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Wolf Warrior 03 A Viking's Vow

Page 8

by Rae Monet

  Sable didn't doubt his word. She heard the noise, the swish of the bolt. She tried to skid sideways but tripped. She could feel herself falling. The arrow struck her as she went down, and she cried out.

  She landed on her back, her breath caught in her throat. The burning sensation of an arrow sliding effortlessly into her chest was incredibly painful. Her hand to her breast, she gasped and growled at the same time.

  For a moment, she lay stunned. She tried to sit up, only to drop back down. She had been injured many times in battle, but she had never known this feeling. She was floating, as if her body was outside herself looking down. She saw herself lying helplessly on the floor of the longhouse. Axe was standing over her, smiling. Then he yelled something at her. He threw his hands up in the air and turned to leave.

  Sable gushed out a breath and whooshed back into herself, feeling sensation return with a blinding pain. Gritting her teeth, she turned her head to the side. She needed to see what was happening.

  Axe was yelling at his man and motioning toward her. His man shrugged. Axe struck him so hard he fell. He turned and screamed to all his men. Glancing at her, he shook his head and gave her a disgusted expression. Then he pivoted and left, motioning for his men to follow.

  Guess if he couldn't have her, he decided it wasn't worth a war with Eirik. Sable sighed. Thank the gods she had saved the women and children.

  * * * *

  Eirik screamed, when he rounded the hill and saw Axe's men marching from the main longhouse. He was going to kill Axe.

  He didn't hesitate, just kept running “Axe!"

  Axe stopped and looked up. He yelled at his men as Eirik came bearing down on him. With a battle cry, Eirik's men rushed the invading group. Leading his men, Eirik galloped straight at Axe, stampeding him, his sword drawn.

  Metal clashed against metal, sparks flew and Axe went down. Eirik stomped his foot on top of Axe's chest and held his sword to his neck.

  "I could kill you now.” Eirik let his sword touch Axe's jugular vein, nicking it. Blood seeped out.

  "Fight.” Eirik lifted his foot and stepped back. He wanted to kill Axe in a fair fight, the Viking way, not lying on the ground. “Let's finish this.” He dropped his shield and pulled his other sword from behind his back. Axe charged him. As fast as a bolt of lightning, Eirik feigned right, twirled, and brought his sword into Axe's back. Axe screamed and jumped aside, taking a slice in his ribs. Panting, Axe brought his sword back up.

  "Are you ready to die?” Eirik taunted Axe.

  Growling, Axe charged. Eirik sidestepped and saw the opportunity opened wide. He sliced into Axe's left side. He knew immediately he had wielded the deathblow. He felt no satisfaction, only disgust that Axe had driven him to kill.

  "Ughhh.” Axe dropped his sword and clutched his side. He fell to his knees as blood began to bubble out of his mouth.

  His death would be quicker than Eirik's father's. How unfortunate.

  Axe slid to his side, then finally tumbled to the ground. His breath rasped out of his chest.

  "Now you know how my father felt.” Eirik spat on Axe as he took his final breath.

  He turned away. Axe's remaining men had been either killed or had surrendered. Eirik glanced around, attempting to find the families and, most of all, his woman.

  "Eirik.” His sister's shriek from outside his house had him turning in terror. Something had happened to either his mother or Sable.

  He ran toward Ericka. She stepped aside so he could enter the house.

  He skidded to a stop when he entered the door and found Sable lying prone, not moving. Her chest was rising, but her breath was labored. A sense of deja vu soaked into his consciousness.

  Not Sable. No.

  "Oh Gods."

  His mother was holding Sable's hand and crying. Eirik rushed forward and fell to his knees next to his mother.

  "What happened?” He started to peel back Sable's leather shirt. Weeping silently, his mother helped. Eirik gasped at the cut in her left breast, right above her heart.

  "Axe struck her with a cross-bow. I was able to remove most of the bolt. It was armor piercing.” She pointed to the broken wood beside Sable.

  "There is too much bleeding.” Eirik heard the thickness of his own voice, not even sounding like him.

  "Her leg is also injured,” Anika said, grabbing a cloth and handing it to Eirik.

