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A Royal Surprise: ( BWWM Romance )

Page 15

by Tiana Cole

  He growled, standing up and shucking off the rest of his clothes before covering her body with his. “You sure?”

  In answer Amanda wrapped her legs around him and dug her heels into his ass until he slid deep in one, powerful thrust. “More than sure Alex. Now please, love me.”

  “Always,” he told her as he proceeded to drive her straight out of her mind.


  Once she could breath normally she began to laugh. Their love making had never been as urgent, explosive as it had been just now. And despite the three orgasms she was still incredibly horny. “That was fantastic!”

  “It was,” he laughed and kissed the tip of her nose.

  “Want to go again?” She laughed at his wide-eyed expression. “I’m at the horny stage of my pregnancy.”

  He smiled and leaned over her body, one hand snaking up her thigh and through her patch of ebony curls. “Good to know.” His lips curved around one hard nipple and two fingers slid into her aching warmth as he pushed her toward orgasm number four.


  “We need to talk little brother.” Stefan’s stoic gaze left Alex no doubt that whatever was on his brother’s mind, it had to do with their parents.

  “What is it?” The glow of having Amanda in his bed, of being back in her heart and knowing that soon they would be a real family, slowly faded.

  “Mother knows we’re here.” He sighed, his blue eyes so apologetic it made Alex sick. “I spoke to her this morning.”

  With an exasperate eye roll he plopped down into a chair. “What did she have to say?” The look Stefan wore said it all.

  “I confirmed we were here and she asked the purpose of our visit, aside from visiting my brother of course.” He scoffed at his mother’s inability to understand basic human emotion. “I’m sorry Alex but I couldn’t lie to her.”

  Of course not. “Right. Anything else?”

  “Yes.” A long silence lingered between them, making Alex very aware that Elena was nowhere to be found. He couldn’t even hear her excited chatter in the distance. “She expects, demands really, a proper royal wedding in Silmaña.”

  “That’s not going to happen Stef.” Amanda wouldn’t be able to fly until after the babies were born and there was no way in hell he’d wait that long to make her his. “Don’t worry, I’ll tell her myself.”

  “Tell who what?” Amanda walked into the kitchen looking adorable wrapped in a giant fuzzy red robe, her brown gaze shifting between Alex and Stefan.

  “We’ll talk about it later. Hungry?”

  She gave him a pointed look. “Hungry is my default setting these days so let’s fix us all some breakfast while Stefan tries not to tell me what has you two whispering in the kitchen like secret lovers.”

  Stefan spat out his coffee at her words and Alex could only grin at her cheekiness. “You are very lucky I love you or you’d be in trouble right now.”

  She stuck her tongue out and filled the kettle with water, for tea he assumed as it was now her preferred morning drink. “Yeah, yeah,” she muttered and blew a kiss at him. He happily caught it and went back to figuring out breakfast. For his fiancée. “So I assume the secrecy is about your mother?”

  “How’d you guess,” Stefan asked, his tone more impressed that surprised.

  She shrugged. “Alex said she destroyed all my letters and made sure he never got my calls. That’s not exactly the action of a mother thrilled with her son’s choice.” With his back turned Alex could only assume she shared a look with his brother. “But I’m pregnant now, too pregnant to do anything about it but accept it. So she’s still not happy.”

  Stefan’s deep chuckle sounded in the kitchen and Alex turned to them. “Pretty good guess.”

  “Thanks, but that’s not all is it?”

  “No,” he and Stefan said at the same time, just as Elena breezed through the front door with two guards carrying several bags of food.

  Amanda stood and helped unload the bags, taking bites of everything as she set it on the table. They all took their seats and dug in to the feast but Alex could still feel the tension radiating from Amanda and he couldn’t blame her. After everything that had happened between them he was sure she worried their newly rekindled love might not last. “Elena do you know what the problem is with their mother?”

