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Love Interrupted

Page 26

by Eva Andrews

  “Can you blame me? You two are the most precious things in the world to me.” Kissing my temple, he sighed, “This was perfect Shayne, I love that it was just us, and our people. And before our child was born.”

  “I was serious when I said I didn’t feel comfortable marrying before Addie and Jud. Eventually the two of them got it out of me.”

  “And what did my two younger siblings have to say?”

  “That they appreciated my thoughtfulness, but I was being dumb. They assured me neither wanted us to wait just so they could be married before us. Addie cried she was so touched that I wanted to wait, and Jud refused to allow his niece or nephew to be born a bastard, his words, not mine.” Laughing remembering the conversation perfectly. The younger siblings had taken me out to lunch and demanded to know why I was dragging my feet to marry their brother.

  “I can’t believe you’re finally my wife.” He whispered against my lips as he hit the lights and pulled me into our bed. “Dr. Shayne Carmichael, the most breathtaking woman I have ever laid eyes on.”

  Grinning, “You make me feel so loved and protected,” undoing his dress shirt, I placed a kiss over his heart, “I feel alive again, and I am so proud to be your wife.”

  “Have you given any thought to the name of your new yacht? It’s been in the marina far too long without a name.”

  Rolling my eyes, “I’m not sure how I feel about marrying a man who spends millions of dollars on a present for me.”

  “Oh no, this isn’t just any present. This is your wedding gift my love, a place that is ours alone. We will bring our little girl or boy here, and any other children you bless us with and we’ll have the happiest memories here together.”

  “I love the sound of that.”

  “And that dear, is why I’ll do or spend whatever I want to ensure you and our babies are taken care of and cherished for the rest of our lives.”

  His every word spoken with such loving devotion, I swear I melted in his arms as he undressed me and kissed my growing belly with soft warm kisses. Cameron’s devotion and love for me felt like a warm blanket. He truly made me feel cherished. At the end of our busy workdays he’d pick me up from the office and run a bath for me. He’d rub my feet, or get me anything I was craving. He was my own personal angel; God I love this man.

  “and don’t forget my love, you happen to be sitting on an enormous fortune of your own…”

  Giggling, I ran my hands over his muscular back and whispered into his ear, “and I also won our fight over the prenup, with a surprise wedding it must have slipped my husband’s mind.”

  Tickling me, “Oh you little shit!” Cocking his head, “Shayne, that prenup was solely for your protection.”

  “I don’t need protection Cameron; I have you and I’m never going to let you go again. I’m not ever going to plan for failure with you. We are a family now, and that is never going to change. I don’t need a safety net.”

  “How can I argue that?” He whispered.

  Rolling on top of him, “You don’t, you make love to your wife and we live our lives together blissfully in love.”

  Chapter 22


  “Ladies and gentlemen, thank you for coming to the New Orleans Museum of Art for the Grand Opening of the Sophie Carmichael Wing,” Dr. Winters proudly announced from the glamourous red-carpet podium we had installed for tonight.

  In our special black-tie gala style opening, I leaned against Cameron as we stood on stage with the rest of the Carmichael family awaiting the ribbon cutting ceremony. It seemed a bit surreal that after all these months of hard work, the wing was complete.

  Feeling Cam’s hand caress my very round belly, I glanced up at him and smiled. I was five days overdue for our baby, and he was a ball of nerves. He hadn’t wanted me to attend tonight’s opening, for fear of me over taxing myself.

  My handsome husband’s protectiveness was to a point where it either make me laugh or scream at him. To see a military trained man, lose his shit when I winced, was endearing, but he was also hovering non-stop. Tonight, was no different.

  Watching as my new in-laws cut the ribbon and officially opened Sophie’s wing to the public, I tried my best to hold back my emotions. Each piece of art was thoughtfully selected and displayed with so much love for the young woman this family had lost.

  As excited as I was for people to see the wonderful new wing, the family’s loss still stung. I wanted everything to be perfect for each and every one of them. In fact, I don’t think I have ever been so pleased with a collection like this in my life.

  This was personal. This was for my family.

  Around us the crowd cheered as the brilliantly dressed guests toasted and drank their champagne and slowly worked their way into Sophie’s wing.

  Feeling our baby kick, I put my hand on Cameron’s, “She is feeling feisty tonight,” and smiled widely had my tux clad husband.

