Drake's Rock

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Drake's Rock Page 27

by Alex Riordan

  Jessie shook her head. “We sh…should have kn…known.”

  “Oh, Jess. No one knew. Bob’s just sick,” she whispered, kissing the brunette on the forehead. Instinctively, she knew what Jessie meant. Both Jessie and Theresa had told her that Bob wasn’t a threat. She sat down and tugged at the brunette until Jessie was curled up in her lap. Her head resting on Stephanie’s shoulder, she held Jessie as she cried, her shirt getting soaked by her tears. After a few minutes, she seemed to calm a bit, her sobs becoming fewer. “Jessie? What…what can I do…what do you need?”

  Jessie sniffed, trying to get control over her emotions. Shaking her head, she whispered, “Just…just hold me. I need you to hold me, Steph.”

  “Oh, Baby…I’m not letting you go. I’m here,” Stephanie answered, holding her tighter and rocking her slightly. “You know, you don’t have to be strong all the time, Jess. We can help each other. I want us to be equals.” She spoke quietly, trying to keep her voice calm. Inside, she was so scared. She’d never thought to see Jessie so upset and crying. As a matter of fact, now that she thought about it, she’d never seen Jessie show a lot of emotion at all. It hurt her heart that her lover was in so much pain. “I always seem to need you so much. I want you to feel okay about needing me, too, Jessie.”

  “I do…need you. More than I can s…say,” she said, sniffing and bringing her right hand up to wipe at her cheeks. Coming to herself a bit, Jessie pulled back and looked at Stephanie. “We should move. Bao Yu will be expecting us.”

  Stephanie looked around. “Where did she go? Mom was with her.”

  Inwardly, Jessie groaned. It was bad enough that Steph had witnessed her beat down, but Nancy had seen it, too? She would have wished that Nancy hadn’t been there to witness it, but, as Jing had said, ‘Wishing is a waste of time.’ Then again, although awkward and difficult for her to admit to, Jessie didn’t mind this new ground she was walking on with Stephanie. Sure, it felt odd, but she kind of liked the way it felt; needing the redhead and being able to admit it. Taking a deep breath, she answered Stephanie’s question. “Bao Yu and Jing live here, behind the school. Help me up and we’ll go to the house. They’re probably in the kitchen.”

  Stephanie stood up and extended a hand to Jessie. She had to put an arm around her to give her some support however. Her leg was weak from the strike she’d taken on her right thigh. As Jessie hissed with pain from her bruised ribs, Stephanie helped her as best she could, allowing the brunette to lean on her as she showed her to the house.

  * * * *

  After staying to watch Stephanie run to Jessie, Nancy reluctantly followed Bao Yu from the dojo and to the house, situated behind the school. Entering the kitchen, Bao Yu told her to sit down at the table and make herself comfortable. “Here,” Bao Yu said, handing her some peppers and a knife. “We will talk while we wait for our daughters.”

  As Nancy took up the knife and began cutting the vegetables, Bao Yu started chopping up onions. “You are concerned about Jing’s lesson, are you not?” she asked, looking over at Nancy, who was sitting quietly, chewing the inside of her cheek.

  Nancy nodded, and said, “Yes. I don’t see the necessity of being so brutal to teach a lesson.” She didn’t want to hurt the Chinese woman’s feelings, but she believed that Jing had been too harsh on Jessie. She and her husband had never raised a hand to their kids unless it was absolutely necessary, and she didn’t care for the older man’s teaching methods.

  Bao Yu took a deep breath. She knew what the lesson had looked like, but she also knew that Nancy didn’t know Jessie that well. Looking at her kindly, she explained. “Jing and I love Jessie very much. She has been like a daughter to us for a long time. I know that Jing’s lessons look harsh, but what he does, he does out of love.”

  “I’m sorry, I just don’t understand,” Nancy said. She believed the woman when she said that they loved Jessie, but her words didn’t fit with what she’d seen.

  “Jessie is very special,” Bao Yu said, putting her knife down and looking at Nancy. “She had very difficult time when parents’ divorce and spend lots of time with us. She has always been stubborn, though, and does not learn easily or willingly. Sometimes requires harsh lesson to understand.”

