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Thug Lovin'

Page 23

by Wahida Clark

  “Daddy, we can’t leave Mommy,” Aisha said to Marvin. “C’mon, Mommy.” Aisha was talking and looking back at Kyra. Lo was carrying her to the other vehicle. “We can’t leave my mommy, Uncle Lo.”


  Bed-Stuy, New York City

  Kaylin, Trae, Bo and Omar were in Bo’s basement. Trae had come to fill them in on all of the drama that was going on with him.

  Trae paced back and forth as he told them about his STD, how Tasha had left him, his club had been shut down, he had lost millions, and now after he had been convinced that he was out of the game Kaylin had the nerve to be telling him the dons were not at all pleased with his continuing his business with the Li family. Trae couldn’t understand why the dons were all in his business when they were supposed to be out. So, stressing was an understatement for what was going on with him.

  Omar said, “We owe the fuckin’ mob for the rest of our lives. I’ve come to that conclusion, and I’ve accepted it. I’ll be glad when y’all do the same. There is no such thing as out with these muthafuckas. They want you to think there is but it’s not.”

  “Are you through?” Kaylin snapped. Kaylin looked around at everybody. He focused on Trae. He was worried about him but even more worried about his brother Kyron. His gut was telling him that Kyron was trying to make major moves and of course Kaylin didn’t want him to get sucked in, like himself and everyone in the room.

  “Kyron, I honestly don’t understand how I allowed you to talk me into this.”

  “Into what?”

  He and Tasha were on their way to Kyron’s to unload bags after another day of shopping for the apartment, food shopping, clothes shopping and errand running. “Into chauffeuring you around and decorating your apartment. I am worn out. Between you and Angel asking me to babysit, I don’t have any time for myself. This time here was actually supposed to be for me to chill.”

  “Don’t even try it, shorty. We took care of all the major stuff.”


  “Yes, we.”

  “Oh, I see that you got jokes, Kyron. Ha, ha. I quit.”

  “How are you going to quit in the middle of our agreement? You’re getting ready to have two days off. I’m going out of town tonight. When I get back, I’ll take the test for my license and your work for me will be done.”


  “So nothing, shorty. You can’t quit.”

  “Kyron, you are working me to death. I am supposed to be on my vacation until I get my boys and a place to stay.”

  “C’mon, shorty. You’re just going to leave me hanging like this?”

  “Yeah, unless you do me a favor.”

  “A favor? I’m already paying you.”

  “I know, but another one.”

  Kyron started laughing. “What, you want me to start working for you?”

  “No, I want you to meet my sister, Trina.”

  “Your sister?”

  “Yeah.” Since Tasha was driving she pressed the button on her Bluetooth and hit the send button on the phone for Trina. On the third ring a dude answered.

  “Who dis?”

  “Tasha. Can I speak to Trina?”

  “Tasha who?”

  “Tasha her sister. Who is this?” Tasha asked even though she already knew that he was Fatts, an overweight hustler whom her sister was with because of his money being very long.

  “This is Fatts,” he announced, as if he were the president or somebody.

  Tasha heard mumbling and then Trina saying, “Give me my phone. Tasha?”

  “Trina, why is that fat-ass nigga screening your calls?”

  “Girl, why haven’t you been answering your phone? Where are you?”

  “I’m up here. Why is he screening your calls?”

  “Fuck him. I got his fat ass in check. But why are you up here?”

  “Because I left Trae. I’m filing for divorce.”

  Trina started laughing. “Yeah right, Tasha. So, how long are you going to be in New York? Why are you just calling me? I want to see you. We gots to hang out.” Trina was excited.

  “I have somebody I want you to hook up with. It’s time for you to drop that fat-ass zero.”

  “Who, Tasha?” Trina rolled her eyes. She had heard this one before.

  “His name is Kyron.”

  “Where do you know him from?”

  “C’mon, Trina. This is me. You’ve been begging me to hook you up for years and now that I finally got you, you’re going to insult me by questioning my judgment?”

