Drake's Rock

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Drake's Rock Page 25

by Alex Riordan

  Jessie was stunned. How could Stephanie even think that she’d do something like that? Okay, well…being fair…if Stephanie had heard any stories about her past, she could understand. But still. “Stephanie, I…I didn’t…I didn’t invite her. My God! She’s my best friend! I’d never do that.”

  Stephanie looked at her like she’d caught her in a lie. “You invited her the other day. So…If you didn’t, then who did?”

  “Oh God…that was a joke, Steph! You know it was. And…Alex asked her to join us. She likes to mess with Theresa’s head. Besides, she did walk in on us. I won’t deny that we were having sex in the shower. But Steph…I would never…I have never, ever, touched Theresa. I’ve never slept with her. I’ve never so much as kissed her! I can’t believe you’d even think that!”

  “What am I supposed to think, Jessie? I know you were late for work that morning because you were with Alex. You claim to love me, but you can’t even fuck me when I ask you to? I bet you’d do it for Alex though, wouldn’t you? How do you think I feel, knowing that?” She was leaning against the wall, arms crossed in front of her. Barely able to look at Jessie, she spit the words out.

  Hanging her head in defeat, knowing that whatever she said next could make or break their relationship, Jessie forced herself to whisper. “Stephanie, first of all…I would never ‘fuck you.’ You mean more to me than that. What we have is about a whole lot more than just sex. You and me? What we have is so much more than what I shared with Alex. I never opened myself up to her, like I have with you, Baby. I could never do anything less than make love to you, ever. Second, the only reason I was with Alex so much was because I wanted you and I was afraid to say anything. I didn’t think you’d be interested in me. And, being around you all day every day had me so keyed up, I needed to do something.” She was trying hard not to sound whiny but earnest.

  Reaching out and caressing Stephanie’s cheek, she said, “I do love you. With all my heart and soul. I wouldn’t say that if I didn’t mean it. And I would never sleep with Alex again, now that I’ve committed to you. I hope you know that.”

  Hearing Jessie’s words, Stephanie fell against her side, sobbing again. The anger had suddenly fallen away, leaving her feeling empty. “Oh, Jessie…I’m sorry! I don’t know what’s wrong with me. I can’t stop crying. Just when I think I’m feeling better about what happened, I get all crazy again.”

  “Shh, it’s okay. You’re going to be okay. I love you, Steph. I love you.” Jessie held her in her arms, kissing her forehead and rocking her back and forth. “It does get better, I promise.”

  “I know. I know. I’m sorry.”

  “There’s nothing to be sorry about. I hurt you by being with Alex, and I didn’t mean to. I hope you know I wasn’t trying to flaunt her in your face or play games, trying to make you jealous?”

  Stephanie sniffed. “I know that. I didn’t think you did. I’m just so…I don’t want to make you mad or hurt you, Jessie.”

  Jessie smiled and stroked her hair. “I know. Believe it or not, I do understand. You didn’t make me mad and…as far as hurting me…Well…I shouldn’t be hurt when you take me to task over Alex. I deserve that.”

  Stephanie shook her head and looked into Jessie’s eyes. “No, you don’t, Jessie. We hadn’t discussed anything. You had no idea that I was interested. You said yourself; you didn’t think I would be.”

  Well, I know now,” Jessie whispered, kissing her gently. “I hope that counts for something?”

  Stephanie kissed her back. “It counts for everything, Jess. Everything.”

  “Good, because that’s what you are to me, Steph. You’re my everything.”

  Leaning her forehead against Jessie’s, Stephanie smiled. “Jessie?”

  “Yeah, baby?”

  She leaned in and kissed Jessie softly on the lips. When she pulled back, she asked, “Will you make love to me, now?”

  Jessie rolled her eyes. “I thought you’d never ask.” Unwrapping herself from Stephanie, she stood up. “Stay here, I’ll be right back.”

