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Love Interrupted

Page 5

by Eva Andrews

  Turning, I saw the yacht rep walking towards us, “Alan, thank you for bringing her here, she looks fantastic. I can’t wait to see what she’ll do in the open waters.”

  “She won’t disappoint. When you get time on Monday, do let me know what you think. If you’d like to move on the deal, we can have it settled within the week.”

  “I appreciate it Alan, I’ll call you if I have any questions before then.” I offered, wanting to get onto the yacht, I was itching to see it. I had been waiting almost a year for it. This ship was built to my specifications, my color choices and my requirements. If I didn’t want it, there’d be another billionaire behind me to scoop it up.

  Shaking Alan’s hand one last time, I reached down and linked fingers with Shayne and tugged her towards my new toy.

  Alone again, she squeezed my hand as we walked along side of the behemoth.

  “Monday? How long are we test driving this badass thing?” She asked as she looked up and marveled at the sleek beauty we were about to board.

  “Your choice darling, if you are uncomfortable spending the night with me, I can bring you back tonight, or of you don’t mind staying the night out at sea, we can come back later tomorrow night.”

  Frowning, “I didn’t bring any extra clothes or anything I need to stay. Plus I promised to go to family dinner tomorrow.”

  Inwardly pleased she didn’t immediately reject the Sunday option, “Trust me, I can get us out of dinner. Ma will understand. As far as stuff for you, we can stop at some port and get you whatever your heart desires, or you can use the stuff Jud and Addie sent for you.”

  Her green eyes searched mine.

  “What stuff?”

  “You know Jud, he loves surprises. He and Addie sent Elijah over this morning with a bunch of new stuff for you, you know, all the stuff you might need for,” looking at my watch, “thirty-six hours with me. Clothes, swimsuits I’d imagine, whatever else products they thought you’d need. I’m sure Addie threw a few designer dresses in there, you know her. I’ve also been assured it is stocked with plenty of food.”

  Sighing, “You damn Carmichaels!” She teased, and hip bumped me. Leaning down and petting Max, she spoke to my dog, “What do you think Max? Should I suffer through your owner’s presence until Sunday?”

  “There is more than enough room Shayne, there are six bedrooms on this. Pretty sure you have multiple levels to pick from, you don’t even have to see me if you don’t want to. Worst case, we can be back in port this evening.” I offered, unsure if she really wanted to go out to sea with me for that long.

  “I was teasing Cam, come on, give me a tour!”

  “Cam huh? So, does that mean I can call you Shay?” I asked.

  Only my family and a handful of selected friends called me Cam. Usually when someone outside that realm called me Cam, I bit their heads off, but not Shayne. My nickname sounded like hot sex on her lips. It also made me want to toss her over my shoulder and take her to my new suite and fuck her until she forgot what day it was.

  “Of course you can call me Shay,” She offered brightly without any hesitation and a warm smile.

  “Well Shay, let’s do this right.” Reaching down, I swooped her up into my arms again as she let out a cute little gasp.

  “Come on Max, let’s show the lady our new place.” Carrying her over the threshold of the yacht like a bride, I couldn’t stop watching her reaction to what she was seeing. The woman just had a way of taking everything in, she didn’t need to talk endlessly and make small talk. She just soaked it up and lived for the moment.

  “I thought you hadn’t bought this thing yet?” She asked as I sat her down softly on the plush living room carpet.

  “I’ll decide after our test drive. My first memories of this yacht will be with you Shay, so don’t blow it!”

  “Oh whatever. You’re going to buy this thing no matter what Carmichael. This place has your stamp all over it.”


  “I might have helped design it.” I said nonchalantly as I placed my hand on the small of her back and guided her into the main living area of the ship, “Back there is the master bedroom and private bathroom. The other suites are down this hall, I’m not sure which room they put your clothes for the trip, so we’ll have to check the rooms.” Bending down I unhooked Max’s leash and the old boy went in search of a comfy spot to lay down.

  “This is incredible Cameron; I have never been in a ship like this.”

