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Drake's Rock

Page 28

by Alex Riordan

  She’d been so angry with Jessie for refusing her request for sex. But then, as she listened to the brunette’s words, her heart had melted. She had simply refused to treat Stephanie like one of the nameless women she’d slept with in the past, even though that’s what she’d been asking for without meaning to. She had just felt so terrible. One minute she was standing there in the studio, happy and at peace; the next, her mood had plummeted into anger and depression. Bob’s attack on her had made her feel like a whore; powerless and humiliated. It’s the only reason she could think of for her behavior. She shook her head, willing those thoughts away. It amazed her how much Jessie loved her. Even with her own emotions all over the place, Jessie had refused to get angry with her over the accusations she’d made.

  By the time they’d finally left the recording studio and headed for the bedroom, it had been late. Jessie had taken her hand and led her through the darkened house. Within minutes of crawling into bed, she’d fallen asleep in the brunette’s arms. Warm and comfortable, feeling safe and very loved; she’d slept well for the first time since the attack.

  Fifty minutes later, the band wrapped up their first set with a song by Evanescence. As the lights went down on stage, Jessie headed for the table Lacy had reserved for friends and family of the band. She’d already seen Alex in the crowd, and was hoping to avoid her.

  As she watched Jessie coming toward them, Stephanie noticed once again, how the brunette effortlessly slid a mask of indifference on her face. She realized now, of course, that it was Jessie’s way of hiding from the crowd of people. She’d noticed it the first time she’d seen Jessie play, and wondered about it. But having spent so much time with her over the last few weeks, she understood the woman better now.

  Jessie reached the table, and Stephanie, the same time Alex did. “Hey, Beautiful,” Alex said, sliding up next to the singer, intending to kiss her. She was smiling, obviously happy to see Jessie. It had been two weeks since they’d seen each other, and Alex had been missing the brunette, although she’d never admit it out loud to anyone.

  Taking a deep breath, Jessie wrapped an arm around Stephanie and hugged her tightly to her side. “Hi, Alex,” she said, biting her lower lip. She was hoping that she could stop Alex from kissing her by being open about Steph.

  Alex, sensing something was different, stopped just short of pulling Jessie to her for a kiss. She’d caught the way Jessie was hugging Stephanie and knew right away that something had happened. “So, umm…you guys sound really great tonight,” she said instead, attempting to make small talk and attempting to appear nonchalant.

  “Thanks, Alex,” Jessie answered awkwardly. Licking her lips, she turned to Stephanie and said into her ear, “Would you mind if I talk to her for a minute? I do owe her the courtesy of being honest.”

  Stephanie looked her in the eye and nodded. “Go ahead, Jessie, I don’t mind. Just hurry back.” She smiled and kissed the brunette lightly on the lips.

  “I won’t be long,” she promised. Before she left, she kissed Stephanie again, a little longer this time. When she pulled away, she whispered, “I love you.”

  Stephanie smiled at her. “I love you, too.”

  Alex, surprised by Jessie’s uncharacteristic public behavior with Stephanie, blinked rapidly. Trying to process this new side to her personality, she was still looking somewhat like a gaffed fish when Jessie caught her arm and asked her to walk with her. Nodding absently, she followed Jessie to the back of the bar.

  When Jessie found a spot that was quiet enough to talk and be heard in, she stopped and turned to face Alex. Before she could say anything though, Alex spoke up.

  “So, I guess you finally decided you want more?” she asked, reminding Jessie of the early morning conversation they’d had a few weeks ago.

  Jessie hung her head. Taking a deep breath, she looked back up at her. “Alex…”

  “It’s okay, Jessie,” she said. “We both know we weren’t sleeping together for anything more than sex. I knew there was a reason you were calling me so often the last few weeks. When I saw Stephanie here last time…I should have guessed then. I did notice the way you two were staring at each other.”

  Jessie swallowed hard. “Alex, I don’t want you to think that I…didn’t feel something for you.”

  “Oh, come on, Jessie. I knew there was someone you had your eye on, and it wasn’t me.” She reached out and stroked her cheek. “I like Stephanie. She’s nice. And, it doesn’t hurt that she’s super-hot.”

  Jessie laughed. “She is, isn’t she?”

  Alex nodded. “Yep. And she loves you. Even I can see that. I’m happy for you, Jessie. You deserve someone to love that loves you just as much.” She stroked her cheek again. “You’d better get back. I don’t want her getting mad.”

  Jessie smiled and pulled her into a hug. “Thank you, Alex. You’ll never know how much you mean to me.”

  “Oh, I have a good idea.” She hugged Jessie back, careful to make sure it was only a friendly hug. “I’ll see you around, Jessie,” she said as she turned and walked away.

  Jessie watched as Alex headed over to the bar and ordered a drink. She knew that within minutes, she’d probably find someone else to spend her evening with. Glad that they were still friends, she turned and went back to Stephanie.

  “Everything all right?” Stephanie asked, as Jessie returned to the table.

  She nodded. “Yeah, she’s cool. She said she’s happy for us.” She hugged Stephanie and kissed her again. “I love you.”