  Looking at the torn hem of her dress, he saw that his mother had ripped her own clothing to use for bandages. He began packing the bleeding wound on Sable's breast.

  "Bind her leg,” he said.

  His mother switched around to work on her leg. Some of the other women began tearing their clothing, making more bandages. Ever since their healer had died, they had been hard pressed to deal with the injured. Eirik knew the basics, born from treating too many comrades after battle, but something like this ... He was lost.

  Resolutely, he packed the cloth against the wound, then wrapped another bandage around her shoulder to bind it. There was blood everywhere. Eirik glanced at his hands and saw they were covered in Sable's blood. He had vowed this would never happen. What the hell had happened?

  I can't lose her as well as my father.

  She stirred under his touch. Hope made his breath hitch. He pushed back the hair that had fallen in her eyes. She flickered opened those brown beauties. A tear formed and fell down the side of her face. He gently wiped it away. That one tear brought forth his own. He tried to blink them back, but it was no use. He felt them spill down his face. She groaned, tried to move, and arched in pain, letting out a small scream.

  "Stay down,dýrr , you've been injured.” Eirik pressed a hand to her uninjured shoulder.

  She blinked, more tears sliding down the side of her face. He leaned forward and kissed her softly on the lips.

  "I love you,” he whispered, the wetness of his tears mixing with hers.

  "Eirik, love you ... I..."

  Her eyes flickered closed, her lips compressed as if holding back a wave of pain.

  He stroked her face and inhaled. His stomach clenched. Her pain was also his.

  She grew still.

  Eirik felt his own heart stop.No! Don't go! He picked up her hand and raised it to his lips. “Stay with me,dýrr .” He placed a hand on her cheek, stroking it softly. Her skin was cold, just as his father had been before he passed.

  "Eirik, so cold..."

  He glanced at his mother. “Should I move her?"

  "Yes.” She snapped at the women around them, who hurriedly made up a bed in the corner.

  "I'll warm you,” Eirik murmured to Sable. He bent and lifted her in his arms, trying not to jar her. Her head fell back, her hair sweeping down his body. He remembered carrying her like this before, after the battle in the Scottish forest, when he had first met her. He must have loved her immediately, from the first moment he laid his hands on her.If she didn't hold on ... His mind blanked. He was terrified to contemplate a life without Sable.

  He kissed her forehead and slowly lowered her onto the bed. His mother stood next to him. He was terrified, his hand shaking as he smoothed the blanket over her body.

  "What must we do? Shall we cauterize the wound?” He heard the pleading in his voice, and knew he was speaking to the gods as well as his mother.

  "I know not, Eirik.” She ran a hand over Sable's forehead. “Since the healer passed on, no one is skilled here on these matters.” She sat down on the bed next to Sable.

  Sable stirred under his mother's hand. Her eyes fluttered open and met Eirik's worried gaze.

  "Eirik,” she whispered.

  "Save your energy.” He stroked her face with his thumb, then reached down and twined her hand into his. He could feel her weak pulse and it sent chills through his spine. Sucking in a breath, he tried to calm himself. It would do no good for her to see him panic.

  "Take me home."

  Her request stunned him. She couldn't travel in her condition. If she had any chance of recovery, the two-day v
oyage might take that away and kill her.

  His eyes shifted to his mother's. Her worry mirrored his.

  "I'm not asking, Viking,” Sable commanded, then moaned.

  "Sable.” he said, his voice soothing, as he would use with Ericka when she wanted to do something dangerous.

  "I'm telling you,” she whispered, “take me home.” Her tone changed from demanding to pleading. “Please, take me home.” Another tear slid from her eye and pooled on her cheek.

  He wiped it away with the pad of his thumb. “You might not survive that journey in your current condition.” He knew his words were blunt, but he wanted to be honest.

  "I know.” She sighed. “Just take me home."

  Eirik's heart clenched in fear. He tried to compose himself, tried to be reasonable. Under his hand, her skin was so cold. His woman. Whom he had come to know—to love. So strong, so passionate, it broke his heart to see her crying. She was asking him to take her home, asking him to do something that might be the death of her. Yet he couldn't deny her request. Gods, it wasn't fair this was happening to her. If he could kill Axe again, he would.