  * * * *

  Still watching the drama playing itself out in the recording booth, Nancy barely registered when Jessie got up and started walking her direction. Snapping back to attention, she slid out of the room quickly, before Jessie realized she’d been watching them.

  She arrived back in her room before Jessie made it out of the studio and headed for the couch. Breathing a sigh of relief, she sat down on the bed and began to cry. Since she’d arrived, she’d tried to be strong for Stephanie. But, seeing her break down and start sobbing like that broke her heart.

  She was grateful that Jessie was there to hold her and comfort her. But, she was also angry that it had happened in the first place. If she took the time to think about it, she knew that Stephanie needed to go through all these emotions to heal. Still, it was a shock to hear her say the things she’d said to the brunette. She’d never heard Stephanie use curse words like that out of anger before; not in real life, anyway. She’d only ever heard Stephanie talk like that in movies.

  As Nancy sat there, she replayed the conversation in her head. Apparently, Stephanie had neglected to mention that Jessie was seeing someone prior to Stephanie’s arrival. Whoever Alex was, it sounded like she and Jessie had been in some sort of relationship. And one thing was abundantly clear; Stephanie hadn’t been lying when she’d said that Jessie was far from innocent.

  Still, whatever had been going on with Jessie and this Alex woman, it certainly seemed over now. She’d never seen anyone so obviously in love as Jessie Drake was with Stephanie. And that, more than anything, comforted her. Knowing that Jessie was there to hold Stephanie when she cried, and love her so much…it was more than she could have hoped for. She’d met some of Stephanie’s past girlfriends and even a boyfriend here and there, before she decided she was a lesbian. And, she had to admit; Jessie was by far the best and the brightest of the bunch. It seemed like almost everyone Stephanie had dated prior to Jessie had been after her daughter because of her celebrity. Jessie, on the other hand, seemed genuinely unconcerned with that particular aspect of Stephanie’s life and treated her accordingly.

  Drying her eyes with her hand, she sniffed and stood up. Heading into the bathroom, she splashed some cold water on her face and got ready for bed. Resolving to not think about it anymore tonight, she grabbed a book off the nightstand and relaxed back onto the bed to read. She definitely needed something to occupy her mind so she didn’t think about what Jessie and Stephanie were doing in the other room.

  Chapter 25

  As Jessie stood up and left the room, Stephanie waited, confused when the brunette left. Moments later, Jessie returned with a couple of small pillows and two blankets in hand. She flipped out the lights, leaving the room lit only by the candles they’d lit earlier. Realizing what Jessie had in mind, Stephanie blushed to the roots of her hair. “You want to do it here?” she asked, surprised and slightly embarrassed.

  Jessie shrugged, as she spread one of the blankets on the floor. “Sure, why not?”

  “Mom’s room is right next door, she could hear,” Stephanie said in explanation.

  “Actually, she won’t,” Jessie said, tossing the pillows down on the blanket. Proud of herself, she smirked, “This room’s completely soundproof. The only way she’d hear anything, is if we had the speakers on. I turned them off when I went out for these. And, I locked the door. No one will even know we’re here.”

  Still not quite convinced, Stephanie said, “Well, if you’re sure?”

  “Stephanie,” Jessie licked her lips before saying, “Come over here and get those clothes off. Or, better yet…let me undress you.”

  Unable to say no to Jessie when she had that look in her eyes, Stephanie crawled over onto the blanket. Lying down with her head on a pillow, she bit her lower lip when Jessie trailed her hands down and began undoing her jeans.

  Unzipping Stephanie’s jeans, Jessie slid her hands down, catching either side and pulling them and he
r red silk panties, off. Stephanie arched up to help her, and Jessie bent down to trail her tongue down one leg as it was bared. She smiled up at the redhead when she moaned. She really liked Stephanie’s red silk panties. Not one to neglect any part of Stephanie’s body, she moved to the other leg, and spent a few moments licking and kissing that one as well.

