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Love Interrupted

Page 23

by Eva Andrews

  “I don’t have access to Cam’s money.”

  “But you’ll get it, or you’ll die. I seriously doubt he wants a dead fiancée on his hands.”

  My face went blank when I realized what she planned to do. This wasn’t about my money, it was about Cam’s as well. She was going to ransom me to a man who wanted nothing to do with me.

  I knew if I told her we broke up that she’d laugh in my face, she’d never believe me. Doing my best to stay calm, I tried to not think about the innocent baby in my belly. I had learned something, all the money in the world wasn’t the worth the life of my child. She could take everything I had.

  “I will get you whatever you need, just keep your hands off me this time. If you hurt me, the deal is off, got it? Take my money, take Cam’s money, on the condition that I am not harmed in any way.”

  Narrowing her eyes at me, “You got smarter too. Deal. You shall not be harmed if I get my money. I want out of this dirty ass country and somewhere with no extradition clause and then you’ll never hear or see from me again.”

  “We will get to the location; from there you can do a withdrawal out of your account and into mine. Once that is secure, we’ll put a call into Cameron and see how much money he’s willing to pay to get his soon-to-be bride back.”

  “My bank will not allow me to transfer more than fifty thousand a day via electronic transfer, anything larger and I have to do it in person.”

  Shrugging, “I can wait a few days to get enough of a cushion built up of daily transfers before we put a call in to lover boy, eh?”

  It would buy me some time, eventually someone would realize I was missing and would ping my phone. Cameron knew I was supposed to stop by today, and I had dinner plans with his mother at our favorite little restaurant. Surely if I missed both of those, someone would be concerned. Right?


  Pacing back and forth in front of my desk, I looked at my phone and tried to understand the text Shayne had sent me two days ago.

  “911” I read it out loud again for about the fiftieth time.

  What the fuck did that mean?

  No one had seen or heard from her since Monday morning. I had gotten the text while I was in a board meeting, she was due to meet me within the hour so I assumed she wanted to cancel out lunch date so I didn’t reply.

  What I didn’t expect was for her to no-show for our lunch date, and then bail on my mother later that night. Now another day had passed, and my parents were blowing up my phone explaining she hadn’t been home again.

  Since our fight, she had been living with them. So, when she hadn’t been home in two nights, they had become overwhelming alarmed. Her boss and assistants also hadn’t heard from her either, further driving up our fear that something was wrong.

  My brother and sister were worried, and I hadn’t slept in days.

  Looking at her text, a call came in- her brother, Chris.

  Picking up immediately, “Chris. Jesus Christ, where have you been? Please tell me she’s with you?”

  “I just got your voicemail. I haven’t heard from her in days either Cam, what the fuck is going on?”

  My heart sank, I had prayed she was hiding away from us in DC with him and Anna.

  “She and I had a fight over a week ago, I haven’t seen her since then. But my family had, so had her co-workers, up until two days ago. She was due to meet me for lunch and didn’t show, then later skipped out on dinner with Mom.”

  “No one has seen her or heard from her since?” He asked.

  “No one, even weirder is I got a text from her that morning and then her phone was shut off.”

  “What did it say?”

  “It just said ‘911’, that’s it. I tried tracking her phone and it’s either shut off or dead. I’m freaking the fuck out Chris.”

  “It can’t be.” He muttered on the other side of the phone. His voice but a ghostly whisper.


  “Cam, when our mother kidnapped her, she sent me that same text. I was in Kandahar, I didn’t get it until a week later when I got back to civilization. 911 was always our code if shit went sideways, something is wrong.”

  “Your mother is locked away, right?” I asked as I swung around my desk and pulled open the internet. Typing in Rebeca Montgomery’s name, my heart hit my throat as I read the news. Chris must have been doing the exact same thing.

  “How the fuck did she get out?” I asked, standing up and walking out of my office. Behind me, Miles followed closely.

