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A Royal Surprise: ( BWWM Romance )

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by Tiana Cole

  A Royal Surprise

  Published By Tiana Cole, 2017

  ©2017 Tiana Cole

  All Rights Reserved. This book or any portion thereof may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever without the express permission of the publisher except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

  This book is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to persons, living or dead, or places, events or locations is purely coincidental. The characters are all productions of the author’s imagination.

  Please note that this work is intended only for adults over the age of 18 and all characters represented as 18 or over.

  Kindle Edition

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  Table of Contents


  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 20


  The Accidental Bride

  Also from Tiana Cole:

  About the Author


  Everyone thought being a royal meant life was all sunshine and roses, private jets, beautiful women and exotic vacations. Sure that was part of it, but for second-born son to the King and Queen of Silmaña it was also responsibility and obligation, rules and protocol. Yep, life for Prince Alexander Gustav was a unique blend of amazing and awful, and today, on his twenty fifth birthday had only amplified that fact.

  He’d been raised in a fairly strict environment full of rules and obligations to the throne, to his parents, and most importantly to the people of the small island nation off the coast of Spain. He’d been groomed from birth to take over the throne, even though he was the spare heir. Basically he existed for the sole purpose of stepping up, if or when his brother Stefan, could not. He was a professional, lifelong stand-in.

  But today was his day and his alone, witnessed by the large breakfast featuring all of his favorite dishes. Including big fluffy American style waffles. “Mother, Father. Thank you for meeting with me this morning.” Nerves got the better of him every time he was required to formally address his parents, but this was a big request and it required royal approval.

  “Of course, son.” Queen Louise curled her red lips into a semblance of a smile but really it was a smirk. “Your father and I are quite curious about this birthday wish of yours.”

  Alexander stood in front of his parents, nervous and worried. Making this request was more terrifying than the prospect of taking of throne. Not that he wasn’t prepared, he was, but it was still enough to make his blood run cold. But with Stefan now happily married to Elena, he felt confident enough to make his request.

  It was a small request really, but for their royal son, his parents might not see it that way. Shoulders squared, Alexander stood tall in his dark blue suit, adorned with his military and royal honors. Normally such formal attire wasn’t required but after this meeting he would spend three hours receiving birthday wishes from the citizenry. “I would like a year for myself. A year of freedom to live like a normal person.” There was more he could say. He could explain that he wasn’t really needed at the palace and therefore should be allowed to spread his wings away from the palace. Away from his brother’s overarching shadow.

  His parents shared that look, the one that told the world they were more than royalty. More than husband and wife. They were a team so in sync they sometimes didn’t even need words to communicate. Like now.

  He stood, waiting for them to reach a decision. Breath held, Alexander prepared himself for the no he was sure rested on the tips of their royal tongues.

  “Is this really just a year or is this an underhanded attempt to run away?”

  Of course his mother was suspicious. He technically had the freedom to leave since it was unlikely he would ever be needed on the throne. Still he would never disrespect his parents, the throne or the nation by up and leaving. Alexander blew out a long breath but his posture never wavered. “I am not trying to run away, Mother.”

  Before she could respond, his father King Stefan, placed a hand on her shoulder to stop her. “You may have your year Xander, longer if you’d like. All I request is that you return if we need you to.”

  Alexander nodded, soaking in the words that sounded a lot like they were agreeing to let him go. “Of course, Father.”

  “And you will use your mother’s maiden name to ensure your safety. You have done a good job serving your people son. Go and have your adventure.”

  He couldn’t believe it. He was fully prepared to argue his points, sling around some guilt and threaten to run away. Instead he was going with his father’s blessing, if only with his mother’s reluctant consent. With a smile of gratitude and a quick show of affection for his parents, Alexander was off to perform his last royal duty for an entire year.

  Life was good.

  Chapter 1

  “I think that’s everything.” Amanda Haze swiped an arm across her forehead, glistening in evidence of her pitiful state of physical fitness. “Maybe I’ll finally have time to work out and lose a few pounds,” she said, still struggling to suck in air.

  “You know if I didn’t love you, I would totally hate you right now.” Her best friend Misty mock scowled in her direction. “I mean yes you totally could use some cardio in your life, but you look amazing. Like you already live in a gym.” She rolled her mossy green eyes in amusement.

  “Misty, I’m winded from two trips up two flights of stairs. How I look doesn’t matter when I’ve got the lung capacity of a five year old.” Her dream job, teaching Literature at Elite Academy, had provided her with a small, no tiny efficiency apartment which she was now all moved into. Not that she had anything to move in other than her clothes, a few photos and her favorite books. It was little more than she had when she’d left foster care years ago, but it was all hers. Amanda was slowly making the transition to e-books so everything she owned fit inside her little green compact.

  Her friend shrugged. “That is, of course, what a girl who does look amazing would say. If there are any handsome young teachers here, you’ll have your pick of them all.”

