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Conflict Of Interest

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by Gisell DeJesus

  Conflict of Interest

  Gisell DeJesus

  SN Williams

  Copyright © 2012 Gisell DeJesus

  All rights reserved.

  ISBN-10: 1503111326

  ISBN-13: 978-1503111325


  This book is dedicated to my family. Thank you all for listening to me blab about my story and characters. I love you all. This is for you!

  Andrea and Miller for our good times while Andrea reading this book out loud and Miller for acting out every move while we were at work lol. Our great times at the salon are memorable and priceless. Thank you. Andrea you actually pushed me to keep on with this crazy book idea and I have many more ideas to put on paper. Thank you both again.

  Jessica my cousin, you listened to me, believe in me and for sharing my story with your friends. Thank you and I love you.

  Mom! I know you are my #1 fan lol. I love you.


  To my forever friend, Shannon (Author S. N. Williams), I would like to thank you from the bottom of my heart for your valuable time and help you gave me writing this book with you. My sentences would suck without you. You helped me tremendously, I am so glad you were able to rescue me. I am honored to call an amazing person like you my friend and I appreciate you so much. Thank you.

  Check out Shannon’s books on Amazon

  New Beginnings

  Masquerade Series First Book

  Like her on FaceBook at

  My Editor Kristen Clark Switzer

  She is amazing and gives the best advice. Thank you for your patience with me.

  Connect with her on FB

  Conflict of Interest



  The circumstance of a public officeholder, business executive, or the like, whose personal interests might benefit from his or her official actions or influence:

  The senator placed his stocks in trust to avoid possible conflict of interest.


  A situation that has potential to undermine the impartiality of a person because of the possibility of a clash between the person self-interest and professional interest.

  Evan’s POV

  Chapter 1

  Strobe lights are going off everywhere around me with loud music and a sea of people in every nook. Dealing with the pulsating music through me and people trying to be my new friend is exhausting. Maybe I’m just too old for this shit, but I am here to do a job so it has to be done.

  Making my way through the crowd of people, I find a stool to sit at the bar. I snap my fingers at the bartender to get his attention and I order a glass of whiskey on the rocks from her; I then turn around to start a scan of the place. Women have no shame anymore. Some of them are dry humping anything that will give them attention, along with half of their goods hanging out. Looking at the men, they aren’t any better. They don’t care as long as they get some ass at the end of the night. I already lived that life. It was fun while it lasted.

  At least I’m not alone tonight, even though she left my side earlier to go do her own thing. I figure she will find me when she needs me. I’m not being an ass, but she can take care of herself.

  I kept my eye on the mark the entire night, until someone else caught my eye. It was a stunning woman that was lost in her dancing. She isn’t dancing like the rest of the other girls here. She's different. She is feeling the music flowing through her body. Her arms are moving to the rhythm of the music. Her hands gliding from her neck down to her stomach. She is in a trance. I don’t know who she is and have never seen her here before, but at this very moment, I am determined to find out.

  I’ve never met a woman that affected me this much so fast at first sight. Seeing her is stirring feelings in me that I’ve never felt at least not in a long time. I’m trying to keep my cool on the outside, but on the inside, I feel like I am about to explode. Not only is my cock straining against my pants, but my heart is also about to beat out of my chest. I need to talk to her now. I was in lust at that very moment.

  The bartender hands me the whiskey and I slam it back. It burns going down my throat. I make no facial expression; I take the burn like a man, and then turn back to the bar to set it down.

  I get up to look for another spot where I can get a full view of her. I find a corner table not too far from her, but far enough away that maybe she won’t think I am a creeper.

  I need to know if she is here with somebody so I can seize the fucker up and get him out of the way. I'm used to getting what I want and I don't compete with anyone. If I want her, I'm going to get her all to myself.

  I lean back up against the wall to watch her. The way her body is moving to the rhythm, I can’t help but stare at her. She is completely in tune with the music playing. She looks young, like she is maybe early to mid-twenties, I assume.

  I stand there to study all of her. She has an olive complexion, shiny, curly, black hair down to her waist. I’ve never seen hair so purely black and glossy. Her body curves in the right places. She looks like a goddess sent from heaven. She had me thinking about nothing except wrapping her hair around my fist and firmly pulling her head back as I nibble her jawbone right down to her sexy parts.

  She spots me staring and looks my way. All of a sudden, we lock our gazes instantly. I can’t look away and hell, I don’t know if I want to. I can see that I caught her eye as well. She keeps dancing while still watching me. She looks as if she's dancing just for me. She looks confident in her own skin. That makes her even more tastefully alluring. I like what I see and I know she does, too.

  Our gaze is interrupted by another female tapping her on her shoulder. Suddenly, I’m getting the same interruption. Marissa just steps in front of me and rubs my chest with her hands. Then she starts dancing, rubbing her body against mine. I know what she is doing. She is trying to distract me. She whispers in my ear softly, “Move along and don't get sidetracked here, Evan,” Marissa says arrogantly, knowing that another woman has gotten my attention.