  Her clear green eyes widened in surprise then darted to the men, uncertain how to respond. “Um, well,”

  “Got it. Can you, any of you, tell me what the problem is?” They were all silent as she stared at each of them. “Look dammit, I’m pregnant and as far as I know still engaged. If something will change that, I have a right to know.”

  She was getting herself riled up and Alex knew that wasn’t good for the baby so he placed a calming hand on her shoulder. “Remember what the doctor said about stress Amanda.”

  She shrugged him off the same way he’d done the day he’d revealed his true identity to her. “Then maybe you should just tell me what the hell is going on so I’m not stressed about it!”

  Elena groaned and dropped her fork. “The Queen is unhappy that Alex proposed when she doesn’t approve and has decided that the only way to make it right is for you two to get married in Silmaña. A royal wedding.”

  “That’s it?” She looked at each of them, dark brows furrowed with confusion. “What’s the problem with that? I mean it’ll be awhile, at least until the boys are six months but if that’ll keep the peace.”

  “Absolutely not! I’m not waiting nearly a year to marry you Amanda.” That was non-negotiable as far as he was concerned.

  “But if it’ll please your mother.”

  He scoffed. “Mother is incapable of being pleased about anything. Hell she handpicked Elena and when Stefan actually fell in love with her she tried to sabotage it.”

  Snatching a strip of bacon from the pile in the middle of the table, Amanda thought and chewed. He could see the gears spinning in her head, those pretty brown eyes slanted smartly, making him wonder what was going on in her head. “How much worse is this going to make things?” The question was directed at Stefan.

  Alex frowned. “Why are you asking him?”

  Amanda grinned and cupped his jaw, running a finger along his stubble. “Because you love me and will attempt to sugarcoat the truth. Stefan will tell me the truth whether it hurts or not, won’t you?”

  His smile was nervous. “I will never lie to you Amanda.”

  “See?” She turned back to him expectantly. “So?”

  “You’re not who she would have chosen for him so I don’t know if she’ll forgive you for that. But you are carrying two princes and I’m told grandchildren can go a long way to soothe almost any hurt.”

  Amanda laughed at that, shaking her head in amusement. She took another bite of food, mind still churning. “Alright. In that case I think we should get married while Stefan and Elena are still here. Misty is here too so this is perfect.”

  Elena clapped, stood almost knocking over her chair and returned with her phone and tablet. “Too bad I didn’t bring any staff with me but I think Misty and I can get this done in two days.”

  Alex choked on a piece of toast. “Really, that soon?”

  “You’ve no idea what money and obsessive planning can achieve.” She winked and began to shoo the men from the room. “We’ll let you know about the boy stuff soon.” Turning to Amanda she smiled. “Have Misty come over soon and we’ll get this all under way.”

  Amanda nodded, looking slightly dazed up at Alex who held her chin between his thumb and forefinger. “Are you okay with this?”

  “I’d marry you right now in that robe if I could, so yeah I’m more than okay with it.”

  “I love you,” she whispered with a watery smile.

  “I’ll never get tired of hearing that. Love you too. Now go plan our wedding.”

  Chapter 18

  I’m getting married today. That thought kept running through Amanda’s mind as she lie in bed, wrapped in Alex’s arms. She never tho
ught she would be here again, with him like this. Somehow she and Alex had found their way back to each other, despite his mother’s best efforts and his missteps combined with her stubbornness.

  “What has you thinking so hard over there, wife-to-be?” Alex’s deep voice vibrated down her spine, making her nipples pebble under his attention.

  With a broad smile she attempted to turn in his arms so she could see his sexy morning face. Despite her gigantic belly making it hard to turn, she knew exactly what she would see. Alex’s blonde hair—recently cut for wedding photos—would be standing in all directions, his sleepy blue eyes would crinkle at the edges to distract her from the pillow marks on his left cheek. “Ugh,” she groaned and stopped on her back and looked up at him. “I was just thinking how glad I am that we made it here today.”

  “Me too.” He smiled and gave her a kiss that had all her morning plans disappearing into dust. His masterful mouth took control of hers, diving in and kissing her until she was dizzy and writhing under him.

