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Love Interrupted

Page 18

by Eva Andrews

  “Ah, Cameron, I missed you so much.” She whispered as I slipped my fingers into her warm center, she was wet and ready for me. I hadn’t locked the door to my office, and right now I didn’t fucking care. I wanted to be inside Shayne right now. I wanted to start forever with this woman right this very moment.

  Unzipping her black dress with one hand, I pulled it off her body until she sat on me in just her bra and thong, “Fuck me Shayne, show me how much you missed me.”

  The gauntlet had been thrown down, and my beautiful lady gracefully picked it up.

  Her fingers here undoing my tie in an instant, tossing it behind her in seconds. Jerking my shirt out of my pants, she worked my buttons until her soft hands were on my chest. It wasn’t but a moment before she had my dick out of my pants, and hovered just above me, nudging the head of my cock with her wet folds.

  “Cam?” She asked, and I knew exactly what she was asking. If I came in her, all bets were off, she could become pregnant.

  Shaking my head, I clamped my hand down around her hips, “No going back now baby, you are mine forever. We are going to finish what we started eleven years ago, and this time baby, we are going to get it right.” I said with hunger as I brought her down on me in one thrust.

  I didn’t want her on any kind of birth control, I wanted her to be my wife, the mother of my children and my entire fucking world. I just needed the woman to say yes.

  “Oh fuck!” She gasped as I filled her and stretched her. Her tight pink pussy clamped around my dick, god it was the best feeling in the world.

  “Did you miss me baby?” I asked, freeing her breasts from the lace bra that imprisoned them. Catching one of her dusty rosebuds in my mouth and tugged.

  Arching into me, she rose up and slowly sank back down as she enjoyed herself, “So much, I missed you so much Cam.”

  Her admission made me mad with pride. I wanted her to miss me as much as I had missed her, she had enchanted me to the point I was going crazy. I didn’t want to fall down the hole without her.

  Together, in my high-rise office I fucked the love of my life while the business world buzzed around us. The both of us were lost in each other as we gave and took as we needed. I fucked Shayne with such an urgency, I was sure she was going to be bruised for a week. She however, had fucked me with just as much intensity.

  This time had been completely different than any other sexual experience we had thus far, it was raw and intense, emotionally driven with the knowledge that we had both just agreed to start a family together.

  Holy fuck, that thought would have made me vomit over a month ago, and now all I wanted was to see Shayne grow large with my child.

  Pulling her intimately close, I kissed her softly as she began to clench up against me. Knowing she was close, I whispered against her lips, “You are my world Shayne, everything that I am, everything that I have belongs to you,” locking eyes with her as her jaw dropped open as pleasure built within in, “especially my heart.”

  In a beautiful display, Shayne came loudly as I fucked her. I took in every bit of her as I held back just a few moments, rocking her into another orgasm.

  Her hands sank on either side of my jaw as she moaned against my mouth, “I love you Cam.”

  Holy Shit.

  The woman who was afraid, had just given me her fucking body and heart on a silver platter. I came inside her so violently I was sure I had never come harder in my life.

  Wrapped around each other, I pulled her down with me on the couch and pulled her into my arms, kissing her swollen lips softly, “I love you Shayne, I will love you for the rest of my life. No one else in this world has ever, or will ever hold my heart like you do. You are it, you are my forever, baby.”

  Tears slipped down her gorgeous face, “You love me?”

  Digging a hand deep into her soft hair, “I am so in love with you Dr. Montgomery.” Her grin made my chest expand. This woman loved me, not my business, not my money or possession- she loved me.

  She was this chaotic whirlwind of beauty, grace and fire. Sure, she had her hang-ups, who didn’t? More than anything, she was mine to protect now. I never wanted her to feel alone again. I was so close to asking her to marry me, but I knew I had to slow down.

  Shayne had given me two things I wanted, her heart and the possibility of a family with her. Residency and matrimony weren’t far behind, yet I was smart enough to count my blessings without pushing my luck.