  "What will I do..."

  He stopped and tried to control himself. Looking up at the rough ceiling, he told himself to find peace. He tried, but could feel the tears gathering again in the back of his eyelids. He told himself not to show his emotions to her, but failed. Looking down, he felt a lone tear drip down his cheek.

  "How will I live if anything happens to you,dýrr ?” He reached up and brushed the tear from his cheek as if it were an annoying fly.

  Watching him, her eyes widened. She squeezed his hand, the movement so slight he barely felt it.

  "How?” he demanded.

  "Eirik, I cannot survive here. There is no healer. If I can make it home, I might have a chance.” Her lips trembled, more tears slipped down the side of her face. Eirik kept mopping them up, mingling the wetness of their combined tears on his hands.

  "Please,” she swallowed, “take me home."

  Resigned, he nodded. She had won. He could not deny her.

  He leaned forward and caressed her lips with his. Her breath was ragged. If he could sustain her with his own air right now, he would. If he could, he would give his own life in exchange for hers. He loved her like no other.

  "I love you,” he whispered in her ear. “Rest."

  She nodded and drifted off.

  Eirik rose and stood for a moment, watching Sable sleep, a pinched look on her face, so beautiful and so pale. His mouth clenched, he turned. He'd made a vow to Sable, and now he had to keep it.

  It seemed as if the entire village had assembled behind them. Their faces were clouded with sympathy, as if they realized what he was feeling. This was his family, and Sable had become part of the family in the last four weeks.

  He gestured to them to follow him to the other end of the longhouse so their voices wouldn't disturb Sable. His mother stayed by Sable's bedside, and he nodded his thanks.

  When they reached the other end, he turned toward the men, women and children. They waited patiently, their expressions trusting. Taking a deep breath, he made the most difficult decision of his life. He nodded at Bjorn and Leif.

  "Prepare the village for departure. We leave as soon as we are packed. You will lead the ships. One will drop Sable and me in Scotland, then sail on to Norway."

  He turned to his people and saw hope creeping into their weary faces.

  "We are returning to our homeland,” he yelled. He punched his hand in the air. “Are you with me?"

  Without hesitation, everyone cheered, wives hugged husbands, children jumped up and down. Eirik nodded. This journey was a long time coming.

  He looked at the other end of the longhouse to see if their cheers had disturbed Sable, but she lay still. Too still. His heart hitching, he conferred with Leif. “Prepare immediately, I leave within the hour. You are the Jarl of this settlement now, Leif."

  Leif appeared stunned speechless. After a moment, he sputtered, “Eirik, what are you about?"

  Eirik pivoted toward Sable before he answered. It was time to sacrifice his leadership.

  "I will stay with her. I know not if I will return to Norway.” His gaze beseeched Leif. “I need you to take me to Scotland, then join the remaining group in Norway.” He nodded at Bjorn and raised his arm for a warrior's salute.

  "You, Bjorn, will lead the settlement to Norway. Leif will follow after taking Sable and I to Scotland."

  "Eirik, how will you make your way to us?"

  He shook his head. “I don't know if I will."

  Bjorn began to protest.

  "Are you questioning your Jarl?"

  Bjorn fell silent and looked at Leif.

  "Never, Jarl, you know I will do whatever you ask of me."

  Eirik hated talking to him this way. Bjorn and Leif were his most trusted friends and warriors. They had fought and almost died together many times over. His expression softened.

  "My place is with Sable now. I have made a Viking's vow. Please take care of my people for me.” He clasped arms with Bjorn, a respectful salute from one warrior to another, their hands wrapped around each other's forearms. With his other arm, he did the same with Leif.

  "I trust you both. I must do this."

  Leif nodded and dropped his gaze. Eirik thought he saw tears in his friend's eyes.

  "A Viking's vow must never be broken,” Bjorn said. “We will make you proud."

  Eirik smiled and released their arms. “I know.” He turned toward Leif. “Quickly let's prepare."

  Leif nodded his acknowledgement and strode away, Bjorn following. Eirik felt a hand on his shoulder and small arms going clutching his leg. His mother and sister hugged him.

