Book Read Free

The Island

Page 8

by Michael Bray

  “Of course. I think I’m the only one who does.” He flicked his eyes towards The Island, which was looming closer. “Once we’re in there, it’s going to be a war of attrition. Survival. Physical attributes is only the start of it. A lot of the battle is going to happen up here.” He tapped his temple with a bony finger.

  Chase nodded; part mesmerised and a little bit scared. He hadn’t considered the psychological aspects of what was about to happen, and felt completely unprepared.

  “Well then,” Alex said, shoving his hands into his pockets. “I suppose we better take a look and see how the land lies.”

  He walked away towards the side of the boat, shoulders hunched as he leaned over the side with the others who were staring at The Island.


  Camera crews were on the dock filming them as they approached. The boat pulled in, the contestants paying no attention now to the television cameras or even each other. All they could do was stare at was the two-hundred-foot concrete and steel wall which loomed high above them. Beyond the dock was a short road and a series of port-a-cabins surrounded by thick vegetation. The contestants climbed off the boat and stared at the structure, craning their necks to see the top. Rain sat on the edge of the air, threatening to turn into a downpour at any time. The dock extended towards The Island, then down to a pebble beach, before ascending again. Beside it, an access ramp let to The Island proper. The wall was dirty and covered in moss. Other than a recessed section which contained a half dozen access doors, it was completely featureless. No windows. No texture. It was reminiscent of a dam wall, although instead of water housed something much more deadly. They stood on the dock, letting the cameras film their reactions, letting them savour the shock.

  A sign, white and red was attached to the dock, one of many which were identical to it. It read:


  NO NOISE from this point forward.

  A man approached. He was dressed in grey combat pants with black patches on the knees, and a black jumper, the sleeves rolled up to the elbows. Dark hair, sharp blue eyes. He walked down the dock, coming to a halt in front of them.

  “Welcome to The Island,” he said. He offered no introduction. Gave no name. He simply looked at them. “The waivers you signed prior to agreeing to take part on the show start from the moment you set foot through the gate there.” He jammed his thumb over his shoulder to the small steel access door. “Your temporary HWLF licences will also be active the moment you step foot through the gates. For those of you who don’t know, weren’t listening, or thought this was some kind of a joke, HWLF stands for Hunting with Lethal Force licence. That means that anything you do when on The Island is not punishable by law, and I do mean anything. Inside the confines of The Island, anything goes. The only objective is survival.”

  The man stared at them each in turn, eyes cold. “Make no mistake; you will encounter things on The Island. Things that will want to kill you. Remember your basic survival lessons; remember your reasons for being in here. As a courtesy, the first mile beyond the wall is a designated safe zone, that’s why we are able to converse beside these warning signs demanding silence. You will encounter nothing that will harm you until you reach the edge of the safe zone. This is clearly marked. After this point, you are in control of your own destiny. If any of you are thinking about backing out or changing your mind, the time for that is long gone. The six of you will enter The Island, and you will do it now. If you would make your way down the dock to the recessed area of the wall, you will receive your final camera checks then you will go inside. Good luck to you all, and to the eventual winner, I will see you on the other side. Remember, the exit is two hundred miles away as the crow flies. Depending on your pace and how determined you are you could reach there in just a matter of a few days. If you take one piece of advice with you, make it this. Do whatever it takes to win. Remember your motivations. Remember why you are doing this.” He looked at them again, making sure his words had hit home, then nodded. “Alright, now if you would make your way to the wall, we can begin the game.”

  He stepped aside, and waited. For a few seconds, everyone stood where they were, then Ryder started to walk down the dock. A little of the swagger had gone from his step, but he was still the most confident. One by one they all followed. Moses, Perrie, Ellie, Chase, and as always, Alex bringing up the rear. Hands still thrust in his pockets, head down as he stared at the dock. They went down the dock, crunched across the gravel beach, then up the ramp on the opposite side. The wind still threatened to bring rain, but so far it had held off. The recess was around ten feet deep, an angled depression cut out of the main wall. They gathered near an access door, one which was no bigger than a door which would be in any home anywhere in the world, except the ones at home tend not to be made from titanium and carry a warning on the front. Like the signs on the dock, it was printed in black on white with a thick red border.



  As far as signs went, it was short and got straight to the point, telling the reader exactly what could happen to anyone who chose to ignore such a warning. The cameras rolled, catching their reactions. Their unnamed guide saw them staring at the door and interjected, the words he said next doing nothing to reassure them.

  “I suppose you were expecting something grander, maybe a giant gate like in the King Kong movies?”

  “Actually, I was,” Ryder said, grinning and winking at Perrie. Their guide didn’t see the funny side.

  “Well, unlike the movies, we keep the doors small for a reason. We don’t want anything in there to be able to get out. Think of it as insurance.”


  Chase had been waiting for it, to see the first crack in Ryder’s armour. The grin faltered, and a moment of panic replaced it.

