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Second Chances

Page 33

by Nicole Andrews Moore

  Before she could dwell on these negative thoughts, Gabriel crossed the parking lot to stand beside her chair. “Hello, again, Isabella,” he murmured into her ear, while leaning in to plant a warm, soft kiss on her cheek. He took the seat across from her. “Sorry I was late, but I had an errand to run,” he apologized, with an air of mystery.

  Detecting the errand may have had something to do with her, Isabella wondered, “An errand, huh? What kind of errand?” She found herself slowly relaxing in his presence.

  “Just this,” he said, passing her a single yellow rose bud, surrounded with ferns and baby’s breath. Isabella smiled wistfully. “The yellow stands for friendship. We can start as friends, can’t we? If this turns into something more, then...” His voice trailed off as he gazed into her eyes, trying to decipher her reaction.

  Isabella wore a dreamy look now. For a moment, she was trying to remember the last time she received flowers that didn’t have any strings attached. Always they were a guilt gift from Jack, just like the Vermont Teddy Bear, or her amazing four poster bed, or even those fancy dinners. This simple yellow rose could be a first. She stared at him, utterly taken aback from having received a gift so pure. She inhaled sharply then pulling herself together, took the rose he offered her and breathed in its fragrance, which proved to be positively therapeutic.

  Her eyes sparkling, Isabella murmured from behind the rose, “Yes, Gabriel. I can’t think of a better way to begin a friendship.”

  Gabriel had an amazing way of helping Isabella relax. He waited patiently for her to feel comfortable opening up. He never asked her questions, but instead paused for her to find a topic that she wanted to speak about. He told her stories of what his life had been like, places he had visited and his dreams for the future. The more time they spent together, the more willing Isabella became to divulge information about herself. She decided that she had to know, before they move forward, how he felt about children. Yet, at the same time, she hesitated about how to bring the subject up. She finally decided to just be herself and blurt it out.

  “Gabriel, I want to you to know I’ve really enjoyed our time together.” She began, trying to select her words carefully. She was nervous and it showed. She clasped her hands together in her lap nervously, gripped them tightly, almost to the white knuckle stage.

  He studied her and worried instantly where he had gone wrong. The way she was speaking, already in the past tense, made him think that he had somehow offended her, or that she had already determined that they were incompatible. And for reasons he, the consummate playboy, couldn’t understand the idea of not having the opportunity to get to know her better bothered him. “You sound as though you are trying to tell me you don’t want to see me anymore.” Gabriel began quietly while harboring a hurt look in his eyes.

  “It’s not that.” She stumbled over the words that were racing through her head. “It’s just that I don’t know if you’ll want to have anything to do with me after I tell you what I have to tell you.” She took a drink of her Midori Sour. Her hand shook as she placed it back on its coaster. To her, it was entirely unimaginable that a man of his intelligence, looks, and background would want to be saddled with another man’s children when the world was most definitely his oyster. She continued, “I suppose if you can’t accept what I have to tell you, or you don’t want to be around me anymore then it was better I find out now, but...I am just so out of practice.”

  Gabriel reached across the table and steadied her hands that were now whipping around animatedly as she spoke. Her nervous behavior was definitely affecting him. “Breathe, Bella. I can’t imagine you saying anything that would cause me to not want to get to know you better.” He gave her a warm smile and squeezed her hand reassuringly.

  Isabella looked down at his hand holding hers. It felt so warm, so natural. And he called her ‘Bella.’ No one had ever called her that before; not even her father who had all kinds of cute pet names for her. She tilted her head sideways, staring at his face. Something she saw in his blue-green eyes made her want to believe him, trust him even. It was risky, but inevitable. Isabella would never waste a minute on a man who couldn’t like her children. “Well, you know I have been married before. I told you that last time.” She watched him carefully for a reaction. He stared at her unblinking.

  “I have two children.” Still he had no visible reaction, no fading smile, no withdrawal of his hand, no glancing about for the nearest exit. “Did you hear me?” She couldn’t believe that he was still here...

  “I heard you, Bella. I was waiting for you to tell me about them. You don’t strike me as the type of mother who wouldn’t want to talk about her children. And I would love to hear it.” He leaned forward to show his interest, more than a little relieved that this trivial matter was what had her so unhinged.

  Isabella, shocked, leaned back. Then she smiled, rose from her chair, wrapped her arms quickly around his neck, gave him a swift peck on the cheek, and asked to be excused while she sauntered over to the ladies room. She looked back just before entering the doorway. Gabriel sat where she left him with a silly grin on his face. Maybe he wasn’t as detached as she had imagined. Maybe he wasn’t the player she believed him to be.

  After walking her to the car, Gabriel spent a moment musing. She was unlike anyone he had ever known. It was rare to find a beautiful woman who could carry on an intelligent conversation. So, in that respect, she passed both of his tests. He needed to be surrounded by beauty, and hated to be bored. Yet, something more stirred within him. He genuinely liked her. He didn’t just want to get her into bed, although every time they touched he felt poignantly aware of his attraction. He wanted to get to know her better. And for him, that was an unusual position to be in. Well, he thought, this could be interesting.