  “Bitch, who do you think you are?” Then Trina thought about it and said, “Shit. Hold on, let me go to the other room.” She peeked back at Fatts and began to whisper. “You finally hooking me up with one of Trae and ’ems crew? I don’t even have to ask but I know his dough is long and he is fine. But tell me anyway, what do he look like?”

  “He looks like Kaylin.”


  “It’s his brother. If you saw Kaylin, you see Kyron.”

  “Oh, my God,” Trina squealed. Tasha tried not to laugh. “I’ma give him your number.”

  Tasha’s phone beeped. When she looked at the caller ID it was Angel. “I gotta go. Trina, I’ll talk to you later.”

  “No, wait.”

  “Angel is calling me. I’ll call you right back.” She hung up on Trina.

  “Where are you?” Angel asked.

  “On my way to the house. Why? I hope you don’t need me to babysit again tonight? I am beat, Angel.”

  “Where have you been, Tasha?”

  Tasha and Kyron felt it was best not to tell anyone that she was driving him around and decorating his apartment. Kyron hadn’t even told Kaylin that he had an apartment.

  “Trying to get myself situated. There aren’t enough hours in the day.” She rolled her eyes at Kyron, who only winked at her as he talked on his phone.

  “No, I don’t need a sitter tonight. It doesn’t look like you’re going to be available nohow.”

  “Why is that?” Tasha wanted to know.

  “Trae just came by and got the house key from Kaylin. He’s going to be waiting for you. When you get there, he is going to pack your shit and drag your ass back to Cali.”

  “What?” Tasha asked in disbelief.

  “Yeah, you heard me right.”

  “What is he doing up here?”

  “Bitch, are you having a blond moment? What the fuck did you just hear me say? He’s come to take your ass back home.”

  “Shit.” Tasha slapped the steering wheel, causing Kyron to look at her as if she had lost her mind. “Think. Tasha. Think,” she mumbled to herself.

  “Just figured I’d let you know,” Angel stated matter-of-factly. “Call me later, okay? Love you but I gotta go.”

  “Wait! How long ago did he leave?”

  “He just left. I say, to be on the safe side, you got about twenty-five minutes tops to get there, get a few things, and get out. You’re going to Trina’s?”

  “Twenty-five minutes? You sure?”

  “Give or take a minute or two. He looks pissed and discussing your options with him will not be an option.” She giggled.

  Tasha floored the gas pedal and ended her call with Angel.

  “Yo, shorty, slow down. This ain’t Grand Theft Auto. I would like to live to see the tender age of thirty-one,” Kyron joked but meant it.

  “I’m going out of town with you tonight.”

  “No you’re not.”

  “I have to, Kyron. I don’t have anywhere else to go. You owe me this little one.”

  “This is business, Tasha. I’m not going for pleasure.”

  “Bullshit, Kyron. I know that you have a bitch up there. I can stay at a hotel right by the airport,” Tasha pleaded. “I won’t be in the way. Just get me as far away from New York as possible.”

  “Spend the night at the apartment.”

  “Hellooo,” Tasha sang. “Kyron, there has been no furniture delivery, and the paint fumes will kill me. Kyro
n, please. I haven’t asked you for anything. This is life or death.” She screeched to a halt in Kaylin’s driveway. She looked at her watch. “We have about eighteen minutes to get in, pack and get out. Trae is on his way to take me back to California,” she said jumping out of the car.

  “Shorty!” Kyron yelled out after her.

  “What should I pack, Kyron? I’m going with you.” She was practically running away from him.

  “Tasha, I got some business to take care of.” He hurried to catch up with her.

  “Is it dangerous?” She was fumbling with the front door lock.

  “Could be.”

  “Are you selling dope?”

  “That’s none of your business.”

  “Well, Kyron, I’m going. You owe me. So, what should I pack?”

  “If you’re going to go, you can’t ask any questions, and you have to follow my lead and do exactly as I say.”

  “What do I pack?” Tasha was already on her way up the stairs.

  “Something sexy in case I need you to play the part.”