  “How about you go find your room,” handing her the bag, “and I’ll get us out of the marina and on our way. Join me up on the fly deck whenever you want.” Without even thinking, I stepped forward and gave her a kiss on the forehead, and headed upstairs to the bridge.

  A few steps up the stairs her voice called me back.

  “Cameron?” She paused, “why are you doing this?”

  Well, shit.

  I was acting out of character. I never casually hung out with women in the past, but I was sure Shayne didn’t know that. I was a nice person in general, so it wasn’t as though I was acting at all. Shit, I was actually shocked at how easy it was to be around her. There was no nervous chatter, or awkward questions women liked to ask me.

  Hell, maybe she was just suspicious of men in general, she had caught her ex-fiancé fucking someone else. Whatever the reason was- the last time we met, we had a one night stand and then I didn’t see her again for years. She probably thought what everyone else did, that I was a manwhore, or that I wanted her for one thing.

  Standing in the vast luxurious space I had designed, she looked windswept and vulnerable. Turning back towards her, I walked up to her and looked down into her jade green eyes. Slowly running my hands up her bare arms, over her shoulders, I sunk them into her hair as I held her neck and tipped her head back ever so slightly.

  Feeling her breath catch, I brushed my lips against hers “Because I like you Shay, you have brought more sunshine into my life in the past twelve hours than I have had in months. You are absolutely enchanting, somehow, someway you got under my skin. I didn’t bring you here to use you in anyway. I just want you to have a good time and relax, no hidden agenda, okay? You are completely safe here, I promise.”

  I wasn’t sure if it was everything I had just said, or a small part of it, but she lit up like a Christmas tree. Right then and there I would have given up my empire to ensure that smile never left her face.

  Feeling her hands run up my lats, I had to steel myself from ravaging her right there on the spot. She was intoxicating, and I wanted more. More time with her, more of her gentle touch and easy going personality. She was brilliant and kind, and in no way, tried to go out of her way to impress me.

  Leaning up into me, she softly kissed my lips, and then quickly dipped under my arm.

  “Thank you Cam.” Winking at me, she walked towards the suites, “I’ll meet you upstairs.”

  Saluting the sassy little sprite, I took a second to watch the sway of her hips as she walked through my ship. Heading to the controls, I was eager to get some distance between us and land.

  I was going to have her all to myself until tomorrow night.

  About an hour later I had us cruising out of Benton Sound and into the Gulf of Mexico, wondering if she had fallen asleep in her room. It was about half past eleven, and I was starting to get hungry and a little worried about where she was.

  Finding us a spot to moor, I dropped anchors down so I could finally step away from the controls and relax. Just as I finished up, I heard her sweet voice.

  “Ahoy Captain Cam, your first mate brought you some food and a couple different drink choices. I wasn’t sure what you liked.”

  Turning to look behind me, I watched as she balanced a tray in one hand like a waitress and sat it down on the patio table under the roof. She had changed out of her dress and into a black bikini with a sheer kimono that was open in the front. She looked like she belonged on the cover of Sports Illustrated, yeah she wasn’t supermodel tall, but she w
as a god damn goddess in her own right. She wasn’t sickly skinny, or overly muscular- she was curves and sin.

  “Oh you read my mind. I’m starving.” I groaned as I smelled the food, but really, it was her body that was making my mouth water.

  “Sorry, I got carried away exploring earlier. Then I finally changed, and found the kitchen, which is magnificent by the way. Come eat!” She waved me over as she took the sheer kimono bathing suit cover off and tossed it on the loungers.

  Jesus Christ.

  Sitting down quickly so she wouldn’t see my dick hardening at the sight of her. The black bikini she had on complemented her skin tone perfectly. Her tits almost looked fake they were that real, full and round. Shay’s body was toned to perfection, curves in all the right places and skin the was dying to be touched.

  “Cam, are you going to eat, or just stare at me?” Her voice soft and teasing, with something else mixed in that caught my attention.

  Looking up to her eyes, she had caught me red handed. I was totally checking out her hot body.

  “Guilty. Sorry. Aren’t you going to eat?”