  I shrug her off and begin walking toward the exit. I don’t care if it pisses Marissa off; I keep my eyes locked on her. I see her looking around as if she's looking for me, or is she looking for someone else? I try to walk fast to catch up to her, but these people are in my way. It is slowing me down and I am pushing some over. I can’t let her get away, I am worried that I won’t see her again. This can be my last and only opportunity.

  I walk out the club not too far behind her and she is walking with her friend, from the looks of it, and a guy in tow. As they get closer to the streetlights, I can see the friend she's with. I know her I cannot point out from where. I’ve never been so nervous, it’s unlike me, but today I am.

  I am finally close to her. I brushed her arm with my hand, making sure not to scare her off; her skin was so pure that’s all I allowed myself to do. I’ve never seen skin so delicate, it made me want to touch her everywhere. “Miss?” I said.

  I watch her as she turns around and I just know in that instant that this girl has captivated my mind. She is even more beautiful this up close. I couldn’t help but notice you “I’m sorry to intrude, but I can’t let you leave without knowing your name and without buying you a drink. My name is Evan Daniels.”

  I extend my hand and she takes it, I placed my left hand on top of her hand to feel how soft her skin is against mine. I feel a shot of electricity shoot up my arm. Her handshake is firm, which means she is a confident woman. I don’t want to let go of her hand, but I know I have to. She has the most beautiful bright blue eyes I have ever seen that makes her even more captivating.

  “My name is Natalia,” she says
, smiling. She was smiling at me and something about it turned me on.

  “You have a beautiful smile.”

  “Thank you.” Her teeth are so white and perfect. Her smile lightens up my soul. I can't explain it. It awakens everything from inside.

  “It is all my pleasure to meet you, Natalia. So would you mind joining me for a drink?”

  She looked at her friend for a second and looked back at me. “Sure, I can join you,” she says, still smiling. I was just saying bye to my friends, she said.

  Her friend starts making her way in between us, walking toward me, getting right in my face. I look down at her, wondering what in the hell she is doing.

  “Hi, my name is Alyssa,” she introduces herself to me. It just hits me and I already know who she is, but I still need to act as if I don’t. “I am this close studying your face because Natalia is my best friend. She is a nice girl and if she disappears, I know who to find.” She gives me a smile and raises one eyebrow. Alyssa seems bold and the kind of girl that says what's on her mind. I give her a smug grin.

  “She will be safe and well taken care of; I assure you.” I lifted an eyebrow letting her know I was done with her little conversation.

  She seems to accept that answer so she takes a hold of Natalia and hugs her, whispering something in her ear. Natalia sees her friend off with her boyfriend in a cab and I couldn’t be happier.

  “I hope I am not scaring you. I just wanted to meet you,” I say.

  Then I feel someone tapping on my shoulder. I look back to see fucking Marissa. “Can I please talk to you?” She seems irritated.

  “Please, excuse me. I’ll be only a second,” I said to Natalia.

  Marissa starts whispering in my ear, “You need to get your head out of your ass and come with me. Now.”

  “Damn it, Marissa. Go and do what you need to do. I need to do something over here.”

  “No, you will not. We are in this shit together. So go tell your little girl-toy bye and let’s go.”

  “You really are a bitch. You know that? Give me five fucking minutes.” I know I shouldn’t be mean, but damn her and her timing.

  I walk back toward Natalia. “I am so sorry about that.”

  “Is everything okay?” she asks with confusion written all over her face.

  “Something has come up all of the sudden. Give me your phone,” I demand to her. I didn’t mean to sound mean.

  “I don’t think that is a good idea. I would rather leave. You definitely have your hands tied up right now.” She went to turn her back on me.

  “NO!” She jumped with my tone of my voice. “Please, it is okay; just give me your phone so I can save my number.” She hands it to me and rolls her eyes.

  I call my phone and let it ring once, then hang up. “Now I have your number and vice versa.” I hand her phone back to her and walk to the road to hail a cab.

  A cab stops and I open the door for her to get in. I lean down, placing a soft kiss on her cheek. She smells so fucking good. I don’t know if it’s her hair products or her perfume.

  She has a frown on her face.

  “I will make it up to you, I promise.” She doesn’t show any emotion.

  She gets in and the cab takes off. I got a little sidetracked, but I can't let it happen again. I shake my head knowing I have a serious job here and work to do. Even after I go back inside the club, I can still feel the energy coursing through me. I feel an urge to call her right now, but I won't. I just need to breathe and move on.

  I walk over to Marissa at the bar and sit next to her. She has a margarita in front of her all the while giving me a bad look.


  “I’m exhausted, so don't get snippy with me, Evan.”

  I look at her with irritation, and then I look over at the bartender to ask for my usual drink.

  “You can’t be trying to get into some girl’s panties right now. You are here with me.”

  My brows furrow and I look at her like she is crazy. “You have no right to worry about my personal life. You can’t tell me whom I can or cannot talk to. Do you understand?” I was looking at her straight in her eyes.