  "You have made the right decision, my son."

  "Eirik, I will miss you.” Ericka's cry was almost his undoing.

  Crouching down, he held back his sorrow as he hugged her small body.

  "Be brave, little sister.” He clutched her head into his chest. “I will see you again one day. Remember, the word Viking means to go a traveling.” He smiled into her tear-filled eyes. “We will see each other again.” He kissed her cheek and released her.

  "Mother, will you help me prepare Sable for travel?"

  "Of course.” She began giving orders and the women hustled. Eirik realized he'd learned as much about being a leader from his mother as his father. Whatever it would take to make Sable comfortable during the journey, his mother would see it done.

  He glanced around the longhouse, running his hand along the wooden post. He had helped build this house, crafting it from the land alongside his father. They had traded for the wood in Norway and the tapestries and rugs in Scandinavia. He shook his head when he thought about the struggles the settlement had been through since they had come to Iceland.

  But the land wanted them gone. It was clear to him now. The land gave them life and was now taking it back. The volcano, the ice, and now sickness.

  "We will go, my beautiful Iceland. You can be at peace.” Sighing, he patted the wood. Then he prepared to leave the only home he had known.

  Chapter Thirteen

  They took the streamlined longboat instead of theKnorr . The longboat was used in days past to raid and pillage. The fast moving vessel could sail in and out of tight places, helping to create the Vikings’ feared reputations.

  But today it was being used for a much deeper purpose; to grant a dying Wolf Warrior her final request.

  With the luck of the gods and the wind at their back, they traveled for almost two full days. Much to Eirik's surprise and relief, Sable held her own.

  He tucked the blanket around her yet again, checking to ensure she was fully covered. She was sleeping, albeit restlessly. Stirring, she moaned his name. He leaned down and kissed her cheek, then rested his cheek next to hers.

  "All is well, rest peacefully."

  She rubbed her cheek against his whiskered face. He frowned, feeling the heat she gave off, as if a fire smold
ered inside her. Her fever had begun late the first night and it terrified him. Her skin was clammy and blotched red. She was burning up.

  "How much farther?” she asked.

  "Nearly there. You are doing well.” He added the words he'd said a thousand times in the last two days. “Stay with me."

  She nodded and shifted. A moan followed. “So cold.” She sighed against his ear.

  He leaned back and tugged off his leather cape, then added it on top of the wool ones already on her. He hugged her to him.

  "You will fight, Sable,” he commanded. “I have vowed to protect you. You will fight for your life. You are a Wolf Warrior of the highest order."

  She nodded, sucked in a shaky breath. “I will fight for you, Eirik.” Nodding, she drifted back to sleep.

  Thank the gods, he thought as he wrapped his arms tighter around her.

  * * * *

  The rising sun painted the east horizon in glorious pinks and reds when Leif set Eirik and Sable down on the coast of Scotland. Because of Eirik's sense of urgency he decided to carry Sable rather than drag her on a litter. His decision was as much for his sake as hers. She weighed nothing to him, and he needed to be close to her.

  He nodded to Leif as his men pushed the boat back into the ocean.

  "Take care, my friend,” Leif shouted as he hopped over the shields into the boat. “I hope this will not be our last meeting."

  "As I do also, my friend. Take care of my people.” Eirik was torn when Leif settled in the boat and grabbed an oar. Saving Sable was the right thing to do, but he couldn't guarantee Sable's people would not kill him for returning—as they had vowed to do.

  The Solarian had already warned him—return and die.

  With that danger in store, Eirik couldn't risk the lives of any more of his men. He needed to return her by himself. He had vowed to protect Sable and he was going to honor his vow. Turning, he faced the land. Now it was just a matter of retracing his steps.

  * * * *

  Eirik heard the lingering howl as he reached the edge of the forest. He recognized the noise and named the wolf that emitted it.Midnight. He stopped walking and shifted Sable. She had been floating in and out of consciousness for the past three hours. Her fever was reaching deadly degrees. She mumbled incoherently, frequently calling for her wolf and for him. He needed to cool her off quickly.


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