  When she was sure Stephanie was ready, she slid up the length of her body and kissed her soundly on the mouth, sure to be careful of her lip. Sliding her knee between Stephanie’s legs, she pressed firmly against her center, allowing the redhead to set the pace with her hips.

  Smiling as she watched Stephanie tilt her head back into the pillow, Jessie kissed her on the neck. Then, she sat up, so that she could slide her hands up under Stephanie’s shirt, pushing it upward as she went. Never moving her knee from its place, she moved one hand under the redhead, pulling her forward slightly so that she could remove her shirt. Tossing it into the corner, she undid Stephanie’s matching red silk bra as well, and tossed it over into the growing pile of clothes.

  “Have I ever told you how much I love your matching underwear?” Jessie whispered, as she pulled Stephanie up and hugged her tightly to her chest. Reveling in the feel of all that exposed flesh under her hands, she leaned in and kissed her.

  Already finding it difficult to breathe, Stephanie managed to answer Jessie, but just barely. “No…you haven’t,” she gasped out. Arching her neck, she gasped again when Jessie attached herself to the pulse point and began nipping and sucking. “Jessie…please. I need to feel you, too.”

  Smiling at the redhead, Jessie let her go long enough to reach down and pull her own shirt up over her head. Tossing it to the left, it landed on the pile of clothes in the corner. Stephanie moaned when Jessie tore her own shirt off, and reached around to help with her bra. Seconds later, it also joined the pile. Now exposed from the waist up, Jessie pulled Stephanie to her again, pressing their breasts together. Wrapping her arms around the redhead, she held her as tightly as she could. “Feel me, Steph. Feel me and know that this is real,” Jessie whispered into her ear. “This is me touching you and you’re never going to feel him, or anyone else, again. Only me. Only me, baby.”

  “Oh God!” Stephanie said, closing her eyes, her breathing becoming shallower. “Jessie…” The brunette’s words permeated her mind and swam into her consciousness like a tidal wave. Jessie always seemed to know what she needed to hear, and spoke accordingly.

  Jessie released her and slid around behind her to sit leaning against the wall. Her legs spread, she pulled Stephanie backward and up, until she was sitting on her lap. One hand sliding around to cup her right breast, she used her left hand to gently spread the redhead’s legs. Then, she moved her hand slowly toward Stephanie’s center, causing her to arch back. Lowering her head, Jessie attached her lips firmly to the left side of Steph’s neck, and once more began licking and sucking.

  By the time Jessie’s hand found her center, Stephanie was about to explode. Just sitting like this on Jessie’s lap, in such a vulnerable position, would have turned her on. But the combination of the brunette’s hands, mouth and words, was causing her brain to misfire. She just knew she was going to end up a splattered mass of goo on the recording booth floor. Jessie’s hands were everywhere, expertly bringing her to the brink and back down again. Still sitting on Jessie, she pulled her knees up and planted her feet, allowing her the ability to move more, as Jessie had finally inserted two fingers inside her.

  Within minutes, Stephanie was writhing under Jessie’s touch. Gasping for breath and moaning with need, she felt herself falling over the edge, into orgasm. And, even when she was screaming Jessie’s name, she could hear that steady, loving voice in her ear. “I love you, Steph. I love you.”

  * * * *

  Two hours later, blankets wrapped around them and carrying their clothes, they made their way upstairs to their bedroom. Not bothering to get dressed, they crawled into bed and Jessie pulled the covers up over them both. Utterly sated, they were asleep within minutes.

  When the alarm went off at nine, Jessie reached over with one hand and slapped at it until it finally shut off. Curling back up against Stephanie, the alarm never really permeated her consciousness. At ten, she finally woke up, but only because she had an urgent need to relieve her bladder.

  Extricating herself from the tangle of limbs and blankets, she managed to make it to the bathroom without waking Stephanie up. When she came back, she stopped in the doorway to look at her, lying there. Not for the first time, she marveled at how beautiful the woman was. The fact that Stephanie was actually here, in her bed, hadn’t escaped her either. Completely naked under the blanket, only her shoulders were visible at the moment. But what gorgeous, strong shoulders they were. Jessie absolutely loved Steph’s shoulders. Had she mentioned that before? She was sure she had. Still, they were so magnificent, they bore mentioning again.

