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Love Interrupted

Page 15

by Eva Andrews

  Sliding in next to Shay, I put my arm around her shoulder, and whispered into her hair, “You look amazing tonight baby.”

  Nudging me, she squeezed my thigh under the table as everyone settled in, “You’ve told me that several times already.”

  “How about, you were amazing tonight?” I whispered in her ear as I felt her suck in a little breath.

  Turning into me a little, she ran her hand up my thigh.

  “Yes, I think you’ve told me that already too. You make it easy for a woman to want to come home to you. Thank you for planning all of this for me,” looking at the table of our family, “for them. You are quite incredible Cameron; you are so thoughtful. How has no lady stolen your heart yet?”

  Reaching up, I brushed her lip with my thumb, “What heart? I don’t have a heart.”

  Laughing, she kissed the tip of my nose, “Could have fooled me.”

  Chapter 8


  Laughing as Addie swung me around, we danced our asses off together for almost the whole night. Anna was currently taking a breather at the table with Chris and the guys. Lillian and James were at the bar talking to some of their friends and Cam, well he just kept his eye on me when he wasn’t out here.

  Smiling at Cam, I couldn’t wait to get him home.

  “Addie, I have to sit down for a song.” I said, nodding towards the table as the music played loudly around us.

  Nodding, she smiled and followed me off the dance floor. Sliding in, I tucked in next to Cameron and took a long drink. Sighing, I couldn’t stop smiling.

  “Where is Jud?” I asked, I hadn’t seen him in a while.

  Kissing my temple, Cam answered. “He had to go talk to the next band, it’s his house band. He usually does a few sets with them, so they go over their set list right before they take the stage.”

  Looking over at the stage, I guess I hadn’t realized the first band was now done, and the DJ was playing tracks while the crew set up for the next band.

  “Shay, come here for a second will ya?” Chris asked, holding out his hand.

  Figuring he wanted to dance, I sighed but couldn’t say no to him. Taking his hand, I slid out of my chair and walked with him out to the courtyard.

  A little confused, I figured he was about to lay the big brother talk on me about dating Cameron.

  Pulling me over by the fountain, he looked a bit nervous.

  “Chris, what is wrong with you?”

  “I want to ask you something Shay, and I need you to be very honest with me.” He asked in all seriousness, looking down at me with concern.

  “Of course.” My heart pounded.

  Chris was CIA, what was he going to ask me?

  Smiling, he grabbed my hands, “I want to ask you, if I have your permission to ask Anna to marry me?”

  My jaw dropped, then I started crying.

  Pulling me into a hug, “Please tell me those are happy tears Shay?”

  Nodding, “You’re asking me, if you can ask her?”

  Laughing, he pulled me back so he could look at my face. Wiping away my tears, “Of course I am. You are my sister, the only family I have left.”

  Our mother was dead to us.

  Swatting at him, “Yes, ask that woman before she changes her mind! She’s waited around long enough you shit.” I teased back.

  “Good. Now come on, let’s get back to the party. I love them Shay, they are such a good family.”

  Wrapping his arm around me, we walked back into the club and rejoined the table. Jud and his band were already on stage doing an awesome Johnny Cash song.

  Sliding next to Cam, I avoided his eyes hoping he wouldn’t notice that I had been crying. I should have known he’d pick up on it instantly.

  Feeling him wrap his arm around me, he nuzzled his face in my neck, “Are you okay?”

  Leaning into him, “Yes, I am far better than okay. Promise.” Putting my hand on his thigh, I squeezed and felt him relax a little.

  “We’re going to go dance!” Addie announced, pulling Ashton out on the floor. It took Chris and Anna seconds to get out of their seat and join them.

  Watching the crowd, Cam and I sat together in peace as we saw his parents also get out on the dance floor. Even Elijah was out there, dancing by himself.

  Grabbing Cam’s hand, I pulled him out onto the dance floor again, this time it was a slow song. Wrapped in his arms, we swayed to When a Man Loves a Woman. Jud’s voice was so versatile and swoon worthy. I had missed listening to him sing.

