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Love Interrupted

Page 1

by Eva Andrews

  Love Interrupted

  Eva Andrews

  Chapter 1


  “Where the fuck is that man?” I mumbled to myself as I eyed the front door of JC’s Voodoo Lounge.

  Checking my phone for the tenth time, I tossed it on the table and rolled my eyes as I shrugged off his serious lack of time management skills. Grabbing my drink, I downed it.

  Jesus, it was humid here. Giving my hair a once over with my hand, I knew my curls were out of control. Smoothing out my wayward locks, I looked across the crowded bar and realized how different my new city was from Chicago.

  Yes, New Orleans was one of my favorite places in the world, I just never imagined living here. Yet here I was, trading in the bitter cold winters for the thick humidity. The French Quarter, was officially my new home, and I had never been happier.

  I had literally been offered the job yesterday, and I did the most un-Shayne thing in the world and accepted it on the spot. I mean, there were no interviews, no resumes, nothing. The offer came out of the blue, and it was one of those rare unicorn jobs everyone in my field hopes for.

  I would have been insane to not jump at the chance. I had nothing holding me back, so I took it- and I hadn’t stopped smiling since.

  My life had changed in a matter of hours, and I had never been so excited to shed my old life and move forward.

  Chicago held nothing for me anymore but an ex-fiancé and my whore ex-best friend/maid of honor. I had caught the two fucking on my bed, months before my wedding. That shit was in my rear-view mirror nowadays, but it made my exodus from Chicago a lot easier. I didn’t have kids, or a husband tying me down.

  Smiling at my waitress as she delivered me a fresh cranberry and vodka, I could see why Justin picked this place for us to meet at. It was a place I could imagine him playing a piano in, dark and bluesy with a mysterious vibe, like him. I would bet anything that this was his favorite live jazz bar, hands down.

  Thinking of my tardy friend, I figured my very handsome Justin would be a little late, but he was pushing an hour now. The man was always known for showing up at least twenty minutes late to everything, but this was new.

  When I called him this afternoon and told him I was coming into town, he was super excited and promised he had tonight free. He was my best friend after all, but I didn’t expect him to drop everything for me...but keeping me waiting an hour was starting to worry me.

  The tall and unfairly handsome, Justin Carmichael was a true Big Easy heartthrob. He was charismatic, a true gentleman, and had a sense of humor a mile wide. He was also my first gay friend, and the most loyal and loving person I had ever met. I met him my freshman year of college, and life had never been the same since- in the best way. He was the friend I never had growing up, like a second big brother, but more boisterous.

  Tapping my foot to the beat of the music, I took in the good and exhaled the bad. Smiling at the people on the dancefloor, I admired the band as they brought the house down. I had always preferred a live band to a DJ, and this band was remarkable.

  Hearing the telltale slurp of my empty drink, I looked back to the restrooms and weighed my options. That was the shitty thing about traveling alone, or being single- no one was there to save your table when you needed to use the facilities.

  Standing up, my bladder overruled my desire to keep the table, I had been here long enough I needed to break the seal. I knew Juddie would get here eventually, I just didn’t think I was going to be able to wait it out.

  Fuck it.

  I’d just go stand closer to the stage or bar…after I take the longest pee ever.

  Heading to the bathrooms I bopped to the music as I daydreamed about walking to Café du Monde on my way home tonight. It had been years since I had one of their beignets, and I had been craving them like mad all day.

  Thankful there wasn’t a long line for the ladies’ restroom, it didn’t take me long to get in and do my business. Now fixing my disastrous hair- that shit took way longer. Standing in front of the large antique mirror in the ladies’ restroom, I wrestled with my thick hair.

  Louisiana, you humid bitch.

  Obviously, the humidity and my hair were going to fight. My long wavy hair was now a disaster of a mess. After wrestling with my hair, I tamed it as best as I could without any product. Brushing off the mascara crumbles under my eyes, I reached in my purse and plucked out my favorite lipstick and reapplied. I might look like a hot mess, but my lips could at least look decent.

