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Second Chances

Page 71

by Nicole Andrews Moore

  Immediately he had this urge to beg her stay with him each night, but he knew without asking that she would never agree to do so. He had no choice. He would protect her. He drew his circle, called the keepers of his watch towers. He had taken inventory of what he had that might work. He had consulted his spell books. He had devised a plan.

  Within his circle, Brian charged a piece of rose quartz, a stone of love, with lavender oil and prayed to the goddess Hecate. “Charged with lavender this stone will be, a symbol of my love for thee, and safe always will you be with the help of Hecate.” He raised the stone he had coated in lavender oil above his head. “Hecate to you I pray, keep Sarah safe both night and day. With assistance from the goddess see, as I wish so mote it be.” He finished his spell work, stepped from the circle and with the aid of wire and a length of silk cord, he fashioned the stone into a necklace.

  For a second he contemplated telling Sarah the intricate charm work involved in this trifle, with the intention that she would never take it off. He knew, however, that she believed herself capable. And while she was in so many ways, she was also in need of his love and protection. Better that he should just request she wear it always, not even removing it to bathe. She would do that for him.

  And so he wove the cord through his fingers and held the stone against his heart. To finish his plan, he tossed the coffee down the sink. He blended some soothing chamomile into a tea. A person could never be too protected, he told himself. And once he had poured her a travel mug, he felt better.

  Sarah exited the bathroom feeling much better. She had done some serious thinking. Brian meant well, he just wasn’t used to having a girlfriend. She giggled when she thought about that term. Girlfriend. She hadn’t been a girlfriend in forever. She had been a wife and a mother, now a professor, but she had imagined her days as a girlfriend long passed.

  As soon as she dressed, she walked into the kitchen, only to find him sitting sheepishly at the counter. “Here,” he said passing her the mug. “I made you some chamomile tea. It should help you relax today. We didn’t have the best start, huh?”

  She moved toward him, smiling. “Thank you.” She gave him a quick kiss on the cheek.

  “I have something else for you,” he added, opening his hand. The long necklace dangled from his fingers. It sparkled as it caught the morning light.

  “Wow,” Sarah said enthusiastically. “It’s beautiful.”

  Brian looped it over her neck and released it. It dangled down and dipped precariously in between her breasts. He leaned in and kissed her neck. “Please,” he said gently, “wear it always, even in the shower.”

  She turned and wrapped her arms around his neck. She felt safe and warm. He had such an amazing impact on her moods. “Always,” she whispered into his chest.

  He wrapped his arms around her tiny waist, and sighed into her hair.

  For some reason, Evan felt compelled to stay away from Dr. White’s office this day. He imagined it was because he was running late or due to the searing headache he was battling. Whatever the reason, he gave her space. He had much to accomplish in the next week. It didn’t matter that he didn’t see her just this one day.

  Sarah lay in bed that night wondering what Brian might be up to. They had spoken on the phone late in the afternoon. He had wondered if she had any special plans over the weekend. And she had admitted that, regrettably, no, she had no plans. She would, of course, tend her gardens and play with Chloe. She might read, and she would definitely practice some magic, but nothing more concrete.

  “So, you’ll be home most of the time then?” He asked with interest.

  With a heart full of disappointment, she nodded. Sarah had hoped that he might try to invite her out or plan an outing with Chloe, but that didn’t seem to be the case. She was slightly annoyed and a little saddened by the outcome of their discussion. She was about to roll over once more and close her eyes, when she heard him in her head.

  Sarah, he whispered.

  She looked around the room. He had never made contact from so far away before. She couldn’t imagine it was possible. She was right. There was a gauzy, scantily clad version of Brian wafting toward her. She lay back on the pillows fascinated. You’re here. She breathed. You did it.

  He smiled and reached out to her, but it was like being touched by warm air. He had no substance. Let me hold you until you fall asleep, he murmured in her mind.

  She nodded and felt the warm air envelop her body. As usual, she wore only panties to bed. And though she couldn’t feel him truly touch her, the warmth was all over her. She heard him moan. She rolled to face him. She closed her eyes and let him roam all over her. And as she slept a smile grew on her peaceful face.

  When he woke up at dawn in his Escalade with a stiff neck, Evan was startled. He had more than a shadow of growth covering his face. His hair was disheveled. What would his father say if he could see him now? He was now a common stalker. Ah, but the ends justified the means. He would have his prize yet. He wasn’t a creep; he was just doing his homework. He had to know her routines. He had to know her friends, who came and went when.

  That ex-husband of hers might be a problem. He didn’t seem to have a set schedule. He sometimes arrived after midnight and stayed the night, or he came home, changed and left again. That could be a challenge. He would have to somehow work around that. And while he brooded over that new dimension to his already complex plan, he drove back to his apartment to shower and change for the day.

  “How do you get to me?” Sarah asked the next day when he stopped by with breakfast for them to enjoy in their courtyard.