  “Take a picture, it’ll last longer,” Stephanie’s voice sounded, muffled from the pillow her head was currently resting on.

  “Ha, ha, very funny,” Jessie said, recognizing the teasing tone in the other woman’s voice. Walking back to the bed, she sat down next to Stephanie and began massaging her shoulders lightly. “I thought you were still asleep?”

  “I was, but it’s getting late. If I don’t put in an appearance soon, Mom will think I’m in the middle of another emotional crisis,” Steph said, moaning with pleasure at the welcome massage.

  “I know. I need to get going if I’m going to make it to class on time this morning,” Jessie said, not wanting to leave. But, she’d given Master Jing her word. And what were you if your word was useless? Nothing. So, reluctantly, she stopped the massage before it could progress to something more, and stood up. “I’m hopping in the shower. I’ll be out in a few.”

  “I’ll just lay here and wait,” Stephanie replied, feeling too good to get up.

  Ten minutes later, Jessie reappeared in the bedroom dressed in her martial arts pants, a black t-shirt bearing the name of Jing’s school on the back and a pair of tennis shoes. She had the top of the gi thrown over her arm. “The bathroom’s all yours, sweetheart.” Leaning over and kissing her, she stood back up. “I’m grabbing some breakfast, and then heading to the school. I need to warm up a little before the students start showing up.”

  Kissing Jessie back, Stephanie finally forced herself to get up. Heading for the shower herself, she turned to look at Jessie as she left the bedroom. “Have a good day, Jess.”

  “I will, Steph. I should be back by four.” She entered the kitchen, only to find Nancy sitting at the island on a stool, reading. Walking over to the fridge, she reached in and grabbed the bottle of Orange Juice. Grabbing a glass out of the cabinet, she poured herself some and put the bottle back. Sitting down across from Nancy, she finally said, “Morning.”

  “Morning Jessie,” Nancy answered, putting her book down. Noticing the martial arts uniform, she asked, “Going out today?”

  Jessie nodded. “Yeah. I forgot to tell you yesterday. Master Jing called and asked if I could take over his classes today. So, you’ll have Steph all to yourself.”

  “Is she okay this morning?” Nancy asked, almost afraid to hear the answer. After the breakdown she’d witnessed last night, she was afraid that her daughter might still be having problems.

  Jessie nodded. “She seems like she’s feeling okay,” she answered. Looking at the clock on the stove, she stood up. “I’m sorry Nancy, but I have to get going. My first class starts at eleven thirty. I’ll leave the keys to the car in case you need it.” She added, “I told Steph I should be back by four. If either of you needs anything, the number for the school is on the fridge. Don’t hesitate to call…or you could just come by.”

  Nancy nodded. “Have a good time, Jessie. See you later.”

  Before she could pick up where she left off in her book, Stephanie came through the kitchen door. “Hi Mom.”

  “Morning. You finally decide to get up?” Nan
cy asked, teasing her and laughing when the blush rose up her neck.

  “Yeah,” Stephanie managed to mutter, cursing the fact that she blushed so easily. “Late night.”

  “I imagine,” Nancy said cryptically, taking a drink from her coffee mug. She knew exactly why her daughter had been up so late.

  Ignoring her mothers’ comment, Stephanie helped herself to a bowl of cereal and a glass of orange juice. “Anything you want to do today, Mom?”

  “I didn’t have anything in mind. Do you have any ideas?” Nancy looked over at her, already expecting what she was going to suggest.

  “Actually, I thought we could go to the park for a while. On the way back, we could stop and pick Jessie up at Jing’s school. She did leave the keys, didn’t she? It’s supposed to rain later. I don’t want her riding her bike home in the rain.” Stephanie looked over at Nancy quizzically.


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