  “He has simply run out of space, and is being a true Carmichael, stubborn as can be.”

  Turning so I was facing him, “So sure you’re having a boy are you?”

  Cameron’s eyes twinkled as he took my hand and kissed my knuckles. Neither of us knew the sex of our baby, we had decided to be surprised. I was sure I was carrying a girl, and he was positive I carried the next male Carmichael.

  Our bickering had stirred up a family bet, which everyone got in on, even Miles and his wife Alisha placed a bet. Thankfully we had agreed on a few things, like names. We had agreed on a name for a girl or a boy, now if our little stubborn Carmichael would make his or her way into this world I would forever be grateful.

  I enjoyed every moment of carrying this baby, but let’s face it, I was overdue, as big as a house and dressed in couture at a black-tie event.

  Wincing at a sudden tightness across my belly, I squeezed Cam’s hand as I caught my breath.

  “Oh.” I whispered, but loud enough he heard me.

  Thinking I was teasing, Cameron winked at me and placed his hand on the small of my back and guided me towards the entrance to the wing, “Very funny Shayne, I know you think I’m acting like a damn fool every other moment of the day…”

  Feeling another strong cramp, I dug my fingers into his tux jacket, “Cam, how would you feel about skipping the opening?”

  My tone must have given me away, his humorous smile disappeared and I saw concern set in. “What is wrong?”

  “Of course your child would decide to make his entrance tonight of all nights, I do believe I’m going into labor.” I explained as another; much stronger contraction grips me.

  Blinking a few times, Cameron eyed me long enough to determine I wasn’t pulling his leg, again. Instead of the overprotective, nervous husband I loved so dearly, Cameron simply grinned and scooped me up as if I weighed nothing.

  He was calm, collected and nothing like I anticipated him reacting. Clearing his throat, he called out to Miles who was standing next to the family’s limo.

  “Miles, feel like driving Mrs. Carmichael and I to the hospital? Our darling daughter wants to make her grand entrance tonight, like a true Carmichael diva!” He offered with a chuckle and he carried me effortlessly to the limo as Miles opened the door.

  “It would be an honor.” He winked at me as Cameron slid me into the long black stretch limo. We had arrived in it tonight together, as a family. His parents and siblings and their spouses all traveled with us. It had been delightful.

  “Oh shit, Cam! Someone has to tell your mother, and Addie…and Jud, shit, just go tell all of them!” I hissed as I ran my hands over my black silk covered belly.

  “They can wait.”

  Stomping my foot, “Absolutely not!” Looking around Cameron, “Miles, will you please go get Jamie and Lily?”

  “Are you serious right now Shayne? You are in labor and you want to wait to tell my parents before we go?”

  Reaching over, I grabbed Cameron’s hand and raised it to my lips and gave his large knuckles a kiss, “It is their first grand
baby Cameron, trust me. They are all I have left as parents, share them with me okay? I can wait a few moments.”

  “Well fuck. Shayne, I didn’t mean it like that…”

  Smiling, “I know, but come on…of course our baby wouldn’t have the politeness to wait until after the opening,” as the words came out of my mouth, the humor of the situation made me laugh.

  The door to the limo flew open, “Oh Jesus, Jamie…she’s laughing, they are both laughing! See I told you it was a joke!” Lillian said, as she looked inside thinking we were joking.

  “Mom, we aren’t joking. We are laughing at the timing of the event,” Cameron asked with a twinkle in his eye, “You coming?”

  That was all he had to say. The limo filled right back up, because our siblings weren’t going to be left behind. The ride to the hospital was filled with arguments about if it was a boy or girl, who was going to get to hold the baby first and Cameron’s mother breaking down in tears at almost every light in happiness.

  I sat leaned up against Cameron as he gently stroked me arms and whispered in my ear as his family debated around us like we weren’t even there. It was probably one of the most amusing scenes I had ever witnessed. It also helped me forget about my oncoming contractions and nervousness as we neared the hospital.

  I would love to say that I could vividly remember everything about the birth of my first child. It all happened like a dream, a very clear dream that went way too fast. By the time I arrived, I was immediately rushed to labor and delivery with the largest entourage an expectant mother has ever had- all decked out in black tie attired dressed mind you.