  She smiled at her friend. “Thanks. I can’t believe I’m not going to see you all the time anymore.” She and Misty had become friends on the very first day of college when they were accidentally given a three person suite for the two of them. They lived off campus together after that while they worked hard to pursue their dreams. They were roommates until early last year when she’d gotten engaged and moved in with her fiancé, Andy. And now that she worked at Elite Academy, one hundred miles would separate them.

  “It’s just an hour the way I drive. You need me, I’ll be here in fifty minutes. And when you need shopping, a night at the theater or Thai food, you’ll be there in the time it takes to listen to the ‘Missing Misty like crazy’ playlist I put on your phone.” Misty pulled her into a hug and Amanda tried very hard to hold back her tears.

  She hadn’t been apart from Misty for more than a few weeks since she was eighteen. It was pathetic that at twenty four, she finally lived on her own place and it was a shoebox with no way to entertain friends. If she made any. “I know but it will still be different without you.”

  “Yes but you’ll come spend T
hanksgiving with us, right?”

  It wasn’t like she had any other family to spend her holidays with, at least not since her parents had died on yet another one of their adventures around the world. The foster families she’d lived with had never made a special effort for the holidays, well except the last one. It was only in college when she’d met Misty that holidays became special for her. “Sure.”

  “I’m insisting that you come Amanda. I’m not letting you sulk alone when we love you and want to see you.”

  “But you’re newlyweds and this is your first Thanksgiving.” She didn’t really feel like being their third wheel.

  “We’re not married yet and we spent last Thanksgiving together. You were there so quit making crappy excuses. Besides my editor has been giving me tons more work lately.” Misty worked as an junior agent for one of the last big publishing houses in Colorado, but she was quickly earning the respect of her superiors.

  That made Amanda laugh. “I really am going to miss you. But I’m so happy about this job, Misty. I could be teaching literature to the next J.D. Salinger or Zora Neale Hurston.”

  “Or even the next Ted Bundy,” Misty added with a laugh.

  “Oh hush.” Her smile faded and she looked at her friend, so beautiful and glowing with love. “Thank you for driving up with me, Misty. Let’s go for a walk before Cole comes to pick you up.” She was eager to show off the campus and the small town of Elite, Colorado, just an hour outside Denver. It was a beautiful place and the day was filled with clear blue skies and vibrant greens of late summer still capped every tree in sight. She knew in a month they would be filled with the beautiful transitioning colors of autumn.

  “All that’s missing is a babbling brook,” Misty joked, but Amanda could see that same wondrous smile on her face that she wore.

  “It is pretty idyllic. There’s no brook but once we pass these buildings you’ll see the bluest lake you’ve ever laid eyes on.” She’d let the lake soothe her when she drove up three months ago for her interview.

  “No wonder you fell in love with this place. I really thought there was a guy, but this is all you. Too bad I bought you that Kindle so you won’t have the authentic Jane Austen experience.” Misty loved to tease her for her love of all things Victorian.

  Amanda shrugged. “Walking around here won’t be a hardship, that’s for sure.” She needed the exercise and in a town this size she would rarely use her car. “Oh let’s go that way,” she spotted a stable as they made their way to the south end of campus.

  “You have to take riding lessons. This fancy place has to offer them.”

  It was a good idea and one she hoped to explore. “I always wanted to take lessons and this is my chance. If it’s affordable, but if it was affordable wouldn’t non-rich people do it as well?”

  Misty laughed. “Honey you are certifiable. Just find out before you start coming up with reasons not to do it.”

  She laughed about it in the moment with Misty, but later those words kicked around in her mind and made her wonder. Was that why she was still single? Just now finding the job of her dreams? Because she looked for reasons not to try new things, new people? As she drifted off to sleep, Amanda sizzled with anticipation of what her life would be like now if she went after the things she wanted. This was the beginning of…

  A whole new Amanda Haze.


  “We’re having a guys’ night tonight,” Alex told Seb, his head of security and his closest friend aside from his brother. They’d all arrived in Elite, Colorado nearly two weeks ago and quickly settled in. Thanks to their immense wealth, securing three modest homes in a quiet family oriented neighborhood had been simple and painless.

  Seb frowned, brown eyes narrowing in thought. “Guys’ night? What about the women?”

  Alex smiled, knowing Seb’s concern was about his housemate Roberta and not the other female guard traveling with them. “If you can bear to tear yourself away from the beautiful Roberta, that is.” His teasing tone brought a smile to his friend’s face.

  “Your Highness,” he admonished but Alex quickly cut him off.

  “None of that shit while we’re here Seb. We’ve always been friends first so call me Alex.” He hated the formality required in and around the palace, particularly when it came to the man he’d known since they were both little more than babies. When he saw his friend about to object he added, “If you slip again I’ll move Roberta in with Rafael.”