  Walking out into the sun she held her face to the sky and sighed with happiness, “I ate while I was in the kitchen. I get low blood sugar, I forgot to eat this morning and I couldn’t wait, sorry.” Turning to look at me she crawled on the tanning deck and made herself comfy. I stowed that piece of information away for future knowledge.

  “Eat Cameron.” She ordered as she laid on her back.

  Chuckling, I dug in. I liked that little bossy side of her.

  “Mmmm Shay, this is delicious.” I moaned as I bit into the BLT sandwich she made me.

  “Yeah it is.” She teased quietly.

  “Oh no baby, if you’re going to flirt with me, then flirt with me. Speak up sailor Shay.” I joked as I took a bite of a strawberry and raised my brow.

  Rolling over to look at me, she lifted her black aviator sunglasses and gave me a wink and blew me a kiss, “Oh, you’ll know when I’m flirting Mr. Carmichael.”

  Grinning like an idiot, I shook my head. She was a fucking delight.

  This was easy, talking to her was easy. Being myself was easy, and that shit never happened. The women in my life never got the real me, they either got boardroom Cameron, or fuckbuddy Cameron. Shayne, she got neither, she got the real Cameron. Maybe she was different because I met her before my company’s success put me on the Forbes list? Maybe it was because that petite firecracker had stolen a piece of my heart right before I deployed out my first time?

  Tracing her body with my eyes from her bright coral painted toes, to her silky golden red hair, “Would you like some music?”

  “Yes please!” She said, petting Max as he walked past her wagging his tail happily.

  Grabbing the audio remote, I turned on the surround sound and made a judgement call on music she might enjoy.

  Although I had three hundred and sixty degrees of breathtaking views, and my eyes are focused on the lady who came on my ship’s maiden voyage with me- Shayne Marie Montgomery.

  “Mmm, good choice.” She mumbled in the sunshine while Led Zeppelin played.

  While she was occupied with petting Max while she sunbathed, I finished my food and took the plate back down to the kitchen. Slipping into my room, I thanked Jud and Addie for filling my closet too. I had to chuckle when I saw Shay’s stuff in the other closet. Whatever sibling dropped off the clothing had put Shay’s clothes in the partner closet of my room- my guess was, on purpose.

  Wonder if she realized this was my room?

  God, thinking of her getting naked in this room turned me on. Grabbing my growing dick, I squeezed it and willed it to behave. Changing into a black O’Neil trunks, I grabbed a couple of fluffy beach towels and ran back upstairs to the fly deck.

  I had to grin as I laid eyes on her, she was laying right where I left her.

  Tossing the towels on the table, I intentionally crawled overtop of her and laid down beside her. Although the padded sun deck was massive, I made sure I was right next to her, making contact with her.

  “Happy?” She asked in a sexy sleepy whisper.

  “Very.” My response was instant, and honest. I was very happy in this moment. My yacht was perfect; the builder had exceeded my expectations thus far. Yet that wasn’t what brought me the most contentment, it was her.

  Feeling Max jump up on the deck, he settled down by our feet and fell asleep. Closing my eyes, I felt her wiggle closer to me as she turned and snuggled up against my ribs.

  Wrapping my arm around her shoulders she settled in, I truly relaxed for the first Saturday in almost six months. The hot sun and warm breeze were about as soothing as Shay’s sweet touch. Laying with her in place, I just let go and stopped worrying about work, about mergers and overseas deals I had going, and lived in this moment.

  “Shay, can I ask you something? I just need a yes or no answer, and then I want to drop the conversation, okay?” I asked her in the exact same way she had asked me last night. It had been wracking my brain, “Okay, two things.”

  Turning her head so she was looking at me, “Okay.”’

  Her question last night had spurred my brain into a million different directions. I hadn’t asked last night because she asked, but I had to know.

  Right before I had left for Afghanistan I had told Shayne that if she ever needed me she could write to me and I would do whatever I could. I knew she had just lost her dad I in a horrible car accident, her brother was already in the Army overseas and her mother was a basket case. If Shayne had written to me, I needed to know what I missed.

  “Did you write me because you were in trouble?” I asked as I reached over and took off her Ray-Ban glasses so I could see her eyes.