  “I have no fucking clue, if she’s out, and Shay text you that…we have to assume that wretched bitch has her claws in my little sister again. You’ve got to find her Cam, whatever it takes. She almost killed Shayne once, she won’t hesitate to do it again.”

  “On it, I’m heading home. I’ve got to suit up and call the team in, how quick until you can get here.”

  “I’ll be there in two hours, I’m on my way to the Dulles right now, I’m calling in Anna too.”

  Chris of course had the luxury of having government jets at his disposal, I had no doubt I’d be seeing him and Anna in exactly two hours. Hanging up with him, I called my team in. If we were going to rescue the love of my life, I needed the best operatives at my side.

  They could have her anywhere by now, but my bet was they weren’t far. Rebecca Montgomery needed money. As I had yet to be contacted for a ransom, I had to assume they were busy draining Shayne’s vast fortunes before her cunt of a mother came after my holdings.

  Two hours later, my home had been turned into our headquarters.

  Chris and Anna were there, Chris of course was a Ranger and CIA. His darling fiancée was FBI, and both of them brought enough firepower to stock a small army.

  Greyson had shown up without hesitation, he had flown in from Texas and arrived right behind Chris. Greyson was our surveillance and tech guy, he was the best there was and I was happy he was here. He and I completed two tours together, he wouldn’t let me down.

  The last member of our group was Miles, who considered Shayne’s kidnapping personal. He had been charged with her protection.

  Greyson pointed to his computer screen, “Here, another transfer just happened.”

  “Can you locate where they are?”

  Holding up a finger, Greyson sat in front of an elaborate mess of screens and surveillance equipment as he tracked the IP address of the computer hoping to pinpoint a location of where Shayne was being held.

  Knowing Grey would nail the location, the four of us suited up. We were going in just like we would a mission in Yemen. Full tactical gear, fully armed and fucking ready to do what it took to get our Shayne back.

  Putting in ear pieces, Greyson slammed his fist down on the desk, “Fucking got her! She’s in the bayou, about an hour out. Go, head west, I’ll text you the address!”

  Running outside, we piled into the black suburban as Miles stomped on the gas.

  “This ends now.” Chris said, checking his gun as he sat next to his fiancée.

  “Chris, check your emotions baby, she needs you’re A-game.” Anna warned. We all knew our priority was to secure Shayne, and then capture Rebecca, or take her out at any cost.

  “No mistakes.” I said grimly.

  All of them nodded as our phones lit up with the address Greyson had found. In our ear pieces, we heard Greyson giving us intel on the location. Now that he had her location, he could use secret government thermal satellites to verify how many people were in the home guarding her.

  We had eyes in the sky with Greyson at the controls of some of most powerful technology in the world.

  “They’ve got her in the bedroom to the far back left of the house. From thermal imaging, it looks like there are two guards in the front of the house, and one outside Shayne’s door. The bedroom across from Shayne’s, I’m guessing her mother is bunked down there.”

  “What can you tell us about the entrances of the house?” I asked.

  “Sending you guys the imag
es now. Typical bayou house, simple one door at the front and rear. I don’t see any dogs or anything outside that would tip off your arrival, however given their remote location you’ll want to park far down the road and walk in.”

  Looking through the satellite images of the house, we made quick plans on the best way to attack with efficiency.

  Chris and Anna were going to take the front of the house, while Miles and I took the back. Miles and I were going to slip Shayne out of the house while Chris and Anna took care of two armed guards. Miles and I had to handle one guard, and the possibility of Shayne’s mom interfering.

  Using our blue police light, Miles raced us to Shayne’s location out in the Louisiana swamp. The ride was tense, and dead silent. We as a group were collectively getting our shit together so to speak, there could be no errors. The five of us were far too experienced to pull a novice error, but one did worry.

  In all our missions, not one member of my team had ever had family on the line. Shayne meant something to every single person on this mission. We all loved her in our own way, and not one of us was about to fail her. Not now, not ever.

