. Anderson, I told him I would be in Forest Heights if I was not still in Denver when it arrived. We got to talking and I mentioned Mr. Cramberry and I would have absolutely nothing to do with his bank.”
Rosa poured more coffee for everyone and sliced the blueberry pie. Handing each one a plate as she listened to Cassandra go on.
“That is when we got into the discussion of how dirty the man is and some of the stories he heard.” Cassandra looked around the table again, not seeing any reactions on the faces of her family. Oh Lord, they must think I am crazy. She thought. Cassandra played around with the fork pushing the pie around the plate. “Before I knew it, I was setting up an account for the ranch and wiring for money to pay the deed. I just want the ranch to be safe and I didn’t really mean to hurt any feelings.” Cassandra looked around the table. She wasn’t sure how they were all going to react.
“Cassandra, now don’t you worry yourself. We know you meant well, but you shouldn’t have worried about the ranch. We are doing just fine.” Anna placed a hand on Cassandra’s.
“Cassie, I can’t believe you would go through all that trouble, I mean, I know that you are our sister, but you don’t even remember us. I just can’t believe we now have a chance to dig our way out and that worm will get what he deserves.” Kenzie smiled through the tears that ran down her face.
“Well, Cassie, I don’t know what to say, how to thank you, but at least now Makenzie can stop working so hard and concentrate on what she enjoys doing instead of always working so hard.” Nathan looked at Cassandra and then looked at Kenzie. “Kenzie, tomorrow I don’t want to see you out of bed at the crack of dawn.”
Everyone smiled and giggle at Nathans request to Kenzie.
“Well if you all will excuse me, I need to do some work in the barn.” Nathan stood up and walked to the door.
Cassandra got worried. She was afraid that she really messed up by wanting to pay the mortgage to the ranch. If Nathan was upset with her, she would never forgive herself. Nothing could be done about it now.
Kenzie looked over to Cassandra after setting her coffee cup down. “Cassie, don’t worry about Nathan. He is fine.”
“Where is he going?” Cassandra asked in a worried voice.
“Just out to the barn. I am sure he is very relieved over this.” Kenzie told her sister.
“I hope I didn’t cause more problems, I was just so mad with that Cramberry man that I just went and did things without thinking.” Cassandra said. “I know that he feels that he should be taking care of the ranch. I didn’t mean to make him look like a failure.”
“Cassandra, you didn’t make anyone a failure, you have given us a blessing and a way to get things straightened out. I am sure Nathan sees it that way.” Kenzie tried to reassure her sister.
“Now we can concentrate on Ferguson taking our cattle and all the havoc he has caused. Maybe we can hire some more hands now and Nathan and I won’t have to be out all day and night. Grandma won’t have to do all the house work and she will be able to relax a little.”
“Nathan will be fine Cassandra, he has been under a lot of stress and now he will be able to focus on what he needs to do.” Anna smiled once again. “Cassandra, we will all be able to relax more. I don’t know how we can thank you.”
“Grandma, I just want to be part of your life, I want to be the granddaughter like you all said I was.” Cassandra cried to her grandmother.
“Darling, you are part of this family. You don’t have to do this so that we will want you here. “Anna tried reassure her granddaughter that they didn’t want her because of her money. “Cassandra, we didn’t even know you had money. Just give time for things to sink in and you will see honey, everything will be alright.”
“I hope so grandma, I just want to help. I don’t want to make anyone feel horrible.” Cassandra looked at Anna and then wiped the tears off her cheeks.
The next morning, Cassandra got up and drank a quick cup of coffee before taking a ride on her horse. Sitting by the river, Cassandra watched the rider come closer. Seeing it was Jessie Harper, she waived to him.
Jessie Harper was checking the cattle along the river. He was hoping to see Makenzie. It had been a couple weeks since he had seen her last. He wanted to find out what happened between them. Kenzie had always felt like a little sister to him. That day something happened.
He wanted to hold her and kiss her .Protect her from the hurt. When he reached the bank of the river, he looked up to the rocks where he had last seen her. There she stood. Waiving at him. Smiling, he waived back and crossed the river to her.
“Hello Mister Harper.” Cassandra smiled as she looked at him.
“Good morning. You look lovely today.” Jessie said thinking he was talking to Kenzie. Jessie had very seldom seen her in a dressed. She usually wore britches when working. Thinking how beautiful she looked in light green, he wanted to ask her what she was doing out here all dressed up. He thought otherwise. “What are you doing out here. I haven’t seen you lately and what is this Mr. Harper stuff.
Cassandra smiled again, this man made her feel special. He made her feel like she belonged here in Colorado. “I have been in Denver, I just returned yesterday. I thought a nice ride would help me clear my head.”
“Denver.” Jessie was surprised to hear she had been in Denver. Makenzie Greenwood was not one to leave the ranch for anything unless it was very important. “Why would you go to Denver?”
