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Second Chances

Page 55

by Nicole Andrews Moore

  “Well, I admit,” she confirmed nodding, “sometimes I see things that need fixing so I feel compelled to correct them. In those situations I simply give a little nudge. There’s no harm in that now, right?” Dr. Pam tilted her head, watching Isabella for a reaction, then she grasped Isabella’s hand in hers, “Well, maybe just one more thing?” She looked intensely into Isabella eyes. “Don’t ever stop dreaming. Just dream bigger now.”

  Her words were an electric current through Isabella’s entire being, who smiled dreamily, then nodded and walked toward her new husband. He was talking to Angelica, who couldn’t stop touching his arm. He looked uncomfortable, then spotted Isabella strolling toward them and sighed in relief, knowing she would remedy the situation for him somehow.

  “Angelica,” she feigned friendliness, “so good of you to join us, although you seem to have forgotten the central point of our Halloween conversation.” She paused as her eyes darted conspicuously to Angelica’s hand on Gabriel’s arm. Quickly, Angelica’s arm dropped. She looked nervous in a way Isabella had never been able to affect her before, yet still tried desperately to keep her cool.

  “I’m glad I finally have an opportunity to thank you, sister,” Isabella added. “If it weren’t for you...well, I’d still be miserable. As you can see,” she gestured around her, “I’ve never been happier. I can’t help but think I owe some of my good fortune to you. So thank you.” She pulled Gabriel towards her and he turned to give his wife a warm embrace and a tender kiss. Then they moved on to visit more guests when Isabella spotted Jessie walking purposefully towards them with Christopher at her side. He had been recording the event for posterity and had a pocket full of spent rolls to prove it.

  “I know how you feel about being photographed, Isabella, but how about just one for the annals?” She bit her lip nervously as though she feared her idea would be rejected.

  Isabella hesitated for a moment, then nodded happily. “Well, in that case, we must do this right,” Gabriel exclaimed. “Rebecca! Kyle! Come here, please!”

  Isabella’s eyes watered. This would be her first family portrait in every way imaginable. Jessie smiled as Christopher snapped a few shots. The kids scattered, and Isabella simply looked up at her husband and whispered, “Thank you.” He hugged her closer and kissed her forehead lovingly.

  Everyone who had meant anything to them had come to Italy. Ava stood near Mr. Charmant and often caught Isabella’s eye to smile or nod. Mr. Charmant had come over, given his congratulations, and wished them well. He seemed to be entirely over his previous disapproval of Isabella and even lavished attention on the children. Isabella’s mother had been standing apart from her all day, but at least she and Angelica had had each other to keep themselves company.

  Ben was concerned that Isabella’s family might not be enjoying themselves and offered to go over and speak with them. But once Isabella realized that he might be interested in Angelica, she warned against it. “Have Sebastian go speak with them,” Isabella suggested. “I think they would be much better matched.” She winked at Ben, who looked mildly disappointed as he moved on to speak with Sebastian.

  Gabriel and Isabella mingled with the guests as they danced, and dined on the terrace by Pauline Borghese, the hotel’s restaurant. Later, the group adjourned to the piano bar, La Pomme. All the while, the newlyweds exchanged obvious looks of love and thinly veiled ones of longing until all but two of the guests headed upstairs to their rooms and suites.

  Gabriel and Isabella stared intently at Sebastian and Ben. “Well,” Gabriel began slowly, hoping they would take the hint.

  Ben smiled and rose from his seat in the circular booth. He stared down at Sebastian, who was still seated and showing no signs of moving in the near future. So now he gave Sebastian a less than subtle nudge.

  Sebastian looked up lazily. “Oh, I know,” he said sardonically. “I thought they’d never leave!” He cast a wry smile toward the anxious couple.

  All three continued to stare at him. Gabriel began to shift angrily.