  Grinning into the mirror, I shrugged.

  Fuck it. This is the best I was going to look right now.

  Lifting my tits, I blew a kiss to myself in the mirror and skipped out of the bathroom to the beat of the band slaying My Girl. Singing along as loud as I could, I did a wide spin at the oooooh part, and let the music take over.

  It felt amazing to be in NOLA, and I felt free for the first time in years.

  I had taken a giant leap and moved away from everything, and everyone I knew. I was ready to start living again, which meant I was stopping for beignets on my way home tonight. I didn’t give a shit about how much weight I was about to gain, New Orleans was totally worth it.

  Three quarters of the way through my spin, I crashed into something so fucking hard it took the wind right out of me. Grabbing what I could so I didn’t fall on my ass, I face planted into a stranger’s chest and fell back.

  Groaning in embarrassment, I had royally taken some poor dude out. Well, not out…he was still standing upright while I clutched onto him. One of his arms was wrapped protectively around my waist to steady me.

  Well shit.

  It appeared I had taken myself out, compliments of his extremely hard body.

  God, he was tall, and holy shit, he was strong.

  “I am so…” my words failed me as I looked up. The dark club made it hard to make out his face, but it was clear he was a god. The severe angle of his chin, his sexy smell and rippling muscles underneath my fingertips made my heart jump. The quality, cut and fit of his clothes screamed money.

  “You smell good,” the words fell out of my mouth in a whisper, one I hoped he hadn’t heard, shaking my head, “I mean…I’m sorry! Are you okay?” I had sputtered like a complete idiot. Touching him had sent a jolt of lust through me, making my brain misfire.

  Thankfully, he took mercy on me and chuckled as he stood me back on my feet gently.

  Keeping my eyes down, I groaned as I noticed the large mess I made of his shirt. My twirl-and-crash routine had knocked his drink all over his expensive tailored business shirt. His entire abdomen was now soaked. With no undershirt, it stuck right against his insanely sculpted abs, teasing me with a glimpse of his dark happy trail that disappeared into his pants.

  Parched, and nervous, I did what any awkward nerd would do- I grabbed a pile of cocktail napkins and attempted to dry his torso off. Feeling his eyes on me, I tried to ignore him as I tried to salvage his designer shirt.

  “I’m so sorry, here, let me soak this up.” I blabbered, trying to be helpful.

  Refusing to look up, I kept apologizing as I tried to blot out the expensive liquor I spilled down the front of him. The bar patrons buzzed around us as the music continued onto the next song, thankfully my poor victim stood still as I cleaned him up. Not that I even asked before doing so.

  I swear I could feel his muscles flex as I stepped closer, with just napkins and his soaked shirt between us, I could feel everything. After a moment, I realized he was silently chuckling at me.

  Jesus Shayne, any minute now his wife or girlfriend/boyfriend could walk up and knock you out for putting your hands all over his insanely ripped abs. What the fuck are you doing?

  That thought alone made me refuse to meet his eyes, and i
nstead I looked down at his feet. I couldn’t help but groan when I saw his expensive leather shoes were soaked as well. Without even thinking, I grabbed a fresh pile of napkins and bent down, wiping them off as I muttered apologies I knew he couldn’t hear.

  “Darlin’, there is no need to do that.”

  Hearing his deep sexy voice, I looked up to see him watching me with amusement. Something about his voice nagged at the back of my mind. Kneeling before him in the darkened bar, the electricity between us multiplied as I caught sight of his gorgeous grin. Fuck, this man made my body come alive, his mischievous smile mad my pussy tighten instantly. He sounded like hot sex, rolled in sin and dipped in a vat of pheromones.

  My jaw about dropped when he held out his hand, he silently offered to help me stand up.

  Holy fuck.

  Reaching out, I slowly slipped my hand into his and came back to my full height, which immediately reminded me of the mess I made of his shirt. This man was tall, even with my wedges, I didn’t even make it to his shoulder.

