Book Read Free

Conflict Of Interest

Page 3

by Gisell DeJesus

  “By the time I’m through sweeping you off your feet with my charm, you will be begging me for a second date.” He kisses the tip of my nose.

  Then he cups my face with his hands positioning me to where I am looking into his eyes. What air I had in my lungs is gone. He puts his lips on mine, kissing me slowly. I start moving my lips along with his, letting him explore every part of my mouth.

  He makes a low growling sound deep from his chest while kissing me. He places his hand behind my head, tugging my hair to pull my head back, so he has an easier access to trail kisses down my jaw. The tug was firm but not painful. It actually does something to me besides making my panties even wetter.

  What is this man doing to me? I think to myself, but seconds later, he asks the same question out loud.

  “What are you doing to me, Natalia?” I lower my head shyly and he automatically lifts my chin up with his hand.

  “Don't get shy with me now.” He is looking at me with lustful eyes and at that moment, he knew I wanted him as much as I know he wants me.

  We let go of each other long enough to get into the car. He drives me back home, holding my hand all the way home while making circling movements on my thumb with his, while “Rock Your Body” by Justin Timberlake was playing in the background on the radio.

  “Your kiss was my favorite part of tonight my stubborn…”I don’t let him finish his sentence.

  “Your what? Your stubborn little date?” I state while laughing.

  He laughs out loud, which echoes over the car radio music. “No, not quite what I was aiming for but let’s just say you’re my little stubborn kitten for now.”

  I love his humor and am blushing while loving the idea of being his little, stubborn kitten.

  “Lunch tomorrow at your place or mine?” he asks.

  “Text me and I’ll check my schedule for my availability.”

  “Consider them canceled.”

  “Sure of yourself much?”

  “You know you like me!” He smiles as he softly brushes his knuckles on my side of the face.

  “I will see what I can do.”

  Before I know it, we are pulling up to my building. He walks me upstairs to my door. I unlock the door but leave my key in the door before I open it. I turn myself around and look into his eyes. “Thank you for the great time tonight, Evan.” I don't want to invite him in just yet. I am not that easy. I do not want him to get that impression of me either.

  “It was my pleasure, and you will be seeing more of me,” he says as he leans toward me to put another soft kiss on my lips. He then pulls his lip between his teeth, making me touch his lip softly with the cushion of my finger. I bite my lip with a smile.

  “Is it hot in here or is it just me?”

  “Oh, it’s definitely hot in here,” he says while pretending to wipe sweat off his forehead.

  I’m laughing with him when his phone rings. He pulls it out to look to see who is calling him and excuses himself, saying he needs to take the call.

  I just stay where I am, watching as he walks off away from me. He is not doing much talking, but he does say “fine” very firmly. Then Evan finally appears, looking a little disheveled.

  “Is everything okay?”

  “Great. But I need to be going,” he says, plastering a smile on his face.

  “Okay then. Well again, thank you for tonight.”

  “Remember tomorrow.”

  He begins to walk back toward the stairs. He turns back to me to wink and then whispers, “Good night, Natalia.”

  The way my name sounds coming off his tongue causes goose bumps on my skin. I go inside my apartment and quickly peek through the peephole to watch him walk out of view completely.

  Evan’s POV

  Chapter 5

  The sun’s rays are making an appearance through my bedroom blinds and through the curtains right into my eyes, waking me up. I’m struggling to get out of bed since I got home so late last night from Frederic’s Lounge, but I manage to walk to the bathroom to brush my teeth.

  I jump in the shower, letting the water wash over me while I relive the incredible time I had with Natalia yesterday. I’m definitely seeing her today if she’s available or not. As soon as I’m out of the shower, I find my phone to shoot her a text so she can have time to prepare herself. You know what, I say to myself, fuck text, I am just going to show up and surprise her.