  “I’m sorry about London Shay, the entire trip was chaos. All I wanted to do was get back home to you.”

  Sighing, she snuggled into him as they laid on the couch together, naked and in love.

  “I’m just happy your home.”

  “Well, I’m home temporarily…” I waited for her to look up and me, “I have to leave again,” looking at my watch, “in about two hours.”

  Pouting, “Seriously?”

  Nodding, “Yes, but this time I’m taking you with me.”

  Smiling happily, her fingers trailed over my chest, “Where are we going?”

  “We are going to Venice of course, you promised me I’d get to go art shopping with you for Sophie’s new wing. Jud and Addie have your bags packed, Max is taken care of and the jet is ready. Please tell me you have your passport on you?”

  “Of course I do.”

  Smacking her firm ass, “Good, I’m finally going to get a week alone with you!”

  “We are really going to Venice? Just you and I?”

  I could hear the slight worry in her voice, but I figured it was more in shock of me coming home, having unprotected sex with the full understanding we were trying to have a baby, and confessing our love for each other all on a Monday morning, “Just you and I.”

  “I’m taking a real vacation for the first time since I started the company Shayne, no emails or phone calls. No teleconference calls in the evening with offshore.”

  “You don’t have to do that Cam, we can be flexible.”

  Shaking my head, “No you don’t understand, it is time for me to start acting like a human and not a machine. Real people take vacations Shayne, I need to start. I can’t expect to start a family with you and never take vacations.”

  “Cam…” She said softly as she slowly dressed herself.

  “I won’t miss our children’s lives because I’m buried in my job. I won’t miss dinners with you, or important events in your life. I want to be married to you, not my company.”

  Helping her into her dress, I felt her eyes on me as I waited for her to speak.

  “I don’t want you to have to change your life because of me.” Her tone had a little bit more attitude than I wanted. I didn’t understand it, I thought this is what she’d want. I figured any woman I would get involved with, really involved with would want me around more. Didn’t she?

  It was time to stop skirting around the Lana issue, spinning by girlfriend around so I could look into her eyes, I slipped an arm around her slim waist and brought her close to me.

  “Baby, I know how Lana tried to ban you from this office. I know the gist of what she’s said to you, and I want you to know it is total bullshit. She had no right to do any of that, I just wish you would have told me yourself.”

  Groaning, she ran her hands through her hair, “It wasn’t that I was keeping it from you.”

  “But?” I asked.

  “But, I wasn’t about to start a war with your director. I just dealt with it in my own way. I didn’t want you running back to her telling her your girlfriend was crying over the way she treated me. I had too much pride.

  “I can understand that baby, but I need you to talk to me Shay. I have no doubt you can handle your own shit just fine, but share things like that with me please.”

  “I will do better, I promise.”

  “Good, now let’s get the fuck out of this country and on our way to some alone time.”

  Laughing, she shook her head, “Alone time in Venice?”

  God, she was perfect. She would make a re
markable mother, and a fierce and loyal wife, “Oh I’ll find enough alone time to find a way to fuck you every chance I can. You might have to name our first child after this little Italian vacation, eh?”

  Swatting at me, “Cameron! Seriously, it could take a year or more before I get pregnant.”

  Shrugging, “A boy can dream, woman.”

  Chapter 13


  From the moment we arrived in Venice, Cameron had been good on his word. He and I went off the grid. No phones, or laptops. He and I spent the week falling deeper in love as we floated through the canals of the romantic city.

  Our hotel was over the top, as were our meals. Our days were spent adventuring and looking at art, our nights were filled with fantastic cuisine and wine and plenty of sex.

  Cam and I had found several pieces for Sophie’s wing, along with a few new pieces for his ship and home. One thing I had to admit was, Cameron had a damn good eye when it came to art, which made me love him that much more.

  Even when his family joined us on vacation.