  There was familiarity about him that made me feel like I should know him, maybe it was the dark lighting, maybe it was the buzz I had. Hell, I hadn’t had sex in months, so I was sure my sexual frustration had to play some part in it. Right? I mean, I had just been kneeling in front of him seconds ago, and hand my hands all over his rock hard body- that had to be it.

  I hadn’t even got a glimpse of his full face, and there was no way a stranger could feel that familiar to me. Plus, who the hell would I know anyone here besides Jud? Especially a man built like this?

  I was used to scholars and men, not so physical- this man was built like a warrior, but clothed like a CEO, or maybe even the devil’s right-hand man. A fallen angel, ah, yes- my very Gabriel.

  Tossing the old napkins in the rubbish, I grabbed new ones and tried to soak up some of the wetness again, “I’m so sorry, sometimes I just get captured in a song and forget what the fuck I’m doing. Please, let me buy you a new drink.”

  Still holding my hand, he leaned down and whispered, “No need to buy me a new drink, Shayne. I’ve survived worse darlin’.” He teased as the band kept playing behind us.

  My name? How the fuck did he know my name?

  Looking at him while he was close, I stumbled back.

  That voice! No, it couldn’t be him…oh shit.

  In an instant, he moved us into a section of the bar with slightly more lighting, bringing his gorgeous face into focus. Looking into those deep blue eyes, it felt like time had stopped.

  As my brain and words failed me, I heard another, very familiar voice behind me, “Holy Hell! Shayne Marie Montgomery…aren’t you a sight for gay eyes! Honey child, what are you doing to my brother’s poor shirt?”

  Spinning around with a wad of wet napkins in my hand, I saw a face I recognized instantly and screamed out in excitement. He was finally here!


  Then it fully hit me.

  Justin’s entire family lived in New Orleans, it was a fact I had clearly forgotten. Moving to his city put me right in the path of the one man the who had captured my heart, and then broke it into a million pieces- his oldest brother, Cameron Carmichael. The man I had just crashed into.

  In complete shock, I turned around to the ex-Army Ranger I once foolishly loved, “Cameron?” I asked in disbelief.

  After a decade of feeling as if this man had been avoiding me, I knew this could go one of two ways, and it was time to see which way the wind blew.

  Grinning down at me, he winked, “Shayne, it has been a long time. You are just as breathtaking as remembered,” then leaning down, he whispered in my ear, “especially when you are kneeling before me.”

  There was a twinkle in his eye as he straightened himself back to his full height, almost as if he wanted to devour me. The attraction between us hadn’t disappeared, if anything, it had magnified.

  Holy fuck!

  My jaw had been officially dropped.

  Standing before me was an ex-Army Ranger, a man on Forbes under 40 list, and my first and only one-night stand. I had slept with my best friend’s brother, fallen in love and gotten shattered all before I turned twenty one.

  I had spent one glorious night with this man- he was my one and only one-night stand. Afterward our brief interlude, he deployed overseas, and life went on for the both of us.

  I had wrote to him, multiple times. Desperate for advice and reassurance from him, but he had never responded with a single word. I had spent the past decade believing this man avoided me like the plague, but his smile and eyes told me a different story. All that anger in me turned to confusion the instant I looked into his eyes. What was going on?

  He didn’t look like a man ashamed to be seen with me, or one that had one hint of remorse in his eyes. Typically a coward would tuck his tail and run, but not him. There was something in his eyes, but it wasn’t what I was expecting- because all I saw was desire.

  “I’m sorry I ruined your shirt, I’ll buy you a new one.” I offered quietly, before snapping out of my daze. I turned back to my best friend and ran into Justin’s arms and squealed with true excitement. I hadn’t seen him in almost a year.

  Catching me, he laughed and spun me around in the crowded bar.

  “Shay!!! The love of my life! I cannot believe you are here sugar.” He beamed as he sat me down on my feet and kissed my forehead, “When do you fly home? How many days do I got you?”