  “But it just looked so violent. Was it really necessary to hurt her, for her to understand? Couldn’t Jing just talk to her?”

  The other woman smiled, almost laughing. “On good day, Jing could not have beaten Jessie. Jing only teach her basic skills with fighting sticks. Jessie study with other teachers for years. She is Master of Escrima, far outweighing Jing’s skills.”

  “So…you’re saying that Jessie let Jing beat her?” Nancy wasn’t sure she believed that. After all, why would anyone allow themselves to be beaten with a stick?

  “Not exactly let him. Not on conscious level, anyway. Jing only fight to help Jessie release anger and guilt. He would never do so otherwise. If Jessie is to make life with Stephanie, she must learn to ask for help as well as give it.” She reached over and took Nancy’s hand. “Stephanie is a beautiful girl. She is very lucky to find Jessie.”

  “I know,” Nancy agreed softly. “I’m glad they found each other, too. Jessie’s been a huge help these last weeks.”

  “Jessie is her ‘One,’ as Stephanie is hers. This is their destiny,” Bao Yu said. “But, even destiny can be misery if both are not in balance.”

  Before Nancy could respond, Stephanie walked through the door, supporting Jessie, who was holding her left arm to her side and limping. Bao Yu looked toward them when they came through the door and directed them to the guest room. “Go change, Jessie, and I will be there in minute,” the woman said, rising from the table. “Stephanie, you and your mother should come with us as well.”

  No longer feeling so out of sorts about the situation, Nancy stood up and followed them to the guest room and waited for Jessie to come out of the bathroom. When the brunette opened the door, she had changed into a pair of shorts and had removed her shirt, leaving nothing but a black sports bra. Nancy managed to keep her surprise to herself, however, when she saw the bruises Jessie had acquired during her fight with Jing.

  Stephanie, however, couldn’t quite hide her own surprise. Gasping when Jessie came out of the bathroom, she reached out and helped her lay down on the bed. “Jessie, my God! These look awful.”

  Bao Yu shooed her to the side, smirking at Jessie. “This not too bad,” she said, inspecting the bruises. “Jessie has had much worse fighting in tournaments.” She looked at her with affection. “You did not need to let him win, Jessie. Lesson could have been accomplished without so much pain.”

  “I know,” Jessie agreed, but said nothing else as the woman began working on her. Using a combination of Reiki and Qi Gong, she worked to heal the bruises, taking away most of the pain. At one point, she pulled Stephanie over and held her hands, showing her some of the techniques as well.

  “If you are to be with Jessie, you will need to learn this,” she said, showing Stephanie what to do.

  Jessie laid there quietly and let them work, closing her eyes and relaxing. After half an hour, Bao Yu declared them finished. “Rest here until dinner. I will come get you.” As Stephanie turned to follow them out to the kitchen, Bao Yu stopped her. “You stay here with Jessie. She need you now.” She grabbed Nancy’s hand and ushered her out of the room, shutting the door and leaving Stephanie and Jessie alone.

  Unsure what to do once the two older women had left the room, Stephanie looked at Jessie, uncertain what she wanted. The brunette took pity on her however, and gestured for her to come closer. As she did, Jessie whispered, “Lay down with me?” Thrilled with the request, Stephanie nodded, kicked off her shoes and crawled into bed next to Jessie. Careful not to hit any of her bruises, she curled up as close as she could and wrapped her arms around her. As Jessie snuggled up to her, she started crying softly again, and Steph pulled her head over to rest on her chest.

  Closing her eyes, Stephanie whispered into her hair. “
Rest now, Jessie. I’ll stay with you. You’ve given me so much, it’s time you let me give something back to you, Sweetheart.” As she heard Jessie’s breathing even out, she closed her eyes and licked her lips, holding back tears.

  * * * *

  Stephanie lay there holding Jessie for about forty five minutes, before Bao Yu came in to get them for dinner. Jessie had drifted off almost immediately, more mentally and emotionally exhausted than anything else. Stephanie couldn’t sleep however, since she’d slept so well the night before. Instead, she spent the time watching over Jessie. Holding her and rubbing her back while she slept, Stephanie chastised herself for not paying more attention to Jessie’s needs.