  “What?” Sebastian asked, slyly. “Am I keeping you from something?” He studied them for a moment, then let out a smug laugh. “Oh my God! Don’t tell me tonight is your first time?” He laughed again while rising from the booth. “Well, it’s my first time, too. I’ll be meeting Angelica in my room...” He glanced at his watch. “Oh, I’d say in about ten minutes.”

  He began to walk toward the elevator, but not before clapping Gabriel on the shoulders and making one more parting remark. “Enjoy! I know I will. Maybe we can compare sister notes later.” He winked over one shoulder and strode quickly from the room.

  Gabriel’s face reddened and his fists were clenched. “Don’t mind him,” Ben urged. “He only wants to ruin your night.”

  Isabella took his face in her hands, then pulled him toward her. They kissed tenderly, Isabella maintaining contact until she felt all the anger and hostility drain away. “There,” she said soothingly, as she stepped back.

  Smiling, Gabriel led her upstairs to The Royal Suite. As they exited the elevator, he quickly bent and prepared to carry her over the thresh hold. Isabella giggled. Upon entering the living room, he set her gently back on her feet. They walked into Rebecca and Kyle’s bedroom. The two were half asleep. They eagerly lavished more kisses on the children before they returned to the hall.

  Holding hands they made their way to the door of the master suite. Again, Gabriel carried her over the thresh hold. This time, however, he deposited her on the bed, which was now covered in rose petals. Candles were lit everywhere, on the dresser, on tall wrought iron holders around the room, on the night stands, every inch of space had been covered in rose petals and scented candles. A silver tray of chocolate covered strawberries had been positioned beside a bottle of chilled champagne.

  Gabriel walked over to her and handed her a medium sized champagne foil gift bag. “Open it,” he murmured into her cheek as he brushed his lips against her face.

  Isabella did as he suggested only to discover an exquisite ivory silk night gown with matching panties. She inhaled excitedly, then wrapped her arms around his neck. “Thank you. You spoil me.”

  “Get used to it,” he responded happily. “Why don’t you get ready for bed, while I pour the champagne?”

  She nodded and wandered dreamily into the bathroom, shutting the door on him for the first time in months. Tonight, she didn’t want him watching the process. Tonight, she wanted him overcome by the results. She undressed quickly, pulled her hair up in a messy bun, then hopped into the shower. She wanted to be fresh as a daisy for him. She removed all of her makeup, her old perfume, and any hint of the smoky piano bar from her body.

  Towel drying rapidly, she then moved on to moisturizing every nook and cranny. A hint of perfume was sprayed on her throat, the back of her neck, behind her knees, inside her elbows, and lastly her wrists. She brushed her teeth, moisturized her face, and applied a thin layer of gloss on her lips. She pulled the gown over her head, pondered the panties, but smiled as she decided to leave them in the bag.

  She glided over to the door, pulled it open and lingered there momentarily, searching the room for her husband, unsure of what to expect. She found the balcony doors open, the filmy curtains blowing in the gentle warm breeze. Gabriel had a champagne flute in his hand as he stared out over the city. He turned upon hearing her feet padding softly toward him. Isabella parted the curtains, and they were instantly face to face. She could feel her face growing pink. They had been together so many nights. Now, suddenly she felt shy around him.

  Reading her mind, Gabriel gently pulled her to his chest. “You look amazing, darling. I love you so much that I have to keep looking down at the ring to believe we are finally one,” he said quietly. She smiled up at him. “Please don’t be nervous, Bella. I saw it in your face. Tonight will be amazing no matter what. Just relax and let me know what you like. I simply want to please you.”

  Chills ran up and down her spine at his words. He pulled her hand
and led her toward the rattan love seat behind her. They collapsed onto it, Isabella giggling nervously. Gabriel wrapped an arm around her affectionately. Isabella snuggled in mildly surprised that he wasn’t leading her to the bed.

  “We still have all the time in the world, Bella,” he commented quietly. He lifted her chin so that they were looking each other directly in the eyes. “I’m in no hurry.” Then he kissed her tenderly on the lips. Her lips melted against his. And as he lazily broke their kiss, he grazed her cheek with his lips, trailing soft kisses to her temple.