  Kyron sat down on the couch as Tasha ran around like a madwoman. His thoughts went to his brother Kaylin. He was sure Kaylin would have his ass if he knew that he was considering accepting the dons’ offer. He couldn’t believe that Kaylin had suggested to the dons that his cousin Kendra could take his spot, the top spot that was supposed to be his. But suggesting a woman? Kaylin picked up from the dons that that was an insult. This game of being a don is a job for a man. A woman’s place was by her man’s side, not in front of him. But he understood his brother Kaylin’s desperation to want out for himself. But who was Kaylin to decide if Kyron wanted in?

  But instead of suggesting Kendra he should have kept his mouth shut or suggested me. Kendra is gangsta but not gangsta enough. Shit, she can roll with the toughest niggas, pretty and all.

  Hell, they all dreamed of getting out of the game but there was no such thing. The game was like slavery. There were only two ways out, death or prison. Nine times out of ten, if you got caught trying to escape or get out, the penalty was death.

  Now here he was behind Kaylin’s back going to take care of something for the dons. He knew it was a test and he planned on passing with flying colors. This was no doubt the big time.

  Tasha was high off of her own adrenaline. She didn’t know what she was getting herself into but her goal was to get away from Trae and that was accomplished. This was her first time back to Chi-town and she was with three members of the Santos clan, Kyron, Kendra and Kendrick. They had checked in to two suites at the Hotel W: she and Kendra in one, Kyron and Kendrick in the other. It dawned on her that everybody in Kaylin’s family had a name that started with the letter K. Last night she’d had the suite all to herself. When they got to the hotel, they all camped out in her room and Kaylin jumped on the phone for almost an hour, showered, got suited up and was out. Right afterwards Kendra and Kendrick took off. They were gone until four the next morning. They came in, showered, changed clothes and were out again. After that, she didn’t hear from Kyron for almost twenty-four hours. The twins took turns calling in and checking on her. Kendra and Kendrick Santos were twin cousins of Kaylin’s. They were a couple of years younger and from what she recalled, just like Kaylin and Trae, they had come up in the game. They obviously were close to Kyron because ever since he had been home the three of them had been running thick as thieves.

  However, Tasha wasn’t complaining. She was enjoying her quiet time alone in the suite. The only negative was that it was so dark. The hallways, elevators, lobby, everywhere was very dim. She kept her cell phone turned off except for when she called to check on the kids.

  Since the two suites were connected she did do some snooping around. There was a briefcase full of neatly stacked cash. Kyron had left her about five grand on her nightstand. Just when she was thinking about going shopping, Kyron came through the door carrying another briefcase.

  “Pack it up, shorty. We outta here in the next hour.”

  “Hello to you too,” Tasha said to him as he whizzed by her, went into his room and shut the door.

  * * *

  “You have reached Rick and Rachel Bryant. I won’t be back until the twenty-ninth. As I sit on the beach drinking margaritas, feel free to leave a message after the beep.”

  Trae hung up. No word from Rick, Marvin or Kyra. Seemed to him that since Tasha had left, everybody had left.

  He and Stephon had been back and forth with the lawyers and court trying to get the club reopened. Trae was feeling as if Charli had something to do with it. He didn’t have proof but his gut instinct wouldn’t let it rest, especially since she had been ducking him out. As far as he was concerned she still owed him money. Even though she had reiterated to him there were investments that lost money and some that made money. He did lose his money and she didn’t owe him anything. He felt that if he went to that office or saw her on the street, he would kill her on the spot. For a minute, she had been blowing up his phone trying to get him to meet her at Marvin’s condo. Then she had just seemed to give up.

  Now it was almost midnight and he was sitting on the couch in his bedroom in the dark. The phone ringing startled him.

  “Yeah,” Trae answered.

  “Nigga, what’s up?” It was Marvin.

  “You tell me. Y’all went AWOL and shit. Talk to me. Where y’all at?”

  “I’m trying to get shit together, that’s all.”

  “Yeah, well where y’all at? It’s like a ghost town around here. I went by y’all’s house and the mail is stacking up. I’ve been going by and picking it up. The boys and Marva are asking about Aisha. What did you do with Kyra? She been quiet as hell. I know she can’t be that mad at me.”

  “Kyra chillin’. We’ll probably be back in a week or two. Just trying to work shit out. I’ll have Aisha call the boys in the morning,” Marvin lied.