“Yes, I had some business to take care of and I love shopping at stores there. Forest Heights does not seem to have the dress styles I like.” Cassandra told him.
Jessie looked confused. He couldn’t believe Makenzie wanted to shop and start acting like a young lady. Maybe he just never paid attention to her enough to notice. “Well, I think you look beautiful, if you don’t mind me saying.”
Cassandra could feel her cheeks warm. She silently wished he would kiss her again. She knew it wasn’t lady like for her to feel this way. Maybe things were different her in the west. “Thank you Mister Harper, I feel like I am on top of the world out here. There is nothing more beautiful than Gods beauty. I feel at peace here.
Jessie moved closer to Cassandra. His body started to heat up. The urge to wrap her in his arms and kiss her once more. The confusion of what was happening was driving him crazy. He had never wanted to hold a woman more than he did right now. The beauty of this woman fit right in with picture of the surroundings.
They sat there for a while talking about the river, Cassandra felt wonderful. She even forgot about the problems she left behind at the house. She wanted save this morning forever in her mind.
“I am not getting any work done sitting here. I really should be on my way.” Jessie looked at Cassandra, raised his hand to her face, his thumb rubbing her cheek.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to keep you from your work. I really should be getting back myself.” Cassand
ra didn’t want to leave. She liked the feel of his hand on her face. “Please kiss me” She silently thought to herself.
As if reading her mind, Jessie leaned forward and kissed her. His body burned inside to feel her, hold her. He was going out of his mind trying to figure out why all of a sudden he had these feelings for Makenzie Greenwood.
Cassandra felt the fire burn within her body, she didn’t want Jessie to stop. She never had felt such a feeling before. She wanted it to last forever.
“Sweetheart, I don’t know what you are doing to me, you are driving me crazy.” Jessie whispered in her ear.
Jessie kissed her one more time. “I need to go, be back here day after tomorrow, we can talk. We need to figure this out.”
“Until then, I will be thinking about you.” Cassandra let go of his hand and watched him mount his horse and ride back to the other side of river. She watched him until he was out of sight. Only then did she walk down to Paisley, grab the horse’s reins and start walking back to the house.
Two more time Cassandra and Jessie met at river that week. Cassandra couldn’t figure out why he felt confused. Sometimes he acted as if were a little confused.
“Christian, I wish you were here.” Cassandra thought to herself as she rode home from the river one more time. She had told him that she was not Makenzie.
Three nights later at dinner, everyone sat down, but no one said a word. Cassandra was worried that everyone was upset with her or were mad at her for what she did. Though Kenzie was relieved she didn’t have to work so hard and she could help her grandmother more around the house. Anna looked more relaxed that Kenzie was helping her. Rosa didn’t know if she should just sit there or start a conversation. This was the first night Nathan came into the house for dinner since the night Cassandra told everyone she wanted to pay the mortgage.
“Cassandra.” Nathan finally spoke.
Cassandra about jumped out of her chair. Nathan’s voice seemed to as loud as thunder in the quiet room. She looked at Nathan.
“Cassie, I know I came across to you that I was mad at you theses last couple of days.” Nathan started piling food on his plate. He hadn’t eaten well all week. He was trying to sort all this out. “I am very sorry for not acting more appreciatively, I just needed time for all this to sink in. So much has happened lately, that I needed to have time to believe it really was happening. I have not been around, because I have hired a couple men to help on the ranch. I was showing them around.”
Cassandra sat quietly pushing the food around her plate. “You are not mad at me?”
“Cassie, no I am not mad at you. Just a lot happened very quickly.” Nathan stopped to take a drink of coffee.
Cassandra let out a sigh of relief.
Everyone else just seemed to be quiet and kept eating. Anna smiled at her grandson though. She knew what happened was a lot to take in all at one time.
Nathan spoke up again, “Cassandra, I know you meant well, sometimes the relief of something is more over whelming then the actual problem. I do wish you would have discussed it with us, we always sit down as a family and discuss important matters such as this. But by no means am I mad at you.” Nathan continued to eat while he spoke. “You are a part of this family Cassie, you have every right to know what is going on. We certainly didn’t mean to worry you either. I just wish you would have come to us and discussed things.”
“I know Nathan, and I am sorry, I apologize to all of you. I really didn’t mean to be so forward and take things into my own hands. I promise to mind my own business from now on.” Cassandra looked around the table only to see them smiling at her.
“I told you not worry Cassandra. Everything would be fine.” Anna said as she lifted her cup of coffee in the air as to raise a toast.
Everyone lifted their coffee cups.
Kenzie giggled at the thought of not having to work so hard. “To a new beginning. Today we will be a family again. All for one and one for all.”
Everyone at the table laughed and agreed that from this day forward, this family would stick together.