  If he had been less afraid himself, he might have enjoyed it. As it was, he was struggling to retain a calm exterior. New York seemed like such a long way away, more so now that just a single door separated him from what could well be the end of his life. He looked at the other contestants. Some he had painted a half decent picture of, some he was no closer to knowing anything but a name. One thing was for sure. Soon enough, there would be no hiding their true intentions. Soon, the bullshit would stop.

  A red beacon above the door started to flash. There was no accompanying sound. Their guide accessed a panel by the door beneath a black and yellow striped cover and punched in a number. The door opened, and instead of seeing lush greens of The Island, it was a narrow dark corridor, at the end of which was another door. Low wattage lighting ran across the roof of the tunnel.

  “Alright,” the guide said to them as the cameramen started to pack up their equipment and load it onto the boat, apparently having got the footage they needed and wanting to get as far away from The Island as possible. “Proceed to the end of the corridor and wait by the door there. It’s automatic. As soon as this one is secured and locked, that one will open. As soon as you reach the other side, it’s game on.”

  Now nobody was in a hurry to move on. Nervous glances were shot between competitors. Once again, it was Ryder who made the first move. He walked into the dark tunnel, footfalls echoing as he made his way deeper. Chase followed, the drop in temperature making his sweaty skin cold. He wasn’t sure who was behind him. All he could see was the back of Ryder’s head as they walked single file. He wondered where Alex was. He presumed he was at the back, hands thrust in pockets, head down and bobbing like a chicken as he walked. Chase realised he didn’t like not being able to see him. They stopped, Ryder closest to the door, Chase just behind. He looked over his shoulder, expecting to see one of the girls, and surprised to see Alex. He was looking at the floor, shoulders hunched, hands in pockets, heart thundering, adrenaline making him agitated. Chase waited as the door behind them closed and locked, blocking out the civilised world, and the door ahead of them opened, spilling in the bright light of the hostile world which awaited them.





  MARCH 8th 2044

  The production office was dominated by a vast array of television screens which stretched the entire length of one wall. Banks of production staff stay at consoles, each responsible for maintaining the live feed on The Island. Unofficially dubbed as mission control, it was a hive of activity. Biggest of all and surrounded by the smaller monitors was a larger screen showing a map of The Island, the digital representation penned in green on a black, six small yellow dots which represented the contestants flashed by the edge of the north wall entrance. Lomar approached Maurice, standing at his shoulder, knowing how intimidating his presence was.

  “You’ve done well, Maurice. Really well. Everything looks good.”

  “Thank you, Mr. Lomar,” Maurice said, not looking up from his console.

  “And you have full coverage? Just like I asked?”

  Maurice glanced Lomar’s way, and then turned his head back towards the dizzying array of controls in front of him. “Yes, sir. We have over three hundred thousand static cameras set up all through The Island, as well as roaming drone cameras which are able to go wherever we guide them. Each contestant is also wired for video and audio as well as vital sign monitoring. The static cameras are in hibernation now which is why all of the screens are blank. They are set to activate when they detect a signal from the GPS trackers so that they conserve battery power.”

  Lomar put a hand on Maurice’s shoulder, squidgy flesh underneath his shirt moving slightly to accommodate. Maurice flinched. “You’ve done a fantastic job. Really, all of you should be proud.” He made sure to say it loud enough for the rest of the production team to hear it. He wanted morale to be high.

  “Thank you, sir. That means a lot.”

  “Can I trust you to do this, Maurice? I have urgent business as you know. I’m giving you a lot of responsibility here. You know how much is on the line here. This is a chance to prove yourself, Maurice. Run the production; make the show a success in my absence. I believe in you, Maurice. I know you can do this.”

  Lomar knew he sounded sincere, even if he could smell the fear coming of Maurice. Mingled with the slightly musty body odour smell, it wasn’t pleasant. Even so, the words had the desired effect. Maurice straightened in his seat, renewing his attention.

  “Yes, Mr. Lomar. You can count on me.”

  “I know it. I have to fly out this evening back to Necker. You have my personal number; I want you to call me if you have any issues. Any at all. Understood?”

  “Yes, Mr. Lomar.”

  “Good,” Lomar said as he looked at the array of screens on the wall, then at the large map of The Island. Yellow dots still blinking near the entrance. “Activate the GPS locators on our island residents. Let’s see what they’re up against.”

  Maurice glanced over his shoulder. Still a little uncertain. Lomar thought Maurice was probably still fighting with the moral implications of what was happening. He didn’t care. He had already invested too much. He watched as Maurice’s fat fingers danced over the computer console, showing surprising dexterity.

  “GPS locators are coming on line now, sir,” Maurice said.

  Lomar stared at the screen showing the outline of the map as the six yellow dots were joined by red. Lots of red. Some stationary, many moving. Red dots all over The Island. Lomar smiled. Six yellow dots and more than two hundred red. He liked those odds.

  “All GPS trackers are online, Mr. Lomar,” Maurice said.

  Everybody in the production office stared at the screens, which had come to life now that the trackers had been active. He watched the reactions as they saw the things they revealed, things that until that moment had been a secret to all but Lomar and Maurice. He could imagine the public reacting in much the same way. How his contestants would react was another matter entirely. He couldn’t wait to find out.