  “Have it your way, Alex. So much attitude you’d think he was a prince or something,” he mumbled, lips twitching under the force of the laugh he was trying to stifle. “I’ll get Rafael and tell him you’re in need of more time with men.”

  Alex barked out a laugh. “You are a real funny man Seb. I can’t believe you’re single.”

  The man stopped and turned laughing brown eyes back at Alex. “Thanks to you I won’t be for long.”

  “What are friends for?” He meant it. Seb had always been a good friend, even when the guys at school would make fun of him. Living in the palace and being educated with the royal children had made Seb as much of an outcast as Alex himself was. A peasant with a first class education was unheard of in their circles but he’d insisted that Seb have the opportunity to be whatever he wanted.

  “You know you don’t owe me a damn thing?” His serious expression said he knew just what Alex was thinking.

  He shook his head. “You’re my best friend dummy, I did it because I knew you’d only go for it if I forced you too. I believe the phrase you’re looking for is you’re welcome.”

  Seb’s mouth curled into a smile. “You can be my best man when I get her to fall in love with me.”

  He wouldn’t have to do much but the idiot didn’t know it. Roberta had been smitten with him since she’d joined the Royal Security Service but Seb couldn’t see it. Never could see what a great guy he was. Alex had done all he could do, the rest was up to them. “Then let’s strategize over drinks. An hour?”

  Seb nodded and was gone.

  Alex made his way to the second floor of his small house to find something to wear, another new for him. Not that he couldn’t pick out his own clothes but he was used to his valet having everything laid out for the day, accessories included. The man was a genius at making sure Alex was dressed fashionably and professionally for any occasion. He didn’t care but his parents did so he went along. “Now it’s all on me.” He reached for jeans and a sweater, happy that he’d only brought a handful of suits in lieu of a more casual wardrobe.

  Seb and Rafael found him relaxing on the deck, taking in the beautiful late summer landscape. “You still want to do this,” Rafael asked in a crisp but really bad American accent.

  “Yes. Let’s go find a place to drink some beer and check out some women.” Since every parent and extended family member had been thoroughly vetted as were all the business owners and employees in town, Alex felt good about having a stress-free night out. No worries about kidnapping for ransom meant he could enjoy his first night of total freedom. Not his first, technically, since he’d had plenty of nights free and had spent them…bored. Shopping for clothes, groceries and furniture was a new experience but boring as hell. The place was decorated just as he wanted it, but dammit he was bored. Painfully so.

  They arrived at the bar and grill and were quickly seated at a booth by a very perky and pretty hostess. “So have you figured out this whole civilian thing,” Rafael asked.

  “You a vet?” Her green eyes lit up and her hand went to her heart, covering a large set of breasts. “Thank you for your service.”

  Alex didn’t know how to respond to that. So he went with, “Um, thanks.” He gave his drink order while the guys laughed behind their hands. “Very funny,” he growled in their direction.

  “Come on man, I would have given anything to hear you get out of that one!” Seb clapped his back still too damn amused.

  Alex turned to Rafael. “I’m still figuring it out because I never realize how much the Ro
yal Secretary does. Setting up phone service, utilities and constantly shopping…I owe Monty a raise.” They all laughed only quieting when their waitress returned to take their orders.

  “Give me your best burger with big thick fries.” He smiled, realizing he liked her bold flirtatious style. He winked and she laughed.

  “Oh you are trouble with a capital T aren’t ya?”

  “Me?” He smiled, long blonde lashes framing clear blue eyes. “I’m harmless, just ask anyone.”

  She scoffed. “I’m Gina your waitress. And I wouldn’t trust men this big and handsome as far as I could throw’em. Heartbreak, it’s written all over each and every one of you.” She smiled and took their orders, shaking her head. “The next round is on me if you can get some of these girls on the prowl to sit near you.”

  Alex smiled again. She was lively and as much as he would love to help her out, he wanted to keep a low profile until the school year started. “I’ll do you one better. Buy a round for the house. On me.” He slid his brand new all black credit card over to her. “I’m good for it.”

  Gina looked at the card and cocked a blonde eyebrow at him. “You’re just plain good honey. Don’t worry, Gina’s got you.” She winked and walked away with an amused chuckle.

  “I like her.”

  “She’s fun,” Rafael added with a knowing smile.

  “She’s old enough to be your mother, Rafa!” Seb was the quiet, mature one, but he was also as solid as they came.

  Seb’s dark brows lifted. “Yes but Gina is not my mother. She might be something else, though.”

  Alex laughed. “See? That’s why I’m here and you boys get to enjoy it too. What do you do when you’re not working?”

  “This,” Seb answered with a smile. “We hang at the pub or a nightclub, picking up girls. Sometimes we go hiking, surfing, skiing or on holiday. Regular stuff.” Alex regretted that he and Seb didn’t spend more personal time together and vowed to change it.

  “Not so regular for him,” Rafael added sagely.


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