  I did the most Carmichael thing ever, and delivered our son in a $6,000 couture dress less than ten minutes from entering the hospital doors. I was barely in the door of our private room with just Cameron when our baby decided to make an appearance. There had been no time to strip off my gown, I remember a flurry of nurses and how I couldn’t stop laughing at the hilarity of it all. It took a few pushes, and some tears before Cameron and I welcomed our little spitfire of a son in a blur of kisses and happiness.

  Jagger Jameson Carmichael was the newly minted 9.1 lb. prince of the Carmichael family. Cam and I had almost an hour to ourselves with him before we let our family in. Those moments, just the three of us-now those, I totally remember. Laying in the hospital bed together, still dressed in my gown, and he in his tux.

  I wasn’t sure it was possible to fall in love with the man more, and then I saw him hold our son. Life had stopped for me at that moment, those two were my world.

  It was all a bit surreal, after so many years of heartbreak and pain I had finally circled back to the man who had always held my heart. We were married, and we had a darling little son who looked just like his handsome daddy and my heart had never been so full in my life.

  Eventually, Grandma and Grandpa Carmichael were quietly knocking on the door, followed by the rest of our motley crew. The one thing I lacked growing up was a real family, yes I had my loving brother, but a functioning set of parents and support weren’t something I knew- until I met the Carmichael family.

  Watching my in-laws hold my baby, seeing them cry with joy as they kissed his sweet little face. Observing Jud, Addie and their spouses melt as they all promised their little nephew different things was one of most heartwarming things I had ever witnessed. Jud promised to teach him to play piano, Addie promised he’d be the best dressed boy in the family. Addie’s husband promised to teach him to throw a fast ball, and of course Jud’s husband was busy taking photos of us.

  “One last photo everyone, here I’m going to put it on a timer so I can get in it,” he stated, setting up his expensive camera at the back of our private room, “Everyone get by the bed, this is going to be the best family picture ever!” Elijah beamed as he focused his lens to get it right.

  “Family picture?” A familiar voice sounded from the doorway.

  Looking up, I saw my big brother holding a bouquet of roses with a giant smile on his face.

  “Chris! You’re here!” I whispered as I realized how quickly he must have made it in from DC.

  I immediately started to cry as he walked across the room, and everyone stepped back so he could hug me and kiss my forehead.

  “Of course, I’m here silly, thanks for the short notice! Anna is on a flight from London right now, she’ll be here tomorrow morning.” He laughed as he looked down at his nephew snuggled in Cameron’s arms.

  “Your nephew had to make an entrance that’ll go down in the history books. Get in the photo and then you can love on him.” I said, squeezing his hand as he and the rest of the family got back into position.

  “He’s beautiful Shay, I’m so proud of you.” He whispered, but loud enough for the entire room to hear.

  Giving me a wink, my father-in-law beamed, “We are all proud of you kiddo, we can’t imagine our lives without you Shayne. You were the last missing piece of the family, and Jagger is the start of the next generation of Carmichaels. One by one, you kids,” looking over to Jud and Addie and back to Cam, “are going to give us the best retirement gift of all- grandbabies.”

  Wiping away a tear, Addie looked up at her husband and he gave her a nod. Smiling, I knew what was coming.

  “Don’t worry Daddy, Jagger will have a few cousins in about six months.” Addie grinned as the words soaked in, not only to her parents, but the rest of us.

  “Cousins, as in plural?” Cam asked with a giant smile.

  Nodding, Ashton placed his hand over his wife’s belly, “Twins.”

  “Twins!” Lily almost shouted in glee as she hugged the two of them. The matriarch of the family then looked over at Jud and Elijah, “Do you two have an arrival to tell me about as well?” She teased.

  Shaking his head, “Not yet, adopting is lengthy, but we can pray that the baby that grew in our hearts will find us someday. We won’t give up, I promise.” Justin stated as he hugged his mom and gave his sister a kiss on the cheek.

  “Face it Lil, you are going to be surrounded with grandbabies.” I teased as sat back down on the edge of my bed.

  “Oh honey, that is all this old heart ever wanted, well that, and my babies happy.” Fresh tears pooled in her beautiful eyes as she looked around the room at all of us, even Chris, he was officially part of the Carmichael family too.

  Tossing his arm around her shoulder, Jamie kissed her temple, “Well doll, I think you got your wish.”

  “Okay, Okay, stop making us all cry! Here we go, picture in 10, 9, 8…” Elijah said as he wiped the lingering tears off his face and got into place, “Carmichael family picture take one!”





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