  “Is the feed directed to my private jet?”

  “Yes, Mr. Lomar. And to Necker Island as instructed.”

  “Good. I don’t want to miss this. Call me when they reach the end of the safe zone. I really have to go. Good luck, Maurice. You and your team will be rewarded well for the work you do over these next days.”

  The next words he said loudly, addressing the stunned production team. “All of you will receive a hundred thousand dollar bonus on completion of the show as long as what you see remains secret. I want the public to discover the secrets of The Island at the same time as our contestants. As you all know, public excitement on this is high. Bets are being taken, favourites chosen. We collectively have captured their imagination. Now we need to deliver the best programming we can in the most professional way possible.”

  Nobody argued. Lomar had selected the best people. People he could trust. The financial incentive was just extra insurance, and something he could easily afford. Pocket change really. He took a last look at the map, imagining scenarios and how they would play out.

  “Right, I have to go,” Lomar said, tearing his eyes from the screen. “Give me regular updates. The first highlight show airs in a couple of hours. Make sure the editing is right. High production values. I want this to be the best it can be.”

  He could feel it now. The excitement in the air, the anticipation and determination to succeed. They were excited and ready to do what needed to be done. He left them to it, letting them work. As he made his way towards his office to get his travel bag, he knew now that the only thing that could let him down was the contestants, and he was sure that wouldn’t be a factor. Fear was a good motivator too, and he was sure the six of them were already feeling it plenty.


  THE ISLAND – 4:44pm

  The heat was stifling. Chase suspected it was because the immense walls blocked out much of the breeze, which in turn made the atmosphere so humid. The group had stayed together, wordlessly walking in a line. The safe zone was marked by a dirt road which snaked into the distance. Immense trees and jungle terrain stretched ahead of them. In the distance they could see tree covered hills. All of them became aware that the journey ahead was going to be a difficult one. Mosquitoes buzzed around, harassing the new arrivals. Birds sang, the surrounding jungle held back by wire fences set back on the edge of the road. It seemed that this area had been deliberately formed into a natural corridor of sorts leading them further inland. At least there, away from the walls, they might feel a little bit of breeze.

  Nobody had said a word since the door to civilisation had closed behind them. Chase found it funny that the showboating and bravado didn’t mean anything when the reality of the game took over. Chase glanced over his shoulder, the wall already starting to be swallowed from view by the overhanging trees. All of the contestants were dealing with the situation in their own way, but so far there was no panic. No overreaction. Chase thought of it as the opening moments of a boxing match or an MMA fight. They were all just feeling out the competition, testing the waters to see how to best move forward. He was sure that after the safe zone, things would take a very different turn. He assessed each of them in turn. Ryder was casual, thumbs hooked into the straps of his backpack, baseball cap pulled low as he assessed the terrain, keeping his eyes forward. Perrie stood beside him, keeping pace. The two had formed something of a bond over the last few days, probably physical more than anything else. He couldn’t imagine any kind of intelligent conversation between them. Moses was walking close to the fence, looking at the fauna. He seemed calm and relaxed. He had tried a bandana over his head to catch the sweat which was already making his skin slick. Ellie was a little bit behind him. Silent as always, fiercely determined and wearing her earphones. Chase wasn’t sure how wise it was to listen to music and mute one of the most important senses, but that was on her. As always, lagging behind, was Alex, hands in pockets, head down and walking with that bob of his head. For reasons he didn’t understand, Chase was drawn to him. It was a slimy, uncomfort
able feeling not unlike the sweat that ran down his spine. He was already tired and wondered if the others felt the same.

  “First thing we need to do is find water,” Ryder said. “That’s essential.”

  Perrie took out a lip gloss and started to apply it. “I hope I look good on TV. My friends will be so jealous.”

  Chase couldn’t believe what he was hearing. It was either a deliberate ploy to throw them off, or she was grossly out of her depth.

  “You know what this is, don’t you?” Moses asked.

  “Of course I do. It’s television show.” She said it as if he had asked the most ridiculous question in the world. Chase realised that she wasn’t playing a game. She literally had no clue.

  “But you surely understand what we are here to do? The rules we’re playing by.”

  She turned and grinned at him, a worry-free gesture.

  She shouldn’t be here. The thought came into Chase’s mind again as he watched the exchange between her and Moses unfold.

  “It’s just for show,” she said, falling back a little to keep pace with Moses. “My daddy works in TV. He says a lot of it is all for show. What happens off camera is nothing like the stuff they show. It’s all edited together. This is a game.”

  “A game where five of us will end up dead,” Moses fired back. “Surely you’re not so naïve that you don’t realise that?”

  She smiled, although it wasn’t quite so big a gesture this time. “But they won’t actually have us die. That’s all part of the show. For ratings.”

  Moses glanced at Chase. Even Ryder was paying attention now. “Did you even read the contract they gave you?” Moses asked.

  “Not really. I’ve wanted to be on TV all my life. When I got picked for this, I was so excited. My friend Chelsea was so jealous.”


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