  The brunette had been hurting over the incident with Bob too, and she’d failed to recognize it. Unfailingly strong and loving, Jessie had done nothing but take care of her since Tuesday night. And Stephanie felt like she’d been floating the last few days. One minute she was feeling just fine, and the next, she was so depressed, she hurt everywhere. So irritated with herself over her neglect of Jessie’s needs, she briefly wondered if she could use a lesson from Jing too?

  When Bao Yu came in to get them, Stephanie gently shook Jessie awake. Looking up at her, Jessie smiled slightly and got up, stretching. She pulled on a clean t-shirt and stretched again. Once more leading the way to the kitchen, Jessie realized that Stephanie intended to follow along behind her. Never saying a word, she caught Stephanie’s hand and pulled her forward, so that the redhead was next to her. As they entered the kitchen hand in hand, Jessie saw Nancy. Sitting at the table, a look of concern on her face, Jessie felt she needed to say something. As they walked passed her to their seats, Jessie reached out and touched her arm briefly. “I’m okay, Nancy. Thank you, for being concerned. This isn’t the first time I’ve had a lesson with Jing, though.”

  Nancy smiled at her, but couldn’t help asking, “Is it true that you let him beat you, Jessie?”

  “On a good day, when Jessie is focused, I cannot touch her in fight,” Jing said, stepping into the kitchen. Since they’d had their lesson, he had been downstairs, giving the women time to talk and get to know each other better. He squeezed Jessie’s shoulder as he walked by. “You are okay?”

  Jessie nodded. “Of course, Master. Thank you, for understanding me when I don’t understand myself. And for having the wisdom to know when I need to have it explained to me.”

  The old man smiled. “You are good student, Jessie. Just have thick head.”

  Jessie laughed then, and everyone else joined in. Now that the tension had been broken, they talked and laughed as they ate. When the clock tolled six, they thanked Bao Yu and Jing for dinner, bid the Chinese couple goodnight, and headed back to Jessie’s. The band was supposed to start at ten, but she was due by nine, to help them set up.

  Chapter 28

  Theresa and Brian picked Stephanie and Nancy up on their way to the club. When they got there, Lacy already had a table reserved. She got up when she saw them come through the door and was waiting to hug each of them when they got to the table. Singling Stephanie out, she hugged her extra tight.

  “Oh, Stephanie! I was so worried when I heard what happened! Are you okay?”

  The redhead nodded. “I’m all right. Just shaken up more than anything,” she replied.

  “Well, I’m glad to see that you’re doing all right, Baby Girl. When Theresa called, I was so scared for you,” the blond woman said, hugging her again.

  “Thanks, Lacy,” Stephanie said, smiling at her. Having spent a considerable amount of time with the blond over the last two weeks, Stephanie found that she genuinely liked Lacy. She was kind and considerate, and someone Stephanie considered a good friend. Indicating Nancy, she said, “Lacy, this is my mother, Nancy Winters. Mom…Lacy King.”

  Nancy smiled at her. “It’s so nice to meet you, Lacy. Steph and Jessie have told me so much about you.”

  Lacy reached out and hugged Nancy. “Not too much, I hope,” she said, laughing. Then, becoming serious, “I’m so glad to meet you, Nancy. It was so good of you to come into town to be with Stephanie right now.”

  “I wish it could have been under better circumstances, but…” Nancy shrugged and trailed off as she took her seat. Before Lacy could say anything else, a waitress came by and took their drink orders. While they waited, Stephanie introduced Nancy to everyone else at the table.

  Within ten minutes, the waitress had returned, setting their drinks down. When Stephanie pulled out a credit card to pay, the waitress shook her head. “Not tonight, Sweetie. Jessie told me to put it on her tab.” At Stephanie’s expression of surprise, she winked and went on her way. “I’ll be back to check on ya’ll later.”

  “Wow! She’s never put our drinks on her tab before,” Theresa said. “I think Jessie likes you, Stephanie.”