  “Y’all will be back in a week or two? Where y’all at? Damn, nigga. I done asked you three times.”

  “We in Florida. You know my shit is fucked up. We going to counseling and everything. I’ll get it together.”

  “I hope so, nigga.”

  “Is Tasha back yet?” Marvin asked him.

  “Naw, man. She ain’t back yet. Has she been talking to Kyra?” Trae was hoping she had.

  “Yeah, they’ve been talking. That ain’t never gonna change. What’s up with the club?” Marvin wanted to steer the conversation away from Kyra.

  “Still working on it. I’ll keep you posted, man. Handle your marriage and dead that nasty habit. I’ll handle the club.”

  “I’m working hard on everything. What’s up with Rick?” Marvin smirked.

  “Ain’t heard from him. I think him and his wife went on vacation.”

  “Word?” Marvin laughed. “That’s what’s up. Stay up, nigga.”

  “Peace.” Trae hung up and Marvin snorted some more dope.


  Shorty, you down to go to Great Adventure? I’m free, I’m paid, shit, I’m feelin’ like a kid again,” Kyron beamed.

  “Sorry to be the one to burst your bubble, Kyron, but Great Adventure is closed,” Tasha told him.

  “Is it? You sure?” He wasn’t trying to hear that.

  “Kyron, its November.”

  “Shit, what about Disney World? Someplace warm gotta have something open.”

  Tasha smiled. “Are you serious?” Then she frowned. “Just me and you? That’s not gonna be much fun.”

  “Aww, man, what you tryna say? Being around me is that bad? I tell you what, I can call the twins. Call your sister.”

  They were standing in the middle of Kyron’s living room. Tasha had slept over; Kyron had spent the night over at Kaylin’s since they had business to handle. Tasha and Kyron had an agreement that Kyron’s place was a secret and so were her whereabouts. It worked out for Kyron because he didn’t want anyone to know where he rested, not yet.

  Two and a half hours later they had picked up Trina an
d Kendrick, since Kendra couldn’t make it, and now they were seated in one of Game Over’s private jets. They were all amped because, other than Tasha, no one had been to Disney World before.

  The private plane had a wet bar, conference room, living room and full bath. The girls were giving themselves the grand tour as the fellas rolled the weed and fixed the drinks.

  “Are you ready to meet Kyron or what?” Tasha grilled her sister. Both girls had on jeans, baby tees and sneakers, and were ready to bask in the warm California sunshine. “Didn’t I tell you he was fine?”

  “Yes and hell yes. But, Sis, let me do me. You made the introduction, now let me take it from here,” Trina told her.

  “Bitch, please.” Tasha waved her off. “Kyron, can you come here? My sister wants to talk to you,” she yelled.

  “Tasha!” Trina was tempted to snatch her sister by her hair.

  Kyron stood, towering over Tasha. “What’s up, shorty?” He and Kendrick were also dressed in jeans, sneaks and T-shirts.

  “My sister. I want y’all to get acquainted. So go and talk to her.” Tasha walked away, leaving him standing there, watching her sashay away.

  “Kyron, you might as well come on and get this over with. Mrs. Matchmaker is not going to let this go,” Trina told him.

  “I see. But check it. You fine as hell and no disrespect, but I’m diggin’ shorty. And Kendrick, well, he would like to get to know you.”

  Trina’s mouth was hanging open.

  Tasha was now seated in front of Kendrick, who had a wide grin on his face. He asked her, “You want some of this?” He held out the blunt for her to take. She took it from him and took a couple of pulls before handing it back. “That’s all you want?”

  “Want? That’s all I need. Ever since I had Caliph, I haven’t been able to indulge the way I used to.”

  “Caliph.” Kendrick mulled over the name. “Shaheem and Kareem. What that nigga Trae know about twins? I think he’s been hanging around the Santos clan too long.” Kendrick laughed. All of the Santos family was brown-skinned with curly hair and light eyes.

  “Obviously he knows something. Because I sure had them and was scared to death with Caliph and prayed that another set of twins was not going to happen again.”


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