Cassandra woke to new start of wanting to spend more time with Makenzie. She still felt guilty for the mistakes of how she accomplished paying of the mortgage, but she was going to enjoy this time with her sister. Cassandra was putting on her boots when Makenzie knocked on her bedroom door.
Kenzie poked her head through the door, “You ready to get up sleepy head. We are going to spend the day together, come on, get up and we can go for a ride.
“See that tree up there, the one on the hill? We used to climb it when we were younger.” Kenzie pointed to a large tree that sat by itself on the top of the ridge. Of course we couldn’t climb very high, Nathan could climb way up and then he would make fun of us.”
“I wish I could remember. It is so hard to know you had a life and not know what it was like” Cassandra said to her sister. Cassandra stopped the tears that formed in her eyes.
The day passed with Makenzie showing Cassandra around the place and where they used to play and hide. Cassandra tried to remember something, anything of her past. She just couldn’t get anything to come into her mind. By evening, the girls started back to the house. Dinner would be ready soon. They didn’t want to worry their grandmother or Rosa.
“Makenzie, thank you for showing me around the ranch today. I enjoyed the stories of what we did very much. The doctors tell me that maybe one day I will get my memory back.” Cassandra said in a very hopeful voice. “I would love to be able remember those times, with you telling though does make me feel better.”
Makenzie smiled, “Cassie, one day things might come back to you. Just remember that we were a very happy family and we had so much fun as children. Ma and pa took us on picnics and we would go camping. I know we can’t change things and they won’t be like when we were kids, but we can make new memories. Just think, one day we will have our own children to make so many memories with.”
Cassandra smiled and thought of Jessie. Would her life be with him? Living next to her childhood home would be perfect. They would all be together again. Christian and Tori could bring their children out west to enjoy the ranch life.
Jessie pulled on the rope that was tied around Ole Boss. “You stupid cow, why do you keep getting stuck in this same mud hole. When are you going to learn?” This was the third time this year she had wondered into the same mud hole. Now he would have to fence it so she would stay out of it. Just about to start saying a few choice words, he heard a female’s voice.
“Jessie, oh dear what are you doing?” Cassandra rode up on the sight to see Jessie slip and fall on his butt. She knew it wasn’t nice or lady like, but she couldn’t help from bursting out in laughter.
“Don’t just sit there laughing, get down here and help me pull her out.” Jessie yelled over his shoulder. “Ole Boss seems to think I enjoy pulling her out of the same mud hole.”
“And what do you suppose I am going to do?” Cassandra asked.
“You act like you have never had to help pull a cow out of the mud. Will you just help me pull her out, then you can go back to being a princess again.” Jessie hollered over his shoulder once again.
“I beg your pardon, Mr. Harper. I did not come over here to be insulted. I heard you hollering and just came to investigate what was going on.” Cassandra told him flatly.
“Fine, just come hold the rope and pull on it while I go behind and push on her”. Jessie handed her the rope and then walked back to his saddlebags and got a second pair of gloves for her.
“Pull harder Kenzie, pull, she is moving a little.” Jessie yelled to the front of the cow.
“Mr. Harper, please stop calling me Kenzie, my name is Cassandra. Why do you insist on calling me by my sister’s name?” Cassandra switched positions trying to get a better grip when Ole Boss turned her head as Cassandra was talking. “I have told
you before that I am her………
Jessie looked up from behind the cow. There laid a form of a young lady covered in mud. “Oh dear.”
Cassandra scrambled to her knees, spitting and sputtering mud. “Oh, look what you have done, you brute.”
“Me, what did I do? I told you to keep the rope tight.” Jessie broke out into laugh. “Look Princess, we can get you cleaned up at the river when we get Ole Boss out of this mud pit.” Jessie reached a hand down to help her up. “It’s just a little mud.”
Cassandra let Jessie pull her up to a standing position. Then with all her strength, she jumped at him and knocked him down into the mud. Ole Boss let out a big loud “MOO”, she wanted out of the mud.
Jessie was now covered with as much mud as Cassandra, they both looked at each other and started laughing. Cassandra didn’t want to laugh. She wanted to be mad at him for the way she looked, but she was having fun. Cassandra picked up a handful of mud and threw it at Jessie.
The mud fight lasted for twenty minutes. Somehow in the mix of throwing mud and wrestling around. Cassandra and Jessie got Ole Boss out of the mud. Crawling up to the edge of the mud hole, laughing hysterically, they both fell back on the ground. Ole Boss took off running.
“Run you old cow, I am going to put a fence up around here, then you won’t get stuck anymore.” Jessie yelled after the running cow, who didn’t even turn around and look. Soon she disappeared over the rise.
Jessie looked at his muddy companion and started laughing again. “Sweetheart, even covered in mud, you are still as beautiful as a princess.” Jessie then got up and walked over to the saddle bags, grabbed a rag and then his canteen.