  She furiously stands up, grabs her glass, and throws it in my face. “Pay for this asshole!” I am left there soak and wet like an asshole.

  She then leaves. What is it about women throwing drinks and then leaving the scene anyway? I take some money out of my pocket and place it on the bar. I walk toward the direction she was going. By now, people have begun to leave, making it easier to get to her. I snatch her by the arm and I stop her.

  “Wait, Marissa. What’s your problem, anyway?”

  She gives me that ‘what the fuck’ look. “You are beginning to be my problem, Evan.” She pointed her finger close to my face. I grabbed her wrist and pulled her arm down with a bit of force.

  “Don’t point at me again,” I said with my firm voice.

  “I’m sorry, okay? I’m sorry.” I release her arm and she stares at me like she wants to kill me. “Damn it, Marissa, I get why you’re mad.” Rubbing my hands through my hair, I say, “Let’s call it a night and rest. We can start again tomorrow.” I give her a sincere smile.

  “Okay,” she says, smiling in return. “You stink like alcohol,” she laughs.

  “Do not throw another drink at me again,” I tell her with a serious face.

  I grab her by the hand as we make our way out of the club.

  Natalia’s POV

  Chapter 2

  I am sitting inside a cab alone and on my way home from Frederic’s Lounge. I am so confused, but he left a big impression on me. I’ll be damned if I’ve ever seen someone as hot as him before. I still smell his cologne smell lingering and the kiss he gave me on my cheek.

  His lips felt so soft on my skin and had my body burning instantly in flames. He looks like bad news. I must train my brain to forget him. I do not need to add any drama into my life, especially drama with a girlfriend!

  I turn myself around and stare out the window of the cab, wondering why this man has left an effect on me. It has been a while since I have been in the arms of a man. I have almost forgotten what it feels like.

  My cab pulls up to my apartment. I pay the cab driver and I get out walking to my apartment. While entering my building, I rub my nose; a sudden musty smell hits me. I start my climb up the stairs to the second floor with the annoying sound of the crackling of the stairs. For some reason, tonight they feel like they are never ending. It has to be some alcohol side effects.

  I start digging in my bag to find my keys and find them as soon as I reach my door. Unlocking the door, I kick my shoes off while throwing my bag and keys onto the table to the right of the door against the wall. My home is one open space with the exception of the bathroom.

  One wall is painted white with the borders painted in dark beige. It has pop of bluish-green pillows and a matching rug to go with my light brown, leather sofa set. My dark wood table with four chairs divides the kitchen from the living room. It’s small, but it is just perfect for me.

  Rushing into the kitchen, I grab my last glass of wine for the night. I pour my favorite wine and I feel how smoothly it goes down my throat.

  I look at the clock in the kitchen and realize it’s already close to four in the morning and I am exhausted. As soon as I’m in my bedroom, I set my wine down on the vanity table and start removing my clothes. I keep on my black lace bra and my lace matching underwear. I finish the last of my wine and lay down in my bed on top of my silky bed sheets. I am too lazy to just crawl under the sheets.

  I am facing up, staring up at the ceiling when my mind wanders to Evan. Remembering the moment that our eyes met while I was dancing and he was staring at me. Our eyes met, holding each other in a spell. He was staring at me in a dominant way that made me feel like my panties were melting off. I wonder how long he had been staring at me. I’m not sure, but I was instantly turned on. I felt like I was in a hypnotic state of mind.

  Once I noticed him stari
ng at me, I kept dancing just for him, for his own pleasure. It was as if no one was there but just us. I couldn’t take my eyes off of his, but I did just for a few moments to check him out. He’s tall, has to be about six feet tall, with intensely dark irises. I checked what I saw when the lights would be on him. I love his eyes and how they bore into me.

  His hair is dark and short in the back and the sides. It was tousled on top. Perfect hair to run my fingers through while he would be eating me out. Let’s not to forget the way he was dressed. He was in a pair of black slacks with a black, button-down shirt and pair of black, classy, dressy shoes.

  His torso and arms were pushing against the fabric of his shirt in the most succulent way. Oh and he had a scruffy face. He looks like he has not shaved for three or four days. He is strikingly handsome. The way he carries himself, he looks so cock-sure. I’m wondering who he is and I’m interested in finding out.

  My body feels like it is on fire as I’m lying on my bed and my breathing starts getting short. With my hormones burning, my thoughts on him and my sex feeling needy, I let my mind wander to a place where I feel free, where no one watches and can’t judge me. As I close my eyes, I see the image of Evan’s lips. That smooth and sexy mouth of his; I think of how good his lips would feel it they were on my body.

  My body needs release. I touch my neck lightly with my fingertips, imagining it’s him touching me. I gradually and gently move my hands down to my breasts and caress my nipples gently, then down my stomach. I think of how sexy he must look under his clothes.

  I lower my hands down to my hips. I grip my lace panties and I slide them down to my thighs below my knees. I let my knees fall to each side and my sex is out in the open. My sex is smooth and shaved, I knew even before touching myself what I’d find. I’m soaked and wet with anticipation.


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