  Although I had been promised a week of alone time with Cameron, I didn’t complain one bit when his family surprised me Friday night and joined us for the rest of the trip. I had gotten almost five full days with him.

  By Saturday afternoon it was clear to me there was another plot afoot, soon enough I was let in on the secret. Elijah was going to propose to Justin and all of us were meant to witness it. He had approached Cam about setting it up, and my fantastic boyfriend made sure the entire family had their schedules cleared, and flights booked.

  My heart had burst with happiness as the well laid plan went off perfectly.

  Saturday, we took an evening cruise, it had been so utterly romantic. The eight of us sat peacefully in the beautiful boat as the beautiful buildings enchanted us.

  Elijah hadn’t done anything loud or over the top, he simply slipped a ring on Justin’s ring finger as we went under a bridge and whispered the proposal in his ear for him alone. It had been one of the most romantic things I had ever seen in my life.

  The week had gone far too fast, soon enough Sunday came and all of us flew home together. Cameron had bought me several lovely pieces of jewelry and a few pair of Italian leather heels he found me drooling over.

  His birthday was next Friday, and yet he was buying me huge gifts. When I offered to buy him a rather expensive painting he wanted, he absolutely refused to consider it. He even went as far as to grow suspicious how I could afford it, yet he didn’t actually ask.

  On the plane ride home, I put together a plan for Cameron’s birthday and his gift. I had realized there was nothing material I could give the man who had everything. Anything I wanted to buy for him, he’d buy himself.

  Since I had so much to catalog and plan at the museum, I knew this week was going to be tough. Long days at the office, and planning a party for my boyfriend. However, the man deserved it. Our vacation had meant everything to me.

  He had unplugged from the world and focused on me, only me. Those days will stay etched in my mind and heart until the day I die. Yes, there had been a few moments I wondered if he was going to ask me to marry him, which excited me, and equally freaked me the fuck out. Which, was silly giving the fact we were trying to start a family.

  By Tuesday night, I knew exactly what I was going to give Cameron for his birthday. I was going to move in with him.

  My decision came after I saw how hard he was trying to make me happy by bouncing back and forth between our million dollar homes. It was stupid to keep two homes. Anna’s parents could rent his place out and make more money, and I’d just move my stuff into Cam’s.

  The hard part was how to plan it out so it was a surprise. The man was observant and keen, it’d be hard to orchestrate it without him being tipped off.

  By Wednesday I was given a window- Cameron was being requested in London again. The trip was to be short, he promised to return by 6 o’clock on Friday, for his birthday party. Although I was sad I wouldn’t get to wake up with him on his birthday. I realized we had just spent a week on vacation and he had shit to deal with.

  Instead of being sad he was gone, his family and I had gone to work and slowly moved my belongings into Cameron’s mansion. I had hung up my art throughout his home, I had started putting my clothes away in his closet.

  I had even gone to the yacht and taken a bunch of stuff there. Between his home and yacht, I felt like my stamp was on both places.

  By Friday night, I was officially moved in and happier than I had ever been in my life. His parents were over, along with his siblings and their fiancés. It was about an hour after we expected him home that I got the call.

  Answer, I stepped out to the balcony, “Happy birthday.”

  “Aw Shay, thank you. I feel like a piece of shit. I’m sorry.”

  Worried, “What’s going on?”

  “I’m not going to make it home in time.”

  I could hear the disappointment in his voice. Clearing my throat, I looked back inside his house, or rather our house, and sighed, “It’s okay honey.”

  “No it isn’t Shayne. I promised you that I would be there and I can’t make it back until tomorrow morning. I just…. I am sorry.”

  “You’ll just have to make it up to me tomorrow when you get home.” I offered, trying to make both of us feel better. It was clear he wasn’t happy, and wanted nothing more to be here.

  “I will. Will you apologize to the family for me?” He asked sadly.

  “Of course, they’ll demand a re-do party you know?”