  “You’ve already said that, just a few minutes ago,” Stephanie said, smiling at her and wondering what prompted Jessie to repeat herself.

  “I know. I just don’t want you to forget,” she said, smiling at the redhead.

  “No chance of that, Jess,” Stephanie said, leaning into her as Jessie stood close and listened to the conversation around the table. Jessie had one arm around Stephanie’s waist as they talked and joked with Lacy, Brian, Theresa and the others. Eventually, Mike leaned over and told them it was time to get back to work, and the band headed for the stage.

  * * * *

  By the time they’d finished for the night, Jessie was exhausted. Even though she’d slept well last night, the ‘lesson’ from Jing had sent her into an emotional and mental tailspin that had taken more out of her than she really wanted to admit. Still, when the band finished and left the stage, she couldn’t have been happier. Mike, always watching out for her, caught her backstage. “Hey, Jess. You don’t need to stay and help us break down tonight. Why don’t you go on home?”

  “I’m all right, Mike. I’m just a little tired,” she insisted. He really was a good friend. She’d even suspected for a while that he’d been interested in her, but for whatever reason, he’d never asked her out. Still, she appreciated his concern.

  Mike shook his head. “You look exhausted, and your energy’s low, tonight. Go on.” He smiled. “Besides, you have guests to take care of.”

  Not feeling like arguing, she gave in. Smiling gratefully, she hugged him. “Thanks Mike. I owe ya one.”

  “Just take care of yourself, Jessie. We need you,” he said, releasing her and watching her go. He sighed, wishing for the thousandth time, he’d had the courage to ask her out. He’d been there when she was with Bobby, and seen the way the guitar player had treated her. Back then, there had been times when he’d almost beat the crap out of him. But he never did, because Jessie wouldn’t have understood back then why he did it. She was just too into Bobby back then. If he’d had the guts, he would have asked her out after Bobby left. He never would have treated her that way. Now, it was too late, and he’d lost his chance. She had Stephanie, and she was happy. Oh well, he was happy for them. If this was what Jessie wanted, he was glad she’d found Stephanie.

  Approaching the table, Jessie grabbed Stephanie from behind and hugged her. “Hey! Mike told me to go home and let them handle the break down, tonight. Apparently, he thinks I need the rest.” She rolled her eyes at the ot

  “You do look a little tired tonight, Jess,” Theresa agreed, studying her.

  “Gee…thanks, T!” Jessie said sarcastically. “You look great, too.”

  “You know what I meant.” Theresa rolled her eyes. “It’s been a long week, Jessie. A lot’s happened. That’s all I meant and you know it.”

  Jessie laughed and hugged the blond. “I know. I just can’t help teasing you. Steph? Nancy? I’m ready whenever you two are.”

  Grabbing their purses, Nancy and Stephanie said goodbye and hugged everyone. Following Jessie out to the car, they were on their way back to Jessie’s in minutes. By the time they got back to the house, Jessie’s energy had all but disappeared.

  “Jess, you’re so tired, why don’t you go on to bed? I’ll lock up and set the alarm,” Stephanie offered, noticing the dark circles under Jessie’s eyes.

  Jessie closed her eyes and nodded, yawning again. “Thanks, Steph. Nancy, I’m sorry I’m not better company tonight. Can you forgive me?”

  Nancy smiled and shook her head. “Jessie, Theresa was right. It has been a long week, and you’ve both been through a lot. On top of that, performing takes a lot of energy. Go on and get some sleep.”

  “Thank you,” the brunette said, gracefully accepting the older woman’s words.

  “Stephanie, I’m going on to bed, too. I’ll see you both in the morning,” Nancy said, hugging them both goodnight. “And Jessie…?”

  “Yeah, Nancy?”

  “You were incredible tonight. I really enjoyed watching you up there,” Nancy said, turning and heading for the basement.

  “Thank you, Nancy. Goodnight.” Jessie watched her until she’d disappeared down the steps. Then she headed for the bedroom. By the time Stephanie came in a few minutes later, she’d already brushed her teeth, changed, and crawled into bed.

  “I hope you don’t mind,” she said as Stephanie crawled in beside her ten minutes later, “but I really needed to lie down.”

  “Why would I mind, Jess? You’re exhausted.” Stephanie crawled in next to her and pulled the covers up over both of them. Sliding over, she propped herself on an elbow and leaned down to kiss the brunette. When they broke apart minutes later, she smiled. “I love you, Jessie.”

  “Mmm, I love you too, Steph. Thank you…for earlier. Just holding me the way you did,” Jessie shook her head. “Well, just…thanks.”

  Stephanie caressed Jessie’s cheek with the back of her hand. “You’re welcome. Anytime you need me Jessie…for anything at all…I’m here for you. Please don’t ever forget that, or think that you’re asking too much of me. Promise me?”

  Jessie nodded, leaning into the caress. “You have my word.”

  Stephanie kissed her again. “Good. Now…get some rest. I’ll be right here for you.” She slid down and rested her head on Jessie’s shoulder, curling up as tight as she could to the brunette’s side.