  As the song ended, I looked up at my handsome dance partner to see something play in his eyes. The next second, Jud’s voice commanded the crowd.

  “How’s everyone doing tonight?” He asked, to which the crowd roared back a hearty answer as the lights in the place dim, and the spotlight goes down on him.

  Feeling Cam slip behind me and wrap his arms around me, I sighed with happiness.

  “Now, tonight we are going to do something a little different. We have some milestones to celebrate in my family. First off, my parents are getting ready to celebrate their 40th anniversary on Monday, and my little sister Adeline has finally gotten herself engaged!”

  Sounds of whistles and cheers followed.

  “So, because they are here tonight I want to do something special for them. So we are going to slow it down for a set. These are songs for all those lucky enough to be in love, or finding your way there. Now, what I need is a little help…” he said, looking straight at me.

  “Oh fuck.” I whispered, knowing full well Cam heard me, as he held onto me a little tighter so I didn’t flee.

  “Now, it has been a long time since her and I did this, but I know she won’t tell me no. Won’t you all help me welcome the enchanting Shayne Montgomery to the stage!” He said with enthusiasm as I felt Cam sweep me up and walk me through the crowd, gently depositing me on the stage.

  Turning to look at him while the crowds cheered, I couldn’t help but grin as he gave me a wink, as I called him a traitor.

  Handing me a mic, Jud threw his arm around me, “What do you say Shay, how about a song or two?” He asked in front of the crowd and handed me a list.

  Looking down at it, “A song or two, this is a full set list! Really?” My eyes wide as I read over the songs quickly as the band started into the first song without giving me a chance to say no.

  The set list was six songs, all vocally challenging songs.

  “Oh yeah darling, a set list. Just like old times.” He said as he took a seat at the piano to my right and started the band into the first song- A Sunday Kind of Love by Etta James.

  On the dance floor below me, I saw Lillian and Jameson front and center, right in front of Jud and I. Beside them, Addie and Ashton twirled in a world of their own. Chris and Anna were just as lost in each other’s eyes. Elijah and Cameron sat at our table watching as Jud and I played through the romantic song.

  Slipping from song to song, I sang my way through I Put a Spell on You, and Adele’s Make You Feel My Love with ease. Taking a quick drink between songs, the crowd was over generous after each song, clapping and whistling their appreciation

  Chapter 9


  Watching Shayne on stage was unlike anything I had ever witnessed. Sure, I had seen her sing around the yacht, but it wasn’t anything like this.

  She had a presence on stage, one that captivated everyone in the club. The floor was filled with couples as she gave each song a bit of her own touch.

  Sitting there, watching her step on stage like she was a seasoned pro was fascinating. It also cemented everything I had already realized. She was it. Shayne had to become my wife, whatever I needed to do, I’d see it done. Whatever remaining hesitancy I had felt flew out the window as she went into her fourth song, Leather and Lace by Stevie Nicks.

  By God, Jud’s set list was perfection for her voice.

  My parents hadn’t left the dance floor since she started singing, neither had Addie and Ashton, nor Chris and Anna.
In fact, I don’t think I had ever seen so many couples on the floor since this place opened. I only wished I could dance with her too, it was sweet torture sitting out these songs as she sang them.

  Back to Black was next, followed by her last song of the night. I swear to God, the moment she got off that stage I was going to take her ass home and pay homage to her all night long.

  “Well folks, this is Shayne’s last song of the night for us.” Jud announced to the crowd as the band got ready for her final song.

  The crowd all moaned in disappointment as she smiled out at them kindly.

  “Mom and Dad, this one is for you.” Jud said sweetly as he walked over to Shayne and gave her a kiss on the temple, then walked back to the piano.

  The moment the band swept into the tune, my heart stopped as she sang the opening words. At Last, by Etta James.

  Holy mother of God.