  They spent a few moments in silence, Isabella pressed against his side while he stroked her shoulder, his cheek on her head, gazing at the moonlit sky when Gabriel said suddenly, “Remember our balcony in Aruba?”

  “Mmmm,” she responded. “We’ve spent some of our best times on balconies, haven’t we?” Isabella gave him a quick squeeze around the middle.

  “Yes, we have,” he sighed contentedly.

  “We’ve had memorable conversations at night....”

  “Jewelry in the morning,” he chimed in.

  Smiling, she continued. “A balcony in Brazil is where I first confessed my love.”

  He pulled her closer, kissing her head. “And on a balcony in Paris you agreed to marry me.” He studied their rings while holding her hand. “But that isn’t what I was thinking of when I mentioned Aruba.”

  “No?” Isabella asked quizzically. Without thinking, she propped her feet up on the edge of the table, and her gown slipped down her legs, exposing her toned thighs.

  A wide smile broke across his face. “This is what I was remembering,” he said quietly, running a hand down her outer thigh. She shivered unconsciously at his touch. “You were shivering then, too,” he murmured against her silky hair, still caressing her thigh. “That night you were wearing only a bathrobe over a camisole and panty set. You looked so sexy I very nearly lost control.” He laughed softly. “The next morning, I was so afraid then that I might have scared you away. I loved you even then, you know?”

  Isabella could scarcely concentrate as she sat there focused on his touch. Somehow she managed to whisper, “No, I had no idea.”

  He grew more daring now, running his hand down the back of her thigh, rounding over her buttock. All the while he prepared to encounter the silky panties that he gave her with the gown. His hand moved slowly, haltingly, until he had encircled her and found the bend in her hip.

  Isabella smiled, knowing what he searched for. In anticipation of his next move, she dropped her leg down. His hand traced down the crease, coming to rest in her warm, carefully waxed lap. He inhaled sharply. She shifted, turning slightly. Isabella prepared for his next move. Every fiber of her being expected him to lift her gently, lovingly, longingly, onto his lap. She wasn’t disappointed, for a moment later he had smoothly slid her onto him.

  Gabriel lifted her face to meet his lips, wearing a sultry smile. His kisses came slowly at first, with his hand carefully exploring unknown territory. Isabella tried to focus on the kiss, but with every movement of his hand she grew more distracted, until at last she wrenched her lips from his to throw her head back and gasp. She was either overly sensitive from having been chaste for so long, or more likely, Gabriel knew how to touch her.

  She wondered for a moment whether he had become at all affected by their foreplay. Laying her head upon his chest helped her uncover the answer to that question. Gabriel’s heart beat seemingly out of control. Feeling far less self-conscious than when she first walked through the balcony doors, Isabella smiled slightly as he continued to caress her. Yet before she could truly relax, she found herself being whisked back through the gauzy curtains to be gently deposited on the bed.

  Gabriel rested on his side, leaning over her, gently stroking her cheek and pushing stray hairs away from her face. He began with a soft kiss on her forehead, then the kisses trailed over to her lips, which had been ready and anxiously awaiting the arrival of his. She opened eagerly to allow his tongue access to hers. He teased and taunted, nibbling her lower lip. She emitted a soft moan. Now the kisses traveled down her neck to her shoulders. One side after another he kissed as he pushed her spaghetti straps off her shoulders. Isabella was treated to a few more moments of kissing down her neck and in between her heaving breasts before he found his target. Her nipples, already excruciatingly hard, nearly throbbed under the expert maneuvering of his tongue and fingers. Isabella could feel a tingle growing in the pit of her abdomen, and a vaguely familiar warmth.

  He stopped for a moment and looked at her. Her eyes opened expectantly. “Is something wrong?” She asked him anxiously.

  Now Gabriel moaned. “Oh, Bella, if you only knew what you do to me. I just have to...pace myself. It’s been a long time. You know?”