  Sighing contentedly, Jessie held on to Stephanie with her right arm, keeping her close. She fervently wished that they could talk some more, about what had happened earlier with Jing. About her talk with Alex…but she was just so tired. Within minutes of closing her eyes, she’d fallen asleep.

  * * * *

  Once in her room, Nancy got ready for bed. Realizing it was late, she nevertheless pulled out her cell phone and called Bill. She hadn’t spoken to him since Wednesday evening, and she knew he’d be going nuts.

  “Hello?” Bill Winter’s smooth tenor came over the phone.

  “Bill? Sorry I’m calling so late,” Nancy said, “But I thought I should check in.”

  “It’s okay, Sweetheart. I was awake,” he said, happy to hear her voice. “Is everything going all right? Stephanie’s okay, isn’t she?”

  “Oh, everything’s fine, Bill. Stephanie’s all right. She’s doing about as well as can be expected,” Nancy answered. “I’m sorry I didn’t call earlier, but we just got in.”

  “Just got in? Been out clubbing with the kids?” he asked jokingly.

  “As a matter of fact,” Nancy said, “I went out with Stephanie tonight to see Jessie’s band perform.”

  “Mmm. And how is Jessie?” he asked, obviously not so sure about the woman who’d attracted his daughter’s attention.

  Nancy knew Bill worried about Stephanie. And for good reason. There were always people out there ready to take advantage of a celebrity, especially someone as open and kind as Stephanie. However, she thought he was worrying for no reason this time. “Actually, Jessie’s really nice. I like her. She’s been very supportive of Steph, helping her wherever she needs it.”

  “I’ll bet she has,” he said sarcastically.

  “Bill,” Nancy said in her best no nonsense manner. “Your daughter’s in love with Jessie.”

  “She told you that?” he asked incredulously.

  “She did. And I know what you’re going to say…” she didn’t allow him the time to comment further, as she continued. “But Bill…There’s no doubt in my mind that Jessie loves Stephanie, too. If you could see the way she looks at Steph…”

  “Looks can be faked, Nance,” he warned, interrupting her.

  “Trust me when I tell you that Jessie isn’t faking. I’ve never seen anyone so obviously in love, Bill. I know you worry that she’s out for Steph’s money, or her celebrity…but trust me when I tell you, Jessie isn’t like that.”

  “You’re sure? I don’t want Steph hurt anymore, Nance.”

  “I’m positive. I’ve never met anyone so unaffected by Steph’s celebrity or money. She’s really good to Steph. She’s kind and considerate. She asks her opinion on things and doesn’t make decisions for her. She treats her like she’s a regular person, and all her friends do the same. Bill, I saw her perform tonight…She’s really good. And, I think I know why…” Nancy was trying to put her husband at ease. He’d always worried about Stephanie. She was his little girl, and they’d always been close.

  Not sure what she was referring to, he asked, “You know why…?”

  “Jessie’s looked familiar to me since I met her. When I was looking at the pictures she has in her living room, I noticed one, and everything clicked. I think Jessie’s father is JD Drake,” Nancy said, answering her husband’s question.

  “JD Drake, the famous singer? That can’t be, Nance,” he said, obviously not believing it. “Why would JD Drake’s kid be living in Ohio, practicing law and playing in a rock band on the weekends? If she’s that good, why not be a star like him?”

  Nancy shook her head. “I really don’t know, Bill. Jessie’s an intensely private person. She’s humble, and doesn’t exactly share information about herself easily. She probably doesn’t tell anyone because she doesn’t want them to think she’s bragging. She’s inviting her mother to go out to dinner with us tomorrow evening. I’ll fill you in. And Bill…please don’t worry. Steph’s in good hands with Jessie. I trust her with our little girl.”

  “Well, if you trust her…” he said, giving in. He knew Nancy trusted very few people. Especially when it came to their children.

  “I do, Bill.” Knowing that he felt better, she felt it was okay to tell him everything that Stephanie had told her about the attack, and what had happened. She also told him about Stephanie’s nightmares and the scene she’d witnessed last night in the studio. She left out certain details, of course. There was no need for him to know everything about Stephanie’s personal life. It was hard enough for him to see her doing things in movies. He’d never get over hearing about the actual events.

  An hour later, she’d finally finished telling him everything of relevance. “Well, I’d better get off here and get some sleep,” Nancy said, yawning.

  “Do you know when you’re heading home?” he asked.

  “If Steph seems to be doing okay, I was thinking of leaving Tuesday,” Nancy answered.

  “Well, keep me posted. Good night, Nance. I love you, Sweetheart.”

  “Good night, Bill. I love you, too,” Nancy said, disconnecting the call. Pluggi
ng the phone in to charge it, she finally crawled into bed. It was after two, and she was tired. Within minutes, she’d fallen asleep.

  Chapter 29

  Jessie waited while the phone rang. After four rings, her mother’s voice came over the line. “Hello?”

  “Hi, Mom. Sorry I didn’t call Wednesday night, but something came up,” Jessie explained, hoping to avoid a long, drawn out conversation about what had happened.

  “That’s all right, Jessie. If you don’t care if your mother worries, it’s all right by me.”


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