  Chuckling, “Yeah, I know.”

  “I love you Cam.” I said quietly, almost near crying. I was sad, and hurt but I wasn’t going start a fight with him on his birthday. It seemed he felt bad enough without me picking at the wound farther.

  “I love you Shay, goodnight baby.”

  Muttering a goodbye, I hung up my cellphone and finished my drink before I went back inside and cancelled the party.

  It took everyone about two more hours before they left for the night. They were sad Cam wasn’t going to make his own party, and even sadder to miss out on seeing his reaction to me moving in.

  After taking Max out for one last walk around the yard, I looked over at my old house and smiled. I was happy with my choice, I belonged here with Cam and Max. Even though it was late, I check a few more ‘to-do’ items off my list before I went to bed. Shutting off the lights off and locking up downstairs, I went upstairs to our bedroom.

  I waited for that thought to freak me out.

  When the familiar panic didn’t come, I grinned as I walked into my new bedroom and sighed. It felt like home, hell, it had been more like home to me than my rental home. I was used to being here, even when Cameron wasn’t. I think that is why I wasn’t freaked out at all. Moving my shit in was more of a formality really.

  I mean, I had gone off all birth control and we had been actively trying to have a baby, multiple times a day. Being so stubborn about moving in with him seemed rather silly when you put it into the perspective of a baby.

  Slipping behind Cameron’s desk, I nudged the mouse to see if it was already on. I wanted to email my brother and let him know all about my move. He and Anna were busy trying to plan their wedding, so I didn’t want to bother him with a text or a call so late at night.

  The screen immediately opened to the desktop without a password.

  Cameron’s home computer must have been linked with his work server, as his email folder was the last thing left open. I absentmindedly looked over dozens of subject lines of unopened emails until I saw one opened at the bottom, with my name as the subject line.

  Looking at my name, seeing the email sent to Cameron from Black Security had been opened. Cameron had dozens of other important emails that had come in recently, yet he had only opened that one.

  My heart leapt as I sat before his iMac. It was an invasion of privacy if I did anything else, shit, I’m guessing he’d be pissed if he knew I had se
en just the incoming email itself. Closing my eyes, I tried to will myself to leave it be. It didn’t matter. Whatever was in that email didn’t matter.

  Fuck that.

  Hearing the click of the mouse as I opened the previously read email, I bit my bottom lip as I tried to grasp what was happening. It didn’t take me long to figure it out. A little scrolling and I could see that Cameron had hired Black Security to do a very extensive background check on me. In the email, it revealed every last detail a person could have in their life. A list of boyfriends, doctors, tax returns and income. Addresses of where I lived, my current bank account status and my college transcripts. There was information about my family, and all of my ex-lovers.

  Swallowing, I closed the email and sat there in silence.

  Why? Why had Cameron felt the need to dig into my past? Why hadn’t he just asked? Did he think I was after his money? What had I done to make him mistrust me?

  Standing up, I walked over to the closet and changed. Walking back to the computer I turned it so the screen was facing the door when you walked in. Clicking a few things so the screen would stay on, I pulled the email open and left it there.

  On the desk I scrawled a note and called for Max.

  Walking down to Cameron’s garage, I took a set of keys from the rack and hit the door opener with my fist. The more I thought about it, the more it fucking pissed me off.

  He wanted me to have his babies, and now he’s investigating me? What the fuck is wrong with him?

  Tossing my bag in the back of the 69’ Chevelle, I let Max in the front seat and slid in. Firing it up, I let it warm for a second before pulling out of the garage and hitting the button to close the door behind us.

  I knew exactly where I was going.

  Digging my cell out of my purse, I turned that bitch off and went on radio silent. I knew he’d be back tonight, I just didn’t know when.

  Thankful for sobriety, I drove through relatively uncrowded streets as I put distance between Cameron and myself until I figured out what the fuck I was going to do next.


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