  Stephanie looked over at her and smiled at the gentle teasing. Then, surprising Theresa (and everyone else at the table), she shrugged and said, “You don’t sleep with her.”

  Theresa felt the blush rush up her face at that and she choked on her beer as she burst out laughing. “Oh…my…God! I can’t believe you said that! I mean, Jessie, I‘d expect it from. But you?”

  Glancing at her mother, Stephanie laughed too. “I can’t believe I said it, either! God Mom, I’m sorry.”

  Nancy just shrugged. “It’s okay, Stephanie. You are an adult…and you’ve already told me everything.”

  Lacy, listening to the conversation, couldn’t resist. “Stephanie, I love your mom!” To Nancy, she said, “You’re very enlightened for a mother, Nancy. So many people try to act like their adult children are still innocents.”

  “Well, I try to live in the real world,” Nancy replied, taking a drink of her Scotch. “Besides, after seeing some of Stephanie’s movies, I’d be hard pressed to pretend she was innocent.”

  Stephanie almost spit her drink out, hearing what Nancy said. “Mom!”

  “What?” Nancy said, looking at her as innocently as she could. “Stephanie, you must know that we were shocked to see some of the things you did in those movies?”

  “But Mom,” she sputtered, “It is just acting. You do know that, right? I don’t…I’m not…”

  Nancy started laughing. “Oh, Stephanie, I swear! You should see your face. Of course we know it’s acting. It was still shocking the first time, though.”

  Lacy started laughing, too. “You’re so lucky, Stephanie. My mother wouldn’t talk to me for years after she saw some of my movies. Of course, they are a little more…”

  “Risqué?” Stephanie added.

  Lacy nodded. “Good choice of words.”

  Just then, Theresa leaned over and said, “I don’t mean to interrupt this fascinating conversation, but I thought you should know…” she pointed to the right. “Alex just walked in.”

  Stephanie’s eyes tracked to where Theresa was pointing. Alex had indeed just walked in the door. For some reason, seeing the brunette caused butterflies in her stomach. Glancing toward the stage, she briefly wondered if she’d be able to get to Jessie before Alex did. Then, she checked herself for worrying about it in the first place. She trusted Jessie. There was nothing to worry about.

  Noticing the look of trepidation that flashed across Stephanie’s features before she hid it, Theresa reached over and touched her hand. “I can go and talk to her, if you’d like? I can tell her that you and Jessie are…”

  Stephanie shook her head, cutting the blond off. “That’s okay, Theresa. I’m grateful…really. But I think it would be best to let Jessie handle this on her own.”

  “You sure? You know she’s going to come over here and hang out with us? You know how she is,” Theresa said. Even though Stephanie and Alex had met, she wasn’t sure how the redhead would react to seeing Alex’s customary greeting of Jessie before she could talk to her. It could get ugly, if she turned out to be the jealous type. Although, Theresa didn’t think Stephanie was like that.

  Stephanie nodded. “I’m sure. It was bou
nd to happen sometime. We might as well get it over with.”

  Nancy looked over to where they were discreetly pointing. She immediately recognized Alex from a group picture Jessie had on a shelf in her living room. “So, who is this Alex person?” she asked, leaning over toward Stephanie. She already knew, of course, but Stephanie didn’t need to know that she’d heard their conversation last night.

  “Uh…She’s the girl that Jessie was…seeing before me,” Stephanie said in explanation. “You remember…we talked about her Thursday? The girl that Bob had hit on a couple of years ago and Jessie ended up with her?” Nancy nodded, but didn’t get to offer a reply. Just then, the band came out on stage and the crowd came to life.

  Jessie was electric as she moved around the stage. Stepping out into the spotlight, playing an acoustic guitar, she opened the show with a cover of “I Want To Be In Love,” by Melissa Etheridge. She’d chosen to wear the new leather pants, boots and shirt she’d gotten for her birthday, and looked absolutely fantastic. Watching her, Stephanie unconsciously licked her lips and swallowed hard. For the moment, all thoughts of Alex were forgotten. Watching Jessie perform, Stephanie caught herself remembering the night before.


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