  Misunderstanding the question, he said, “Well, I hope with gestures like this.” He passed her a bagel and more chamomile tea.

  She grinned. “No, I mean last night.” She looked at him, completely serious.

  “Oh, that.” He sighed, struggling to explain. “I guess my heart knows where it wants to go. I just imagine your room as I project. Or, if you weren’t here, for example, I could focus on you, forging a connection with you. That would work as well.”

  Sarah thought on what he had said in silence for a few minutes. When she looked up at him her eyes were sparkling with interest. “When do I get to try?”

  He mimicked Pat Morita in The Karate Kid. “First learn balance.”

  “Fine,” she said. She rested her head upon his shoulder and focused on relaxing.

  Brian interrupted her reverie. “So, did you talk to Josh about Thursday?”

  “Ugh.” She shook her head vigorously. “Soon. Maybe even tonight.”

  Sarah sat swaying gently on the porch, studying the clear blue sky while Chloe played in the sandbox. A passing vehicle caught her attention for the briefest of moments as her daughter begged her to look at the ant village she had designed. The sun glinted off the black SUV, but it couldn’t hold her attention from Chloe. The cordless phone rang from the vacant space beside her where she had carelessly dropped it earlier.

  “Are you okay?” Brian queried. He had been grading some final projects when he had the intense urge to call and check on her.

  “Yes,” she responded curiously. “Is that what you called to ask?” She sat down on the grass next to Chloe and looked around cautiously.

  “Not entirely,” Brian lied. “I was hoping I could talk you into coming over for a cookout tonight.” He focused intently on her, urging her to agree. He wanted her close where he knew she was safe.

  “Do you have ulterior motives?” She asked suspiciously. She wanted to be playful, but felt there was more going on than was apparent.

  “Naturally. You’d be disappointed if I didn’t.” He inhaled deeply and exhaled slowly to soothe his heart rate before beginning again. He didn’t want her to feel his alarm. “I just want my two favorite women to join me for dinner.”

  “Hmm.” Sarah sounded unconvinced.

  “And I thought I might persuade them to spend the night.” He could tell she was considering the offer. “I’ll go with yo
u to drop Chloe off in the morning.” She was gradually caving in. “I’ll even throw in Ben and Jerry’s tonight...” Now for the clincher. “...and Starbuck’s in the morning.”

  “Ohhh,” she began agitatedly, realizing she was beaten. “You know all of my weaknesses.” She smiled and sighed. “What should I bring?”

  Snatching Chloe up from the grass, the two raced to the house to pack. Brian was on his way over. He insisted on picking them up so they could shop for dinner together. They had their bags prepared and were waiting on the porch with big giddy smiles when he pulled up the drive. For that moment, Brian didn’t have to imagine what it would be like to come home to a family every night. And in that moment he was filled with joy and wonder.

  They had finished all of their errands, Sarah thought, when Brian pulled up beside the kitchen entrance at Le Cafe. She glared at him for a moment before speaking. “What are we doing here?” She asked quietly.

  “Go ask him,” Brian said softly, giving her a gentle nudge toward the door.

  “Now?” The word was both a question and an exclamation.

  He nodded. “It’s a public place. He works here and therefore won’t want to cause a scene. Besides, he’ll want to look good for Tessa. The timing is perfect.”

  Sarah tilted her head to the side in disbelief. Of all the times she had envisioned speaking to Josh and all the places she had thought the conversation might take place, the restaurant had been the furthest from her mind. She was about to shake her head emphatically when Brian’s voice filled her.

  Don’t you want to stay with me? Can’t you imagine sharing a hotel with me in Montreal? We could have the most amazing time if you would just ask him...

  “Ugh,” Sarah grumbled. She stepped out of the car, shot him an irritated look that he met with a smile, and marched to the screen door. The kitchen staff looked up in surprise as she let herself in. “Josh?” She asked no one in particular. Several hands pointed toward the dining room door.

  Josh and Tessa were in the middle of a passionate embrace when Sarah cleared her throat. The two sprang apart at the noise. And Tessa, recognizing the source of the interruption, skulked back to the kitchen. Weeks before Sarah would have been hurt by what she had just witnessed, but it was amazing how her perspective had changed under the assurance of Brian’s love and attention. “Could we speak for a moment, Josh?” She asked politely, still the picture of perfect calm.

  He seemed to remember their last encounter at the restaurant and looked around as though he expected to be drenched with some foreign liquid. Sarah smirked as she waved both hands to prove she was unarmed. Josh blushed slightly.

  “So, what brings you here?” He asked as he glanced out the window. A scowl filled his face. “Or should I ask, who?”