  With our Police light, and Miles’ badass driving skills, we were parked a quarter mile from the bayou shack Shayne was being held at. The four of us rolled out as Greyson talked us through the movements happening in the house as we approached under cover of night.

  “From our thermal satellite, I can tell you Rebecca is laying down in her bed. She hasn’t moved in twenty minutes I’m guessing she’s sleeping. Next door Shayne is sitting on the floor, it looks like she might be chained to something.”

  Growling, I cracked my neck and tried to focus.

  “The goon outside Shayne’s room keeps walking out to the living room with the other guards. Looks like they are watching a football game. They keep pointing at the TV and drinking beer, this should be pretty fucking easy for you guys.”

  “We’re going in O’Malley, if anything changes, let us know.”

  “Got it, I got you guys covered from the sky.” He said and then went silent as we fell into place. We all knew he had a thermal shot of the entire thing, he could see all of us.

  Beside me, Miles covered my back as we slipped around the back of the house. With bars on the window, the only way we were getting Shayne out of the house was through one of the two doors.

  Keeping an eye on our watches, as waited for our clocks to strike exactly midnight. With the tick of a clock, the four of us kicked in the doors from opposite directions.

  Catching the guard in charge of Shayne’s room stuck between the assault in the front and us of the house, he hesitated as the dual attacks happened. As he went to draw his weapon, Miles shot him as additional shots rang from the living room where Anna and Chris were coming in.

  Knowing Anna and Chris had the front secured via our earpiece, I rounded the back of the house just in time to see someone run across the hall and into Shayne’s room.

  Sliding in front of Miles, I signaled for him to hang back as I opened the door cautiously, Chris shouldered up with me. We were about to walk into a shit storm of a desperate woman, and our beautiful Shayne.

  “Put your fucking weapons down and don’t come any closer! I’ll fucking shoot her right in front of you if you don’t listen!”

  Looking across the dirty bedroom, I looked into the eyes of my woman and dropped my weapon. Next to me both Anna and Chris did the same.

  Next to Shayne’s head, Rebecca held a pistol as she wrapped her arm around Shayne’s neck. There was desperation in the older woman’s eyes, it was clear she wasn’t sober. Unstable and desperation were a lethal combination.

  Tears poured down Shayne’s face as she kept her eyes locked on mine. She looked like she hadn’t slept in days, she was disheveled and wobbly. Although she had no visible signs of abuse, I had no idea what shape she was in- mentally or physically.

  “Cam!” My name a whisper from her lips as fear gripped her.

  My heart constricted as I tried to regain control of the situation. Stepping in front of me, Chris held up his hands and locked eyes with his bewildered mother.

  “Don’t do this, if its money you want, have it, just give me Shayne back. We will give you whatever you want, we just want Shayne safe.”

  Rebecca looked at Shayne as she talked, “Look at him, not a ‘Hi Mom, how are you?’ in him eh? Does he hate me just as much as you do? Both of you just want to throw money at the problem and hope it goes away eh?”

  “How about you ask me that woman, not the innocent woman you have a gun to?” Chris barked, and silently signaled me.

  Looking down for a split second, I saw his side piece tucked in the back of his bulletproof vest. Reaching up, I slipped it out and switched off the safety.

  “Fuck you Chris, you and your damn daddy are just alike. Two military men who think they have all the answers. Too bad he’s dead, he can’t be here to save you. No one can save you two fucking idiot children now.” She spit out in anger as she squeezed Shayne’s neck.

  “Do you have the answer to this one Christopher? Do you? What are you going to do with an embarrassing junkie mom who kills your baby sister too? How are you going to live knowing I killed your daddy and your sissy?”

  Shayne struggled against Rebecca as the gun was pressed into her temple harder.

  Knowing there was only one way to truly end this forever, I didn’t hesitate to take my shot. I drew my weapon over Chris’ shoulder and put Rebecca’s forehead in my crosshair and squeezed the trigger.

  Everything went in slow-mo as I looked up at the bullet hole in Rebecca Montgomery’s head. The sound of her body hitting the floor was sickening, shadowed by Shayne’s scream.