  It’s late in the afternoon and the weather feels fantastic with clear skies. It’s so warm out it feels like summer. I have the radio on with the windows down so I can enjoy myself before I see my girl. Almost getting to Natalia’s apartment, I hear my phone chirp, notifying me of an incoming text. I pick up my phone to see my stubborn kitten’s name on the screen.

  Nat: I can’t do lunch will do another time. Xo

  I’m still going to show up there since I’m only about two minutes away. I wonder what she has to do that is more important than having lunch with me. I pull up to her apartment, jumping out of the car and taking the steps two at a time. I reach her door and knock with a rhythm to it.

  I hear footsteps making their way to the door. I wait another minute when the door finally swings open. She has on tight skinny jeans and a bright blue top that matches the same color as her eyes. Her hair is pulled up in a stylish bun on top of her head and she has big sunglasses to covering her beautiful face.

  “Evan,” she says in a surprised tone. “I just texted you.”

  “You did? Oh I didn’t get it yet.” I lied

  “Well, I was about to leave to meet my mother for lunch.”

  “Do you have some time to spare?”

  “I guess so. You can come in for a few minutes.”

  I walk in while she places her bag down and dials her mother’s number to let her know she was running late. I watch her intently while she is on the phone. She seems nervous. Maybe it’s because of me surprising her. She might as well get used to it.

  “Want a glass of wine, Evan?”

  “Yes, please.”

  “I only have red.”

  “That’s perfect.” I walk toward her as she is pouring our wine. “I was hoping to see you today,” I tell her while she hands me my glass and she started sipping hers. The dinner date we had last night has left me powerless. I can’t think of anything else but you. My thoughts have been consumed with you all day every day since the moment I saw you, and don’t think I haven’t noticed the way your body reacts to my touch.”

  Her eyes open up as big as saucers and she downs her wine before she says, “I think about you, too.” Her words come out in a whisper. “It seems like you are on my mind a lot, but it happens at the most inadequate times of the day.”

  She looks down, looking a little embarrassed. I grab her chin and lift it so her eyes meet with mine. I lean forward and take over her mouth urging her on with a passionate kiss this time; the kiss is more aggressive on my part. She lets out a low, sexy moan. I put one of my hands around her neck with the other one still holding my glass.

  I am appalled by my shameless act of desire I have for this ravishing woman. I want her badly! We slow down the kiss but our lips are still touching and I feel her breathing getting a bit heavier.

  “What is it about you, Natalia? What are you doing to me?” I seem to be asking this question repeatedly in my mind too.

  I feel this undeniable sexual chemistry that we both can't control for each other. I let go slowly, distancing myself back a little. I realize that we cannot get sexually physical right now. We are still holding hands.

  “So what are you doing after you finish with your mother?” I ask while sipping wine and rubbing my knuckles along the cushion of her fingers.

  We get interrupted when my cell begins to ring. I take it out of my pocket, looking at the screen while I roll my eyes. I excuse myself and walk over to the door answering the phone, “What.”

  I stand there, listening to Marissa bitch on the other end. Finally, I tell her I’m in the middle of somethin
g and I will see her in a few.

  I walk back over to see Natalia with a sad face. I grab her glass and set both of our glasses down the table.

  “Let me guess, something came up and you have to go?” she asks with an annoyance.

  I pull her by her waist, bringing her close to my body. Her arms automatically go to my shoulders, wrapping around my neck. I don't answer her question; instead, I lean forward, burying my mouth in the crook of her neck. She tilts her head to the side to give me more room to nuzzle. I breathe in her scent off her skin and hair. I hold her even tighter.

  “I’m sorry. I got called to cover a shift.”

  “Okay,” she says emotionless.

  “I’m going to see you tomorrow,” I say matter-of-factly. I know I can't come back tonight. It will be another late night I’m sure of.

  “Tomorrow is Monday and I have class along with working all week,” she informs me.

  “It wasn't a question, Natalia,” I say with a stronger tone than before.

  “Why are you so controlling, Evan?”

  “That is part of who I am. It is one of the greatest qualities of mine that you will get used to.”