  Her eyes started to well up, as she whispered, “Yes.”

  “Last question.” I paused, giving her a second to adjust, “Will you tell me about it someday, when you’re ready?” It was all I could ask. All I could do was hope for the best. Whatever it was, it was in the past but that didn’t mean I could let it go. I had failed her. I had been taken off the grid by the government, totally off the grid which meant zero correspondence of any kind.

  She had reached out to me in need, and I wasn’t there.

  “Yes.” She answered, and then dropped the conversation as requested. I put her glasses back on her, snuggled her up against me and let the sun beat down on us as I pondered her answers.

  Waking up to the feeling of felt Shay shift, and slowly get up from the sundeck.

  I wasn’t sure how long I had been asleep as I lazily watched her through cracked eyelids as she walked over to the outdoor kitchen and poured herself a glass of lemonade and looked out at the ocean.

  Taking a long drink, she wiped her brow and walked over to the edge of the fly deck. Looking down at the water below, and then back at me, I could almost hear her thoughts.

  “Don’t you even think of jumping Shay.” I muttered sleepily as I propped up on my elbow and looked at her. The wicked smile that crept over her lips told me she was about to do what she wanted.

  Setting her glass of lemonade down, she took her hair tie out and shook her hair out. My dick immediately reacted. She was a living goddess, one that had my full attention.

  “Shay.” I said in a warning tone as she took off her Ray Bans and set them down giving me a wink. The feisty woman didn’t give a shit about my warnings.

  “Aw come on, I’m hot.” She said, gracefully stepping up on the outermost rim of my ship. Rolling her neck as she stretched her arms out and looked down at the water below.

  Sitting up, she had my attention. “Yeah you are love, but no jumping off. It isn’t safe.” My heart pounded as I watched her perched on the edge of the boat, with a thirty foot drop into the ocean before her.

  Looking back at me as if challenging me, she gave me a wink, and then did the most graceful dive three stories down into the Gulf waters.

  “Shit.” I cursed, getting up and running to the side I saw h
er resurface just fine. Max barked happily and ran down to the rear swim deck to greet her with a wagging tail. Following my dog down to the bottom floor, I jogged out to the edge of the back deck and put down the ladder for her as she swam towards me.

  “Woman. You scared me half to death.” I said as she floated on her back next to the boat with a giant smile on her face.

  “What? You’ve never jumped off any of your boats?”

  “Ugh, no.” I admitted.

  Splashing me, “Pussy. Guess that’s why you were a Ranger and not a Seal. Why would you own something like this and not have fun with it? God that was fun, I want to do it again.” She teased.

  “My ideas of fun are different than yours.” I said a little harsh, it was meant to be teasing but it was clear it wasn’t taken that way.

  Her face changed from smiling, to upset.

  “Obviously.” She said quietly and swam over to the ladder and got out of the water and kept her gaze down.

  “I’m sorry I scared you.” She offered quietly as she rung out her hair.

  Crossing the deck, I felt like I had just taken all the fun out of her. Yes, our ideas of fun were different, but that doesn’t mean I was a fucking stick in the mud.

  With one arm around her waist, I lifted her up and she instinctually wrapped those gorgeous legs around my waist as I buried my hand into her wet hair. Her gasp was the last thing I heard as I kissed her properly, just like I wanted to the moment she ran into me last night.

  Rolling my tongue into her mouth, she moaned against me as she wrapped her arms around my neck and kissed me back. Our chemistry was like wildfire, hot and feverish. I couldn’t get enough of her.

  “You scare the shit out of me Shay.” I whispered through our passionate kisses. I meant that in so many ways. With her legs locked around my waist, I took my free hand and ran it up her ribs, under her wet bikini and filled my hand with her left breast.

  “Cam…” she moaned as her hips rolled into mine. God, it felt good to know that she wanted me as much as I wanted her. This wasn’t a one-sided attraction at all, oh no, we both felt the magnetic pull to each other. It was insatiable, palpable and intoxicating. I wanted this woman in a soul twisting way that had me rethinking everything.


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