  Smiling, she reached for his face with both hands and pulled him upward to meet her lips. They kissed for a moment before she sat up and flung off her gown. He inhaled sharply at the sight of her naked body. “What? You’ve seen me naked before,” she chided him, biting her lip.

  “Oh, but I’ve never been able to fully enjoy it as I will now. Just knowing that there are no limits is invigorating.” He laid down upon her, caressing her, as she ran her hands over his back and buttocks. Much to her surprise, Gabriel shivered repeatedly at her touch.

  She smiled as she looked into his eyes and murmured quietly, “Now who’s shaking?”

  He blushed for a moment before pushing his pelvis into hers so that she could feel him, hard as steel, warm and throbbing with desire. The only thing separating them: one flimsy pair of silk boxers.

  Enjoying his excitement, Isabella rolled him onto his back. She kissed his ear lobes, feeling his response in the form of the fingers tightening on her back. She kissed and tickled with her tongue down his neck, pausing momentarily to give a gentle bite to the base of his throat. Down she continued until she reached his boxers. She straddled him, sat back and ran her fingers under the elastic waist band, watching his eyes shut and hearing his breathing accelerate. She hastily pulled off the boxers so that he, too, lay exposed. She hadn’t really studied him before, but at this moment, now that she had, she wondered if she was ready for him.

  Isabella lay on top of him for a moment, waiting for some reaction. There was none. It was as though Gabriel were waiting for her to make the next move. She reared up. His eyes opened. Positioning everything just so, she whispered lustily, “May I?”

  His mouth opened, but before he had an opportunity to say anything, he was plunged deep inside her. Neither one moved for a moment. He looked at her concerned. “What about...?” She saw him glance toward a pack of Trojans on the night stand.

  “You aren’t ready for more children?” He looked as though he didn’t know how to respond. “I mean, I don’t mind if you don’t.” She bit her lip hard while waiting for an answer.

  He shook his head and tears formed in his eyes. “I love you,” he whispered. Then he rolled her over and they rushed into each other, again and again. Isabella could feel the pressure building, the coiling tension, the sensation of balancing on the edge of an active volcano. She could feel Gabriel growing larger and impossibly hard. It aroused her more than anything to feel the power associated with being able to excite him. It had never been like this for her before. Suddenly, she could feel him erupt within her, her body pulsing wildly around him. They cried out in unison then collapsed, clinging together. He lingered but a moment within her.

  “I’m sorry,” he said quietly, obviously embarrassed. “It’s been a while. I promise it will be better next time.” He was blushing.

  The next time, less than an hour later, was better. And the third time, just before dawn was phenomenal. They watched the sunrise from the terrace, wrapped in a bed sheet that they shared. Then they scurried back to bed. They snacked on the strawberries, sipped the champagne, and fell mercifully to sleep. Their bodies lay so closely together that not even a ray of light could pass between them. For the next three days they exited the room f
or nothing but food and to give hugs and kisses to the children, who had been spending time enjoying the hotel pool and much of Rome with Maggie.

  When at last they emerged, ready to lavish their attentions on more of the world than just each other, it was to explore the countryside and select some souvenirs for their place.

  “I swear nothing else will fit,” Isabella warned Gabriel as they purchased another enormous stoneware pot. “I don’t know where we will put one more thing,” she added as he purchased yet another tapestry. “This is crazy,” she muttered while he arranged for the shipping of two paintings she made the mistake of mentioning she liked.

  “Let me worry about that, beautiful one,” Gabriel responded with a smile. “Didn’t I tell you we would have a magnificent art collection?”

  On the plane ride home, Isabella suddenly looked at Gabriel with alarm. “Where are we going to live? My word! We never talked about where we would live. I can’t live in Montreal during the week, Gabriel. It is too far a drive to the studio. Yet, the same is true for you.” Suddenly her mind raced, trying to find a compromise, a logical solution to her newly realized challenge.


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