  “And what about if I don't like being controlled?”

  My eyebrows frown and I give her a smirk. I take both of her hands and lift them up above her head and throw her against the wall. I’m holding both of her wrists with one of mine, my other hand is sliding down the side of her body down to her hips while I completely staring at her eyes.

  My face is lined up with hers and our lips meet but don't touch. I wasn't expecting her to have a low grunt escape from her mouth. It made my dick harder than what it already was.

  “I see how your body reacts to every action I make toward you. I know you like it or at least starting to. Controlling is not necessarily a bad thing all the time, but it is a part of me. I will teach you the good parts of it and I have a feeling you will enjoy it as much as I do.”

  I soften my grip on her hands, kissing her lips softly and giving her a taste of what she gets to look forward to. “I will see you tomorrow.” Just like that, I leave out the door. I know she’s turned on as I am and if I don’t leave, we will end up in bed.

  I’m straightening my hard-on in my pants to walk even faster. Damn Marissa and her timing. She always fucks shit up.

  Natalia’s POV

  Chapter 6

  I close my door after watching Evan leave, placing my fingertips to my lips. I can still feel his lips on mine. I can feel him in other places, too, and I wished he would have stayed. I shake my head, realizing I couldn’t do that to my mom. She had called me first thing this morning wanting to have lunch so we could catch up. I knew there was no way I could let her down. I sit down a minute to text my mom to tell her to be on her way and to catch my breath since Evan left me breathless. I wonder about all this controlling shit he was talking about. And why the hell am I still letting down my guard when I know he has a girlfriend. I am not that naïve. Hell, every time we are together she blows up his phone.

  The doorbell rings again. I get up to open the door and to see my mom smiling. “Honey,” she says, walking toward me with extended arms. We hug, exchanging kisses on our cheeks.

  She looks happy. She has dark, chocolate colored hair cut into a short pixie cut. She is five foot two inches little lady and on the petite side with curves. I am an exact younger version of her. She has the brightest blue eyes. That is where I get my eye color from. She is wearing a white dress and is adorned with all different kinds of fancy jewelry. She looks elegant.

  “How are you, honey?” Then she eyes me up and down. “You look tired but cute.”

  “Mom, I am tired,” I say annoyed. “I drank too much wine last night at dinner.” Why did I just tell my mom that?

  “With whom, my dear?” Damn it. Here come the questions.

  “Mom, it’s just a friend from school.”

  “A boy or a girl?” she asks.

  “A boy, Mom!”

  She giggles and I roll my eyes. I get my things so we can leave. She takes us to one of her favorite Mexican restaurant in Manhattan called “Pampano Taqueria.” It is one of NYC’s best-kept secrets. Pampano Taqueria serves authentic food and they are famous for their delicious, tequila margaritas.

  The restaurant is located in a two-story building with the second floor held for private parties on top. The first floor is used for daily walk-ins. The walls are white. The floor is dark brown in wood, with brown wooden chairs and white tablecloths. It also has light brown ceiling fans throughout the entire place.

  For being a Sunday, it is pretty full but luckily, there is no wait time for a seat. The song playing in the background was “Como La Flor” by Selena. I never been here, but it is a beautiful place and it has a homey feel. The waiter sits us down at the table and mom orders two margaritas to start with.

  “How is school and work going, honey? I haven’t seen you since last month.”

  “Good,” I say with a smile. We talk on the phone more than we see each other.

  “How is Dad?”

  “He still being dad, working a lot but business is doing well. Come soon and bring Alyssa for a weekend. By the way, how is she doing?”

  “Well, Mom, she is doing well, just the same ole Aly.” She hasn’t heard from her in months. She really does not speak much about her. “She is really into this guy right now; that is all she is worried about,” I say without wanting to continue with this conversation. Aly’s mom is into drugs and who knows what else. I just don’t want to go there with my mother right now.

  “Naty, what are planning to do after graduation? Are moving back with us?”