  She pushed at his chest. “As much as I’d love to take this where it’s clearly headed, we have a big day ahead of us.” Somehow Misty and Elena had been able to put together a fairly lavish affair in just two days. And they’d worked to find a dress that required just a few alterations and it was the palest pink that brought out her darker coloring. “Let’s hold off on that,” she let her hand slide down from his pecs to the very awake appendage between his legs, “until later.”

  “Next time I’m buried deep inside you, you’ll be my wife.” His sexy smile did things to her and when they finally emerged from the bedroom—sated and showered—they were only an hour behind schedule. “I’m headed to Baker’s with Stefan. See you later.” Another heart stopping kiss later and she watched his tight butt as he strolled through the front door.

  “Damn I love that man,” she smiled and turned, stopping at the sight of Misty and Elena shooting goofy smiles at her. “What?”

  Misty stepped forward and wrapped an arm around Amanda’s shoulder. “I’m happy you’re so happy, but you’re late as hell so get a move on. Have you showered?”

  “Do you see this wet hair?”

  She rolled those green eyes and pushed her forward. “Don’t be a smartass on your wedding day, it’s unbecoming. Have a seat here and eat this and drink this,” she said of the toast and tea on the table. The stylists are already here so don’t be alarmed if you’re attacked with brushes and curling irons.”

  Amanda frowned. “I promise not to be too alarmed.”

  “They’ll be gentle I promise,” Elena sat across from her, hair in rollers and makeup already done. “And I made sure they used all organic, baby and environmentally friendly products.”

  “Thanks,” she said around a mouthful of toast. “Think I could get something a little more delicious for breakfast?”

  Misty set an apple on the table with a smirk. “Eat up buttercup.”

  Amanda rolled her eyes and ate the apple with attitude, finishing just moments before the stylists descended upon her with surge protectors, flat irons, makeup palettes and hair products. She spent ninety minutes cringing and ducking hot hair irons and too sharp eyeliner pencils. “Voila,” the woman with purple dreadlocks said and handed her a mirror.

  She took the mirror and gasped at the beautiful woman staring back at her. Pinks and golds highlighted her face, making her almond shaped eyes look exotic and sexy, and her hair was sexy yet flirty. Alex will love it. “Thank you, this looks is amazing.” She felt herself tearing up and fanned her face with her hand. “Sorry.”

  “No worries. It’s the best compliment for us,” Purple dreadlocks said with a shrug and then walked away.

  Amanda didn’t care about the gruff woman, she looked beautiful and for the next hundred years she would be able to look at photos of this day without fretting over her appearance. My belly might be big but the rest of me will shine.

  “Oh Amanda!” Misty and Elena re-entered the kitchen looking like models in their bridesmaid’s dresses in a darker shade of pink than her own dress. Heads tilted like twins, they both gave her teary-eyes smiles. “You look gorgeous.”

  “Thanks. So do you.” She stood and hugged them again. “Thank you for doing all of this for me. I promise to make it up to you after these babies are born.”

  Elena smiled. “Oh I plan to pick your brain almost every single day about this pregnancy. That’s how you can pay me back.”

  “And I plan to be a kickass auntie so me spoiling them rotten and sending them home to you is a gift that will keep on giving.” Misty winked and started undressing her. “Now come on, we need to get you dressed and get out of here.”

  She felt like a doll, letting her bridesmaids dress and undress her but once the dress was on she felt pretty. The empire waist was a cliché for a pregnant bride but it was beautiful with delicate beading so she didn’t just look like a whale in a white parachute. Elena pulled up the zipper just as the door rang.

  “I’ll get it,” Misty smiled and walked to the door. “May I help you?”

  “Doubtful. Go get my son, please.”

  Amanda froze at the familiar cultured accent. “Look lady if you don’t tell me who you are I’m closing the door. We don’t have time for crazies today.”

  There was a gasp of surprise but the woman quickly recovered. “I assure you I am not a crazy. I am the Queen of Silmaña.”