  Isabella was barely in the door when the inquisition began. “So tell me everything,” Jessie commanded, as Isabella wandered in, ready to drop from exhaustion.

  “Man,” she commented, “I am full of energy when I’m out, but the minute I get home I’m ready for bed.” She behaved as though she wanted to shove her friend out the door and head upstairs when Jessie stopped her.

  “I know I said I was free child care, but I do believe you have forgotten part of our agreement.” Jessie’s hands were on her hips while her foot tapped impatiently.

  “Oh, you slave driver.” Isabella joked as she collapsed into her rocking chair. A moment later, however, her mood changed completely, her brow furrowed as she spoke. “I don’t know what to say. I feel like mulling this entire evening over before I share.” She rocked slowly while flooded with memories of the evening.

  “Well, why don’t you mull out loud.” Jessie flopped down on the sofa at the end nearest to the chair. “I may be able to help.” She tried to seem patient, but Isabella knew that Jessie ached to grill her.

  “Okay, but give me a moment. I don’t know what to think.” She saw Jessie open her mouth and began talking again, answering her anticipated question. “I like him. He was easy to talk to, very attractive, intelligent, and behaved like the perfect gentleman. He even opened my car door for me.” She paused for a moment, hopped up from the chair and rushed out the front door.

  Jessie sat in stunned silence, staring at the door. A minute later, Isabella returned, carrying the rose.

  “Oh, and he brought me this.” She handed the rose to Jessie so that she could admire it up close. “He says that yellow stands for friendship. He wants us to start as friends. I like that. I like him.” She sounded unconvinced.

  “So you said. But...” Jessie prompted her.

  “I don’t know.” She threw her hands up in defeat.

  Jessie whispered, “You’re afraid, aren’t you?” She leaned over and patted Isabella’s arm. “It’s normal, after what you’ve been through. Just have fun.”

  Isabella shook her head. “I’m not built that way, Jessie. You know that. I allow myself to become attached to people. I don’t want to. I’m not ready.” She put her head do
wn in her hands.

  “Take your time, Isabella. Just go slow.” She watched her friend for a moment then asked, “Are you seeing him again?”

  Sheepishly, Isabella looked up at Jessie. “So, what are you doing next Thursday?”

  Jessie laughed. “Same time, same place?”

  “You bet.” Isabella leaned over to give Jessie a hug.

  The third date seemed very promising. Isabella dressed herself, and Jessie had no complaints abut her attire. She wore a green tank top and khaki shorts with brown sandals. Her anklet matched her toe rings and her nails were painted in a deep burgundy color. Her hair, secured in a French twist, accentuated her swan-like neck.

  “Good move,” Jessie complimented her. “Men find exposed necks very alluring.” She nodded approvingly.

  Isabella simply shook her head with a slight smile. “Where exactly do you get your research?” Her smile widened as she realized what word would next escape Jessie’s lips.

  “Cosmo.” They spoke in unison and laughed.

  Jessie suddenly became very serious. “So, going to break down and give him your number yet?”

  “I haven’t really thought about it.” Isabella looked away mysteriously.

  “Just who do you think you are talking to? That’s all you’ve been thinking about.” Jessie smirked as she spoke.

  She touched her purse as Jessie said that, pulling it closer to her. It held something more precious than money, or credit cards, or even her wallet sized photos of the kids. On a small piece of lilac linen paper tucked carefully within the zippered change section rested Isabella’s phone number. It might upon initial inspection appear to be just a phone number, but in reality it represented an enormous piece of trust, a sign of good faith, and maybe even a bit of hope. Would Gabriel understand and appreciate what an enormous step she had taken when he received it? Would he recognize the amazing gift that came with an even more amazing responsibility attached?

  That night Gabriel was waiting for her on the patio. He gazed out at the water, watching the sun sink lower on the horizon, but turned as he heard steps approaching. The girl confidently strode over to him, flicking her hair over one shoulder seductively. Isabella, who had just parked, watched from the car, rooted to her spot, unsure of what would happen next. This tall, lean, blond girl happened to be everything that Isabella wasn’t. She seemed really sure of herself as she laced an arm around his waist. Isabella’s heart began to race nervously. Gabriel stepped away from the girl. Isabella tried to concentrate on his face, his lips. She could usually pass for a pretty good lip reader, but the distance made it difficult for her to be certain what was said. Gabriel shook the girl’s hand and seemed to say that it had been a pleasure to make her acquaintance, but he would be meeting someone special here shortly. The girl appeared surprised to be turned down, but Gabriel was so nice about the situation that she had maintained her dignity. Wow. Isabella sat for a moment to regulate her breathing before crossing the gravel parking lot to meet him.

  That was when he spotted her. A broad smile spread across Gabriel’s face. He left his drink on the railing as he walked across the parking lot to meet her with open arms. “Hello, Bella,” he said warmly, “You are just in time to watch the sun set with me.” He hugged her close, causing shivers to race up and down her spine. Even as he released her body, he held her hand as they walked to the deck of The Naked Turtle.