  Stumbling back, Shayne looked down at the body of her mother and covered her mouth. Stepping around Chris, I aimed my gun at Shayne’s metal tether and shot. The instant she was free, I took Shayne into my arms and walked her out of the room and straight out of the house.

  The last thing she needed to do was stare at the body of her dead mother.

  Beside me, Chris walked with us and said, “Take her home Cam, we’ll clean up here.” Kissing Shayne’s head quickly, he grabbed Anna and walked back in to secure the rest of the house before the authorities showed.

  Pleased he wanted to get his sister out of that nightmare of a shack, I held Shayne as Miles pulled up the Suburban. Slipping into the back, I held her tight as she quietly sobbed against my chest.

  To Miles’ credit, he got us out of there fast. I didn’t want her to spend another moment in that house. The police could come question her at our home when she was ready, or I’d take her down to the station, but we sure as hell weren’t waiting around in the home she had been held captive for days and be questioned here.

  Holding her tight, I didn’t say anything as she sobbed against my chest. The woman had been held prisoner by the woman who scared her most in life, a woman who had kidnapped and beaten her brutally years ago. A woman who had killed our baby boy.

  “Get me away from everyone Cam.”


  “Away, where they can’t find me.” She whispered, but loud enough for Miles to hear. Meeting his eyes in the rearview mirror, I nodded.

  “Marina.” I ordered. Miles flipped on the Police light and sped towards where our ship was docked. He and I both understood hostage situations, we had been on both sides of it. The worst thing was the line of endless questions that came after you were rescued.

  She couldn’t avoid the questions forever, but we could do it on her terms.

  Holding her against me, I closed my eyes and thanked the stars above for the woman in my arms. She was alive, and safe.

  “I got you baby.”

  A half hour later, I had successfully picked the lock on Shayne’s leg shackle as Miles swung into the marina like he owned the place. Pulling sideways in front of the ship, he opened the door for me as I slipped out and carried Shayne onto the yacht.

  Behind us, Miles nodded to me, “
I’ll call the family and let them know, I’m going to head back to get Anna and Chris. Take care of her Cameron.”

  “I will.”


  “Do you want to go to the bedroom or come up to the helm with me?” He asked as he carried me inside our yacht.

  The familiar smell of our weekend home calmed me instantly.

  Outside I could hear Miles untying our ship so Cameron could navigate us away from the world, even if for a little while. Not wanting to be apart from him, I squeezed his neck and clung tightly, “With you.”

  I was positive I smelled, I knew I looked like absolute hell and I was barely staying awake. But I didn’t give a shit, I wanted Cameron. If he was giving me a choice, I was going to pick him.

  I could shower later. I could answer questions later.

  Right now, all I cared about was being in Cameron’s strong arms.

  He had come for me, they all did.

  They had stormed in like avenging angels and freed me from my captors. But this man, the man who cradled me as he sat in the Captain’s chair and piloted out huge ass yacht out of the tight marina, this man had ended my nightmare for good.

  I didn’t want to think of the hole in her head, or the image ever again. It was over, finally over. She’d never escape death like she had escaped prison. She was gone.

  Settling in against him, I closed my eyes and focused on him.

  He looked dead sexy dressed in special ops fatigues, and body armor. Yeah, might have been held captive for a few days, but I wasn’t dead. Cameron looked fucking hot.

  Even before I had been abducted, I had already been missing him like crazy. Add in a few days of being held by my fucking insane mother, I wasn’t sure I was going to ever let him out of my sight.

  While chained to a bed in a shitty bayou shack, I had realized I was never going to give up on Cameron. He could accuse me of a thousand crimes, and I’d still never throw in the towel. Why I thought giving the ring back last week was a good idea, no clue. I think I thought it’d spur him into action.

  Sighing, I buried my head in his chest.

  “It’s okay baby, it’s all over. Give me an hour and I’ll get us far enough out we can anchor.”


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