  Holding onto his arms I grinned ear to ear, “I’m never flying home Jud. I was offered an amazing job down here that I accepted last night, so I’m officially here…for good!” Yup, I intentionally left that part out when I called Jud to tell him I was flying down.

  “Get the fuck out!” He replied with happy enthusiasm, which switched quickly into one of those looks he gave you when you knew you were going to get it, “and you didn’t think to tell me?”

  Hugging him tight, “I wanted to surprise you! I knew if you caught wind of me trying to get a job down here I’d never hear the end of it. Plus, your ass is almost an hour late, so I don’t want to hear shit!”

  Laughing, “You aren’t wrong.” He said cheerfully with a swish of his hand.

  “I can’t wait to be roomies with you again, you will love Elijah! Holy titters girl, I’m so excited you are here!” He asked, his blue eyes flashing as he linked arms with me, and left his brother behind in our wake as he escorted me across the club.

  God, I wanted to look back.

  Did I really just run into Cameron after all these years and not recognize him? Shit, I had been dreaming of that man for the better part of a decade. He had changed so much, for the better.

  Trying to push Cameron from my mind, focused on my friend, and I answered Jud’s question.

  “Don’t hate me, but Anna’s parents offered me their house, you know I love that place. Plus, I needed something long term. They normally rent it out to celebs who are filming in the area, and it was miraculously free, so I humbly accepted. Way too big for me, but I needed something last minute and long term until I can find something.” I answered my friend as I squeezed his muscular arm.

  Anna was my brother’s girlfriend, she and her parents were the kindest people around. They had always treated my brother and I like we were family, so when they insisted I take the place it was hard to say no. They also told me I was welcome to stay there as long as I liked, as in years, if I wanted it.

  Rolling his eyes, “I’m assuming that hot ass brother of yours had something to do with that, huh?” he asked, but didn’t expect an answer as he continued, “He is so protective of you, I love that. Not mad, I get it. You are single baby girl and no man is ever going to date you if you bring him home to Elijah and I,” he said with a wink and a devilish grin before adding, “that place is to die for, and it is close to our place. Come on baby girl, so much to do!” Grabbing my hand, he walked across the bar to the large table by the open window, the fresh air off the water blew in, making the table the coolest place
in the bar.

  Focusing on the table, I noticed another beautiful Carmichael face that I recognized immediately.

  The moment she saw me, her face lit up.

  “Shayne!” She squealed as she popped up from her seat and rounded the table with glee. The only sister they had left, Adeline Carmichael. Four years ago their youngest sister was killed in a car accident, leaving Addie the as only girl left, and now, the youngest living Carmichael.

  Hugging her tightly, “Oh my god, Addie I didn’t know you’d be here too! You look so good; I love your dress.” I offered honestly.

  She was a fashion designer after all, I’d expect nothing but perfection from her. She was petite like me, but that is where the similarities ended. She had that beautifully toned olive skin and dark hair like her brothers, and the most wicked ice blue eyes- a Carmichael family trait.

  “I’ve missed you so much, you look incredible honey! What are you doing in New Orleans?” She exclaimed, obviously a little buzzed herself.

  Laughing, I shook my head as the rest of the men at the table stood up to meet me.

  “She moved here Addie! She’s ours again!” Justin, or Jud as many of us called him, stated as he wrapped his arm around a handsome man standing to my right.

  “For real? Holy shit Shay! When did this happen? How am I just now finding out? We have to take you shopping! Yay!” You couldn’t stop her if you tried, she was a hurricane of positivity and genuine good heartedness. She jumped up and down as she hugged me. God, I loved this family, I was so happy to be here right now, in this moment.

  These people were good people, my people.

  Answering her with the simplest answer, “I got the job offer yesterday, and now here I am. And I’d love to go shopping with you, I need an entire new wardrobe for this stupid humidity!”

  Snapping her fingers, “Done, I’ll get something on the books for us for next week. You are welcome to come raid my closet for anything you need before then! Come on, meet the rest of our extended family,” she beamed, brandishing her hand to the table.


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