  “You know who you remind me of sometimes, Bella?” The question came after Gabriel had been staring at her for several minutes.

  “Who?” Isabella asked, completely caught off guard. She couldn’t imagine who she might be likened to, but it certainly wasn’t the person he announced.

  “My mother.” The words were spoken with surety.

  Isabella waited for an explanation. He said nothing. Finally she blurted, “Well, I would love to know how I remind you of her.” She hoped this would turn into a compliment, since she happened to be more than a little concerned as to how she compared to a fifty year old woman.

  “Well, I know I don’t speak about my mother often. You know that my parents divorced when I was very young.” He paused, waiting for a reaction.

  Isabella nodded, but hoped the connection ran deeper than the divorce aspect also.

  “I don’t see her much either, but she is petite like you. She has these amazing eyes, similar to yours, but different just the same. You have this light in your eyes, this sparkle. I can always tell you have about a million things going on in your head. You are so alive, yet so timid.” He paused for a moment. He must have seen something in Isabella’s face. “I don’t know. Maybe that isn’t the right word. I get my languages confused.”

  “Yes, how many languages do you know again?” Isabella was teasing him now.

  “Four, but I want to learn Italian.” He took a sip of his drink. A slow song came on, one that they danced to on their unplanned date, “Hero.” The minute Enrique Iglesias whispered, “Let me be your hero,” women all over the bar started pulling men from their seats.

  “Come on.” Gabriel lured Isabella from her chair. She began to pause where everyone else stood huddled on the small dance floor in front of the 95TripleX D.J., but Gabriel continued to pull her out the door. “I want you alone, under the stars, dancing beside the water.” He swiftly led her down the deck stairs to the water’s edge, a beautiful, secluded location. Isabella stood next to him practically shaking. Gabriel must have noticed because he rubbed his hands up and down her arms for a moment. “Are you cold, Bella?” Again he found himself in unfamiliar territory. He truly cared for this woman already and worried over her comfort.

  Isabella numbly shook her head. She was nervous, maybe even scared. Here he was this perfectly nice, handsome man and she feared being alone with him, feared facing her feelings. He held one hand tightly against his chest, just as he did that first night. She could feel the rhythmic beating of his heart. It had such a soothing effect that Isabella forgot herself for a moment and struggled to resist the desire to rest her head upon his heart, in order to really hear it. Without thinking, she gave in to impulse and laid her head against his broad muscular chest. She felt his muscles twitch. And suddenly, Gabriel’s previously rhythmic heart gave a few erratic thumps. He isn’t as calm as he pretends to be, Isabella thought, smiling to herself. His hand moved slowly from her lower back to the back of her head, holding her tightly against his chest. Isabella closed her eyes, savoring the moment, wishing the song would never end.

  Naturally it did, yet Gabriel seemed reluctant to relinquish his grip on her. Slowly he pulled back, taking both of her hands in his. “So, do you want to go back or sit here and talk?”

  She pondered the question for but a moment before giving her response. “Neither,” Isabella replied, shaking her head. She had another idea.

  They paid their bill then they walked out to the end of one of the docks and sat dangling their feet over the water. Feeling the need to explain, Isabella turned her body to face Gabriel. “I just wanted you to myself for a little while. I want to talk. Is that okay?”

  In the background, the music could still be heard wafting over the water. The stars were twinkling in the sky above. The temperature happened to be perfect, just cool enough to be refreshing, but not so cool to require a jacket for another couple of hours.

  “Tell me about your family, Bella.” He used her name every chance he had, which made Isabella smile.

  “What do you want to know?” She didn’t want to share anything too intense, anything he might not be ready for.

  “Well, what was it like growing up? You haven’t told me anything about your parents or your siblings, or your ex-husband.”

  Isabella looked down frowning, and focused on tracing the lines in his palm with her right forefinger, while holding his hand with her left. “He’s not my ex yet, remember. I don’t know what to tell you. My sister, Angelica, and I have never been close, especially lately.” She smirked sadly as she remembered the last time she saw her si
ster. “I haven’t seen her since right after mid-terms. My mother and I used to be close. We used to be really happy, but then my parents split up. She changed. Or maybe I just noticed it more without my father there. Daddy and I were inseparable.” She paused for a moment and took a deep breath. Gabriel seemed to notice her becoming emotional and enclosed her entire hand within his fist. The gesture touched her, so that without thinking she crushed his fist to her chest, hugging it to her heart.

  At that he inhaled sharply. Isabella quickly released his hand. She wiggled nervously, suddenly self-conscious of her gesture, and prepared to apologize when Gabriel interrupted her.

  “No, Bella. I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to startle you. I just...,” his voice trailed off. He couldn’t seem to find the words he needed, so he simply pulled her toward his chest for a moment. Gabriel didn’t know how to explain that these simple uncalculated gestures moved him more than all the scheming sophisticated women he typically encountered. He leaned back to look her in the eyes, wondering at the emotion he saw there. It was time to change the subject.


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