  It was like we were swept back to the Sixties. The crowd gave my parents a large circle to dance. Looking from them, to her, I locked eyes with her as she sang flawlessly. It was as if every word she sang was for me, and me alone. Sitting there, my heart pounded as she belted out the soulful song as her closing act.

  The place went fucking nuts.

  My mom was crying, so was Addie and I’m pretty sure Elijah was a fucking mess too.

  From the corner of my eye, I saw Chris go down on his knee, opening a small box and saying something to Anna in the middle of the crowded dance floor.

  Looking up, I saw Shayne had a front row view to the proposal. Her eyes glistened with tears as she watched her brother pop the question.

  Getting up, I made my way to her. I needed to get my hands on her.

  Walking down the edge of the stage, I stopped right before her and looked up to my little beauty and held out my hand.

  Slipping her hand into my without hesitation, she smiled down at me. Giving her a little tug, I caught her in my arms and swung her down to me. Giving her kiss, I set her down slowly. “You were incredible Shay.”

  Sighing against me, “Thank you.”

  “Oh my God, Shay, you have to sing at my wedding!” Addie shouted as she ran up to us with her hands clasped together like she was begging.

  Smiling, Shayne wrapped her arm around my waist and braced herself for my sister.

  “Come on Shay, pleeeeease?” She jumped up and down, “It would mean the world to me!”

  “Of course I will Addie.” Shayne agreed easily as my sister squealed with glee. My parents were the next ones who came up, my mother grabbed us both and hugged us together as she praised Shayne’s performance. My dad just stood behind and waited until my mother was done fawning over Shayne.

  Once he got a chance, he gave Shayne a hug and a kiss on the top of her head and then promptly ordered champagne for our table so we could do a toast for Chris and Anna.

  Making our way to the table, we all gathered and congratulated the newly engaged couple. Moments later, Elijah and Jud were popping champagne bottles open as Addie and Ashton passed out drinks.

  It was another hour before we ended up leaving the club, hand in hand.

  “I’m so happy for them.” She sighed as we walked home together, adding, “I never thought he’d ask her tonight.”

  “At this rate, I suspect Jud and Elijah will be engaged before my birthday.” I teased.

  Bumping into me, “Could you imagine three weddings going on at once? Between Addie and Chris, if you added in Jud we’d be up to our ears in showers, bachelor and bachelorette parties and lord knows what else.”

  “At least I’ll have you as my date.” I offered, raising her hand to my lips and kissing her knuckles.

  “We’ve got Addie’s engagement party in two weeks, your mother is already planning another shopping trip with me to find a gown for that. I seriously think she likes making me play dress up.”

  Laughing, “I wouldn’t doubt it. She’s probably already deciding what you should wear for Addie’s bridal shower, bachelorette party and of course, the wedding too.”

  “At least she has impeccable taste, I could do far worse.”

  Walking up my front steps, I punched in the code and let us back into the dimly lit house. Kicking out of her flip flops, Shay began to pull the pins out of her hair as she walked into the kitchen and turned on soft music.

  Letting Max out, I watched her as she happily cleaned up the glasses and beer bottles we had left behind.

  “Shay, you don’t have to do that.”

  “I don’t mind honey, this is just who I am.” Smiling at me, she wiped down the marble counters and put the last few things away.

  Seeing Max run back in, I shut the slider and killed the lights as I walked into the kitchen, “Shay, I want you to have my babies.”

  Freezing, she looked up at me, “What?”

  “I didn’t stutter darling.” Picking her up, I sat her on the counter and settled between her legs. Running my hands up her jaw, we touched foreheads, “I know you’ve got this timeline in your stubborn head that things have to happen in a certain order, in the appropriate amount of time, but I am not getting any younger, and I want to start a family- with you.”

  I could see her melt.

  “Like, right now?” She asked as she searched my eyes.

  Wrapping my arm around her slim waist, “Yes.”

  Blinking, “You’re kidding, right?”

  Shaking my head, “Not in the slightest. If you were of the same mind, I’d ask you to stop taking your birth control.”