  “No way, Mom! I am planning to stay where I am. I love where I work and I love my apartment.”

  She frowns a little, but I know she is fine with my decision. Both of my parents work hard and sacrifice time, but I was given the world while growing up. There was nothing I needed that I didn’t have anymore. Most of the time I spent alone while they were working long hours. We progress with our conversation and the time flies by. I am feeling this tequila and can’t stop thinking of Evan. We eat our lunch and our lunch date is over.

  “Honey, I am going to the restroom, and then we can leave.”

  “Okay.” I take this brief moment to check my phone for any incoming texts or missed calls and there’s a text from Evan.

  Evan: Say hi to mom for me or maybe I can meet her tonight! ;)

  He has to be kidding me. We only had a small date and now he wants to meet my mom. I do kind of like it but no; he is not meeting anyone from my family quite yet.

  Nat: Meet my mom ha! I will save that for my future boyfriend. I’m busy later. Maybe another time.

  Evan: Maybe the future is under your nose and it wasn't a question. Make yourself free. You know you are smiling to the phone right now and you are dying to see me. What time?

  He is so bossy, but he is right, I am smiling.

  Nat: Really? I am not dying for anything but maybe for another margarita. Fine, but I have to go to bed early because I have class tomorrow morning. Eight?

  Evan: Eight it is! See you soon.

  My mom comes back from the restroom. She attracts the attention of the waiter and hands him her credit card. The waiter runs her card and returns it back to her. She smiles, telling him thank you and then walks over to me.

  “You ready?”

  I stand up. “Sure am.”

  We get outside of the restaurant to say our goodbyes.

  “Promise you will come home soon. Just for a weekend.”

  “I promise, Mom. Love you.”

  “Love you, too, honey.”

  She gets in her car and drops me at my apartment. Finally home, I go to my bed to lay down for a bit. I love my mom, but a few hours with her can leave me feeling like I have been around her for days.

  Reaching for my phone, I call Alyssa. I haven't heard from her all day and that’s not like us not to have already talked today. Dialin
g her, she answers on the third ring.

  “Hey, stranger!” she says cheerfully. “Glad I can finally speak to you! I missed you! I haven't talked to you since yesterday before I left.”

  I blush. I loved this girl with my all. “Hey, Aly; well, today I’ve been with my mom, didn't get much of ‘me’ time. What have you been up to?”

  “Last night I went to Frederic’s and got so wasted! Thank God, I was with Alex. He took me to lunch after I left your house and then we went to see a movie after. Then it was time for some clubbing. Anyway, guess who I saw last night?”

  She could have been talking about anyone, but I honestly haven't been in touch with the world since about two months ago. That’s when the last time I updated my status on Facebook.

  “Hello!” she screams

  “Oh, sorry, can’t come up with anything. Who did you see?”

  “Mr. Tall, Dark and Gorgeous!”

  “Evan?” My Evan? Well technically, he isn't mine but the idea sounds lovely.

  “Yes Evan!” she confirmed. We went to dinner and he dropped me off right off afterward. I didn't invite him so guess he went there with that bitch.

  He could have invited me, I think out loud.

  “What did he say to you?” I questioned her.

  “Absolutely nothing, I don't think he saw me. He was with a plain-looking lady, but I don’t know who she was. I've never seen her before; maybe it was his sister, Natalia.”

  “Did she look like she worked in an office, with short hair?”

  “Yes, that sounds like her! Is that the same girl from the other night?” Alyssa is getting excited, meaning she is getting pissed.

  “Yes, I think so, but I have to get going because Evan is on his way here. Talk to you later. Love you.”

  “But wait—he also was—”

  Click. I hang up the phone.

  I plop down back on the bed, staring at the ceiling and lost in thought. It’s been a long day and now my mind starts running. Why was he with her again? Why didn't he invite me to go out last night? He just dropped me off without telling me his next set of plans. What an ass. I shut my eyes for a few seconds and the next thing I know, my doorbell rings.


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