  “You’re not my queen so state your name and your business or move. We have a wedding to get to.”

  “Oh no!” Elena pulled the zipper up, gave Amanda an apologetic look and darted to the door.

  Amanda sighed. Looks like her almost mother-in-law had decided to attend the wedding after all.


  Where the hell is she? When he woke up this morning with his warm, sexy and very pregnant bride by his side, Alex was sure Amanda was happy to marry him. But now she was already fifteen minutes late.

  “Getting worried little brother?”

  He glared at Stefan’s smiling face. “I’m beyond worried. Do you think it’s the babies?” He began to panic, his mind quickly moving beyond being left standing at the altar and straight to problems with the babies. Pulling out his phone to call he noticed several missed calls. “Shit, something is wrong. Amanda called me eight times.”

  Alex stalked off while his brother spoke with the small contingent of guests who’d been invited. “What’s wrong,” he asked as soon as the call connected. “Hello?”

  “I’m here,” Amanda whispered into the phone. “So is your mother.”

  “My what?” Shaking his head, Alex looked at the phone, certain he’d heard wrong. “Did you say my mother is there, as in at our house?”

  “As much as I love you calling it our house, let’s stay on topic here. Yes she’s here, she’s insulting and I’m pretty sure if you don’t hurry back here Misty is going to punch a queen. That might be a problem for U.S.-Silmaña relations.”

  He smiled at her rapid fire words, reminding him of the early days of their relationship. But she was right, the arrival of his mother did change things. “I’m on my way. Please keep Misty away from her, a punch is something she’ll never forgive either of us for.”

  She laughed. “Hurry please.”

  He was already walking toward his brother before ending the call. “Stef we need to go back to the house. Mother is here.” Blue eyes widened and joined him on the walk back up the aisle. “I know. Apparently Misty is about to deck her.”

  Stefan laughed. “I’d pay to see that, but for your sake I hope she shows some restraint.”

  They shared a laugh and hopped in the limo, promising their security a bonus if they could hurry, an unnecessary measure since the town of Elite was barely larger than the school but it did convey the appropriate level of urgency. Alex stormed into the house just as his mother stood, no hovered, over Amanda wearing an angry scowl.

  “I don’t know how you tricked my son into this but I’ll make sure,”

He cut off her words. “You’ll make sure what, Mother? That you never see your grandchildren, or me?”

  “Don’t be silly Alexander, your place is in Silmaña with us.”

  Stalking to where they stood, he wrapped an arm around Amanda and dropped a kiss behind her ear. “You look beautiful.”

  She sent him that smile that stopped his heart and he knew this was exactly where he was meant to be. “Thanks. So do you.”

  “Beautiful, huh?”

  “Absolutely,” she winked.

  “Yes, yes what a love fest.”

  “Stop it, Mother! You are a guest in our home and if you can’t respect either of us then you will be made to leave.” He’d never spoken so harshly to his mother but her manipulation had nearly cost him Amanda and his sons. “Amanda and I are getting married. Today. You are welcome to stay and attend if you remember your manners, otherwise I’m sure you can find your way back to the airport.”

  “Alexander this is completely unacceptable. The one thing I asked of you during this entire mess was to have a royal wedding and you’ve refused.”

  “Look at her, Mother. She is seven months pregnant with twins. There is no way possible she can get on a plane and I’m not waiting to marry her. After the boys are born we can have your royal wedding with all the hoopla.”


  Amanda rubbed her belly with a tortured smile. “Yes, twin boys ma’am.”

  Alex thought he saw her soften just a bit, but she was so rigid he was sure he imagined it. “Lovely.”

  “We think so.” Standing by Amanda was a symbolic move as well as a strategic one. He needed both women to see where his loyalty lie, with his wife and kids.

  “Would you like to freshen up before we head to the church,” Amanda asked in the shy voice she used when she was uncomfortable around new people.

  “Yes, please.”

  Elena and Misty appeared just then wearing matching smiles. “Follow me Ma’am,” Elena address her while Misty shot daggers from her glittering green eyes.


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