  “Cameron!” She gasped, “a baby?”

  “Yes love, a baby. Ever since you told me about the possibility that we could have had a baby all those years ago, I can’t stop thinking about it. I’ve been waiting for you my entire life Shayne, I’m not about to let you go. I want it all with you, I want to be able to call you my wife, to see you carrying our children. I don’t care what order that comes in.”

  “How does this not freak you out? How do you just go from never having girlfriends, to asking me to have a baby and get married?”

  Grinning, “I haven’t asked you to marry me yet Shayne, but it probably isn’t far away.”

  “Jesus Cameron, you are taking my carefully planned boring life and throwing into chaos.”

  “Beautiful chaos where you and I fall asleep together every night. I’ve simply told you my wishes Shay, at the end of the day the choice will always be yours. You get to control when you move in, you control if we have a child or not.”

  “Cam, that’s not fair…you get to have a say.”

  Kissing her softly, I pulled her close, “I’ve already asked you to move in, I’ve had my say- the when is up to you now. As far a baby, if you came to me tomorrow and told me you were pregnant, I don’t think I’d ever stop smiling. Now, when I’ll put a ring on your finger, I get to decide the when but once again, you ultimately get to say yes or no.”

  Relief flooded me when she pulled me closer, “I would have thought a nice Southern gentleman would be aghast at the thought of child out of wedlock.”

  “I’ll take whatever you can give me Shayne.”

  Pressing her breasts against my chest, she looked up at me with the most beautiful pair of Fuck Me eyes I had ever seen. “Hmmm, I’ve got something to give you tonight…the others, well, you’ll just have to wait.”

  She didn’t say no. Holy shit, she didn’t say no.

  Chapter 10


  Over the past two weeks I had mastered how to hold a conversation with someone while keeping an eye on Shay without anyone the wiser.

  Standing with my back against my father’s library wall, I positioned myself so I could see Shayne while she had a rare moment away from me. Tonight was Adeline and Ashton’s engagement party, and Shayne insisted that we mingle separately for a while.

  For the past two weeks, she and I had found a balance.

  I hadn’t brought up moving in, or children since the night her brother had got engaged, and neither had she. That wee
kend we had celebrated her brother’s engagement by taking everyone out Saturday night on the yacht. She eventually bid farewell to her brother that Sunday, and I had assumed we’d continue the discussion.

  She knew where I stood. Arrogantly, I assumed she’d jump at either option, or both.

  Once again, Shayne Montgomery checked my ego.

  She humbled me, and although I’d never admit it out loud, I needed it. I had become so accustomed to getting my way, to playing by my own rules that I stupidly thought that shit would continue.

  Grinning, I looked through the open double doors of the library to the ballroom and drank her in. Dressed in a sleek emerald green one shouldered creation, she looked like a goddess. The dress made her eyes dance, and brought out that faint red tint in her otherwise blonde hair.

  Since the night she crashed into me at Jud’s bar, we’d been inseparable. Well, besides traveling for work, other than that, her and I were attached at the hip when we were out of work.

  Watching her I saw her face light up in recognition, I followed her gaze and watched her damn near run into another man’s arms and hug him.

  Standing perfectly still, the world around me slowed as I watched Shayne’s smile go megawatt. The man held her like he knew her body, his hand sat entirely too low on her hip as he continued to hold her while they spoke. He was too far away for me to see his face, but instantly I wanted to know everything about that dude.

  “She gets to talk to other people too Cameron.”

  Hearing my father’s voice, I look over to see him watching me. Drink in his hand, dressed in a superbly fitted dark navy suit. It was as if he could see right through me.

  “He doesn’t need to touch her.” I ground out, trying to recognize the man who she was talking too. He had his back to me, and they were too far away.

  Grinning at me, “Yes well, she’s not your wife and furthermore, she’s doing nothing wrong. You talk to other women all the time Cameron, and Lana is always putting her hands on you. Shayne gets to greet a friend with a hug, you do.”


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