  Sarah ignored his barb and tried to focus instead on the purpose of her visit. “I need your help with something.” She took a breath. Asking Josh for favors was not among her favorite pastimes. Then she reminded herself that he was supposed to be Chloe’s other parent and pulled herself together. Standing more erect than before, she began, “I have a school trip on Thursday.” His face darkened, but still she pressed on. “It’s an overnight.” He uttered a sound of disgust. “Chloe will be with my mother during the day, but since it is your night off, I would like you to watch her at the house then drop her off to my mother again in the morning.”

  Sarah waited for his response. His eyes narrowed as he spoke to her. “So you want me to baby-sit?” He spat the words at her.

  The hairs on her neck bristled. “No, Josh. I want you to take care of your child. You can’t baby-sit your own child. You can, however, act as a parent for one lousy stinking night.” His eyes opened wide. “Or is that too much to ask?” She leaned in as she challenged him to respond.

  “Fine,” he said with about as much enthusiasm as a person might have scheduling a root canal.

  And with a bit of satisfaction, Sarah turned on her heels and strode back to the car. She knew that Brian had been party to the entire exchange. She could feel him with her there in the restaurant. Happy? She asked him.

  Ecstatic. He responded as she plopped down in the car beside him. He reached out to her then, grasped her hand in his, and concentrated on sending her soothing emotions. Her blissful sigh indicated his success. Feeling happier himself, he turned the car back on to the road, headed toward his mill.

  Despite having only three days of classes before heading out on their excursion, the days seemed to drag on endlessly. To make time pass more quickly, Sarah strived to fill each waking minute with some meaningful task. The evening before she was to leave, she dropped Chloe off at Brian’s place.

  “To what do I owe this surprise?” He asked, wrapping his arms around her as she waltzed through the door.

  “I need a favor,” she began with a giggle.

  He raised his eyebrows. “Really?”

  She nodded and grinned. “I’ll make it worth your while.” She punctuated her promise with a warm kiss on his lips.

  He pulled her closer. “Well in that case, anything for you, my love.”

  In response to his term of endearment, flames licked at Sarah‘s womb and her heart raced. It took her a moment to collect herself enough to continue their conversation. “Will you entertain Chloe while I shop?” She watched his face for a reaction. He still held her close, but said nothing. I’ll be shopping at Vicki’s, so after tomorrow we won’t have any more secrets. She was taunting him now.

  “Promise,” he moaned into her ear.

  With all my heart, she responded.

  He gave her a quick kiss on the tip of her nose then she bounded back out the door.

  For a moment he wondered what he had done. As much as he wanted to see her strutting around the hotel tomorrow night in sexy lingerie, his urge to protect her should be stronger. He berated himself for thinking with his manhood when he should have been listening to his heart and head. All day he had felt the darkness closing. He knew it was only a matter of time, yet he still felt incapable of protecting her from this unseen force that seemed to be lurking everywhere at once. Brian knew that he would be distracted until she came home to him.

  Ummm. It felt great just to think those words. Sooner or later, he would make a home with Sarah. They would be a real family.

  Almost on cue, Chloe exited the bathroom wearing her pajamas. “Mom said you’d tuck me in,” she said, carrying a book.

  Brian smiled warmly at her. “So I guess you’re staying over tonight?” He reached out and took the book from her outstretched hands.

  “Yup. Mom said you’d like that. I asked if we could and she said it’d be okay.” She cocked her head to the side, unsure of how to read Brian’s face. “Is it okay?”

  He hugged Chloe close for a moment. “It’s always okay. You are both always welcome here.” He stood up and carried the dainty little girl into his office. He set her down just inside the doorway. “Well, what do you think? I wanted to surprise your mother.”

  Chloe squealed. “Ohhh, Brian! Is this for me?” She glanced around the room that had once been a masculine office. A new computer cabinet held all of his equipment and could be closed off so that it resembled an armoire. But Chloe was fixated on the canopy bed covered in gauzy pastels and a fairy bedspread.

  “Well, I’d feel pretty silly sleeping in it,” he replied, pleased with her reaction.

  Chloe rushed over and pulled back the covers to reveal crisp lavender sheets. She eagerly climbed in and pulled the covers up to her chin. “Thank you,” she whispered as she sank into the pillows.

  “You’re welcome, princess,” he murmured, kissing her forehead. “I knew you’d rather sleep here than the living room.”

  “Oh, yes,” she sighed, rolling over and closing her eyes.

  Brian closed the door as he left the room. Well, one critic was pleased. He just had to work on his biggest opponent. He worried how Sarah might respond. He feared she would pull back, scared of moving too quickly. Brian fel
t as though he had been waiting his entire life for this. He only knew one direction to move in their relationship, and he was urging her forward as fast as he could.

  Jamie smiled as Sarah plopped back down in the car. “He doesn’t say much, does he?” She mused. “And yet at the same time, it was as though you two said so much with so few words.”

  Sarah laughed as she rested her head against the seat. “Yes, we do communicate very well.”

  Feeling the need to change the subject, Jamie asked, “So, do you have any idea what you are looking for?”


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